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 Reasons  Why  Most  

Workouts  Suck!  

Arnel Ricafranca
B.A, C.O.R.E Certified
Creator of

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The Revolutionary Explode Workout System will be

Released on May 25th to May 27th for a 3-day special event

It is the MOST powerful training style EVER created that is

guaranteed to get you lean in a very short period of time.

Since you were recommended by someone else, you

automatically get the pre-sale discount price during the

3-Day Launch Event.

Let’s get started...

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Table of Contents:

The REAL truth comes out 4

Mistake #1: Not Utilizing The Right Muscle Fibers 5

Mistake #2: You Aren't Training For 'Real Life' 10

Mistake #3: You Are Training Like A Hamster 12

Mistake #4: Not Having Enough Intensity 14

Mistake #5: You Are Still Doing the In-Famous Split Training 17

About The Author 21

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The REAL truth comes out…..

So I'm sitting here writing this on a nice warm spring day on my deck in New Jersey. I’m
enjoying the fresh air blowing through the trees with the sound of birds chirping. To say
I'm feeling pretty relaxed at this point would be an understatement, so I'm not going to
deliver you the age-old scientific mumbo-jumbo that you might be used to hearing from
fitness pros.

Today's talk is going to be light to read but heavy on secrets. You see, for the vast
majority of you out there, you're training all wrong.

All wrong I tell you!

Sometimes I just want to scream, 'Stop The Madness' because it pains me to see you
working hard but not seeing results.

After all, you're interested in hearing what I have to say (since you downloaded this
report) so I think that more than qualifies us as friends. Because of this, I'm also
interested in helping you get the results you're looking for. I think it's super great that
you're excited about making some serious changes (for the better!) to your workout
program and am happy to be the guy to help you do it.

Now, I don't usually tell all the following info to everyone. But since I'm relaxing and
you've taken a personal interest in what I have to say, I'm going to share it all with you.
These are the top of the line secrets that you can start using to revamp your training
program and an explanation of where you're going wrong.

So get out your pen, highlighter, pencil or even a crayon and get ready to jot down a few
notes. The 'real deal' is a comin' your way.

Remember, if you really want to take your body to the next level, you must implement
everything I am going to reveal to you. Don't miss out on a single one of these secrets
because believe-you-me, it will make a difference.

Let's get this total transformation party started!

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Mistake #1: Not Utilizing The Right Muscle
Now, if you want to see better results – we're talking, top-of-the-line progress that
you've never thought possible before, you need to select your target and aim right for it.
There's no room for error here, you're getting down to business.

One big problem with so many workout programs is that they include a wide variety of
different styles of training.

Some days you'll go for a thirty minute run, others you may do a few intervals, then
others, you're in the gym lifting weights using who-knows-what rep range because you
aren't even fully sure yourself what you should be doing.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

All this confusion in the workout program is only going to lead to a confused body.
Confusion doesn’t lead to progress (you wouldn’t want a confused surgeon to work on
your brain would you?)

If you want to see results, you need a direct path to follow. Roadmaps are key to life
and this is no different. Set your goal, find your path, and then attack it like you've never
attacked before.

In order to get the body changing results we're talking about, you need to focus on your
workout with only one select type of training method – that is, the explosive training

No more of those bland weight lifting workouts where you're performing ten to fifteen
different exercises that cover each muscle group in the body for ten to fifteen reps. One
for biceps, one for triceps, one for the quads, one for the – on and on it goes.

Those are gone – finished, finito. However you want to say it, they are now wiped out
from your workout program.

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End of discussion.

Moving on....

Do you remember the last summer Olympics back in 2008?

Photo  from

Do you remember when Usain Bolt broke the record for 100m and 200m sprint?

Usain Bolt focused the majority of his training targeting his fast-twitch fibers. Not the
boring slow-twitch fibers like the guy on the right. Who wants to look like a stick? I’m
sure don’t.

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It is weird to think that sprinters who ran for 10 seconds are naturally MORE RIPPED
than a marathon runner who can run for over 2 hours. Two different styles of training,
two completely different body types. Which body would you rather have?

Unless you enjoy running around like a hamster on a wheel, you’re now going to zero in
and focus on just those fast-twitch muscle fibers like a true sprinter.

Let's give you a brief primer on the different muscle types.

The first type of muscle fibers, slow-twitch (also referred to as Type I) are the muscle
fibers that are involved when you perform exercises for a continual period of time. So if
you went out and ran for an hour, you'd be using slow-twitch. They aren't especially
strong, but they don't tire easily either (and on top of that they aren’t very good looking).

Then you have the second type, the intermediate-fast twitch muscle fibers (Type IIa)
and these are the fibers that are much stronger and faster, but still not the fastest. They
lie in between the two extremes.

Finally, you have the fast-twitch muscle fibers (Type IIb) and these are the fibers that
are in involved in short, powerful bursts of activity. They are the strongest type and also
the type that gets fatigued the quickest.

Let's put this in chart form for illustration purposes.

Fiber Type Slow Twitch Intermediate Fast Fast Twitch

Contraction Time Slow Medium-fast Rapid
Resistance To High Intermediate Low
Activity Used For Aerobic activities Long-term anaerobic Anaerobic activity
activity lasting less than
one minute
Force Production Low Medium High

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In addition to this, the more slow-twitch muscle fibers you have in your body, the more
long and stringy you will look. Remember the marathon runner that I showed you
earlier? That's the look that a high amount of slow-switch muscles will give you.

On the flip side, if you have more fast-twitch muscle fibers, your muscles will be curvier
and defined, so rather than a marathoner, you're looking more like a sprinter like Usain
Bolt . Or simply put, look at anyone that does rapid movements like basketball players,
tennis players, soccer players, boxers, Olympic wrestlers. The list goes on.

Say Good Bye To Your Long Boring Cardio For Good!

Since it's the fast-twitch muscle fibers that are the ones that will get you that look you
are longing for, we're going to virtually eliminate those slow-twitch fibers from the
picture. Say good-bye now because you won't see long cardio sessions ever again.

By focusing on the fast-twitch fibers instead, you'll actually help get those slow-twitch
fibers taking on similar properties to the fast-twitch fibers themselves and when this
happens, that's when you will really see massive changes taking place to your body.

Faster Exercises = Quicker Results

And isn't that what you're after here?

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Instant results – results that you can see after just a few workouts. With this style of
training, it is very possible.

When you start focusing on the fast twitch muscle fibers that make the body look leaner,
and ripped, not to mention fit and defined, you are going to see changes taking place
that your old long cardio workouts or generic weight lifting program would never have
been able to offer.

So what does this type of training involve? How are we going to get you working those
fast-twitch muscle fibers?

It incorporates the use of two main principles. Get ready, here they are:

A) Train Eccentrically

Okay, so for those of you who aren't quite sure what this 'eccentric'-'concentric' mumbo-
jumbo means, essentially the 'concentric' portion of the exercise is where the muscle is
contracting. Typically this is also going to be the first half of the exercise so that's a
simple way for you to remember it. In the example of a push up it is the portion where
you are pushing yourself up, away from the floor.

Then the 'eccentric' portion of the exercise refers to when you are lowering the weight
back down to the starting position (or moving through the second half of the movement).

Paying attention to the eccentric portion of the movements forces you to have proper
form rather than just doing the movement no matter how ugly it is.

In order to train eccentrically then, you place a large amount of tension on the second
half of the movement. Most people are also typically weaker in this half of the
movement so by placing the focus there, you will also really see notable increases in

And who doesn't like that bonus?

B) Explode concentrically
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This is where this program gets a bit different. This is the portion of the movement that
is designed to train your muscle to produce the fastest movement possible with as much
power as you can generate. Basically, they are 'go hard or go home'.

In the past they were most often utilized by high level athletes to improve their sports
performance, hence, why we are adding it to your program. When you start doing these,
you will really be cranking that intensity up a notch.

When you get both of these training principles working in your favor, you can get ready
to see your body change FAST.

Mistake #2: You Aren't Training For 'Real Life'

The first of the reasons why you have been going to the gym faithfully but not seeing
any of the results you're after is because you aren't training for the 'real world'. While
you may be getting slightly better at what you are doing in the gym, ask yourself, “how is
what I’m doing in the gym helping me execute other activities outside of the gym?”

I'll wait while you think about this.

(still waiting…)

(nothing yet?...)

That's right, it won't. For the most part, the common exercises that people are doing in
the gym are not going to do all that much for improving the way the body functions in
real life. So really, what good are those workouts anyway?

As we've already proved above, they aren't even helping to give you the 'look' you're
going for so now they have two strikes against them.

Create A Lean, Defined Appearance

Improve The Way The Body Functions

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Clearly, these workouts are doing little more for you than wasting your time.

Let me give you an example.

Imagine yourself doing a preacher curl. Really think about that position right now in
your mind. Got it?

Okay. Now think for a second how many times during the day you perform a similar
movement to that preacher curl.

I'll wait again….

Got nothing?

That's right – and that's the problem. Far too many people are focusing on exercises
that don't really use practical movements, nor do they target the main core muscles that
get used on an everyday basis. Sure you will use the biceps on various occasions
throughout the day, but you won't be just using the biceps like you would in the preacher

Instead, you'd be using the biceps, the chest, the back, and so on. All the muscles tend
to work together during the movements that you perform on a daily basis. If you were to
compare it to a football team it would be the difference between the team that trains
together going up against the team that is made up of players that train alone. Who do
you think will win?

When you get started on our explosive training program, this is one of the biggest
changes you're going to notice. The types of exercises that make up your workout are
going to be far different and they will be working the body in ways that directly transfer
over to the 'real world'.

After all, what good is being in shape if it doesn't make you stronger for life? Not very
good at all.

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So right there you have problem one. You are training for the gym and not training for
life. When you begin training for life, coincidentally that's also when you're going to
notice the greatest changes in your body as well.

Let's move on to problem two.

Mistake #3: You Are Training Like a Hamster

Okay so it's survey time.

Who here actually enjoys doing their long cardio workouts? Raise your hand.

Obviously we both know I'm not going to be able to actually see if you raised your hand,
but I have a sneaky suspicion that about 99% of you didn't. In fact, you may have felt
that arm drop just a little because you hate them so much.

I mean come on now, who really likes being a hamster on the wheel for a good forty-five

Unless you prefer straw for food, (and I sure hope you have a diet better than that) you
don't. Long cardio workouts are draining, they are boring, and they are something that
you very likely dread even thinking about.
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Am I right?

Okay, so now that we're in agreement that cardio sucks, the great news is that with this
new style of training, cardio is a thing of the past.

Why? Essentially because when you perform the explosive style of training in this
program, you will reap cardio benefits without even having to do cardio.

Simply be going about the workout with these explosive movements you will get in the
best cardiovascular shape of your life. How cool is that?

I won't say it will be painless because you will have to work hard at these workouts, but
the great news is that they are fun and always changing. If you're someone who was
bored to tears on the cardio machine, I guarantee you will fall in love with this style of

This whole principle is one that we like to refer to as anaerobic cardio (think strength
cardio) and is just as the name suggests. Cardiovascular effectiveness – that is, your
ability to maintain exercise without feeling like you may just cough up a lung, is tied right
into your resistance training movement.

So, you get stronger and in better cardio shape at the same time.

Now who's down for that?

Raise your hand?

(again, I know I can't see them – but this time, I'm willing to bet that hand is sky-high).

As an added benefit of this addition of anaerobic cardio, your time commitment in the
gym will be lower than ever before. If you're used to five plus hours each week
performing just your cardio workouts alone, start dreaming about what you will do with
all that extra time.

Train smarter, not harder!

That's our motto and hopefully it's yours now as well.

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Mistake #4: Not Having Enough Intensity
It's time again for yet another visualization. This time, I want you to imagine yourself
going about your typical workout program – that is, before you started reading this

How did it look?

How did you feel?

What type of pace were you using?

Were you dripping in sweat or was there hardly any evidence in you glistening at all?

If you are like most gym-goers, you might even be reading a magazine while doing your
“cardio” on treadmill or bike. I really hope that you are not one of those people.

For most people, the workouts they are performing in the gym may be challenging them
to a degree, but they are not i-n-t-e-n-s-i-f-y-i-n-g the workout process. You go to the
gym, get the workout done, and then leave and go about your day.

For our workouts, what we want you to be doing is going into the gym, doing your
workouts, without slacking off on it. Don’t worry we have tools so you can ensure you
are training to your potential. Then when the workout is over you begin recovering.

Remember it’s not the workout itself that forces the overnight changes, it’s the recovery
between the workouts. Stimulate the muscles, recover, and repeat the process.

It's only when someone is willing to take their intensity up a level that true progress is
seen; the type of progress that you'll go bragging to your friends about.

When was the last time you bragged to your friends about the results you were seeing
in the gym?

Chances are if anything, you were asking them what they were doing because whatever
you were doing wasn't working. Intensity is the defining factor in progress.

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Case in point – have a look at a high level athlete before they go out to race or
compete. Look deep into their eyes and what do you see?

Extreme focus would be a good way to describe it. Sheer intensity may be another.
Just like them, you need to be intensely focused on your workouts while performing at a
level that is out of your comfort zone.

If you aren't ready to push yourself past the point of comfort, you aren't ready to see
results. I have a very large sneaking suspicion however that as soon as you start up on
our program and see the level of results you're getting; you will never want to be
anything but intense again.

Yes it takes a bit more work, but the results – well, they speak for themselves.

Most of the workout programs people follow on a day to day basis are not nearly intense
enough to produce results. You must remember that the more intensity you train with,
the more calories you burn.

In addition to that, as you get into the more intense forms of activities out there, you also
will find that your 'after-workout' burn is a lot higher as well.

And trust me, this 'after-workout' burn is like the 'secret sauce' of fat loss. When you get
that sauce loaded on thick, you won't be holding onto that body fat for much longer.
Instead, you're going to become a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine.

The Right Intensity = FAT BURING 24/7

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Sounds good, doesn't it? That's what intensity will do for you.

I also want you to remember that when I say 'intensity', I am also not just talking about
how hard you're pushing yourself with your exercises.

Intensity in this regard involves a number of different factors.

1. It involves you pushing yourself – as you already guessed.

2. It also involves you using movements that will work as many muscle tissues at once
as possible.

Put it this way, which works the body harder? A finger tap on your desk or getting up
out of your chair and bending down to pick up a pencil that just dropped?

Obviously the second one does. You hardly have to move a muscle to finger tap. The
more muscles you move at an instant, the more intense the workout will be.

And finally 3. Intensity also describes how much rest you take between exercises.

Ever been on one of those programs where you do a set, go to the fountain and get a
drink; do another set, then maybe hit up the bathroom; then finish off with your third set,
only to go over and start talking to your friend that just walked in about your weekend

Workouts like this don't work.

Those people are not keeping their mind on the task. The task is to train intensely, plain
and simple.

Crank up the intensity!

When you keep your rest periods short and snappy, that's when the results come. So
with our program, you had better bring a water bottle with you to have at your side
because you won't be doing the walk to the fountain all that often. Don’t worry; you will
be done in as little as 8 minutes to 20 minutes (at most)

Intensity is where it's at.

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Mistake #5: You Are Still Doing The
Infamous Split Training
Finally, the last reason why soooo many people out there aren't getting good results
with their workouts and the reason you are going to start getting better results is
because you aren't going to play favorites.

By this, I mean no longer will you do those half body workouts you may have done in
the past.

Upper, Lower splits.

Push, Pull splits.

Heaven forbid (the worst option) Body part splits.

All of them – gone. They are no longer of use to you.

It is amazing how many times I met guys who ALWAYS perform chest on Monday.
“Today is chest day,” is something that I always hear on Monday.

The truth is body split routine was popularized during the same time when steroids hit
the market. Why? Because steroids allow you to add massive amounts of volume per
body part making it easier to do 10-20 sets per body part.

Body part splits might be very effective under the influence of steroids but not for
someone with a steroid-free body.

My point is stay away from steroids, stay away from body split training.

What do you think would burn more calories and get your body looking lean and defined
in the shortest period of time?

A workout that targeted the biceps, the triceps, and the chest.


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A workout that targeted the biceps, the triceps, the chest, the back, the shoulders, the
abs, the quads, the hamstrings, the glutes, and the calves?

Obviously the second one would – that's easy! (or should have been).

The more muscles you can hit with each workout you do, the faster progress you will
make. That's why in our workout program we are mostly only going to be using
exercises that work the body on a larger scale.

Put those Thigh Masters away. It is not really how Suzanne Somers got her body.

We have no use for those piddly little movements that zero in on one of the smallest
muscles in the body, therefore they are dropped from the program. Don't think those
smaller muscles won't be worked though – wrong.

As you perform the exercises that target all the bigger muscles in the body, those
smaller muscle groups are going to get attacked as well.

They all help out with the whole execution process, so make no mistake about it, they
won't be having time to sleep anytime soon. Instead they will just be targeted in a
different manner – a more effective manner.

With our program, every muscle group is an equal. All will get worked with every single
workout you perform. No more playing favourites on certain days of the week. When
you're in the gym to train, every muscle gets hit – hit hard too.

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So there, you now know the top five mistakes that people make. So no more non-
existent or dreadfully slow progress.

However, there is one “split training” that actually works... And it is NOT what you think.
You are still doing full body training but it is a unique way of doing it and let me tell you
that it is powerful.

Let's review them once more just so you have them fresh in your mind.

Critical Error #1: Spreading your focus out too much and not concentrating on
the muscle fibers that count – the fast-twitch muscle fibers. You want an 80/20%
focus, not a 50/50% focus here.

Critical Error #2: Not training for 'real' life purposes – what you do in the gym
should help you feel stronger and look better outside of the gym.

Critical Error #3: Spending way too much time on cardio training. Give it up
already! With our program you will get cardio benefits simply by performing your
weight lifting workouts.

Critical Error #4: Slacking on the intensity. If you are at the gym, you are there to
work. This includes focus, exercises chosen, as well as how much rest you take
between sets. All must be maximized.

Critical Error #5: Not working the whole body with each workout. If you want to
see the best results, why neglect a certain body part? That's silly. Full body
workouts are where it's at.

How many of these mistakes are you making?

Okay, so now you know what you're doing wrong, it's time to start learning how to do it

If you want to see absolutely remarkable, knock-your-socks-off progress – I'm talking

the type of progress where you walk into a room and people don't even recognize you

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any more you look so good, then you are going to want to go right now and pick up gift
#2 in this sequence. Visit

Get Part 2 at

I would highly recommend that you follow the info in gift #2: “5 Ways To Instantly
Improve ANY Workout By Over 300%” if you want to take your progress to the top

After all, why on earth would you put in all the time to read through this without
implementing the changes that are going to stop the insanity of getting zero results?

It would be silly – stupid even. I know you aren't stupid and I know you want to see the
best results.

So immediately go and get gift #2 so you don't miss out on this important information.
We don't want you to forget about this and put it off – you must do it now.

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The Revolutionary Explode Workout System will be

Released on May 25th to May 27th for a 3-day special event

It is the MOST powerful training style EVER created that is

guaranteed to get you lean in a very short period of time.

Since you were recommended by someone else, you

automatically get the pre-sale discount price during the

3-Day Launch Event.

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About The Author: Arnel Ricafranca

Arnel Lost 10 lbs from 14.6% to 4.7% body fat in 16 weeks.

Arnel Ricafranca entered the fitness scene during the first time that he did his own body
transformation and posted it online for the world to see. Millions of people watched his
body transformation while inspiring them to do the same thing.

He has helped millions of people get in shape with his unique training style. For the first
time ever, he is releasing his latest training system that has been introduced to his
personal clients paying him over $100 per hour.

He has a degree in Exercise Science with multiple certifications under his belt with one
main mission: To provide you with the most effective workout system to accelerate fat
loss through real research and real-life testing.

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