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Program Name

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Exam Final Term ( Fall 2017)

Semester 1st

Program Name BS Zoology

Section Name ----------------------------------------

Course Name Principles of Animal Life - I

(practical paper)
Course Code

Credit Hour 01

Course Instructor ----------------------------------------

Total Marks 50

Time Allowed 180 Minutes

Student Name:

Registration No.
Section I
Time Allowed: 150 Minutes Max. Marks: 40
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions
Question No .1 15
Test the given solution for the presence or absence of carbohydrates, protein or lipids
 Apparatus handling 3
 Performance 5
 Written presentation
a) Preliminary test 3
b) Confirmatory tests 4

Question No .2 15
Identify A, and B, give reason of identification also draw and label the diagram, write ecological notes
on specimen C and D
 Identification of A and B:
o Identification 2
o Reason for identification 4
o Diagram 2
 Ecological notes of specimen C and D:
o Identification 2
o Habit and habitat 2
o Characteristics 3
Question No .3 15
Demonstrate protein digestion by pepsin
 Apparatus handling 2
 Performance 3
 Written :
o Material and method 4
o Results 4
o Conclusion 2

Question No.4 viva voce 10

Section II
Time Allowed: 30 Minutes Max. Marks: 10
Note: (For Instructors: Design first 5 MCQ’S related to experiment # 1, the next 5 related to
experiment # 2 and the last 5 for experiment # 3. Student will attempt any two pairs of 5 MCQ’S
of those experiments which they are performing.)

Q. 5 Encircle the most appropriate answer (5 marks)

i. Which macromolecules are usually hydrophobic and include fats, oils, and sterols?
a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) lipids
d) nucleic acids

ii. What describes molecules that play many key roles in building of proteins and can act
as enzymes?
a) Phospholipids
b) Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
c) Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
d) Waxes

iii. Which macromolecules are usually hydrophobic and include sterols?

a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) lipids
d) nucleic acids

iv. Which of the following is a monosaccharide

a) sucrose
b) Maltose
c) Starch
d) Dihydroxyacetone

v. __________ are naturally occurring, lipid soluble molecules composed of 4 fused rings
that provide a somewhat rigid structure
a) Phospholipid
b) Triacylglycerol
c) Steroids
d) Amino acids
Q. 6 Encircle the most appropriate answer (5 marks)
i. ___________________ tissues excrete, transport , excrete, protect and help in sensory
a) Connective tissue
b) Epithelial tissue
c) Nervous tissue
d) Muscle tissue
ii. ________________ epithelium consist of a single layer of elongated cells and lines the
digestive tract
a) Cuboidal
b) Columnar
c) Pseudostratified columnar
d) Squamous

iii. Tendons and ligaments are the example of

a) Fibrous connective tissue
b) muscle tissue
c) Loose connective tissue
d) Epithelial tissue

iv. The sheet of tightly packed cells is called

a) Connective tissue
b) Nerve tissue
c) Epithelial tissue
d) Muscle tissue

v. Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen is the characteristic of which of the
following phylum
a) Annelida
b) Mollusca
c) Arthropoda
d) Echinodermata
Q.7 Encircle the most appropriate answer (5 marks)
i. The denaturation of enzyme due to ionization is the effect of change in
a) pH
b) temperature
c) substrate concentration
d) enzyme concentration

ii. Which of the following enzyme works in intestine

a) trypsin
b) pepsin
c) amylase
d) all of the above
iii. Ribozyme is an enzyme, composed of
a) DNA
b) RNA
c) Protein
d) Lipid

iv. In some instances, two protein chains join to form a large protein, the shape of which is
a) Primary structure
b) Secondary structure
c) Tertiary structure
d) Quaternary structure

v. Pepsin is responsible for the digestion of proteins and is secreted in the form of
pepsinogen by ____________ cell
a) Chief cells
b) Mucous cells
c) Zymogen cells
d) Goblet cells

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