Chapter 2 Methodology

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Chapter 2


Research Design

This study is a qualitative type of research, specifically a

phenomenological study. The focus of phenomenological study is the experience

of a people regarding some phenomenon or other and how they interpret their

experience. It is an attempt to understand people’s perceptions, perspectives,

and understandings of the people that are working in the medical fields.

This qualitative research used interviews to obtain information from either

a group or individuals about their views, insights, and personal experience. This

method was used to obtain detailed information about personal feelings,

perceptions, and opinions. This approach is used to provide a wide range of

information and offered opportunity to seek clarifications and open-minded

responses to medical professionals idea or feelings that may help to understood

more essence of the medical professionals.

Participants of the study

The participants in the study are either a group or individual people in the

Municipality of Lupon, Davao Oriental, working as medical professionals. They

have worked for at least five years and above to carry out this research. There

would be at least 5 experienced medical professionals participating in the

interview to convey their stories as one of the medical professionals in the

Municipality of Lupon. This study enable us to understand their experience,

observations and views that are needed as medical professionals.

Data Source

This research used in-depth interview (IDI) as a data source. In depth

interview are normally carried out one-on-one interview with the respondent so

that a rapport can be created with the respondent. Body language is also used to

add a high level of understanding to the answer. In-depth interview can also be

held face to face or talking over the phone but this depends on the style that the

interviewers is using. The information is created between the interviewer and the

conversation of the interviewee during the interview. The researchers took the

respondent through a discussion guide and the moderator gathered more

insights positively asked initial questions to encourage and improve the

respondent as the topic continue.

The interview was carefully prepared by the determining the interview’s

main goal(s), establishing important issues, and the whole duration of the

meeting. After the fulfillment of the study, a detailed report was written. Any

observation during the meeting should be noted during and after the interview.

Data Collection

A semi-structured interview approach was used to manage conversations in

order to get and provide reliable and comparable qualitative data. Semi-

structured is generally beneficial for the interviewers to have an interview guide

prepared, which is informal grouping of topics and question that the interviewer
can ask in different ways for different participants. This structure allows

informants to express their views in their own term that is why it confirms what is

already known but also provides the opportunity for learning. Often the

information obtained from semi-structured interviews will provide not just

answers, but the reasons for the answer.

The interview started with start the interview with a general, open-ended

question. Then ask as few questions as possible because the respondent should

do most of the talking. Making reference (anonymously, of course) to statements

made in other interviews or to findings based on other data sources can a good

way to encourage respondents to express themselves. It is also useful for

validating information already gathered.

From the using a semi-structured, we use another method in order for the

interviewer to get the information that they aim. The method that the interviewee

used is IDI or In-Depth Interview. An in depth interview is a loosely structured

interview. It allows freedom for both the interviewer and the interviewee to

explore additional points and change direction, if necessary. A qualitative data

collection method, in-depth interviews offer the opportunity to capture rich,

descriptive data about people’s behaviors, attitudes and perceptions, and

unfolding complex processes. They can be used as a standalone research

method or as part of a multi method design, depending on the needs of the

research. The insights of participants were analyzed in accurate detail during

interviews, lasting about 10 - 20 minutes, to strengthen the preciseness of the

study findings. The researchers have carefully transcribed the audio recordings
in a Microsoft Word document as correct transcripts are needed if interview

results are to be accurately extracted and interpreted.

Data Analysis

At the point when the interpretations of the meeting were done, we turned

out to be progressively comfortable and associated with the information. We

additionally tuned in to the sound recorder and read transcripts a couple of times.

From the interpretations, we produced beginning codes. We coded energizing

highlights of the information in a methodical manner over the whole informational

collection, examined, and sorted out information important to each code

searching for answers straightforwardly identified with the hypothetical premise,

information driven or hypothetically determined and framework delicate for

whatever number potential subjects as could be allowed.

Looking through subjects is the following stage to take. We made sure that

we would expound on it in a functioning voice. Codes become subjects, sub-

topics, programming, mind maps, perception useful for this. We checked on

subjects to lessen information further and guarantee inside lucidness, and

afterward we continued to characterize and naming topics. This is tied in with

depicting the issues such that catches the pith of the subject. Ultimately

composing the investigation by abridging each meeting gave a diagnostic story of

the information. In the translation of those codes we included looking at subject

frequencies, distinguishing topic co-event, and graphically showing connections

between various subjects to make it extremely valuable strategy in catching the

complexities of significance inside an informational index.

Trustworthiness of the study

The reliability of the research is guaranteed by the researcher’s gathered

information to make sure the outcome of the study is dependable. The

information mentioned in the study came from the experiences of certified

farmers in the society.

Transferability generalizes study findings and attempts to apply them

to other situations and contexts. In this study, the research is built with specific

details of the situation gathered by the researchers and compare them to a

similar situation that they are more familiar with.

Dependability is which the study could be repeated by other

researchers and the findings would be consistent. The process of the study will

be given in details in which other researchers could achieve similar results given

by the information of the study.

Conformability questions of how the details of the study are supported

by the information gathered. This may conclude that the researchers bias during

the study does not distort the interpretation of what the research participants

said to fit a certain narrative. To establish conformability, audit trail can be

provided to demonstrate how each decision was made.

The respondents personal information will be guaranteed safe by the

researchers under the Philippine Constitution Republic Act no. 10173 "Data

Privacy Act," to whish the collection of data must be a declared, specified, and
legitimate purpose; and further provides that consent required before the

collection of all personal data.

Role of the Researcher

The researchers facilitated the interview of the respondents. We were

additionally the ones to record a discussion and translate the information

acquired from the gathering. When information were gathered, the analysts kept

up the secrecy of information and secured the prosperity of respondents.

Moreover, the specialists likewise broke down and deciphered the information.

The scientists finished and protected the paper to the board of research


The role of the researcher in qualitative research is to attempt to access

the thoughts and feelings of study participants.. This isn't a simple errand, as it

includes getting some information about things that might be close to home to

them. Once in a while the encounters being investigated are crisp in the

member's brain, though on different events remembering past encounters might

be troublesome. Be that as it may, the information are being gathered, an

essential obligation of the scientist is to defend members and their information.

Components for such protecting must be explained to members and must be

endorsed by a significant research morals survey board before the exploration

starts. Scientists looked for the guidance of an accomplished subjective

specialist. This investigation shifts consideration away from the dangers to the

advantages and depicts purification, self-affirmation, a feeling of direction,

mindfulness, strengthening, mending, and giving a voice to the unexpected

advantages revealed by talk with members; and Physical Education results in the

educating learning procedure and educators' view in showing proper instructional


Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration When interviewing our research participants we

consider a lot of things in their favor. Firstly, of course we ask for their consent if

we are allowed to interview them letting them know the information that we want

to know or attain. We respect the fact that there are information that are

confidential we do not make any actions trying obtain the information. We respect

the privacy of the research participants.

We make sure to let them know that we only take honest answer

regarding the needed information we do not take lies. We will let them know that

our questions are purely innocent and if our questions may be out of line or may

offend them we will change or rephrase the questions. Any type of information

that is misleading are highly avoided. We make sure to stay on track with our

questions to keep us inline with our topic.

Opinions of the participants are highly respected..We make that the

confidentiality of the data is ensured. We promise to keep information that are

private, hidden. We made sure that they do not need to be worried about some

information because we know the limits or the do's and dont's of our topics.

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