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DLP No.: 1 Learning Area: PHYSICAL Grade Level: 10 Quarter: Duration: 1 day
Learning  Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits Code:
Competency/ ies:  Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes PE10PF-IIa-h-35
a day in and out of School PE10PF-IIc-h-41

Key Concepts/
Understandings to Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Understands the importance of physical activity, exercise and eating habits to promote fitness
Skills Ability in performing the desired exercise to get fit.
Attitudes Discipline in doing the physical activity, exercise and eating habits to get fit
Values Discipline in doing the physical activity, exercise and eating habits to get fit
2. Content/ Topic Lifestyle and Weight Management (active recreation (fitness))
3. Learning
Resources/ Powerpoint presentation, Videos, Cartilina/ Manila paper, Pentel pen, Laptop, Projector/TV
4. Procedures
4.1. Introductory Pre-Assessment
Activity (5 mins.) Student will answer the pre-assessment on pages 53 – 55. (Physical Education and Health).
Fitness Survey
In this activity, you will be asked to reflect on your fitness habits.
To describe your health and fitness habits and how it can affect your lifestyle.
4.2. Activity 1. Reflect on the different physical activities you have participated in during the past years of
(5 mins) your life
2. Using the questionnaire on pages 56 – 57, put a check mark on the appropriate column.
3. Tally the number of YES and NO ANSWERS. Discuss in class why you answered a YES
or a NO.
Reflective question:
1. How do you feel about the different activities you are engaged in?
2. What influences your choice of physical activity?
3. What challenges do you encounter in performing the activities?
4. How do these activities affect you and your lifestyle?
5. How do you benefit from engaging in these activities?
Start being FIT – Stretch it out
In this activity, you will perform basic stretching and warm-up exercises to condition your body in
4.3. Analysis performing a variety of fitness activities. (Follow the activity on page 57 – 60).
(10 mins.) Reflective Question:
1. How did you perform the different warm-up and stretching exercises?
2. What are the benefits of warm-up and stretching exercises?
Strength Training and Its Many Myths
- To know the truth about the different myths on strength training
- Discuss and explain the myths associated with weight and strength training.
4.4. Abstraction - Follow the procedure on page 86.
(10 mins.) Reflective Questions:
1. What truth did you discover about the myths on weight and strength training?
2. Will you still continue engaging in strength or weight training programs even when you
grow old? Why?
Activity: The Novice Challenge: Strength Training Without weights.
- To assess your muscular strength and observe the importance of proper execution of
exercises for safety
4.5. Application - Follow the procedure on page 84 – 85
(20 mins.) Reflective Questions:
1. Are these exercises beneficial in improving your muscular strength? What other exercises
or activities can you suggest in order to maintain your level of fitness?
2. Did monitoring your exercises help you keep track of your progress? Why?
Hataw Wellness Program
This activity gives an opportunity for students to acquire a physically fit body through
dancing that serve as a warm – up exercise.
5. Assessment Choreographed Hataw Exercises
Section: __________________

Criteria: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Execution(20 pts)

Level of Intensity
(15 pts)

Mastery (10 pts)

Timing (5 pts)

Total Score:

6. Assignment Research about YOGA, Its history and the benefit we can get on it.
7. Wrap- up/ Students will share their ideas with this questions:
Activity: 10  How do you feel about the physical activities you are engaged in?
minutes  What influences the choice of your physical activities?
 How would you assess your level of participation in the physical activities you are
 What do these activities require of you?
 What challenges do you encounter in performing/doing the activities?
 How do these activities affect you and your lifestyle?
 How do you benefit from engaging in these activities?
Prepared by:
Position/ Designation: TEACHER 1 Division: DANAO CITY
Contact Number: 09427952969 Email address:

DLP No.: 2 Learning Area: PHYSICAL Grade Level: 10 Quarter: Duration: 1 day
Learning  Determines risk factors for lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, heart Code:
Competency/ies: disease) PE10PF-IIa-36
 Applies correct techniques to minimize risk of injuries. PE10GS-IIc-h-4

Key Concepts/ Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal
Understandings to fitness.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identifies risk factors for lifestyle diseases
Skills Apply possible physical activity, exercises and eating habit to avoid risk factors for lifestyle activities
Attitudes Appreciate the importance of doing physical activity, exercise and eating habit to achieve a healthy
Values Appreciate the importance of doing physical activity, exercise and eating habit to achieve a healthy
2. Content/ Topic Lifestyle and Weight Management (active recreation (fitness)
3. Learning
Resources/ Powerpoint presentation, Cartilina/ Manila paper, Pentel pen, Laptop, Projector/TV
4. Procedures
Share to the class the real story of YANI’S experience. (page 65 Physical Education and
4.1. Introductory Assess your Behavior
Activity (5 mins.) 1. Are you satisfied with your current body composition (including body weight) and quality of life? If
not, are you willing to do something about it to properly resolve your problem?
2. Do you weigh yourself regularly and make adjustments in energy intake and physical activity
habits if your weight starts to slip upward.
Weight Loss Strategies
4.2. Activity Group sharing: Let the students discover how to lose weight follow activity on page 66 (Physical
(5 mins) Education and Health)
1. How many of the above strategies do you use to help maintain your recommended body weight?
2. Do you feel that any of these strategies specifically help you manage body weight more
effectively? If so, explain why?
What did you realize after learning the different weight loss strategies?
Weight Management? Measuring Progress
To Prepare and monitor behavioral changes for weight management. Follow the activity on page
4.3. Analysis 67 – 68 (Physical Education and Health)
(10 mins.) Discuss the Health Consequences of Excessive Body Weight and Eating Disorders on page 68 -
69 Physical Education and Health)
Word Association
4.4. Abstraction To understand the concept and importance of active recreation follow the activity on page 69-71
(10 mins.) Physical Education and Health
Discuss the importance of Leisure, play and recreation, benefits of recreational activities and the
good dose of exercise.
Walking for fitness and fun
To develop interest in walking as a good form of exercise in developing cardio-respiratory
endurance. Follow the activity on page 78 and 79 Physical Education and health
4.5. Application The teacher will share the tips to enjoy walking on page79/
(20 mins.) Reflective questions:
1. What did you notice about your heart rate? Do you think it is necessary to check your heart rate
after a walking or a running activity?
2. What are the benefits of walking and running activities to you?
3. What did you discover about your health after engaging in walking and running activities?
The Multi Challenge: Experience the Wonder of Yoga Exercises
In this activity, you will be given opportunities to learn basic movements and positions in
Yoga. Mastering the poses will help you strengthen and stretch your muscles, improve your
5. Assessment posture, and prevent workout injuries.
Share the benefits of Yoga exercises.
Perform the different basic yoga poses properly to avoid muscle injuries. Follow the procedure
on page 87 – 90 Physical Education and Health.
Criteria: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Execution(20 pts)

Level of Intensity
(15 pts)

Mastery (10 pts)

Timing (5 pts)

Total Score:

6. Assignment Research about the history of hip-hop and the benefits in performing it.
7. Wrap- up/ 1. How well did you perform the different yoga poses? Did you feel the strengthening of your
Concluding muscles?
Activity 10 minutes 2. Will you recommend yoga to your family and friends as a good from of slow dynamic and static
exercise? Why?
3. What benefits can you gain as you engage yourself in doing basic yoga movements?

Prepared by:
Position/ Designation: TEACHER 1 Division: DANAO CITY
Contact Number: 09427952969 Email address:

DLP No.: 3 Learning Area: PHYSICAL Grade Level: 10 Quarter: Duration: 1 day
Learning  analyzes the effects of media and technology on fitness and physical Code:
Competency/ies: activity PE10PF-IIb-42
 Critique media information on fitness and physical activity issues PE10PF-IIb-43
Key Concepts/
Understandings to Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the effects of media information on fitness and physical activity issues
Skills Demonstrate media information on fitness and physical activity issues.
Attitudes Sincerity in doing the media information on fitness and physical activity
Values Sincerity in doing the media information on fitness and physical activity
2. Content/ Topic Lifestyle and Weight Management (physical activity and eating habits)
3. Learning
Resources/ Videos, Cartilina/ Manila paper, Pentel pen, Laptop, Projector/TV
4. Procedures
This is an opportunity to discuss and clarify the importance of critiquing media and technology
4.1. Introductory regarding physical activity and nutrition.
Activity (5 mins.) To describe the importance of critiquing media and technology related to physical activity and
eating habits.
- In what way does media able to influence the people with regards to physical activity and
eating habits?
Watch a video about (advertisement, as a consumer and a health professional)
4.2. Activity Media and technology can greatly influence the choices individuals make about their
(5 mins) health, particularly their eating habits and participation in physical activity. You must be aware of the
power of advertisements and how they affect you. You may be surprised to find out that a lot of your
attitudes, beliefs, and practices have to do with what you see on TV, in advertisements, and what
you hear from others.
1. Based on your prior knowledge about physical activity and nutrition practices, what can you say
4.3. Analysis about the advertisements?
(10 mins.) 2. What is the literal and implied message of the advertisement? Who is the target audience?
3. Is it an effective advertisement?
1. Explain the exercise and recreational program that you have undertaken for the entire school
year, express your feelings about the outcomes of the program and how well you accomplished
your fitness goals.
4.4. Abstraction 2. List nutrition or dietary changes that you were able to implement and the effects of these
(10 mins.) changes on your body composition and personal wellness
3. Briefly evaluate the activities presented in this module and its impact on the quality of your life.
Indicate what you feel will be needed for you to continue to adhere to an active and healthy lifestyle.
To perform simple hip-hop aerobic routine to improve cardio-vascular endurance
4.5. Application 1. Discuss the benefits of hip-hop aerobics.
(20 mins.) 2. Enumerate different dance genre that can be considered hip-hop in style.
3. Perform warm-up exercises before engaging in hip-hop aerobics.
4. Perform simple hip-hop steps from the book on page 92-93 for fun and fitness.


Criteria: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Execution(20 pts)
5. Assessment
Level of Intensity
(15 pts)

Mastery (10 pts)

Timing (5 pts)

Total Score:
Search on the importance and purpose by participating in physical activity-related community
6. Assignment services and programs. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
7. Wrap- up/ 1. Learners reveal their AHA’s creatively.
Concluding • In a circle formation, each one will share his/her realization about the topic.
Activity 10 minutes • Post their realization on the board.
• Write in strips of paper their newly learned things or realization.
2. Make sure that everybody will take part in the activity.
3. End the activity by highlighting common and unique ideas.
Prepared by:
Position/ Designation: TEACHER 1 Division: DANAO CITY
Contact Number: 09427952969 Email address:

DLP No.: 4 Learning Area: PHYSICAL Grade Level: 10 Quarter: Duration: 1 day
Learning Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in Code:
Competency/ies: physical activity related community services and programs. PE10PF-IIc-h-44

Key Concepts/
Understandings to Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Examine physical activity-related community services and programs
Skills Classify physical activity-related community services and programs
Attitudes Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related
community services and programs
Values Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related
community services and programs
2. Content/ Topic Lifestyle and Weight Management (physical activity and eating habits)
3. Learning
Resources/ Videos, Cartilina/ Manila paper, Pentel pen, Laptop, Projector/TV
4. Procedures
Complete Me.
In this activity, your knowledge will be assessed through the statements that you have completed
4.1. Introductory below. You are encouraged to come up with our own ideas based on your understanding of the fitness
Activity (5 mins.) concepts from the previous lessons and activities.

Copy the following worksheet in your notebook on page 99.

Apply whatever things you have learned about the lessons on active recreation. Your understanding
4.2. Activity of the lesson will be measured by your ability to provide concrete results or evidence of your learning.
(5 mins) This activity will assess and describe your health and fitness activities and practices.
Answer the activity on page 100.
Answer the following question and place it in your notebook.
1. What did you discover about your own health choices and involvement in physical activity?
4.3. Analysis 2. What do you plan to do with what you discovered? Why?
(10 mins.) 3. How can the concepts and principles of active recreation and fitness you have learned help you
achieve a lifelong wellness?
Explain the importance of being physically active, and the causes and effects of a sedentary
4.4. Abstraction lifestyle to you teenagers like you.
(10 mins.) - Bring out a whole sheet of paper. In three to five paragraphs
Community Outreach Program
You will now extend your fitness commitment to the community as required. Teachers will assist
you in realizing your goals in this activity.
4.5. Application Goal : Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the
(20 mins.) school community
Role : Fitness Recreation Manager
Audience : School Community
Situation : An inter-class aerobic dance competition is initiated by MAPEH Department in
reinforcement of the fitness program of the school. They need a PE or fitness
instructor to guide them in their preparations.
Product : a polished aerobic dance routine ready for presentation for the inter-class aerobic
dance competition.
Standard : your work will be rated according to the following criteria:
- teamwork (sense of community)
- proficiency and display of high level fitness
- creativity and resourcefulness
For the guide in this activity, follow pages 101 – 102.

Criteria Excellent (4-5) Good (2-3) Below Score

5. Assessment Expectation (1)

The program The program The program does

definitely shows somehow shows not show the
the basic the basic basic importance
importance of importance of
fitness for the fitness for the of fitness for the
community community community

The program is The program is The program can

easy to easy to hardly be
follow/execute, follow/execute follow/execute
artistic and neatly
Teamwork It is very evident It is somehow It is not evident in
in the output. evident in the the output.


6. Assignment In a 1 whole sheet of paper. Write something about yourself 3 years from now while pursuing your
healthy lifestyle activities.
7. Wrap- up/ 1. Learners reveal their AHA’s creatively.
Concluding • In a circle formation, each one will share his/her realization about the topic.
Activity 10 minutes • Post their realization on the board.
• Write in strips of paper their newly learned things or realization.
2. Make sure that everybody will take part in the activity.
3. End the activity by highlighting common and unique ideas.
Prepared by:
Position/ Designation: TEACHER 1 Division: DANAO CITY
Contact Number: 09427952969 Email address:

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