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Verbal Techniques
He is very well spoken and uses good English because the Target audience
is predominantly adults. He tries to make it look like he is just having a conversation with Tess
and makes jokes as they are talking. He uses a loud voice so he is heard over the live audience.
His catchphrase is 'nice to see you, to see you...nice' This gets the audience involved and as he is
now known for it, he does it every episode because everyone is expecting it while he presents. I
think he has been selected to present as it is a family show and he appeals to all the family
because he is funny for all ages. He uses simple language because the audience is quite low on
the socio-economic scale so they will understand more simple language.

Visual Techniques
He is very formal as it is shown at night so he is wearing a suit and bow tie because all the
dancers and the judges are dressed up very formally so the presenters are too. His body language
is formal and he acts like the gentelman everyone think he is by taking holly's arm or helping her
down the stairs because he is 'old school' and polite. His facial expressions are made obvious
because he usually tries to make his jokes funnier with them as the audience will laugh at him
more. For example when hes told a joke and hardly anyone laughs, he will roll his eyes and
shrug which will then make everyone laugh.

You see him in the studio on the stage and back stage when he is interviewing people.
He appeals to a wide range of people as he will appeal to older people with his humour and the
fact that he is the same age, but he also appeals to children as his humour can be quite silly. They
would probably be from B to D on the socio scale and be both men and females. He has
presented light-hearted things like game shows before, don't think his presenting style changes
because h presents them in the same 'jokey', fun way.

Jameela's role in this show is to present and do interviews. Shes good for this program because
she attracts the same target audience.

Verbal Techniques
She is a very informal presenter and acts like she is just talking to a friend. She uses slang words
like 'enjoy and cya tomorrow!' and simple language but her voice is still quite 'posh' and well
spoken. They use simple language because this show will be appealing to the lower part of the
socio-economic scale. She talks like she is just having a chat so that the audience will find it easy
to watch. She tries to add comedy into her presenting but that might be because she feels
uncomfortable when presenting on her own so she has to act a bit stupid for a comedy addition to
her piece because when she presents with someone else they are funny and she can have banter
with them but because she is on her own she has to try and make jokes to the audience to make it

Visual Techniques
She is wearing a very casual dress that I think she would just wear on any day, nothing special
because it is a quite laid back show and the other presenter is also very casual. The dress is very
short and revealing because she is the woman on the show so they are trying to make
her appeal to men in the target audience who are about 16-30, so they watch the show. Her
facial expressions help show the audience what shes thinking or feeling as she is only talking to a
camera she needs her expressions to show more to make her talking more interesting. Her body
language is very laid back but sometimes she can look a bit uncomfortable like she is trying to
make sure her dress is covering her.

You only see her in the studio on the same set every week. her target audience she
would appeal to would be aged 16- 30 because she is in this age group and relates to the
audience and she uses slang words and is very informal. They would be about a D/E on the socio
economic scale because they are mostly students and young adults that watch this show because
it is about music and celebrities this age group are interested in.

In this show Alan Carr has to interview different celebrities to try get all he can out of them and
try and make them open up more and share what everyone wants to know. He is good at his job
because he seems friendly like he is just having a chat with them which really does make them
open up.

Verbal Techniques
Alan Carr is known to be very camp and his voice and the way he speaks shows how camp he is.
I think this helps him in the interview because he it makes it seem like your having a chat with
your friend because of how informal and friendly he is. He uses simple words because the
audience he is presenting to are not high class and this show is not high brow or anything so he
keeps it simple and funny. He is known for his accent and voice for being very cheeky and
asking things that everyone wants to know but he does it in a nice and friendly way. His South
East accent is good for the target audience because everyone can understand him but it makes if
funny too because he is quite 'common' like many people will be who is watching his show. He
has being selected to present because he can get on with anyone and his bubbly personality
makes him the prefect presenter for a chat show because he can talk to anyone and when he does
he can get them to feel very comfortable so they open up and tell him what he wants to know.
Visual Techniques
He wears quite casual but smart clothes to create a laid back feel and so it is like that is what he
would wear on any normal day when he is out with his friends. His body language is very laid
back and comfortable so that his guest feel the same way. He sits back in his chair with his legs
crossed and his arms moving around as he talks. This makes him look like he is just having a
conversation with a friend and it will not only make the guest feel relaxed but it will always
make the audience at home relaxed and comfortable as well. His facial expressions help the
interview because it helps along the guest by making him seem more interested. His body
language is appropriate to the audience because he talks to the audience and faces them to ask
them questions and include them in the show.

we see him in a studio where he is sat on his chair looking very comfortable, laid back and
informal. He is perfect for this show because his presenting has a lot of comedy in it so
he appeals to both women and men. Being quite 'common' and using very simple language
means he will appeal to C2-E on the socio scale.

He could use the laid back approach to get celebrities to talk to him so he can appear very fake
like he is putting it on but I think he is like that anyway and his bubbly personality is why the
producers picked him.

Ant and Dec are fun presenters that present talent shows well because they know how to react in
different situations and they can speak and interview anyone. The present all the contestants to
the viewers and do interviews with them before they go on stage.

Verbal Techniques
Ant and Dec speak in an informal and 'jokey' way, when Ant says 'last time I saw legs like that
was when me and you were on holiday', he has a good relationship with Dec and it shows the
was they present. They still have to stay professional and not offend anyone. They have calm and
collected voices so that everyone will feel like they can speak to them openly. they are both
know for having a well know accent of Newcastle They are the most loved geordies in TV and
everyone knows its them as soon as they hear their voices. They can speak to anyone, changing
their voices when they do. For example when they interview an old woman, they use very soft
voices speaking loudly and slowly so she can understand them but if they were talking to a
teenager or someone more their age they would just more common and their normal voices
because they can relate to them more. When they speak to children they change their voice to a
more simple one that a child can relate to and understand more. Their vocabulary is simple, not
using any clever or long words because the target audience for this show would start at the
bottom end of the socio economical scale. I think these two have been selected to present
because they have done shows that have had the same target audience so they know Ant and Dec
will appeal to this certain audience. They also know that they can speak to the public and
interview anyone which is mostly what they do in this show.

Visual Techniques
During the auditions they wear more casual clothes like jeans and a t-shirt because the auditions
are not the most serious part of the show and as everyone who is auditioning are in casual clothes
then they would look out of place in smart suits. In the live shows they then wear suits because it
is live on TV and also the judges and the contestants are all dressed up and it is generally the
dressier part of the show so they look a lot smarter. Their facial expressions helps tell the
audience what they are thinking more like when someone has a weird act they will look at the
camera with their eye brows raised to show they are surprised or shocked. Their body language
when they are interviewing acts is laid back and relaxed so the contestants feel like they are just
having a conversation with them and they wont get any more nervous and they will talk to them
more openly. It is appropriate to the audience because they get more from the interviews and
they know more about the acts that they will eventually want to vote for. They always talk
directly to the camera/audience and they do things like hand gestures or facial expressions just to
the camera so the audience at home have more to see and feel like they are watching the whole

we usually see the presenters back stage talking to the acts but when the lives shows are on they
are on the stage in front of the massive audience introducing the acts and interviewing the
judges. These presenters appeal to a wide target audience because they can be quite comical
they appeal to both men and women. They would probably appeal to people that are from E to
C2 on the scale because they are the type of people that the show appeals to. They will attract
people aged 16-60 because teenagers like them as they are funny but older people also like them
as they are good presenters and don't swear or offend anyone.

This production company is aiming to keep the show clean with no swearing or
offensive thing happening on it and they know Ant and Dec will stick to this. They also know
they can handle any situations and know what to do if something goes wrong, as it is live then
things can always go wrong but the producers know that Ant and Dec can handle the situation.

Jeremy Kyle's job on this show is to get everything he can out of the guest, including the truth.
He has to understand at times but also is very hard with his questions and can offend them a lot.
He has to make sure they open up in front of the audience and he has to make sure they don't get
too angry or aggressive. He is good at his job as he knows when to keep pushing them and when
to stop.

Verbal Techniques
Jeremy Kyle has different ways of speaking. When he needs to calm someone down he will use a
calm voice and when he is being nice to someone then his voice is very soft but when he is
getting angry or annoyed with someone then his voice gets a lot louder and he becomes more
aggressive. His tone of voice changes a lot through out the show depending on who he is talking
to. When he speaks to the girlfriend he is very calm and uses a soft tone but when he is speaking
to the man he gets very annoyed and the tone of his voice gets nastier. When he is talking about
using the tax payers money for buying beers and he says he 'doesn't care' and 'what you gunna
do?' you can tell it is annoying Jeremy because his voice starts to change and he starts shouting
over him to get his point across He is also reflecting what the audience will be thinking. He also
pronounces his words and letters very obviously in an angry way to show how frustrated he is
and to try talk over the guest. His language is very varied but he is better spoken than his guests.
He is very sarcastic and sometimes rude to his guests. He tries to embarrass the ones
he doesn't like 'don't pick your nose on TV which will get them more wound up. He says things
like 'shut your mouth'because it is his show so he knows he can tell people to shut up. His
language gets more aggressive as he talks more to his guest. 'Your a little boy' he puts the people
down because they are being cocky with him. His catchphrases are things like 'put something on
the end of it' which he always ways to people when they are pregnant to someone who uses
drugs or beats them up or something. He is trying to joke but in a serious manner as he really
does mean it. He always ends the show by thanking his producers and everyone at home which
shows good continuity and also shows he is polite and ends the show in a nice upbeat way after
hes just shouted at everyone. He doesn't have a strong accent and he is good at presenting this
show because he can calm down but also knows when to stop when he is very angry.

Visual Techniques
Jrferemy Kyle wears a suit in every episode to show he is smart and he is in charge. He doesn't
wear a tie with his suit because it is not a formal show, He wears more of a work suit than a
formal suit because he is working with his guests. It shows that he is more higher class than his
guests and makes it easier for him to look down on them. He always look smart to show it is his
show and he is in charge. His facial expressions change all the time from when he is calm to
when he gets angrier and his expressions also change when he is talking to different people. His
body language is quite informal in the way when he gets very annoyed with a person he will get
up in their face and shout at them but when he is calmly talking to a victim then he will be sat on
the chair next to them with his legs crossed and arms open to show that he is listening to them.
He involves the audience when sometimes he goes up to them and asks them questions and other
times he sits on his step while talking to his guest and he will laugh along with the audience at
his guest.

We see him in the studio mostly with the same set every episode but he does walk off stage to go
back stage to follow his guest when they walk off crying or angrily. He also does some episodes
where he is visiting some guests to see how they are and that is filmed on the streets or in
someones house. His target audience is mostly female and as it is during the day it is aged 16-35.

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