Corporate Social Responsibility at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited IJERTCONV1IS02003

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

NCAEM-2013 Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-93-83758-09-8

Corporate Social Responsibility at

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Gaura, 2Nency Dawar
Asstt. Prof. Deptt. Of Management, Geeta Engg. College.1,2

I. INTRODUCTION that happen a long way from home. Corporate

social responsibility (CSR) has been proposed as a
Corporate Social Responsibility: What does it way to respond to some of these issues, both locally
mean:- "More and more companies are accepting and globally. According to "Integrating
corporate citizenship as a new strategic and Responsibility," most companies that have initiated
managerial purpose requiring their attention. Once CSR programs have done so in response to one
seen as a purely charitable activity--a source of problem or another; for example, in the thermal
general goodwill, with no bottom-line power station, it was environmental issues. CSR
consequence--citizenship is moving from the programs have also surfaced in the sourcing
margins of concern to the center at leading departments of companies facing supply chain
companies." issues.
Today, there are many references to corporate
social responsibility (CSR), sometimes referred to II. OBJECTIVE OF BPCL TOWARDS CSR
as corporate citizenship, in our workplaces, in the
media, in the government, in our communities.
While there is no agreed-upon definition, the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development
defines CSR as the business commitment and
contribution to the quality of life of employees,
their families and the local community and society

overall to support sustainable economic

development. Simply put, the business case for
CSR--establishing a positive company reputation
and brand in the public eye through good work that
yields a competitive edge while at the same time
contributing to others--demands that organizations
shift from solely focusing on making a profit to • Building Sustainable Communities - to
including financial, environmental and social have a positive impact on the communities
responsibility in their core business strategies. in which we operate
Despite what the phrase corporate social
• Health and Safety - to ensure the health
responsibility suggests, the concept is not restricted
and safety of our workforce and
to corporations but rather is intended for most types
of organizations, such as associations, labor unions,
• Environment - to minimize adverse
organizations that serve the community for
impacts while taking steps to protect and
scientific, educational, artistic, public health or
enhance the natural environment
charitable purposes, and governmental agencies.
How CSR help the companies:- Globalization, the • Employees – train tomorrows leaders in
explosion of information technology, advances in teamwork skills and running socially
the biological sciences, and the growth of responsible business
democracy and diversity can be considered among
the positive developments in our world today. On
the other hand, poverty, environmental crises such III. METHODOLOGY
as global warming, epidemics such as AIDS, and • Integrated with Business Strategy and
terrorism are also part of today's world. What do Context
these positive and negative aspects have in • Leverage our Core competency – People
common? They reflect the breathtaking increase in and Technology
global interdependence, to the extent that borders
don't count for much anymore and local
communities are increasingly affected by things 90
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
• Three way Execution model for for farming, teaching newer methods of agriculture,
NCAEM-2013 Conference Proceedings
Community Projects etc. ISBN: 978-93-83758-09-8
• Develop deserving Communities through Education:
‘Focused’ & ‘Need based’ interventions – For motivating intelligent students coaching is
No ‘Giveaways’ provided to students. Balwadis is available for
• Create ‘Sustainable Models’ which are small children as pre-school intervention. Tree
Replicable & Scalable plantation programs are held at Adivasi ashram
IV. SHARING WIDER RESPONSIBILITY AT A dispensary with a doctor is available and regular
BPCL health camps are conducted. General health camps
are organized twice a year. To cater to the needs of
“We believe that it’s equally important to return all villagers, may it be men, women, senior
back to society” which is why, BPCL believes that citizens, children and so on. To ensure proper
some of their finest achievements aren’t those eyesight, eye camps are conducted periodically.
found in their balance sheets but those, in small their sight back through this endeavor. There are
towns and villages spread across India. Their camps held for pregnant women regarding
involvement in sharing this wider responsibility guidance in pregnancy, stress on nutrition, etc.
dates way back to 1984, when in pursuance with Community centre:
our philosophy “to give back to the
society/community our best”, they aimed to help We have provided a multipurpose
the people enrich their lives, be it our employees or Samaj Mandir at Pinglas Karjat for the Villagers to
their families also extending the scope of definition have a meeting point. There is a community centre
of families to those that they saw beyond our glass which encompasses classes for villagers on
cabins in these rustic surroundings, and thus started tailoring, mehendi, beautician course, bamboo
our the social work. Today, BPCL terms them as article making, multi-skill training, etc. Cane
their extended family i.e. the villagers from rural Weaving and Bamboo making classes are
areas. conducted regularly. Tailoring is helping the girls
Bharat Petroleum has been the pioneer in the oil in income generation. Later there is also an
sector to hire the services of professional social exhibition held in Mumbai for sale of the bamboo
workers. Areas of work in the initial years were articles made in these villages.
Infrastructure development:
primarily to cater to the softer areas of employee
related issues, to mention a few are:-
• Counseling for personal as well as emotional We have constructed shed for schools.
problems affecting work. For e.g. repairing the fans, replacing broken

• Assistance to quit substance abuse (like furniture, etc jetty for fishermen so that they can
alcohol and other drugs) rest in the night when they are not fishing. We have
• Marital Conflicts, Divorce Reconciliation, also constructed a public toilet. We are vigilant in
Money Management, etc. keeping the surroundings clean. Timely garbage
BPCL initially started working in Mahul, the disposal is also taken care of. Tree plantation
village located in our neighborhood of its Mumbai programs are carried out on a regular basis.
refinery since 1986, for the sole reason of their Every village: Sakhi Shejarni:
upliftment. The habitants of Mahul, essentially
from the fishing community, were rich because A group of women came together in Karjat who
they possessed marine wealth but as far as felt the need of being together and saving some
education, health, etc was concerned, they needed amount of money. They started meeting regularly
help. and since then they collect savings and deposit in
Some of Bharat Petroleum's assistance to these the bank this is a scheme whereby every village
inhabitants so far has been will have one woman leader. This leader is trained
in such a way that she is able to manage the whole
• Infrastructural development, like construction
of jetty, Balwadi, Homeopathic Dispensary group of other women, take training sessions for
them, conducts awareness programs and also
• Vocational guidance through aptitude testing,
provides counseling help. Such women leaders are
scientific vocational need based study
termed as SAKHI, which means a friend in
through Jan Shikshan Sansthan (NGO under
ministry of HRD)
• Exhibition for the Fishermen to equip them Thus the groups serve a double purpose, that of
with latest avenues in fishing through starting a small-scale business and that of learning
Central Institute Of Fisheries
through various sessions. These meetings help
them to improve their quality of life.
Farm facts:
For agricultural upliftment, BPCL arrange training V. BPCL: CSR IN BUSINESS PROCESS
through Pune Agricultural University, distribute
seeds and fertilizers every year. There are lectures
arranged on technical guidance, use of less water As energy corporate, BPCL feel that we may have
a larger say in the course of many events in the
coming decades. The consequence of our actions, 91
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
in the short term, may be totally inadequate but in 'Rural Development Award 1999-2000' to Bharat
NCAEM-2013 Conference Proceedings
the long term very valid. It is thus that BPCL finds Petroleum. ISBN: 978-93-83758-09-8
it necessary and proceeds with utmost caution, List of 20 villages adopted
when it comes to issues related with the * Bhogalpura (Agra)
environment. * Srinivasapura & Muneshwara (Bangalore)
The magnitude of the problem concerning this * Neelgarh (Bhopal)
sensitive eco-balance is so massive that the best * Ramathenga (Bhubaneshwar)
way forward for BPCL, as it sees ahead, for the * Brindabanpur & Farakidanga (Calcutta)
above being achieved is using a two pronged * Jahazpur (Calcutta)
approach of “executing environmental protection * Mankara (Calcutta)
activities and sharing knowledge, with a view to * Kadambankulam (Coimbatore)
educate the common man on this front”. * Basantgarh (Delhi)
The above four cover the entire canvas of concerns * Jyotinagar (Goa)
for the subject and BPCL’s contribution towards * Nangalgovind (Jaipur)
the same has also been oriented around its * Babukhera (Lucknow)
objective. * Pedawada/Manjripal (Nagpur)
BPCL, on the other hand would give its best in * Laakarhawar (Patna)
educating mankind, on the necessity of * Kasabkhede / Pohey (Pune)
understanding the dynamics of the fragile eco- * Khara Bairaja (Rajkot)
diversity and hope to seek contributions from each * Mangadih / Jaradih / Dimra / Obar (Ranchi)
individual in maintaining the balance. * Bhaktachiwadi / Mogrej (Karjat)
Community Initiatives: Disability * Tembre (Karjat)
What remains unchanged since 1999 is that BPCL * Mahul (Chembur)
continues to fulfill its corporate responsibilities.
What has changed, however, is the fact that the 5.4. Community Initiatives: Tribals.
percentage of disabled persons employed by BPCL As a part of Society, Bharat Petroleum believes that
has risen from 1.11% to 1.37% despite the total they owe as a corporate body to give back to
employee strength reducing from 12411 to 12082. society their best. With this social obligation Bharat
“Providing equal opportunity to people with Petroleum started community work way back in
disabilities” has always been a part of the corporate 1987 by adopting Karjat (tribal area in Raigarh
philosophy of Bharat Petroleum Corporation District) and Mahul (our neighborhood) for
Limited (BPCL). BPCL's practice of this ameliorating lives of the deprived.
philosophy is what made it a winner of the 1st Karjat is located in Raigarh District and comprises
NCPEDP-Shell Helen Keller Awards, way back in of mainly tribal population. Some of the activities
1999. undertaken to help the tribal population are-

Other areas of Corporate Social Responsibility that * Constructing a community hall/ Samaj Mandir
BPCL is active in: it has adopted 37 villages in 13 * Health assistance, through regular health
states, directly impacting 120,000 people; it has camps, pediatric camps and cataract Camps
initiated the ‘Bharat Petroleum Scholarship' to * Educational assistance through distribution of
promote excellence in higher education; it has books, holding competitions
contributed towards community facilities and * Vocational assistance by imparting training in
infrastructure; and donated generously in times of bamboo and tailoring
calamity and disaster. * Encouraging environment friendly attitude
through distribution of smokeless chulhas, solar
5.2. Community Initiatives: Disaster Relief cookers as well as educating them through folk
In times of natural calamities you will always find VI. INTERNAL CSR
Bharat Petroleum in the forefront, rendering aid Social Welfare in Bharat Petroleum was initiated as
and emergency provisions. Bharat Petroleum relief a non-statutory body in the year 1984. Bharat
teams have worked tirelessly to provide the Gujarat Petroleum has been the pioneer in the oil sector to
Earthquake and the Orissa Flood victims with food hire the services of professional social workers.
and essential survival materials. Areas of work in the initial years were primarily to
cater to the softer areas of employee related issues,
5.3. Community Initiatives: Rural Development to mention a few are: -
Bharat Petroleum continues its endeavours in Counselling
meeting social obligations to the under privileged Initially counseling began in BPCL to overcome
sections of the society through development of the different problems of employees at work. But
roads, schools, clinics and vocational training now, BPCL has come closer to their lives. Thus
centres in rural areas. Cataract camps for villagers, now counseling does not only aim at solving
vocational classes to make the rural women self- disputes at work but involves a whole gamut of
reliant, development of rural women and children, issues ranging from employee’s overall
providing sanitation and drinking water in the development to the development of their families.
villages, are just a few of the many contributions Thus there is a shift from what used to exist earlier
made by Bharat Petroleum to meet its social as our orientation is towards prevention. Over the
responsibilities. time, recoveries and success stories started flowing
In recognition of the outstanding work done in the in resulting in values of counseling being upheld as
area of Rural Development, FICCI awarded the an important contribution for employee’s well 92
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
being. Thus at the refinery counseling is seen as a Non-biased attitude: NCAEM-2013 Conference Proceedings
mission which aims at making people live lives May it be a worker or an engineer or a driver or any
ISBN: 978-93-83758-09-8
fruitfully. The help received through counseling is administration staff, we give equal treatment to all.
what is valued by most of our employees Never do employees feel that some are favoured
1] Addiction-The Slow Poison and others are not.
Alcohol and drug use is extremely common in Trust:
today’s world. In spite of the awareness of the ill Employees do have the trust in whatever the
effects of these substances, people continue to get department does. The department has helped them
addicted to it. The abuse and addictions result in help themselves in such a way that it has left a long
malfunctioning of an individual in major spheres of lasting effect on their minds. This trust made it
life. Addictions lead to poor work performances, obvious for them to keep participating actively in
disrupted relationships and adjustment problems. all the activities.
The rising awareness about employee welfare and Transparency:
raising the quality of work, various companies’ The department has been totally transparent
today make efforts to reduce addictions. regarding all its activities. Employees were made
2] Family Wellbeing equal partners in conducting any activity. Because
Through all the Employee assistance programs, of this there was no point where employees felt left
prominence is given to family as a system. It is a out.
known fact that family is one of the most closely Involvement of all:
knit system which needs to be enriched to cope We have been successful in involving people of all
with the stresses and strain of life. Thus when an cadres at the refinery level, right from the managers
employee comes with a problem, joint counseling to the workers, and from the various departments to
sessions are also conducted including his family the different unions. This helped us to get the
members to ensure resolving of problems amicably. opinions and contributions of all. At the community
3] Grooming Children As Caretakers Of Next level, all the people are involved right from the
Generation planning level. People take decisions along with us.
Children are tomorrow’s future, and when it comes Human stories of revival helped:
to our own employee’s children, we ensure their We had many success stories of our employees
development through various activities like Career which constantly motivated us to work
guidance, aptitude tests, etc consistently. The recovered addicts are our
4] Parenting strength. They help us to help the others who are in
During training or workshops, one of the main similar problem.
topics covered is parenting. This is important
because in today’s competitive world it is very VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
difficult to manage both work and house Thus to Each and every company should undertake the

ensure care of children, parenting sessions are element of corporate social responsibility into
conducted about emotional problems and problems consideration. It is for the benefit of the company’s
encountered by children at different stages, puberty long life and consistent growth. As we have seen in
issues, etc. this project, BPCL has conducted a number of
5] Women Empowerment social responsibility activities; it has gained a good
In women lie nature’s best qualities of motherhood, reputation in the globally competitive market. In
compassion, humanity and love. Because they have these days more social responsibility u undertake,
been blessed with the capacity for giving and more you will get consumer’s satisfaction and earn
nurturing life, women also have the capacity for a our customer’s loyalty .As the business is operated
deep commitment for preserving and nourishing within the society, it becomes compulsory to
not only their own offspring, but of the entire conduct CSR activities to win consumers
planet as well. BPCL is also blessed with efficient confidence and represent a global brand image. At
women staff who are enthusiastic and who come last to say “we should give back to the world, what
forward to help others. Women power in the true we take from it.”
sense is seen when women meet regularly and
discuss on varied issues and the stands they take. REFERENCES
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difference to their personal as well as work life. [3]. Aguilera, R. V., Rupp, D. E., Williams, C. A.,
& Ganapathi, J. (2007). Putting the S back in
VII. WHAT BPCL ACHIEVED? corporate social responsibility: a multilevel
Bringing people together for a common cause: theory of social change in organizations.
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common cause, the cause being wellbeing of all. [4]. Alessio, R. (2003). Responsabilidade social das
We were blessed with committed staff who also empresas no Brasil: reprodução de posturas ou
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Employees also sustained their enthusiasm and
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