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By: Monica Andayog and Angelika Elano

It was a hazy night, illuminated by the moon and stars partly invisible to the human eye.
The cold drop of rain slowly gnawed at the mud, as this opposed to gleaming entrance of carnival
with booth stalls and massive structures of the rides. A fun-filled place where appears colorful
floats and bands and crowd of people where extremely enjoying the night. Then, a finest show
woman of her generation known to be famous was performing that night, wherever she went she
was showered with gifts and made a fortune but where there is fortune there are also jealousy. A
man named Fabian who is well-known for being a magician in town does not mind about her
fortunes what he wanted was the attention that he thinks the show woman stealed on him . Fabian
was a vicious and narcissistic man because of his vindictive behavior he was hated by many

While Fabian was holding a grudge to the show woman for a long time the so called flying
swan of her generation continue to capture, impress and win the people’s heart that the magician
can’t easily accept being defeated and goes down. Reminded how she steal the spotlight based
from his own thoughts that makes him furious. Fabian assumed that he is the best and nothing
can beat him among that area of work in the carnival. The magician was full of anger that he
plans a crooked way to the show woman by getting rid of her and thinks she was blocking in his
way. He stole the heart of show woman out of desperation on getting back on top, besides he
believes that he is the most handsome among the males living in town. In his desperation to
revive the attention of people to him, he plan to kill the show woman. Little did he know that there
is another way to bring his popularity back without tainting his name. The key of Reba which is a
key of “eternity attention” that comes from a chest that can be found in another world. As the
show woman tell to Fabian the secrets of every showman and show woman hides, he became
interested that his plan change because of what he hears to the show woman and she tells the
passage on how to get there.

As Fabian already know where he could find the Reba, he said to himself that the attention he
was attaining will finally come true. He plan first how to get rid the show woman by doing some
spell, as the plan was set up, he made the show woman as a flying swan which was her nickname
in a carnival. As his first plan got finished, he makes the passage through the story of the show
woman. He looks excitedly when he enters the passage as it fastly closed. He was finding the
key and came to a halt when he saw his reflection and fallen love to it not knowing that the person
he’s seeing was disguised as him. The person moved saying promises to Fabian of never coming
back and staying there with him. Afterwards, Fabian came up with the decision, then finally the
man in the mirror revealed himself and it is not other than Narcissus. Narcissus thinks his death
was unfair and unjust so he possess Fabian thinking he will be the way to get out but it’s futile.
Several years but Fabian still hasn’t come back, he was gone just like a bubble and it found out
that the key of Reba was a curse opposed from its meaning.

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