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Home > Pig Production and Marketing Uganda Limited

Pig Production and Marketing Uganda Limited: Pig market chain development
Kampala, UgandaKampala, Uganda

Mulindwa Christopher

Year Founded:
Organization type:
for profit
Project Stage:
$1,000 - $10,000

Project Summary
Elevator Pitch

Concise Summary: Help us pitch this solution! Provide an explanation within 3-4 short sentences.

The company is certified in the republic of Uganda. It works together with small & medium holder pig farmers to increase productivity through
advisory services, linking farmers to input dealers, availing a reliable market for pigs & supplying health risk free pork to both urban and rural

WHAT IF - Inspiration: Write one sentence that describes a way that your project dares to ask, "WHAT IF?"

What if farming become sexy to the youth in Uganda and end food insecurity & unemployment??

About Project

Problem: What problem is this project trying to address?

There is over 1.1 Million households keeping pigs in Uganda, because they help to generate income to cover emergency needs, pay school
fees, & generate manure used to fertilize crops. Mostly women & children are responsible for the management of pigs. The underdeveloped
marketing system and lack of production information caused farmers massive losses. The lack of sanitary controls during pig slaughter
exposed consumers to food safety risks.

Solution: What is the proposed solution? Please be specific!

Pig Production and Marketing Uganda Limited extends better markets to pig farmers saving them from trader exploitation. The company work
together with other stakeholders to provide cheap or free advisory services, act as a link between input dealers and pig farmers and promoting
farmer organization to increase both production and marketing power of smallholder farmers. The integration of crop production with pig farming
through safe application of manure produced by pigs has increased food security for both humans and the pigs. The company is producing and
selling quality and hygienically prepared pork at affordable prices to both urban & rural community reducing food safety threats and malnutrition
mostly amongst rural community.

Impact: How does it Work

Example: Walk us through a specific example(s) of how this solution makes a difference; include its primary activities.

Mrs. Hilda Mbabazi is a medium scale pig farmer in Wakiso district, she couldn't get more than $1.5 and $24 for a kilogram of pork and piglet
produced respectively at her farm. She couldn't access the necessary advisory services in pig breeding to produce quality. After connecting to us

from our website, she can now sale at $2.4 and $32 a kilogram of pork & piglet respectively. She produces quality breeding stock and is one of our
recommended breeders. Her production increased from 10 to over 70 porkers per year, farm breeding stock from 7 to 22 mothers (Sows) so piglets
supply has changed from 150 to over 400 piglets per year. She can now easily access necessary inputs and has employed more 3 workers from 1
for pigs & crops management.

Impact: What is the impact of the work to date? Also describe the projected future impact for the coming years.

The company has organized several trainings at village levels and two main trainings at national levels. Village trainings are aimed at both children
and their parents involved and those planning to involve in pig farming. We help them develop better skills in farm management and the benefits of
integrating pig farming with crop production. The number of young participants usually depend on the available resources and willingness of
parents/children to pay for the training course. We have inspired establishment of a number (Not documented at the moment) of farms owned and
operated by the youth. Also, many of the youths we have trained but lacking resources to establish their own farms have been able to seek jobs
from established farms with our recommendation.


Financial Sustainability Plan: What is this solution’s plan to ensure financial sustainability?

The company relies on own savings, there is also hopes of applying for bank loans if the company gather enough security to qualify. Different prize
opportunities on change makers and other organizations are utilized as well. The company will go ahead to develop more partnerships to enable
executions of big projects and extension of marketing services to at-least 50% of pig farmers in Uganda by 2025.

Marketplace: Who else is addressing the problem outlined here? How does the proposed project differ from these

Most pigs in Uganda are produced by a large informal sub-sector, with limited access to technology, information and services. This applies to all
actors of the value chain including farmers, traders, butchers, and retailers. There is no other organized group or company currently doing the same
business like we do. Therefore the competition is currently not stiff. However the company adds value to every service and product provided to our
clients creating a reason of coming again. We have created a greater opportunity for favorable competition with any pig trading institution that may


Founding Story

In 2009, I thought of keeping pigs to raise money for my upkeep when join university. I requested a piece of land from my grandmother where I
constructed a pig farm. The problems I faced were similar to those mentioned above. I then encouraged fellow pig farmers at my village to join into
farmer's association with intentions of bulky production and marketing. With 15 members we formed Watubba Pig Farmers Association. However,
we were unable to locate a formal company buying pigs, individual traders were very exploitative though we sold in bulk. In 2010 together with my
colleague Alex Kyeyune established PPM and started operation informally. We managed to save some money and registered our company on
11/07/2012 and started formal operation.

About You
Pig Production and Marketing Uganda Limited
About You
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About Your Project

Organization Name

Pig Production and Marketing Uganda Limited

Organization Country

, WAK, Kampala

Country where this project is creating social impact

, WAK, Kampala

How long has your organization been operating?

1‐5 years
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Your Solution
Founding Story: Share a story about the “Aha!” moment that led you to get started and/or to see the potential for this to succeed.

In 2009, I thought of keeping pigs to raise money for my upkeep when join university. I requested a piece of land from my grandmother where I
constructed a pig farm. The problems I faced were similar to those mentioned above. I then encouraged fellow pig farmers at my village to join into
farmer's association with intentions of bulky production and marketing. With 15 members we formed Watubba Pig Farmers Association. However,
we were unable to locate a formal company buying pigs, individual traders were very exploitative though we sold in bulk. In 2010 together with my
colleague Alex Kyeyune established PPM and started operation informally. We managed to save some money and registered our company on
11/07/2012 and started formal operation

Select Sector(s): To which of Unilever's categories of sustainability does your solution apply?

Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture, Smallholder Farmers.

Measurable Impact
Audience: Who have you identified as your customers/recipients and why? How will you get your solution to them or engage them in
your initiative?

Pig farmers are the main suppliers and beneficially of company business and many of them are as well customers for our pork, breeding stock and
advisory services . Other customers include urban butchers, restaurants, pork joints and individuals buying for personal consumption. Veterinary
doctors, drug and feed stockists are also important to the company. We work together to make pig farming a success in our areas of operation for
a mutual benefit.

Impact: What is the impact of the work to date and expected impact in the future?

Uganda has about 1.1 Million households keeping pigs, over 2500 of these enjoy better markets for their pig farm produce and all the related
additional services per month. The company has coordinated concrete relationships for over 600 farms to input dealers. Over 100 pig farmers
already registered and approved for breeding stock supply. The company also avail over 400kg of healthy pork per day to its rural and urban
The company continues to encourage farmer groups with plans of creating over 60 groups in next 5 years to add on the 5 already existing and
facilitating them to produce at-least 70% of total feeds required for their family farms.
Using company savings and partnerships, we plan to extended marketing services to at-least 12500 of pig farmers per month and increasing our
daily pork production to 1000kg per day by 2016.

Growth, Finance & Leadership

Scaling the Solution: How do you intend to scale your activities over the next two years (e.g., reach new markets, diversify solutions,
etc.)? What will make this possible?

The company plans to extend marketing activities to farmers in many other districts. There is also plans to enlarge company products market
through out Uganda and extending to other East African countries by 2025. There is also plans to introduce new products on market for-example
Artificial Insemination focusing on local semen production, animal feeds using local raw materials, pork prime cuts and importation of veterinary
drugs by 2018. This is majorly expected to be financed by company savings, prize money and partnerships with other stakeholders.
The company has a strong team composed of 2 Veterinary specialists, 1 pig production specialist, 3 Marketing specialists,1 secretariat and 10
casual laborers working for company success.

Financial Sustainability: What is your business model to ensure financial sustainability?

The company relies and will continue to rely on own savings, there is also hopes of applying for bank loans if the company gather enough security
to qualify.
Different prize opportunities on change makers and other organizations are utilized as well.
The company will go ahead to develop more partnerships to enable executions of big projects and extension of marketing services to at-least 50%
of pig farmers in Uganda by 2025.

Experience: Please provide examples of any previous entrepreneurial initiatives you have pioneered.

I was one of the founders and chairman of Watubba Pig Farmers Association 2009 to 2010.
I have as well worked in the pig sector, as a farmer, trader of pigs and related products, pig farming consultant since 2010 to date. I am the current
manager of productions and all company online platforms Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogger.
I also worked as International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) focus group discussions facilitator.

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