Concreto Pretensado-NAWY - Cap 13

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Tbe earth crust is composed of severa! layers of hard "tectonic" plates, called litho-
spheres, wbich float on tbe soíter, underpinning, fluid medium caUed mande. Tbese
plates or rock masses, when fractured, form fault fines. Tbe adjoining plates or rock
rnasses are prevented by the interacting frictional forces from moving past one another
most of the time. However, when this frictional ultimate resistance is reached because of
the continuous motion of the underlying fluid, any two plates can impact on one another,
generating seismic waves that can cause large horizontal and vertical ground motions.
Tbese ground motions translate into inertia forces in structures.
Toe length and width of a fault are interrelated to the magnitude of the earthquake.
The fault is the cause rather than the result of tbe earthquake. A fault can cause an earth­
quake due to tbe following reasons (Ref. 13.5):

l. Cumulative strain in the fault over a long period of time reacbes the rupture level.
2. Slip of the tecton.ic plates at tbe fault zones causes a rebound, as in Fig. 13.l(a).

Northridge, California, 1994 earthquake structural failure. (Courtesy, Dr. Murat Saatcioglu.)

13. 1 lntroduction: Mechanism of Earthquakes 825

Photo 13.1 311 S. Wacker Street, Chicago. 12,000 concrete (Courtesy Portland
Cement Association.)

3. Sudden push and puJI forces at the fauJt lead to reverse moment couples, as in Fig.
13.l(b). The moment caused by these couples as a measure of eartbquake size can
be termed the seismic moments. Toe magnitude is equaJ to rock rigidity x fauJt area
x amount of slip. Tbe range of slip velocity in such faults as the San Andreas Fault
in California is 30 to 100 mm per year. On this basis, a slippage or horizontal motion
of 3 m al sucb faults in one single earthquake is expected to occur at intervals of 30
to 100 years,

(al (b)

Figure 13.1 Mechanism of earthquakes: (a) slip of tectonic plates; (b) reverse
moment couples.
826 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Photo 13.2 Bridge girder collapse in the San Francisco 1989 earthquake. (Cour-
tesy Portland Cemenl Association.)

Earthquakes may be characterized by tbree categories: low, moderate, and high in-
tensity. The intensity is govemed by grouod motion accelerations, represented by re­
sponse spectra and coefficients derived from sucb spectra. A structure is expected to
respond essentially elastically to low­intensity earthquakes. In such a case, the stresses
are expected to remain within tbe elastic range, with a slight possibility of developing lim­
ited inelasticity witb no appreciable structural or non­structural damage. Structural re­
sponse is expected to be inelastic under high­intensity eartbquakes having an intensity of
5 or higher on the Richter scale and in regions close to tbe epiceoter. For the design of
structures in seismic zooes. two methods are presented in tbe IBC 2009 code, the spectral
response method and the equivalent lateral force method. The latter has certain limita­
tions that will be discussed later.
A detailed discussion of tbe subject of earthquakes is beyond the scope of this book
since the primary airo of this cbapter is tbe proportioning of seismic resistant components
of concrete structures. However, sorne of the basic underlying cbaracteristics are impor­
tant to cover. Tbey are intended to help define the magnitude of the lateral seisrnic base
shear forces tbat determine the geometry and forro of the eartbquake resisting compo­
nents of a structure. namely. the lateral force resisting system (LFRS).
Such a system has two components: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal ele­
ments are the components that resist the seismic forces. They can be diapbragms. cou­
pling beams. and sbear walls. Toe vertical component comprises the walls and vertical
frames of tbe structure.

13.1.1 Earthquake Ground Motion Characteristics

Grouod motion, caused by seismic trernors, involves acceleration, velocity, and displace­
ment. These are in the majority amplified. thereby producing forces and displacemeots,
which can exceed tbose which tbe structure is able to sustain (Ref. 13.13). The máximum
value of the ground motion magnitude, namely, the peak grouod velocity. peak ground
13.1 lntroduction: Mechanism of Earthquakes 827

acceleration and peak ground displacement become the principal parameters in the seis­
mic design of structures.
Additional factors also affect the response of a structure. They include frequency,
amplitude of motion, shaking duration, and site soil characteristics. These can ali be rep­
resented by a response spectrum which idealizes a structure into a dampened, single de­
gree of freedom system (SDF) oscillating at various periods and frequencies. The
maximum vibration magnitude reached during any time duration after the base ground
motion is its spectral value.

13.1.2 Fundamental Period of Vibration

The basic natural period T of a simple one­degree­of­freedom system is the time re­
quired to complete one whole cycle during dynamic loading. In other words, it is the time
required for a phase angle wt to travel from O to 2ir, where w is the angular frequency of
the system. Hence wt = Zrr, leading to the expression

T 2: = 21r(:r2
= (13.1)

where m = mass of system

k = spring constant and damping is not considered

Most reinforced concrete structures are multidegrees­of­freedorn systems, as in Fig.

13.2. In this case the structural mass can be assumed to be concentrated in the vertical
spring element at the floor level, resulting in multiple modes with frequencies (periods)
for each mode. The compound natural period T is then evaluated with due consideration
given to the distribution of mass and stiffness. Codes require that T be established using
the structural properties and deformation characteristics of the resisting elements in a
properly substantiated analysis using expressions such as those given by the International
Building Code­IBC 2009 (Ref. 13.2), or The Uniform Building Code (Ref. 13.3) inte­
grated into the IBC provisions.
Since a structure is composed of a series of single degrees of freedom components
subjected to the same base motion, a series of maximum values related to the SDF sys­
tem's fundamental periods, T, would ensue. These, in turn, form a spectral curve for that
base ground motion. By knowing the base motion, the SDF fundamental period and the
percent critical damping, one can obtain from the applicable curve the maximum acceler­
ation, velocity, and displacement relative to the base (Ref. 13.14). Evidently, computer

h h¡

Base shear V

Figure 13.2 Modeling multistory structures.

828 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Photo 13.3 Northridge, California, 1994 earthquake structural failure. (Courtesy

Dr. Murat Saatcioglu.)

use is needed to obtain a complete spectraJ response of the multi­degree state of a

lt sbould be recognized that a structure is designed to resist earthquake motion
such that it is able to sustain and survive the earthquake Lhrough large inelastic deforma­
tions and energy dissipation tbrougb cracking and limited local material failure, but with­
out loss of stability. It would be highly uneconomicaJ to design the lateral force resisting
system to the earthquake forces such that the structure deforms only elastically as a re­
sult of these forces. The codes have this as a basic philosophy particularly tor majar
earthquakes in which sorne structuraJ damage can result.

13.1.3 Design Philosophy

Toe lntemationaJ Building Code (IBC 2009. Ref 13.2) on seismic design consolidates the
three majar existing regional codes into one majar document that is now universally
adopted covering the work of the following regional codes:

l. Building Officials Code Administration Intemational (BOCA)

2. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): Uniform Building Code
3. Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI)

Underlying its seismology design provisions are:

13.2 Spectral Response Method 829

l. Recommended design levels related to effective peak accelerations that can resist
minar earthquakes without damage, moderate earthquakes without structural dam­
age, and majar earthquakes in which sorne structural damage can result.
2. Minimum design criteria for all types of buildings, low and high rise, with and with­
out shear walls.
3. Spectral response values for various ground motion intensities, mainly within the
elastic range.
4. Provide design criteria for lateral ground motion, unidirectional and bi­directional,
addressing them one at a time.
5. Limit the story drift and displacement magnitudes of the building structures within
acceptable ranges, through control of stiffness of components and shear walls, di­
aphragms, and coupling beams.


13.2.1 Spectral Response AccelerationMaps

As discussed in Ref. 13.15, prior to the Northridge and Kobe earthquakes, the Uniform
Building Code (UBC) provisions performed satisfactorily in the United States in past
earthquakes. The failures in these two cases were determined to be due to "related con­
figurations of the structural systems, inadequate connection detailing, incompatibility of
deformations and design or construction deficiencies. They were not due to deficiency in
strength (Structural Engineers Association of California, 1995).
The UBC provisions incorporated in the Intemational Building Code (IBC) are
based on consideration of the site conditions of the structure and the application of max­
imum considered earthquake ground motion maps for site class B, prepared by the
United States Geological Survey (USGS). The equivalent maximum considered earth­
quake ground motion values for the ceiling were determined to be 1.50 g for the short pe­
riod and 0.60 g for the long period (Ref. 13.15).
The high seismicity regions, where the maximum considered earthquake ground
motion values are greater than 0.75 g for the 1.0 sec, peak acceleration additional re­
quirements are imposed on irregular structures exceeding five stories in height and a pe­
riod T in excess of 0.5 sec, such as increasing the ground motion spectral acceleration
values by 50 percent. The USGS large­scale maps for the 1.0 sec and the 0.2 sec levels of
spectral response acceleration, site­B class, and 5 percent critical damping are condensed
and abridged in Figs. 13.3(a) and (b) for general guidance. They show the relative values
of the peak spectral response accelerations at the two ground motion levels of 0.2 and 1.0
sec. Values have to be extrapolated linearly from the USGS large­scale maps for use in
the seismic design of structures.

13.2.2 Seismic Design Parameters

Both the spectral response method and the equivalent lateral force method are based on
the same code principies and formulations presented in this chapter. Sites are classified
into six categories A, B, C, D, E, and Fas shown in Table 13.1 on site properties.
Ground motion accelerations and the maximum considered earthquake spectral re­
sponse acceleration are considered at 1.0 sec period (S1) and at short periods (Ss) such as
0.2 sec obtained from seismic contour maps discussed in Section 13.2.1.
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832 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Table 13.1 Site Class Definitions and Classifications

Average Properties in Top 100Ft (30 m), As in Section 1615.1.5

Site Soil Profile Soil Shear Wave Standard Penetratlon Soil Unconfined Shear Strength
Class Name Velocity, V81 (ft/S) Resistance, N Su(PSF)

A Hard rock vs > 5,000 not applicable not applicable

B rock 2,500 :S: v.s 5,000 not applicable not applicable
e Very dense
soil and 1,200 s V,. ::;; 2,500 N>50 Su> 2,000
soft Rock
D Stiff soil profile 600 :S: vs s 2,500 15 :S:N:S:50 1,000 s Su s 2,000
E Soft soil profile vs < 600 N< 15 Su<l,000
E Any profile with more than 10 ft of soil having the following characteristics:
­plasticity index PI > 20;
­moisture content w > 40% and
­unconfined shear strength Su< 500 psf
F Any profile containing soil having one or more of the following characteristics:
l. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such as
liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils.
2. Peats and/or highly organic clays (H > 10 ft of peat and/or highly organic clay
where H = thickness of soil)
3. Very high plasticity clays (H > 25 ft with plasticity index PI> 75)
4. Very thick soft/medium stiff clays (H > 120 ft)
For Sl: 1 ft/sec = 304.8 mm/sec; 1 psf = 0.0479 kP; 1 ft. = 305 mm.
Steps and expressions for classifying and determining their values are detailed in Ref. 13.2
SMs = FaSs (13.2a)
SMI = FvSI (13.2b)
Fª = Site coefficient from Table 13.2a
F; = Site coefficient from Table 13.2b
S5 = Mapped spectral acceleration for short periods (See Ref. 13.2 for map con­
tour values)
S1 = Mapped spectral acceleration for 1.0­sec periods (See Ref. 13.2 for map con­
tour values)

Table 13.2(a) Values of Site Coefficient Fa as a Function of Site Class and Mapped Spectral
Response Acceleration at Short Periods ( S5)

Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Periods

Site Class SS:::; 0.25 S8= 0.50 S8= 0.75 S8= 1.00 SS 2:: 1.25

A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
e 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
F Note b Note b Note b Note b Note b
13.2 Spectral Response Method 833

Table 13.2(b) Values of Site Coefficient Fvas a Function of Site Class and Mapped Spectral
Response Acceleration at 1.0 Sec Periods (S1)

Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0-Sec Periods

Site Class S1 ~ 0.1 S1 =0.2 S1 =0.3 S1 =0.4 S1 ~0.5

A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
e 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4
F Note b Note b Noteb Note b Noteb
NOTES: a­Straight line interpolation for intermediate values are to be made.
b­Site geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses are to be performed

The design spectral response accelerations at short periods (55) and at 1 sec (51) are
to be adjusted for site class effect (SMs) at short periods and (SM1) for 1 sec based on
Table 13.1 in conjunction with Tables 13.2(a) and 13.2(b) for síte coeffícíents.
The maximum considered earthquake spectral response for short and one second
periods are respectively defined by the following expressions where for 5 percent
damped design, the spectral response acceleration becomes:



13.2.3 Earthquake Design Load Classificationsand Seismic Categories

Structures in seismic areas have to be classified in separate categories than those that are
subjected to low or negligíble seismic loads. Regardless of the períod of víbration of the
structure they are classified as in tables 13.3 (a) and 13.3 (b) for short períod response ac­
celeration and 1­second response acceleration respectively.
The IBC 2009 assigns four seísmic occupancy categories, 1, 11, 111, and IV. They are
defíned by the magnitude of the seísmic response acceleration, namely, the short period
response Svs of 0.2 seconds and the l­second period response Svi· Tables 13.3 (a) and
13.3 (b) list the design categories A, B, C, and D corresponding to the Svs and Sm levels.
The Code stipulates that Occupancy Category 1, 11, or 111 structures located where the
map spectral response acceleration parameter at l­second períod, SDJ, is greater than or
equal to 0.75, that structure should be assigned Seismic Design Category E. Occupancy

Table 13.3(a) Seismic Design Category

Based on Short Period Response Accelerations

Occupancy Category
Value of S05
I or II 111 IV

S05 < 0.167g A A A

0.167g s S0s < 0.33g B B e
0.33 g s SOS < 0.50g e e D
0.50 g ~ S0s D D D
834 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Table 13.3(b) Seismic Design Category

Based on 1 Second Period Response Accelerations

Occupancy Category
Value of 501
I or II 111 IV

Sm < 0.067g A A A
0.067g :5 Sm < 0.133g B B e
0.133 g s Sv1 < 0.20g e e D
0.20 g :5 SDl D D D

Category IV structures located where the mapped spectral response acceleration para­
meter at 1­second period Sm, is greater than or equal to 0.75, the structure should be as­
signed to Seismic design Category F.
All other structures should be assigned to a seismic design category based on their
occupancy category and the design spectral response coefficients S os and S zn as defined
in Equations 13.3 (a) and (b) or the site­specific procedures of ASCE 7. But each struc­
ture should be assigned to more severe seismic category in accordance with Tables 13.3
(a) or 13.3 (b) irrespective of the fundamental period of vibration, T.
To amplify, there are exceptions that allow for the Seismic Design Category to be
determined from Table 13.3 (a) alone. In order to use this exception, S1 must be less than
0.75 and all of the following requirements have to be met (Ref. 13.13).

l. The approximate fundamental period of vibration, Ta, as determined by Equation

13.13 in each of the two orthogonal directions is less than 0.8 T5, where T5 = Sm!Svs·
2. The fundamental period of the structure that is used to calculate the story drift in
the two orthogonal directions is less than T5.
3. The seismic response coefficient, C5, is determined by Equation 13.9.
4. The diaphragms are rigid, or where diaphragms are considered flexible, the spacing
between vertical elements of the lateral force­resisting system does not exceed forty

The FEMA 302 Parts 1 and 2 defined seismic regions as follows in Ref. 13.15:

Region 1-Regions of Negligible Seismicity with Very Low Probability of Collapse

ofthe Structure (No Spectral Values)
Region definition: Regions for which S5 < 0.25 g and S1 < 0.10 g.
Design values: No spectral ground motion values required. Use a mini­
mum lateral force level of 1 percent of the dead load for
seismic design Category A.

Region 2-Regions of Low and Moderate to High Seismicity (Probabilistic Map

Region definition: Regions for which 0.25 g < S5 < 1.5 g and 0.25 g < S1
< 0.60 g.
Maximum considered earthquake map values: Use S5 and S1 map val­
Transitionbetween Regions 2 and 3­Use values of S5 = 1.5 g and
S1 = 0.60 g.
13.2 Spectral Response Method 835

Region 3-Regions of High Seismicity Near Known Faults (Deterministic Values)

Regional definition: Regions for which 1.5 g < Ss and 0.60 g < S1.

The structural analysis based on the worst load combinations should be the basis
for determining the seismic forces E for combined gravity and seismic load effects when
they are additive and the maximum seismic load effect Em. The value of E and Em are de­
termined from the following expressions detailed in Ref, 13.2 for additive seismic force
and dead load:
E= pQE + 0.2 SnsD (13.4a)
E = il Qe
0 + 0.2 SnsD (13.4b)
For counteracting seismic forces and dead load:

E= pQE - 0.2 SnsD (13.5a)

E= il0Qe - 0.2 SnsD (13.Sb)
where, E = combined effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake­induced forces
p = reliability factor based on system redundancy = 1.0 for categories A, B,
QE = effect of horizontal seismic forces
S ns = spectral response acceleration at short periods obtained from IBC Sec.
0,0 = system over­strength factor given in Table 13.4
D = effect of dead load

13.2.4 Redundancy
A redundancy coefficient p has to be assigned to all structures based on the extent of
structural redundancy inherent in the lateral force resisting system. For structures in seis­
mic design categories A, B, and C, the value of the redundancy coefficient p is to be
taken as 1.0. For structures in seismic design categories D, E, and F, the redundancy coef­
ficient p has to be taken as the largest of the values Pi computed at each story level "i" of
the structure in accordance with the expression
P1 = 2­ ­­­­ (13.6a)
In SI Units, the expression becomes
Pt =2­­­­­ (13.6b)

r max i = ratio of the design story shear resisted by the most heavily loaded single
element in the story to the total story shear for a given loading condition,
A; = Floor area in square feet (m2) of the diaphragm level immediately above
the story

The value of p cannot be less than 1.0 and need not exceed 1.5.

13.2.5 General Procedure Response Spectrum

The design response can be idealized by the fundamental period­response acceleration
relationship shown in Fig. 13.4 for three fundamental period levels.
Table 13.4 Design Coefficients and Factors for Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting Systems
(abridged from Ref. 13.4)



A&B e Dd Eº F'
Bearing Wall System

Special reinforced concrete shear walls 5 2.5 5 NL NL 160 160 100

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 4 2.5 4 NL NL NP NP NP
Detailed plain concrete shear walls 2 2.5 2 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary plan concrete shear walls 1.5 2.5 1.5 NL NP NP NP NP
Ordinary precast shear wall 3 2.5 3 NL NP NP NP ND

BuildingFrame System

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 5 2.5 4.5 NL NL NP NP NP

Detailed plain concrete shear walls 2 2.5 2.5 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary plain concrete shear walls rn 2.5 ]~ NL NP NP NP NP
Indeterminate precast shear wall 5 2.5 4~ NL NL 40 40 40

Moment ResistantFrames

Special reinforced concrete moment

frames 8 3 5.5 NL NL NL NL NL
Intermediate reinforced concrete moment
frames 5 3 4.5 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced concrete moment
frames 3 3 2.5 NLh NP NP NP NP

Dual System with Special Moment Frames

Special reinforced concrete shear wall 7 2.5 5~ NL NL NL NL NL

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear wall 6 2.5 5 NL NL NP NP NP
Special reinforced masonry wall 5~ 3 5

Dual System with lntermediateMoment Frames

Special reinforced concrete shear wall 6~ 2.5 5 NL NL 160 100 100

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear wall 5.5 2.5 4.5 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced masonry shear wall 3 3 2~ NL 160 NP NP NP
Shear Wall­Frame interactive system
with ordinary reinforced concrete
moment frames and ordinary
reinforced concrete shear walls 4~ 2.5 4 NL NP NP NP NP

For SI, 1 ft = 305 mm

ªResponse modification coefficient R, for use throughout
"Deñection amplification factor, C¿
cNL = not limited and NP = not permitted
ctlimited to buildings with a height of 240 ft or less.
"limited to buildings with a height of 160 ft or less.
'Ordinary moment frame is permitted to be used in lieu of Intermediate moment frame in Seismic Design Categories B, and C.
gThe tabulated value of the overstrength factor, 00 may be reduced by subtracting ! for structures with flexible diaphragms but shall
not be taken as less than 2.0 for any structure.
"Ordinary moment frames of reinforced concrete are not permitted as a part of the seismic­force­resisting system in Seismic Design
Category B structures founded on Site­Class E or F soils

13.3 Equivalent Lateral Force Method 837

Q) Sos-..---...¡
:;¡_ 1
Q) 1 Se= S0,IT
(J) 1
e 1
o 1

a:Q) So1 1
- - - - -¡- - - - -
1 1
~ 0.4 Sos 1
tíQ) 1 1
c.. 1 1
To Ts 1.0
Period T

Figure 13.4 Design response spectrum.

l. For periods in seconds less than or equal to T the design spectral response acceler­

ation Sª is determined from the following equation:

s, = 0.6 T T + 0.4 Sos (13.7a)
2. For periods greater than or equal to T0, and less than or equal to Ts, the design
spectral response acceleration Sa, is taken equal to S0.
3. For periods greater than Ts, the design spectral response acceleration, Sa, is deter­
mined from the expression:


Sos = the design spectral response acceleration at short periods
S 01 = the design spectral response acceleration at 1­sec periods
T = Fundamental period (in seconds) of the structure
T0 = 0.2 S01/S0s
T =So/Sos
The sites have to be classified for determining the shear wave velocity and the maximum
considered earthquake ground motion. Details are given in the IBC (Ref. 13.2) section


13.3.1 Horizontal Base Shear

In this method, a building is considered fixed at the base. Toe seismic base shear, V, in a
given direction is determined from the expression(Ref. 13.2):
V= Cs W (13.8)
Cs = seismic response coefficient
W = The effective seismic weight of the structure, including the total dead loads
and other loads listed herein:
838 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

l. In areas used for storage, a minimum of 25 percent of the reduced floor live load
(floor live load in public garages and open parking structures need not be in­
2. Where an allowance for partition load is included in the floor load design, the ac­
tual partition weight or a minimum weight of 10 psf (500 Pa/m2) of floor area,
whichever is greater.
3. Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
4. 20 percent of flat roof snow load where the flat roof snow load exceeds 30 psf.
Cs = (R/l) (13.9)

But C5 cannot exceed the value:


nor can it be taken less than:

Cs = 0.044 Svs (13.11)
Sos = Design spectral response acceleration at short period as determined in
Section 13.2.2
R = Response modification factor from Table 13.4
I = Occupancy importance factor from Table 13.5
T = fundamental period of building ( seconds)

For buildings and structures in seismic design categories E or F and in buildings and
structures for which the 'l­sec spectral response, S1 is equal to or greater than 0.6 g, the
value of the seismic coefficient C5 should not be taken less than:
Cs = R/ I (13.12)

The fundamental period T in the direction under consideration has to be deter­

mined by analysis based on the structural and deformational characteristics of the resist­
ing element. In lieu of an analysis, an approximate fundamental period Ta, in seconds,
can be used from the following expression:
C¡ = Building Period Coefficient
• 0.035 for moment resisting frame systems of steel in which the frames resist 100 per­
cent of the required seismic force and are not enclosed or adjoined by more rigid
components that will prevent the frames from deflecting when subjected to seismic
forces (the metric coefficient is 0.085)
• 0.030 for moment resisting frame systems of reinforced concrete in which the
frames resist 100 percent of the required seismic force and are not enclosed or ad­
joined by more rigid components that will prevent the frames from deflecting when
subjected to seismic forces (the metric coefficient is 0.073)
• 0.030 for eccentrically braced steel frames (the metric coefficient is 0.073)
• 0.020 for ali other building systems (the metric coefficient is 0.049)
hn = the height (ft or m) above the base to the highest level of the building.
13.3 Equivalent Lateral Force Method 839

Table 13.S(a) Occupancy of Buildings and other Structures for Floods, Wind, Snow, Earthquake and Ice Loads

Category Nature of Occupancy

1 Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure, includ­
ing, but not limited to:
• Agricultura! facilities
• Certain temporary facilities
• Minor storage facilities
11 Ali buildings and other structures except those listed in Occupancy Categories 1, 111, and IV
III Buildings and other structures that representa substantial hazard to human life in the event of
failure, including, but not limited to:
• Buildings or structures whose primary occupancy is public assembly with an occupant load
greater than 300.
• Buildings and other structures containing elementary school or day care facilities with an
occupant load greater than 250.
• Buildings and other structures containing adult education facilities, such as colleges and universi­
ties with an occupant load greater than 500.
• Group 1­2 occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or more resident patients but not having
surgery or emergency treatment facilities.
• Group I­3 occupancies.
• Any other occupancy with an occupant load greater than 5000ª.
• Power generating stations, water treatment facilities for potable water, waste water treatment
facilities and other public utilities facilities not included in occupancy category IV.
• Buildings and other structures not included in occupancy category IV containing sufficient
quantities of toxic or explosive substances to be dangerous to the public if released.
IV Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities, including, but not limited to:
• Group 1­2 occupancies having surgery or emergency treatment facilities.
• Fire, rescue, ambulance and police stations or emergency treatment facilities.
• Designated earthquake, hurricane or other emergency shelters.
• Designated emergency preparedness, communications, and operations centers and other
facilities required for emergency response.
• Power­generating stations and other public utility facilities required as emergency backup
facilities for Occupancy Category IV structures.
• Structures containing highly toxic materials as defined by Section 307 where the quantity of the
material exceeds the maximum allowable quantities of Table 307.1 (2) of Ref. 13.2.
• Aviation control towers, air traffic control centers and emergency aircraft hangers.
• Building and other structures having critica! national defense functions.
• Water storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain water pressure for fire
"Reference 13.2
840 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Table 13.S(b) lmportance Factors*

Occupancy Category

I or II 1.0
III 1.25
IV 1.5
* Reference 13.2

In cases where moment resisting frames do not exceed 12 stories in height and hav­
ing a minimum story height of 10 ft (3 m), an approximate period Tª in seconds in the fol­
lowing form can be used:
Tª = 0.1 N (13.14)
N = number of stories
The computed fundamental period, T, cannot exceed the product of the coefficient,
Cn, in Table 13.6 for the upper limit on the computed period times the approximate fun­
damental period, Tª.The base shear V is to be based on a fundamental period, T, in sec­
onds, of 1.2 times the coefficient for the upper limit on the calculated value, Cw taken
from Table 13.6 times the approximate fundamental period Tª.

13.3.2 Vertical Distributionof Forces

The lateral force F; (kips or kN) induced at any level can be determined from the follow­
ing expressions:



Cvx = vertical distribution factor
V = total design lateral force or shear at the base of the building (kips or kN),
W; and Wx = the portian of the total gravity load of the building, W, located or assigned
to level i or x
h¡ and hx = the height (ft or m) from the base to level i or x
k = a distribution exponent related to the building period as follows:

Table 13.6 Coefficient for Upper Limit On Computed Fundamental Period

Design Spectral Response Acceleration

at t­sec period, 501 Coefficient Cu

~ 0.4 1.2
0.3 1.3
0.2 1.4
0.15 1.5
:s 0.1 1.7
13.3 Equivalent Lateral Force Method 841

• For buildings having a period of 0.5 sec or less, k = 1

• For buildings having a period of 2.5 sec or more, k = 2
• for buildings having a period between 0.5 and 2.5 seconds, k shall be 2 or
shall be determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2

13.3.3 Horizontal Distributionof StoryShear Vx

The seismic design story horizontal shear in any story, Vx (kips or kN) should be deter­
mined from the following expression:


F; = the portian of the seismic base shear, V (kips or kN) introduced at leve! i.

13.3.4 Rigid and Flexible Diaphragms

(a) Rigid diaphragms: The seismic design story shear, Vx, has to be distributed to the
various vertical elements of the system in the story under consideration. This distri­
bution is to be based on the relative stiffness of the vertical resisting elements and
the diaphragms.
(b) Flexible Diaphragms: The seismic design story shear, Vx, in this case has to be dis­
tributed to the various vertical elements based on the tributary area of the di­
aphragms to each line of resistance. The vertical elements of the lateral force
resisting system can be considered to be in the same line of resistance, if the maxi­
mum out of plane offset between such elements in less than 5 percent of the build­
ing's dimension perpendicular to the direction of the lateral load.

13.3.5 Torsion
If the diaphragms are not flexible, the design has to include the torsional moment M1
(Kip­ft or kN­m) resulting from the difference in location between the center of mass and
the center of stiffness. Dynamic amplification of torsion for structures in seismic design
category C, D, E or F has to be accounted for by multiplying the torsional moments by a
torsional amplification factor presented in Ref. 13.2, Sec. 1613.5.3.

13.3.6 Story Drift and the P-Delta Effect

(a) Drift: The design story drift, Ll, is computed as the difference between the deflections
of the center of mass at the top and bottom of the story being considered. If allowable
stress design is used Ll is computed using earthquake forces without dividing by 1.4.
The deflection of level X is to be determined from the following expression,
s, = -J- (13.17)

Cd = Deflection amplification factor (Table 13.4)
ox = Deflections (in. or mm) determined by an elastic analysis of the seis­
mic forces resisting system.
I = Occupancy importance factor (Table 13.5)

The design story drift, Ll, has to be increased by an incremental factor relating to the
P­delta effects. The redundancy coefficient, p, in the case of drift should be taken as 1.0.
842 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

(b) P-delta effects: The P­delta effects can be disregarded if the stability coefficient, e,
from the following expression is equal or less than 0.10,

vs;c. (13.18)

P; = The total unfactored vertical design load at and above Level x (kip or
kN); when computing the vertical design load far purposes of deter­
mining P­delta, the individual load factors need not exceed 1.0
Ll = The design story drift (in. or mm) occurring simultaneously with Vx
Vx = The seismic shear force (kip of kN) acting between level x and x - 1
n; = The story height (ft or m) below leve! x
Cd = The deflection amplification factor in Table 13.4.

The stability coefficient, e, shall not exceed emax determined as follows:

emax = ­e ::;; 0.25
13 = The radio of shear demand to shear capacity far the story between leve!
x and x - l. Where the ratio 13 is not calculated, a value of 13 = 1.0 shall
be used.

When the stability coefficient, 0, is greater than 0.10 but less than or equal to emax•
inter­story drifts and element forces shall be computed including P­delta effects. To
obtain the story drift far including the P­delta effect, the design story drift shall be
multiplied by 1.0/(1 ­ e).

Table 13.7 Allowable Story Drift, .i (in. or mm)a,b,c,d,e

Occupancy Group
Building I or II 111 IV

Structures, other than masonry shear wall structures, 0.025hs/ 0.020hsx O.Ol5hsx
4 stories or less with interior walls, partitions, ceilings
and exterior wall systems that have been designed to
accommodate the story drifts.
Masonry cantilever shear wall structures" o.oios; o.oios., O.QlQhsx
Other masonry shear wall buildings 0.007hsx 0.007sx 0.007sx
Ali other buildings 0.020hsx o.oisa, o.oios;
ª·hsx is the story height below Leve) x.
b For seismic force­resisting systems comprised solely of moment frames in Seismic Design Categories D, E,
and F, the allowable story drift shall comply with the requirements of ASCE 7­05 Section
"There shall be no drift limit for single story structures with interior walls, partitions, ceilings, and exterior wall
systems that have been designed to accommodate the story drifts. The structure separation requirement of
ASCE 7­05 Section 12.12.3 is not waived.
d Structure in which the basic structural system consists of masonry shear walls designed as vertical elements

cantilevered from their base or foundation support which are so constructed that moment transfer between
shear walls (coupling) is negligible.
e Reference 13,2, 13.4
13.3 Equivalent Lateral Force Method 843

When e is greater than emax• the structure is potentially unstable and has to be re­
The allowable story drifts are given in Table 13.7.

13.3.7 Overturning
Ground motion can result in overturning of a structure. At any story, the increment of
overturning moment in the story under consideration would have to be distributed to the
various vertical force­resisting elements, in the same proportion as the distribution of the
horizontal shear forces to these elements. The overturning moment at level x, M, (kip­ft
or kN­m), is determined from the following expression:
M; = T LF;(h; - hx) (13.19)

F; = Portion of h¡ and h, = height (ft or m) from the base to the level i or x.
T = Overturning moment reduction factor
= 1.0 for the top 10 stories
= 0.8 for the 20th story from the top and below
= values between 1.0 and 0.8 determined by a straight line interpolation
stories between the 20th and lüth stories below the top. The seismic base
shear, V, is induced at level i.

13.3.8 SimplifiedAnalysisProcedure for Seismic Design of Buildings

This procedure can be used for structures in seismic use group I, subject to the following
limitations, otherwise either the method in Section 13.2 or this section has to be used.
l. Buildings of light­framed construction not exceeding three stories in height, exclud­
ing basement.
2. Buildings of any construction other than light framed, not exceeding two stories in
height, excluding basement.
The seismic base shear, V, can be computed from the following expression,
V = -R- W (13.20)
S os = Design elastic response acceleration at short periods as determined from
Section 13.2
R = Response modification factor from Table 13.4
W = The effective seismic weight of the structure, including the total dead load
and other loads listed below.
In areas used for storage, a minimum of 25 percent of the reduced floor live load (floor
live load in public garages and open parking structures need not be included.)
l. Where an allowance for partition load is included in the floor load design, the ac­
tual partition weight of 10 psf of floor area, whichever is greater.
2. Total weight of permanent operating equipment.
3. 20 percent of flat roof snow load where flat snow load exceeds 30 psf (1.44 kN/m2).
The vertical distribution of forces at each level would be computed from the following

844 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Wx = The portion of the effective seismic weight of the total structure, W, at story
level x.

For structures satisfying this section, the design story drift, ii, is taken as 1 percent of the
story height unless a more exact analysis is made.
Table 13.8 gives the requirements for each story resisting more than 35% of
the base shear. Table 13.9 outlines the category occupancy cases and conditions where
analytical procedures are permitted in the design.

13.3.9 Other Aspectsin Seismic Design

The discussion presented in the previous sections is intended only to highlight the most
important basic considerations for establishment of the seismic basic shear force values
and their distribution over the height of a structure, at all story levels. The scope of this
book does not permit more coverage of other essential tapies such as modeling, model
forces, deflections and drifts, diaphragms, coupling beams, interconnecting shear walls,
connections, irregularity of structures, out­of­plane loading, torsion, and foundations.
Through a careful review of the details presented, the numerical examples and solv­
ing the assignments, the reader becomes well equipped to handle the design requirement
aspects of the tapies listed. The International Building Code­IBC 2009 (Ref. 13.2) de­
tailed provisions give all the additional provisions and guidance needed for safe complete
designs of concrete structures that can successfully resist severe earthquakes. The ensu­

Table 13.8 Requirements for Each Story Resisting More than 35% of the Base Shear*

Lateral Force-Resisting Element Requirement

Braced Frames Removal of an individual brace, or connection thereto,

would not result in more than a 33% reduction in
story strength, nor does the resulting system have an
extreme torsional irregularity (horizontal structural
Moment Frames Loss of moment resistance at the beam­to­column
connections at both ends of a single beam would not
result in more than a 33% reduction in story strength,
nor does the resulting system have an extreme tor­
sional irregularity (horizontal structural irregularity)
Shear Walls or Wall Pier with a Removal of a shear wall or wall pier with a height­to­
height­to­length ratio of greater length ratio greater than 1.0 within any story, or col­
than 1.0 lector connections thereto, would not result in more
than 33% reduction in story strength, nor does the re­
sulting system have an extreme torsional irregularity
(horizontal structural irregularity)
Cantilever Columns Loss of moment resistance at the base connections of
any single cantilever column would not result in more
than 33% reduction in story strength, nor does­
sulting system have an extreme torsional irregularity
(horizontal structural irregularity type)
Other No requirements
* Reference 13.4
13.4 Seismic Shear Forces in Beams and Columns of a Frame: Strong Column-Weak Beam Concept 845

Table 13.9 Permitted Analytical Procedures * #

...J ~
oc ºw
ioen .......
a, c
g¡ E
a: <C E
ia <( a: :::, u --::i
"C ­=
Seismic > G) ·-
E ~"Co a,
Design C"O
·-:::, u 1ii u
o G) 11) -
11) o
Category StructuralCharacteristics WLI.. :i5 ~ enG) ·-:e o....
B,C Occupancy Category I or II buildings of light­framed p# p p
construction not exceeding 3 stories in height
Other Occupancy Category I or II buildings not p p p
exceeding 2 stories in height
Ali other structures p p p

D, E,F Occupancy Category I or II buildings of light­framed p p p

construction not exceeding 3 stories in height
Other Occupancy Category I or II buildings not p p p
exceeding 2 stories in height
Regular structures with T<3.5T5 and ali structures p p p
of light­frame construction
Irregular structures with T<3.5T5 and having only p p p
horizontal irregularities Type 2, 3, 4, or 5 of
Table 32.2­9 or vertical irregularities Type 4, Sa,
or Sb of Table 32.2­10
Ali other structures NP# p p

* Reference 13.4
# P= Perrnitted, NP = Not permitted

ing sections will present ACI 318­08 code provisions for proportioning and detailing of
reinforced concrete elements that can withstand Seismic loading through conformity
with the IBC 2009 requirements.



13.4.1 Probable Shears and Moments

Shear failure in reinforced concrete members is regarded as brittle failure. Therefore, in
designing earthquake­resistant structures, it is important to provide excess shear capacity
over and above that corresponding to flexura! failure. The ACI 318­05 requirements are
based on the strong column­weak beam concept subsequently discussed. Hence, plastifi­
cation of the critica! regions at the ends of the beams will have to be considered as a pos­
sible loading condition.
The shear force is then computed based on the moment resistances in the devel­
oped plastic hinges, labeled as probable moment resistance, Mp,, developed when the
longitudinal flexura! steel enters into the hardening stage. Consequently, in the computa­
tion of the probable moment resistance, 1.25 is used as the stress in the longitudinal re­
inforcement. This is because the development of inelastic rotation at the faces of the
846 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Figure 13.5 Seismic moments and shears at beam ends: (a) sidesway to the
left; (b) sidesway to the right

joints is associated with strains in the flexura! reinforcement well in excess of the yield
strain. As a result, the joint shear force generated by the flexura] reinforcement is com­
puted for an increased stress }1.0 [y where }1.0 = 1.25, namely, an increase in stress of 25 per­
cent. In arder to absorb the energy that can cause plastic hinging, the earthquake
resistant frame has to be ductile in part through confinement of the longitudinal rein­
forcement of the columns and the beam­column joints and in part through the provision
of the excess shear capacity previously discussed.
Fig. 13.5 shows the deformed geometry of and the moment and shear forces for a
beam subjected to gravity loading and reversible side­sway, If the intensity of gravity
load is W11 then, ACI 318­08 stipulates:
W11 = l.2D + l.6L + l.4E Factored Loads
The IBC (Sec. 1605.2) stipulates the following load combinations; they are comparable to
the ACI factored loads in Section 4.11.2:
l.2D + l.6L + 0.5(L, or Sor R)
l.2D + l.6L(L, or S) + (j1L or 0.8W)
l.2D + l.3W + f1L + 0.5(Lr or Sor R)
l.2D + l.OE + (j1L or f2S)
0.9D :±: (LOE or l.3W)
t. = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 100
lb/ft2 ( 4,79 kN/m2), and for parking garage live load
= 0.5 for other live loads
f2 = 0.7 For roof configurations (such as saw tooth) that do not shed snow off
the structure
= 0.2 for other roof configurations
L = Live load except roof load
L, = Roof live load including any live load reduction
R = Rain load
S =Snow load
W =Wind load

The seismic shear forces are:

13.4 Seismic Shear Forces in Beams and Columns of a Frame: Strong Column-Weak Beam Concept 847

Photo 13.4 Skybridge, Vancouver, Canada. a 2020­fl long cable­stayed bridge and
lhe world's longest transit bridge. (Courtesy PortJand Cement Association.)

V M;,L + M;,R l.2D + l.6L

t. = L + 2 (13.23)

M;L + M;R l .2D + l.6L

VR = I 2 (13.24)

where I = span, L and R subscripts = left and right ends and Mp, = probable moment
strength at the end of the beam based on steel reinforcement tensile strengtb of L.25 !y
aod strength reduction factor<!>= 1.0. Tbese instantaneous rnornents, Mp,· should be com­
puted on the basis of equilibrium of moments at the joint where the beam moments are
equal to tbe probable moments of resistance.
The shear forces in tbe columns are computed in a similar manner so that tbe hori­
zontal shear force, V,. at top and bottom of tbe column is
Mp,I + Mpf2
V,.= h (13.25)

except that end moments for columns Mp,t and Mpr2 need not be greater than the mo­
ments generated by the Mp, of beams framing into the beam­column joint. h = column
heigbt and the subscripts L and 2 indicare the top and bottom column end moments re­
spectively as seen in Figure 13.6. The sense of moments at the joints is shown in Fig­
ure 13.7.

13.4.2 Strong Column Weak Beam Concept

As previously stated, U.S. seismic codes require that earthquak:e induced energy be dissi­
pated by plastic hinging of the beams rather than rhe columns. This hypothesis is due to
the fact that compression members such as columns have lower ductility than flexure­
dominant beams. If the columns are not stronger than the beams framing into a joint,
848 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

MprR1 MprL1

r."1 Ve--

h h h

MprR2) ~ ~prl.2
I Me, V
Me1:S~t1 Mpt2
M,:2.:S pr2
(a) (b) (e)

Figure 13.6 Seismic moments and shears at column ends: (a) joint moments (b)
sway to right; (e) sway to left.

inelastic action can develop in the column, and if large enough, can cause the column to
collapse. Furthermore, the consequence of a column failure is far more severe than a
local beam failure. Therefore, the ACI 318­08 Codeas well as the IBC stipulates "strong
columns and weak beams". This is ensured by the following inequality


where !.Meo/ = sum of nominal flexura] strengths of columns framing into joint, calcu­
lated for factored axial forces consistent with the direction of lateral
forces considered, resulting in lowest flexura] strength.
!.Mbm = sum of moments, at the face of the joint, corresponding to the nominal
flexura] strengths of the beams framing into that joint.

For a joint subjected to reversible base shear forces, as shown in Fig. 13.7, Eq. 13.26
( <1> M: + <1> M-;;)col 2:
5 ( <1> M: + <1> M-;;h (13.27)

;Mi, ;M;;
n (\
;M;:; ;Mi, ;M;:;

e ) + e )
u u
;M;:; ;M,¡
(a) (b)

(;M,t + ;M~\01 ~ {t) (;M,t + ;M;:;) bm

Figure 13.7 Seismic moment summation at beam-column joint: (a) sidesway to

left; (b) sidesway to right.
13.5 ACI Confining Reinforcements for Structural Concrete Members 849

where <!> = 0.90 for beams

= 0.65 for tied and 0.75 for spiral columns.
= 0.90 to 0.65 for beam­columns,


Members in trames designed for seismic regions can be classified into two categories for
proportioning transverse reinforcement as follows:

(a) Members with factored axial compressive force Pu not exceeding (Ag J:110) are
treated as beams.
(b) Members with factored axial compressive force Pu greater than (Ag ¡;110) are
treated as columns.

13.5.1 LongitudinalReinforcementin CompressionMembers

1. In seismic design, when the factored axial load P,, is negligible or significantly less
than Ag f~ /10, the member is considered a flexura! member (beam). If P,, >
Ag f ~ /10, the member is considered beam­column, because it is subjected to both
axial and flexura! loads as columns and shear walls are.
2. The shortest cross­sectional dimension z 12 in. (300 mm).
3. The limitation on the longitudinal reinforcement ratio in the beam­column element
is 0.01 ~ Pg = A/Ag s 0.06. For practica! considerations, an upper limitation of 6
percent is too excessive, because it results in impractical congestion of longitudinal
reinforcement. A practica! maximum total percentage Pg of 3.5 percent to 4.0 per­
cent should be a reasonable limit.
4. A mínimum percentage of longitudinal reinforcement in flexura! members (beams)
for sections requiring tensile reinforcement.

3Vf'c 200
p 2::: -- 2::: - s 0.025 (13.28)
t, t,
But under no condition should the value of p exceed 0.025. The stresses f~ and in t,
these expressions are in psi units. All reinforcement has to be continued through the
joint. At least two bars have to be continuously provided both at top and bottom.
5. Beams should have at least two of the longitudinal bars continued along both the top
and the bottom faces. These bars should be developed at the face of the support.
6. Columns having clear height­to­maximum­plan­dimension ratio offive or less should
be designed in shear such that not less than the smaller of (a) and (b) :
(a) The sum of the shear associated with development of nominal moment strengths
of the member at each restrained end of the clear span and the shear calculated
for factored gravity loads;
(b) The maximum shear obtained from design load combinations that include mod­
ulus E, with E assumed to be twice the modulus prescribed by the governing code
for earthquake resistant design.
7. Where design forces have been magnified to account for overstrength of the vertical
elements of seismic­force­resisting system, the limit of (Ag¡;110) should be changed
to (Ag J;/4) and the transverse reinforcement should extend into the discontinued
member for at least a distan ce Id of the largest longitudinal column bar required in the
850 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structuces

Pboto 13.S Column localized damage in a high­rise trame building, Los Angeles
1994 Earthquake. (Counesy Portland Cernent Association.)

8. Columns supporting reactíons from discontinuous stíff members, such as walls,

should be provided with transverse reinforcement ata spacing, s0, over the fu U height
beneath the leve! ar which the discontinuity occurs if portian of the factored ax­
ial compressive force in these members related to eartbquake effects exceeded
(A8f;IIO). Where design forces have been magnified to account for overstrength of
the vertical elements of the service­force­resisting system, the limit of (A8 ¡;110)
should be changed to (A8f:/4) according to the ACI 318­08 Code. This transverse re­
inforcement should extend above and below the columnas stipulated in this chapter.
9. Main reinforcement should be chosen on the basis of the strong column­weak beam
concept of the ACI Code. namely, IMnc 2: 6/5 I Mnb
10. Toe nominal moment strength requirements are:
(a) M~ at joint face ~ 1/2 M~ at that face.
(b) Neither the oegative nor the positive moment strengtb at arzy section along the
span can be less than one quarter the maximum mornent strength provided at
the face of either joint. Hence,
at joint face:


at any section:
M; 2: ¡ (M;)max (13.29b)

M; 2:41(M;)max (13.29c)
13.5 ACI Confining Reinforcements for Structural Concrete Members 851

11. For coupling beams with aspect ratio ln/h < 2, and with factored shear force Vu
exceeding 4 yfi Acp has to be reinforced with two intersecting groups of diagonally
placed bars, symmetrical about the midspan, where Acp = area of concrete resisting
12. Prestressing steel should be unbonded in potential plastic hinge regions. The calcu­
lated strain in the prestressing steel under the design displacement procedure should
be less than one percent.
13. Prestressing steel should not con tribute to more than one quarter of the positive and
negative flexura! strength at the critica! section in a plastic hinge region and should be
anchored at or beyond the externa! face of the joint.

13.5.2 Transverse ConfiningReinforcement

Transverse reinforcement in the form of closely spaced hoops ( ties) or spirals has to be
adequately provided. The aim is to produce adequate rotational capacity within the elas­
tic hinges that may develop as a result of the seismic forces.

l. For column spirals, the mínimum volumetric ratio of the spiral hoops needed for
the concrete core confinement cannot be less than the larger of:
p > ­­ (13.30a)
s - Íyt


Ps 2: A
0.45 ( _g
- 1 )f'is:

whichever is greater, where

Ps = ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to the core volume measured out to
Ag = gross area of the column section.
Ach = core area of section measured to the outside of the transverse reinforce­
ment (sq. in.).
Íyt = specified yield of transverse reinforcement, psi.

2. For column rectangular hoops, the total cross­sectional area within spacing s, can­
not be less than the larger of:

Ash 2: 0.09 sb, :~ (13.31a)

J yt


Ash 2: 0.3 sb¿ ( Ag

- 1) :~
J yt

Ash = total cross­sectional area of transverse reinforcement (including cross ties)
within spacing s and perpendicular to dimension hc
be = cross­sectional dimension of member core measured c.­c. of confining rein­
forcement, in., as in Figure 13.13.
h ; = maximum horizontal spacing of hoops or ties on all faces of the column, in.
Ach = cross­sectional area of structural member, measured out­to­out of trans­
verse reinforcement
852 Chapter 13 Se<smic Design of Presfressed Concrete Structures ,

s = spacing of transverse reinfarcement measured along the longitudinal axis

of the member, in.
smax :S: one­quarter of the smallest cross­sectional dimension of the member or
6 times the diameter of longitudinal reinfarcement,

Also so = 4 + ( 14 ­3 hx)
s0 = longitudinal spacing of the transverse reinfarcement within length 10• lts
value should not exceed 6 in. and need not be taken less than 4 in.

Additionally, if the thickness of the concrete outside the confining transverse rein­
farcement exceeds 4 in., additional transverse reinfarcement has to be provided ata
spacing not to exceed 12 in. The concrete cover on the additional reinfarcement
should not exceed 4 in.
3. The confining transverse reinfarcement in columns should be placed on both sides
of a potential hinge over a distance 10• The largest of the fallowing three conditions
governs 10:

(a) depth of member at joint face

(b) one­sixth of the clear span
(e) 18 in.
Increase the distance 10 by 50% or more in locations of high axial loading and flex­
ura! demand such as at the base of a building. When transverse reinfarcement is not
provided throughout the column length, the remainder of the column length has to
contain spiral of hoop reinforcement with spacing not exceeding the smaller of six
times the diameter of the longitudinal bars of 6 in.
4. For beam confinement, the confining transverse reinfarcement at beam ends should
be placed over a length equal to twice the member depth h from the face of the joint
on either side or of any other location where plastic hinges can develop. The maxi­
mum hoop spacing should be the smallest of the fallowing four conditions:
(a) One­fourth effective depth d.
(b) 8 x diameter of longitudinal bars.
(e) 24 x diameter of the hoop.
(d) 12 in. (300 mm).
IBC requires that the spacing of the confiníng loops in the plastícíty zone of the
beam not exceed 4 in. Figure 13.13(a) from Ref. 13.14 summarízes typícal detaíling
requírements far a confined column in a monolithic ductile connectíon and Figure
13.13(b) from Ref. 13.24 far a hybríd precast prestressed assembly.
5. Reduction in confinement at joints: a 50 percent reduction in confinement and an
íncrease in the mínimum tie spacíng to 6 in. is allowed by the ACI Code, if a mono­
lithic joint is confined on all four faces by adjoining beams with each beam wide
enough to cover three quarters of the adjoíníng face.
6. The yield strength of reinfarcement in seismic zones should not exceed 60,000 psi.

13.5.3 Horizontal Shear at the Joint of Beam-Column Connections

Test of joínts and deep beams have shown that shear strength is not as sensítive to
joint shear reinfarcement as far that along the span. On this basis, the ACI Code has as­
sumed the joínt strength as a function of only the compressive strength of the concrete
and requires a mínimum amount of transverse reínfarcement in the joint. The effective
area Aj withín the joínt should in no case be greater than the column cross­sectional area.
13.5 ACI Confining Reinforcements for Structural Concrete Members 853

The minimal shear strength of the joint should not be taken greater than the forces
Vn specified below for normal weight concrete,

l. Confined on all faces by beams framing into the joint,

Vn ::=; 20A~A¡ (13.32a)
2. Confined on three faces or on two opposite faces,
Vn ::=; 15 A~A¡ (13.32b)
3. All other cases,

A framing beam in a monolithic joint is considered to provide confinement to the joint

only if at least three­quarters of the joint is covered by the beam.
The value of allowable Vn should be reduced by 25 percent if lightweight concrete is
used. Also, test data indicates that the value in Eq. 13.32c is unconservative when applied
to comer joints. A¡ = effective cross­sectional area within a joint as in Figure 13.8, in a
plane parallel to the plane of reinforcement generating shear at the joint. The reversible
seismic forces at the joint are shown in Figure 13.9. The ACI Code assumes that the hor­
izontal shear in the joint is determined on the basis that the stress in the flexura! tensile
steel = 1.25 Jy- Figure 13.9 shows the forces acting on a beam­column connection at the

joint width sb + h
Effective area Sb+2x

Joint depth =
in plane of
generating shear

Note: Effective area of joint far forces

Reinforcement in each direction of framing is to
generating shear h be considered separately.
Joint illustrated does not meet
o o conditions to be considered confined
Direction of
forces generating
I~ b
because the framing members
do not cover at least 3/• of
each of the joints.


Figure 13.8 Seismic effective area of joint (Ref. 13.1).

854 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

0.85 f'cba --.- ­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­ ­­­~
A5( 1.25fy)

Figure 13.9 Reversible forces at beam-column joint connection. ( Vu = horizontal

shear at joint).

For slab­column connections of two­way slabs without bea!11µIab shear reinforce­

ment should be based on Vn :5 6vf:b0d provided that V,. 2: 3Vf/b0d, and should ex­
tend at least 4 times the slab thickness from the face of the support.

13.5.4 Development of Reinforcement

For bars of sizes No. 3 through 11 terminating at an exterior joint with standard 90º
hooks in normal concrete, the development length edh beyond the column face, as re­
quired by the ACI 318 Code, should not be less than the largest of following:

fdh ;;;,: fydb/(65 Vf'c) (13.33a)

where db = bar diameter
The development length provided beyond the column face must be no less than fd =
2.5 edh when the depth of concrete cast in a monolithic joint in one lift beneath the bar
::;; 12 in., or ed = 3.5 edh when the depth of concrete cast in one lift beneath the bar exceeds
12 in.
For lightweight concrete, edh for a bar with a standard 90º hook should not be less
than the largest of 10 db, 71/i in. and 1.25 times the length required by Equation 13.33(a).
Ali straight bars terminated at a joint are required to pass through the confined
core of the column or shear wall boundary member. Any portian of the straight embed­
ment length not within the confined core should be increased by a factor of 1.6.

13.5.5 AllowableShear Stresses in StructuralWalls,

Diaphragms, and Coupling Beams
l. StructuralWalls and Diaphragms
High shear walls, that is, structural walls, with height­to­depth ratio in excess of 2.0
essentially act as vertical cantilever beams. As a result, their strength is principally deter­
mined by flexure rather than by shear.
13.5 ACI Confining Reinforcements for Structural Concrete Members 855

Flexura/ considerations:
(a) Displacement-based Approach: For walls or piers continuous in cross section
from the base of the structure to the top of the wall and designed to have a single critical
section for flexure and axial loads, the compressive zones have to be reinforced with
boundary elements with a geometry defined as follows:

but that 8Jhw is taken not less than 0.007. The reinforcement has to extend vertically
along the wall a distance not less than the larger of lw or MJ4Vu from the critical section.

e = distance from the extreme compression fibers to the neutral axis computed
from the factored axial force and nominal moment strength.
hw = height of entire wall.
Bu = design displacement

(b) Stress-based Approach: This alternative design procedure requires that bound­
ary elements in structural walls have to be provided whenever the extreme fiber
compressive stresses exceed 0.20 f ~. The boundary elements have to extend along
the vertical boundaries of the entire wall and around the edges of openings. They can
be discontinued where the computed compressive stress is less than 0.15 f~. The stresses
are computed for factored forces using a linearly elastic model and cross­section prop­
It should be noted that when boundary elements are required, the wall is essentially
detailed in a similar manner in both approaches.

Shear considerations:
If the shear wall is subjected to factored in­plane seismic shear forces Vuh >
Acv A Vf'c, then it should be reinforced with a reinforcement percentage Pv ~ 0.0025.
Spacing of the reinforcement each way should not exceed 18 in. center to center. If
Vuh < Acv A Vf'c,
the reinforcement percentage can be reduced to 0.0012 for No. 5 bars or
less in diameter and 0.0015 for larger deformed bar sizes. Reinforcement provided for
shear strength has to be continuous and distributed across the shear plane.
At least two curtains of reinforcement are needed in such a wall if the in­plane fac­
tored shear forces exceed a value of 2 Ac, A Vf'c.
Pi =AsJAcv
Acv = net area of concrete cross section = thickness x length of section in direc­
tion of shear considered.
Asv = projection on Acv of area of distributed shear reinforcement crossing the
plane Acv·
The nominal shear strength Vn of structural walls and diaphragms of high­rise buildings
with aspect ratio greater than 2 should not exceed the shear force computed from:

Pn = ratio of distributed shear reinforcement of aplane perpendicular to the plane
of Acv·
For low­rise walls with aspect ratio hw/lw less than 2, the ACI Code requires that the
coefficient in Eq. 13.34b be increased linearly up to a value of 3 when the hwf lw ratio
856 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Photo 13.6 Northridge, California, 1994 earlhquake structural faiJure. (Courtesy

Dr. Mural Saatcioglu.)

reacbes 1.5 in order to account for the higher sbear capacity of low­rise walls. In other

(XC : 2 when /JJ/w ~ 2 and (XC= 3 when hj/.., = 1.5; vu = <I> V11
<!> = 0.6 for designing the joint, if nominal shear is less tban the shear correspond­
ing to the development of tbe nominal flexura! strength of that correspond­
ing to the development of the nominal flexura! strength of the member.

Toe nominal flexural strengtb is determined considering the most critical factored axial
loads including earthquake effects. The maximum allowable nominal unit shear strength
in structural walls is 8Acv A Vt'c
where Acv is the total cross­sectiona1 area (in.2) previ­
ously defined and ¡; is in psi. However, the nominal shear strength of any one of the indi­
vidual walJ piers can be permitted to bave a máximum value of 10 Acp A Vf'c,
where Acp is
the cross­sectional area of tbe individual pier.
2. Coopling Beams:
Toe provisions for allowable sbear stresses in coupling beams are as follows. Cou­
pling beams are strucrural elements connecting structural walls to provide additional
stiffness and energy dissipation. In man.y cases, geometrical limits result in coupling
beams whose depth to clear span ratio is high (Ref. 13.1. 13.2). Hence, they can be con­
13.5 ACI Confining Reinforcements for Structural Concrete Members 857

trolled by shear and subjected to strength and stiffness deterioration in earthquakes. To

reduce the extent of the deterioration, the span to depth ratio Ud is limited to a value of
4.0 except in cases of special moment frames in which the width to depth ratio cannot be
less than 0.30. Coupling beams should only be used in locations where damage to them
would not impair the vertical load carrying capacity of the structure or the integrity of the
non­structural components and their connection to the structure (Ref. 13.1).
If the factored shear force Vu exceeds 4 X. Vf'c
Acp' two intersecting groups of
diagonally­placed bars symmetrical about the midspan have to be used. This requirement
can be waived if it can be demonstrated that their stiffness loss does not impair the verti­
cal load carrying capacity of the structure. The nominal shear strength, Vn, is determined
from the following expression.
Vn = 2Avd [y sin a :'.S 10 A Vf'c Acp (13.35)
where Acp is the cross­sectional area of the beam, and Avd is the total area of reinforce­
ment in each group of diagonal bars in a diagonally reinforced beam.
ex. = angle between the diagonally placed bars and the longitudinal axis of the cou­
pling beams.
Far coupling beams when reinforced with intersecting groups of diagonally placed
bars, each group has to consist of a minimum of four bars provided in two or more layers.
The diagonal bars have to be embedded into the wall not less than 1.25 times the develop­
ment length ld for steel yield strength [y in tension. Each group of the diagonal bars have to
be enclosed in transverse reinforcement having out­to­out dimensions not smaller than
b)2 parallel to b ; and b., /5 in all other sides. The transverse reinforcement should have
spacing measured parallel to the diagonal bars not exceeding six times the diameter of the
diagonal bar but not exceeding 6 inches along the entire length of the longitudinal bar.
The nominal shear Vn is determined from the above expression:

Vn = 2 AvdÍy sin a :'.S 10 A Vf'c Acw

where a is the angle between the diagonal bars and the longitudinal axis of the coupling
In the case of structural diaphragms, the nominal shear in the diaphragm is limited
to Vn :'.S 8 Acv A Vf'c.
A typical illustration of a diagonally reinforced coupling beam is shown in Fig. 13.10.
The diagonally­placed bars have to be developed in tension within the wall and also con­
sidered to contribute to the nominal flexural strength of the coupling beam.

Avd = total a rea of bars in the group

of bars forming one diagonal

Section 1-1 Elevation

Figure 13.10 Coupling Beam with Diagonally Oriented Reinforcement

858 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures


13.6.1 General Concepts

The design of concrete structures in seismic regions has to take into consideration the im­
pact of the large reversible seismic horizontal forces that act on a structure during an
earthquake. For the main elements of a structure to service such high­intensity forces,
the structure must have adequate ductility in the joints of the principal components or in
the response of solid vertical elements such as structural shear walls to ground motion.
Excessive strength is not necessarily desirable or essential in earthquake­resistant design.
Inelastic response can overcome service damage if adequate ductility is available through
proper design and confinement. Shear strength has to exceed the flexura! strength of the
components and joints in order that shear deformations do not occur as a result of signif­
icant loss of stiffness and strength (Ref 13.17).
The failure dueto severe ground motion is accentuated in stories with sudden stiff­
ness changes. The dynamic response of the total structure is determined by the flexible
stories. Since loss of stiffness results in large inelastic deformations, such deformations, if
of sufficient magnitude, would lead to the collapse of the total structure. Therefore, the
design has to proportion the detailing of the members to such a degree that the compo­
nents can tolerate the expected large inelastic deformations without rupture. Such detail­
ing will be discussed in subsequent sections.
In the design of high­rise buildings, a number of analytical tools are usually used to
identify the required strength and probable deformations demand (Refs. 13.14, 13.16,
13.17). The required strength is the factored load or required ultimate strength of the
component along the lateral load path ("ductile­link") that is expected to absorb the an­
ticipated post­yield deformation. The strength of this "ductile­link" is usually developed
by combining load effects (D, L, E, etc.), although moment redistribution may be used to
attain a more rational development of the system (Ref. 13.17). The design earthquake
load (E) must exceed that required by the IBC or other controlling codes. Typically, the
strength of this "ductile­link" is developed from site­specific ground motion studies.
The probable deformation demand is the level of deformability likely to be im­
posed on a structure and most importantly on the component that is expected to deform
in the post­yield range during a catastrophic earthquake. Deformation objectives will be
many times greater than those associated with the objective strength level. The designer
should endeavor to have those post­yield deformations occur where they are likely to
create the least potential for collapse of the structure and minimize component damage.
lt is for this reason that the weak beam/strong column philosophy is adopted in the de­
sign of special moment frames, be they constructed of concrete or steel. The brief design
examples that are in subsequent sections will presume that the level of strength and de­
formation required of the "ductile­link" has been determined. The development of the
ductile­link is essential to the success of the adopted seismic bracing system, but it is not
sufficient. The other members along the lateral load path must be protected so that they
do not fail as the ductile­link deforms. This member protection hypothesis is generically
referred to as capacity-based design (Ref. 13.16, 13.17).

13.6.2 Ductilityof Elements and Plastic Hinging

Ductility is an essential property in structures which have to respond to inelasticity in se­
vere earthquakes. lt is measured in terms of strain, displacement, and rotation. High duc­
tility enables a member or a joint to sustain plastic strains without a significant reduction
of stress. Hence, large rotations are essential as a measure of curvature if discontinuity,
unsustainable displacements, or rupture are to be avoided. Three measures of ductility
are identified:
13.6 Seismic Design Concepts in High-Rise Buildings and Other Structures 859

(a) Strain ductility defined by


where E = maximum sustainable strain

Ey = yield strain ductility

(b) Curvature ductility defined by:

µ<!>=~ (13.36b)
where <l>m = maximum sustainable curvature
<!>y = yield curvature

(e) Displacement ductility defined by:

µ,l=- (13.36c)
where á = maximum sustainable displacement = áy + áP
áy = yield displacement
áP = plastic displacement

The values of all these ductility factors have to be considerably greater than 1.0 for in­
elastic behavior to be sustainable. Ductility can effectively be achieved through adequate
confinement as stipulated in the ACI 318-08 code (Ref. 13.1) and the International Build-
ing Code, IBC 2009 (Ref. 13.2)
Due to large rotations, the structure at imposed locations reaches the limit ultimate
state through the development of plastic hinges. The plastic hinges generated by seismic
action would generally develop close to the side of the column since weak beam­strong
column design is generally used, as stipulated in ACI 318 (Ref. 13.1). For the plastic
hinge to develop in the beams rather than the columns of a multistory frame, special con­
finements have to be provided over a beam's length ahead of the columns face, equal to
twice the beam depth. Figure 13.11 (a) and (b) schematically demonstrate the imposed
locations of the plastic hinges in monolithic construction.
Hence, the columns would be large enough to resist the design seismic forces while
the beams possess the required ductility to respond to the seismic strains imposed by the
earthquake. In the case of using precast ductile moment resisting frames, a hybrid con­
nection can be used and proportioned by a capacity­based design. An example is the Dy­
widag Ductile Assembly described in Section 13.7.2 ora dual system as in Section 13.7.5,
providing a large level of energy dissipation.

13.6.3 DuctilityDemand Due to Drift Effect

As the multistory floors drift in response to the horizontal seismic force, the drift in­
creases in the lower levels due to the P-á effect. The plastic rotation demand increases. If
ignoring the P-á effect results in inelastic drift significantly larger than 1.5 percent of the
story height, the drift, with the P-á influence, would be considerably magnified. In such a
case, the plastic rotation demands in both beams and first­story columns would exceed
the levels achieved with normal detailing in seismic design (Ref. 13.17).
lt must be emphasized that design joint deformations associated with shear and
bond mechanisms should not result in excessive drift. This is because large shear forces
can develop in the beam­column joints under seismic action regardless whether plastic
hinges develop close to the column face or ahead in the beam span. In order to prevent
860 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Plastic hinges





x­ Criticar section

Figure 13.11 lmposed Plastic Hinge Locations: (a) Transformed hinge location in
monolithic construction (b) cñtical hinge section.

shear failure al the joint. both vertical and horizontal shear reinforcement is necessary,
with the horizontal reinforcement significantly more than is normally provided by ties or
hoops. Also, fuU anchorage development lengths or bond mechanisms have to be en­
sured in tbe reinforcement embedded within the beam­column joint.


In general, three systems are applicable in médium­ and high­seismicity zones

l. Structural ductile frames
2. Shear waU systems
3. Dual systems, which are a combination of the two

13.7.1 Structural Ductile Frames

Present building codes when used in high­seismicity zones bave generaUy been limited to
situ­cast special moment resisting ductile frame and shear waUs. From the discussion in
Sections 13.6.2 aod 13.6.3 it is clear that the beam­column connection is tbe majar part of
13.7 Structural Systems in Seismic Zones 861

the frame that has to sustain Jarge seismically imposed deformations. Both reinforced
and monolithic prestressed concrete frames have been designed and built for sorne time
(Ref. 13.13, 13.14, 13.17).
Precast concrete, on the other hand, has traditionally been viewed as an assembly
of components tbat attempts to emulate a situ­cast structure. This approacb disregards
tbe advantages presented by tbe discrete elements that make up a total precast structure.
If, by design, a post­yield deformation can be imposed to occur wbere precast elements
are joined, damage to tbe structure can be significantly reduced. This is because a weak­
ened plane already exists at tbe point where a post­yield rotation has to be accommo­
dated. A monolithically cast element, on the other hand, must crack, usually along
severa/ planes, in order to accommodate the required rotation. Given this advantage, pre­
cast concrete structures can be created capable of surviving earthquakes with lower lev­
els of damage than tbose created from other materials or by otber processes.
The use of precast prestressed concrete elements in ductile frame construction is
coming of age. Extensive researcb is available to justify use of precast elements safely in
ductile beam­column frames in high seismicity zones (Ref. 13.18­13.27). Figure 13.12
from Ref. 13.18 shows a hybrid connection. Toe connection would have well­bonded

PT strand in sleeve
Mild steel in
grouted duct X­ (partially bonded
['\ or ~bonded)

­,- v
¿ l

Partial grout
location A

í- 1 1
1 1


y- s­
Fiber reinforced grout

Steel angle ~

" "-----

­/ /

A- s­
­ ­­
.. [;] [;]
Section A-A

Section B-B
As shown,
PT steel is
partially bonded
Note: Column bars omitted for clarity
Detail A

Figure 13.12 Precast Hybrid Moment Connection (Ref. 13.18)

862 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

mild ( ductile) steel reinforcing bars at top and bottom of the beam and high­strength pre­
stressing tendons at mid­depth of the beam. The mild steel is intended to dissipate the
seismic energy by yielding. The prestressing steel provides the shear resistance from the
friction developed by the prestressing force. The system is defined as hybrid because of
using two types of reinforcement.
The hybrid system is the evolution of an assemblage of precast concrete compo­
nents by post­tensioning that was first proposed in New Zealand in the early 1970s. Toe ?~
hybrid system was developed largely through an interactive test program (Ref. 13.17, '
13.22, 13.23). The objective of the tests performed was to improve upon the energy dis­
sipation characteristics of assemblies connected exclusively by post­tensioning (Ref.
The basic objectives of the hybrid system are to mainly accomplish the following

• Balance the restoring force provided by the concentric post­tensioning with the
strength developed by the mild steel so that a restorative or self­centering force ex­
ists after the earthquake. This should reduce the potential for permanent deforma­
• Maintain a strain state in the post­tensioning reinforcement at the deformation
limit state that is within the elastic range lfps < 0.9 [p,,).
• Localize the post­yield deformation so as to cause the post­yield rotation to occur 1
along the interface between the beam and the column. This reduces the potential for l
nonstructural damage to the beam. !

Figure 13.13 (a) gives typical detailing of monolithic situ­cast reinforced concrete ductile ·¡
connection. Figure 13.13 (b) demonstrates typical details of the reinforcement in a hybrid
precast frame assembly.
The performance of the hybrid moment­resisting beam­column connection has ¡
been thoroughly verified through tests in several centers of research as listed in the se­
lected references. The crack widths in ali the specimens in both beams and columns were 1
very small, in the 0.04 in. range (Ref. 13.26). Research test results have demonstrated
that hybrid precast systems have the following performance capabilities:

(a) Can be designed to have the same flexura! strength as conventionally reinforced
(b) Have large drift capacity.
(e) Dissipate more energy than conventional systems up to 1.5 percent drift.
(d) Have concrete in the hybrid system that suffers negligible damage even if the drift
is in the range of 6%.

Figure 13.14 (a) demonstrates the narrow cracking pattern and negligible damage at 3.5
percent drift while Figure 13.14 (b) shows the contrasting behavior of the monolithically
cast assembly.
Additionally, studies on large­scale prototype tests have been conducted by Pessiki
et al. on precast beam­column non­bonded post­tensioned connections in ductile frames
under high­seismic loading (Ref. 13.31). They demonstrate that such assemblages can
perform satisfactorily for frames on hard soil conditions. Their tests also indicate that dis­
placement of the frames on medium or soft soil conditions in high­seismicity regions are
difficult to reasonably estímate using elastic analysis under the equivalent lateral base
force code approach.


.8E .5
., (O
E í:

. .,
=i·i ~I~

~"'l s
...- .E -8 "'
E E +
O) "fü
;: TJ I~
• - .... (O CI)


llll1J:_­_­:_­_­_1llll1 (/)

¡ .. e

~~~ ~(.)
-¡¡¡ Q)
o >
.E '5
(/) o
(/) e:
­ºü o
,.,,~ ---- _o
Cl .
e: (/)
.e:: 1 =
·¡¡¡ Q)

i~.e \ti......._=.~

._--.,-----, ~ ~
d o
1\1 '--v---'

864 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

- -1 - ­

post-tensioning 7I
r Oebonded ceglon
Mild steel
I 1

j ­ ­ J
1 r

1 1

Mild steel
3-#6 11 -2"
]L ~C]

º, .
8-W'<f> ­ - (' - ­

Figure 13.13 (b) Hybrid Frame Assembly (Ref. 13.24)

13.7.2 Dywidag Ductile Beam-ColumnConnection: DDC Assembly

The DDC assembly was developed by Dr. R. E. Englekirk (Ref. 13.19) and produced by
Dywidag Systems International (OSI). lt allows the precast concrete beams to be bolted
to the column, simplifying construction while at the same time improving seismic behav­
ior. The system seems to satisfy the ductility requirements for both the shear forces at the
column joint and the deformation and rotational ductility requirements in high seismicity
zones. The design is also simple and easy.
The assembly consists of ductile rods embedded in the concrete column. The pre­
cast beam contains high­strength (Fymin = 120 ksi) Dywidag Bars® connected to a transfer
block. The beam is connected to the column by high­strength steel bolts (H in. <j>­A490).
The flexura! strength of the beam is limited by the capacity of the ductile rod (Fy = 141
kips). The other components along the load path are designed to the probable strength of
the ductile rod (1.25 Fy), a capacity­based approach. Shear is transferred by steel­to­steel
friction at the interface ( transfer block to ductil e rod) and bearing of the head of the duc­
tile rod on the confined concrete of the column.
Figure 13.15 illustrates a typical single DDC assembly unit with the high­strength
bolts connecting the precast prestressed beams to the assembly embedded in the columns
at the joint. Example 13.4 gives the design computational steps for a typical ductile con­
nection in a high­rise frame building. Figure 13.16 gives an example of this application to
13.7 Structural Systems in Seismic Zones 865



Figure 13.14 Beam-Column Assembly at 3.5 percent Drift (Courtesy Dr. R. E.

Englekirk) (a) Precast Connection Assembly (b) Monolithically-cast Assembly
866 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Ductile Rod

Dywidag Bars®


Figure 13.15 DDC Assembly, Tensile Streng1h at Yield = 282 Kips (Courtesy
Dywidag-Systems lnternational and Dr. R. E. Englekirk)

't. column R. 4• x 5• x 1·-2112·

for each 2 ­­­­­­­
rod group

(2)-13/a" dywdag
threadbars w/ ---~
hex nuts

--1 ­­­­­­­
,.,,..,,,, 1'­3"
Temporary ~ ,____ ~
1112• día. A490 bolts
pretensioned to 148K each


Figure 13.16 Beam-to-Column Connection showing Dywidag Ductile Connector Details (Ref. 13.19)
13.7 Structural Systems in Seismic Zones 867

Photo 13.7 Wiltern Center Parking Structure, Los Angeles. California (Courtesy
Dr. Robert E. Englekirk).

a parking garage in higb seismicity zones showing beams­to­column DDC details in a

parking garage (Ref. 13.19). Pboto 13.7 shows tbe ductile garage frame structure at corn­

13.7.3 Structural Walls in High-Seismicity Zones (Shear Walls)

Shear walls form efficient and reliable lateral force resisting systems. Tbey are designed
to account for the total lateral base shear force generated by an earthquake. This condi­
tioo assumes tbat tbe wall has an adequate foundatioo, which can transrnit deformational
actions from tbe structure to the ground without rocking to any measurable exteot. They
aJso provide tortional stability to the multi­story system. Figure 13. L 7 shows a typical tor­
sional stability arrangement of walls botb in the E­W and N­S directions, with Figure
13.17 (b) the torsional stability provided by an interior core.

f ­­­f­c"­t­t=~­+­~­
(a) (b)

Figure 13.17 Torsionally Stable Shear Wall Systems (a) Boundary walls
arrangement with concentric resistance center; (b) Core wall system with eccen-
tric resistance center.
868 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Structural (shear) walls have been successfully used for more than 35 years. They
are essentially vertical cantilevers designed to receive lateral forces from diaphragms or
coupling beams and then transmit the forces to the ground. The forces in these walls may
often be predominantly shear forces for low­rise buildings. Slender walls will also un­
dergo significant bending, mainly flexural stresses.
One of the main objectives of the structural analysis is to determine in what propor­
tion the applied wind or seismic forces are distributed among the various shear walls. Far
the case where no ductile moment frames are present, one can assume that each floor di­
aphragm displaces in its plane as a rigid body. In such an analysis, the magnitude of lat­
eral displacement becomes the dominant factor in determining the proportion of loads
resisted by each wall.
If the wall is treated as a deep vertical beam cantilevering from the foundation,
shear deformations become a majar component of the displacement and have to be
taken into account. Based on the analysis by Aswad et al. in Ref. 13.28, it has been shown
that the "beam element" method including the shear deformations is quite accurate for
evaluating the shear and overturning moments in plan layouts with shear walls. Figure
13.18 shows the modes of failure of structural walls subjected to seismic lateral loading.


(a) (b)
Low-rise wall


(c) (d) (e)

High-rise wall

Figure 13.18 Typical failure modes of structural walls: (a) Shear cracking pat-
tern; (b) compression strut between cracks; (e) fracture of the reinforcement; (d)
flexure-shear failure pattern; (e) failure by crushing of concrete.
13.7 Structural Systems in Seismic Zones 869

Figure 13.19 schematically illustrates the drift dueto both bending and shear, and Figure
13.20 shows a precast shear wall connection to the foundation using a Dywidag threaded
bar connector. For small uplift forces, Figure 13.21 gives a typical welded angle connector
to the foundation.

13.7.4 Unbonded Precast Post-Tensioned Walls

Unbonded precast post­tensioned walls are constructed by vertically joining precast wall
panels along horizontal connections using post­tensioning reinforcement not bonded to
the concrete. Precast concrete walls with substantial initial lateral stiffness can be de­
signed to soften and satisfy estimated nonlinear displacement demands under code­
specified design level motion, without yielding in the post­tensioning reinforcement or
significant damage in the wall panel (Ref. 13.32­13.33). Figure 13.22 shows a prototype
wall from Ref. 13.33 with unbounded tendons prestressing the six structural wall panels.
The tests showed that the nonlinear elastic behavior resulted in small inelastic energy dis­
sipation per hysterisis cycle. Because of the small inelastic energy dissipation, larger lat­
eral displacements of the unbounded post­tensioned precast concrete walls are larger
than the displacements of convensional reinforced concrete systems. More research
is obviously needed in this area particularly for application to designs in high­
seismicity regions.

Bending deflection only

Sum of shear plus

bending deflections
X ~­­1­­

Fixed base ,,....,..__,....,....,...,.....,......,...,....,..,....,....,....,..,..,.,,....,....,....

Section X-X

Figure 13.19 Schematic of shear wall drift dueto bending and shear
3 1/2º I.D. spiral
3 1/8º , .,___ duct sheathing
112· (min.) (26 ga.)

1 1/4" O threadbar
grade 150 ksi
2·-0· :::E-o>-±---1----manufactured by

Grout port

4----- Flexible plastic

grout tube (13mm)

5'- o·

,__ Anchor plate

(1 112· x 5• x a· FB)
i-------Anchor nut

Figure 13.20 Precast shear wall connectíon to continuous foundation using Dy-
widag threaded bar connector

1" recess
e a>
"O >,
·o ... .::,:o

a> <ll
> a.
e o~
..... .o

•,•, ,,,,
'• ,,
1 ,,


1 ,,


1 !.!

Plan Section

Figure 13.21 Welded angle connection of precast shear waJI to continuous foundation
13. 7 Structural Systems in Seismic Zones 871

972 in.

¡. ,·-----
I 240 -----·.. .il
Elevation view

#3 spirals
6 in. diameter
4 in. pitch

~l~ :, , =~ - - - - - - - - - - _ ­~~~;~s
116 in. Psp = 1.83% ap = 1.485 in2 2.5 ín.
1. • • ; \ H

1,. ~

Cross-section view

Figure 13.22 Post-tensioned unbounded precast shear wall (Ref. 13.33)

872 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures


Ductile frames interacting with shear walls can provide a large level of energy dissipation
in a major earthquake. They would also significantly reduce the story drift and the devel­
opment of pronounced hinges. Since the precast frame primarily deforms in shear due to
lateral loading and the wall deforms primarily in flexure with sorne shear deformations,
the combination of both types in a dual system can result in a more efficient structure.
Part of the lateral forces in such a system is allocated to the ductile frame. The
balance is assigned to the shear wall. In such dual systems, the walls can be either free­
standing or connected to the frames by the floor diaphragms or by coupling beams which
are continuous beams in their planes connected to the abutting frames.
In all systems where nonbonded prestressing is used in high­seismicity regions, it is
important that the actual stress in the prestressing reinforcement can achieve and sustain
the design ultimate stress level and beyond the yield strength level of 1.25 Ípy


l. Determine the earthquake seismicity region, namely whether it is in a low, moder­

ate, or high seismicity region and the site classification (A, B, C, D, E, and F) from
Table 13.1
2. Determine from the maximum considered earthquake ground motion maps, the
maximum spectral response S, for 0.2 sec and Sl for 1 sec, site­class B, Figure 13.3a
and b respectively using the large scale FEMA maps of USGS (Ref. 13.15)
3. Compute for the particular seismic use group (Table 13.3), the design spectral re­
sponse S ns and S DI from Equations 13.2 and 13.3:

Sns =
3 SMs where, SMs = r;«,
Sm =
3 SM 1 SMJ = FvS1

There are three seismic use groups I, II, and III with groups II and III structures
that require full seismic design consideration.
4. Compute the seismic base shear V= C5W

But C5 cannot exceed CS = Sml(R!I)Tor less than C5 = 0.044 Cnsl

R = Response modification factor from Table 13.4
I = Occupancy importance factor from Table 13.5
T = Fundamental period of vibration of a structure, Sec. 13.3.1, Tª = C1h I
where, CT = building period coefficient ranging between 0.035 ­ 0.020 as given
in the text.
In cases where moment resisting frames do not exceed twelve stories in height,
an approximate period Tª = 0.1 N can be used where N = number of stories.
For structures in seismic design categories E or F and for other structures hav­
ing a spectral response S1 ~ 0.6 g, the value of C5 ~ (0.5S1)/(RII)
13.9 Design Procedure for Earthquake-Resistant Structures 873

S. Vertically distribute the base shear force, V, to forces F, to the floors above the
base level:

Cvx = n


6. Horizontally distribute the shear Vx = ~ F;

where F; = the portion of the seismic base shear, V, introduced at leve! i.
7. Tabulate these forces at ali story levels.
8. Evaluate the torsional moments, story drift, the P-li effect and the overturning mo­
ment to ensure they are within permissible limits.
9. Execute a structural frame analysis to determine ali shears and moments in the
frame beams, columns, shear walls diaphragms and/or coupling beams if these are
used to connect shear walls.
10. Proportion members of the ductile moment­resistant frame, that is, ali beams,
columns, and beam­columns. If the frame is not a ductile moment­resisting frame,
the designer has the uneconornical and inefficient alternative of choosing a brittle
system using a low R¿ factor.
11. Using the strong column­weak beam concept, plastic hinges are assumed to form in
the beams.
Seismic beam shear forces

M;,L + M;,R l.2D + l.6L

vL = e + 2

M;,L + M;,R l.2D + l.6L

vR = e 2

C = beam span, Mp, = probable moment of resistance, and L, R = left and right.
Seismic column shear force

where h = column height.

LMnc ~
5 LMnb
at joint to ensure hinges form in the beams; hence

The nominal moment strengths M11 have to be evaluated and the member propor­
tioned prior to evaluating the seismic beam shear forces.
874 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Beam: flexura! design, Pu insignificant

Column: combined bending and axial load Pu
Beam­column: Pu> A/~110
Shortest cross­sectional dimension ;;::: 12 in.
12. Longitudinal reinforcement
Beam­column or columns
0.01 :S Pg = As :S 0.06

For practica! considerations, Pg ~ 0.035.

Beam (positive reinforcement):

200 3Vf'c
Pmin 2: - 2: --
t, t,
Beam (flange in tension):

200 6Vf'c
Pmin 2: - 2: --
t, t,
The factor value, 6, in the numerator instead of 3 is because a flange width twice
the web width or more is used.
where I,is in psi units. p should never exceed 0.025.
For proportioning reinforcement in beams, the nominal moment strength re­
quirements are
(a) M: at face of joint z !M~ at the face.
(b) M: or M~at any section z !Mamax at the face.
13. Transverse confining reinforcement
(a) Spirals

or Ps2: A
0.45 _g
( Aeh
- )f'
1 cs.

whichever is greater.
Ag = gross area
Aeh = core area to outside of spirals

Íyt = specified yield strength

(b) Rectangular hoops in columns: Total cross­sectional area within spacing s:

Ash 2: 0.09 S he ff~


2: A
0.3 sh¿ (_g
- 1 )f'e:
whichever is greater.
Ash = total cross­sectional area of transverse reinforcement (including cross
ties) within spacing s and perpendicular to dimension he
he = cross­sectional dimension of column core, in.
s = spacing of transverse hoops
smax = one­quarter of the smallest cross­sectional dimension or 4 in., whichever
is smaller, but not to exceed 6 in.
13.9 Design Procedure for Earthquake-Resistant Structures 875

Placemenl of confining reinforcement: Place confining reinforcement on eitber

side of potential hinge overa distance the largest of
(i) Depth of member at joint face
(ii) One­sixth clear span
(iii) 18 in.
The spacing of the ties in the balance of colurnn height follows normal column
tie requirements.
(e) Confining reinforcement in beam ends: Should be placed oo a length = 2h oo
both sides of the joint if it is internal; otherwise, maximum hoop spacing, small­
est of
(i) One­quarter effective depth d
(ii) 8 x diameter of longitudinal bar
(üi) 24 x diameter of hoop
(iv) 12 in.
IBC requires that spacing in ductile frames at tbe plasticity region not exceed 4 in.
Toe ties in the balance of the beam span follow the standard shear web reinforce­
rnent requirements. If the joint is confined on all four sides, 50 percent reduction
in confinernent and increase in minimum tie spacing to 6 in. in the columns are al­
lowed. No smooth bar reinforcement is allowed in seisrnic structures.

Pboto 13.8 NCNB Tower. Charlotte, North Carolina. 9000­psi concrete. (Cour­
tesy Portland Cement Association.)
876 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

14. Beam-column connections (joints): Normal concrete nominal shear strength Vn at

a joint:
(a) Confined on all faces: Vn :s; 20\/J'c Aj
(b) Confined on three faces or two opposite faces: Vn ~ 15\/J'c Aj
(e) All other cases: Vn ~ 12\/J'cAj
where Aj is effective area at joint (Fig. 13.8). The value of allowable Vn should be re­
duced by 25% for lightweight concrete. Note from Fig. 13.9 that the horizontal shear
in the joint is determined by assuming a stress= l.25fy in the tensile reinforcement.
15. Development length of reinforcing bars: For bar sizes Nos. 3 to 11 without hooks,
the largest of
ed = 2.5€dh when concrete below bars :s; 12 in.
ed = 3.5€dh when concrete below bars ~ 12 in.

where for normal­weight concrete

e: ~ fydb/(65Vf'c)
~ Sdb
~ 6 in.

When standard 90º hooks are used, ed = edh· Any portian of straight embedment
length not within the confined core should be increased by a factor of 1.6.
16. Shear walls: height/depth > 2.0
(i) Mínimum Pv = 0.0025 if Vuh > Acv Vf'c.
At least two curtains of reinforcement
needed if in­plane factored shear force Vuh > 2Acv Vf'c,
where Acv = net area of
concrete cross section = thickness x length of section in direction of the consid­
ered shear.
(ii) If extreme fiber compressive stresses exceed 0.2f ;, shear walls have to be pro­
vided with boundary elements along their vertical boundaries and around the
edges of openings.
(iii) Available Vn = Acv (2 Vf'c
+ Pr [y) for hw te; ~
2.0. For h ie; < 2, the factor of 2

inside the parenthesis varíes linearly from 3.0 for hw/€w = 1.5 to 2.0 for h)€w =
2.0; Vu = <J>Vn, where <!> = 0.60.
(iv) Maximum allowable nominal unit shear Vn = SAcv Vf'c
for total wall, but can be
increased to Vn = lOAcp Vf'c
for an individual pier, where Acp is the cross­
sectional area of the individual pier.
Figure 13.23 gives a logic flowchart for the preceeding sixteen steps.


compressive strength j ,~ 20 MPa

e, = w/-5 0.043 Vf'c MPa
Es = 200,000 MPa
M;,L + M;,R (l.2D + l.4L)
Equation 13.22 vL = e + 2

_ M;,L + M;;,R _ (1.2D + l.4L)

Equation 13.23 vR - e 2
13.10 SI Seismic Design Expressions 877

e Start )

Determine earthquake seismic region, select IBC seismic coefficients Ss, S,, S08, S01, R, /,
Cs. Determine period Tby IBC Eqs. 13.13, 13.14 and the n, Ws, Wvalues. 1

Compute V= C8Wand V= F1+ L
F; F1= O when T = 0.7 s F1= 0.07 TV,; 0.25 V.

Tabulate base lateral force and each story force F, = Cv, V using the summation

Cv, = -n --
w,lf, out. Find each story shear and moment where V,=
± F;
W¡fr( V = Seismic base shear

Execute a structural trame analysis to determine all shears and moments in the trame
beams, columns, and shear walls.

Proportion for flexura and revise where necessary the size and main reinforcement of
the moment-resistant trame members: beams, and beam-columns (beam - column when
Pu> A9 ~f~/10).

Use strong column-weak beam concept, plastic hinges in beams and not columns.
L M001 2 6/5 Mbm al joint.

Mprt. + Mt,R 1.20 + 1.6L

Beams: VL = e +
Mt,L + M¡;,R 1.20 + 1.6L
VR = ­
e 2
Mprl + Mpr2
Columns: v. = h

Design longitudinal reinforcement.

(a) Beam-columns or columns: 0.01 $ p9 s A $ 0.06
For practica! considerations p9 $ 0.035:

200 3 V,:, 6 vt;,
2 -,- 2 ~,- (for +M) 2 -,- (for negativa region T·beam)
y y y

(b) Beams: M; at joint lace 2 1/2 M;; at that tace

M; or M;; al any section 2 1/4 Ma.max at lace

Figure 13.23 Flowchart for seismic design of ductile monolithic (strong
column-weak beam concept) structures.
878 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Transverse conlining reinlorcement.

0.12f~ ( A9 ) f~
(a) Spirals lor columns: Ps ~ ­,­ or ~ 0.45 ­ ­ 1 T
'yt Ac1, yt
Whichever is greater.

0.09 s he ff'
(b) hoops for columns: A5 ~

> 03sh ( ­­1 )
- . eAch fyt

s ~ 1/4 ol
smallest cross-sectional dimension or 6 times diameter of longitudinal
14 -
reinforcement or S, ~ 4 + ( ­­3-' and need not exceed 6 in. or taken less than 4 in.
Use standard tie spacing for the balance of the length. j
(e) Beams: Place hoops overa length = 2h from lace ol columns. Maximum spacing:
smaller of s = 1/4d, 8 db main bar, 24db hoop, or 12 in. 11 joint confinad on all tour sides,
50% reduction in conlining steel and increase in mínimum spacing of ties to 6 in. in columns
is allowed. Use the standard size and spacing of stirrups for the balance of the span as
needed for shear. IBC requires that maximum spacing not exceed 4 in.

Beam-column connection (joint)

Available nominal shear strength ~ applied Vu
Confined on ali faces: v, ~ 20 >.. Vf;; A¡
Confined on three faces or two opposite faces: v, s 15 >.. Vf;; A¡
AII other cases: v; ~ 12 x Vf;; A¡

Check development length, normal-weight concrete,

edh ~ ty db/(65 vt;,) ~ ea, ~ 6 in.
ed = 2.5 edh for 12 in. or less concrete below straight bar
ed = 3.5 edh tor > 12 in. in one pour
11 bars have 90º hooks, ed = edh· For lightweight concrete, adjust as in the ACI Code.

Design shear wall.

Vuh > 2Acv x Vf;;; use two reinforcement curtains in wall.
lf wall fe> 0.2 >.. Vf;;, provide boundary elements.
Available Vn = Acv (u5 x Vf;; + Pn fy)
For hJe w ~ 2.0, us = 2.0
For hJCw = 1.5, 0'.5 = 3.0
lnterpolate intermediate values of hJew.
Maximum allowance: Vn = 8Acv x Vf;; for total wall
Vn = 10Acp >.. Vf;; for individual pier
Design diaphragms and coupling beams when used as indicated in the text and as detailed
in the IBC Code

( End )

Figure 13.23 Continued

13.11 Seismic Base Shear and Lateral Forces and Moments by the IBC Approach 879

Pboto 13.9 Masonry collapse in Los Angeles earthquake. 1994. (Counesy Port­
land Cement Association.)

Equation 13.24

Equation 13.27

<!> = 0.9 for beams and 0.7 or 0.75 for columns,

Equation l3.28

. . Vf'c 1.4
F or positive moment: p ~ ---¡- .::: -f,
4,, y

where fc, t; are in MPa

Equation 13.29(a)
At joint face: ~ ~ i M-,,
At any section:
Equation 13.29(b) M; ~ ¡ {M;)max
Equation 13.29(c) M; ~ (M;)max


Example 13.1:
A moment­resisting, five­story building wilh shear walls is idealized as in Figure 13.2. Each
Iloor has a weight Ws anda height h = 9' ­6" (2.9 m). Compute lhe seismic base shear, V, and
the overturning mornent, M, al each story level in tenns of single floor weight W,, assuming
880 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

the idealized mass of each floor is Ws. Consider the structure to be a building in seismic oc­
cupancy category II, site­class B, design category B and seismic use group II.
Given: Response modification factor R = 3.0
Occupancy importance factor I = 1.25
Use the equivalent lateral force method in the solution.

(a) Spectral responseperiod and base shear
Total building height = 5 x 9.5 = 47.5 ft
From the FEMA ground motion maps (Figure 13.3) spectral response accelerations

S1 = 0.42 sec and Ss = 0.85 sec, with a site­B class and 5 percent damping.
Adjusted spectral response accelerations for site class effects: from Tables 13.2(a)
and (b),

for S1 = 0.42 sec, F; = 1.0 and for Ss = 0.85 sec, Fa = 1.0

From Equations 13.2(a) and (b),

SMs = r.s, = 1.0 X 0.85 = 0.85

SMI = FyS¡ = 1.0 x 0.42 = 0.42

For 5 percent damped design spectral response acceleration using Eqs. 13.3(a) and (b ),

The seismic base shear V from Eq. 13.8 is V= C5 W = C5(5W5) for the five stories
where W5 is the idealized weight of each story.
From Table 13.4, the response modification coefficient for ordinary reinforced con­
crete moment frame is given as R = 3.
The occupancy importance factor for building category II from Table 13.5 is:
I = 1.25.

SDS 0.567
From Eq. 13.9, Cs = (R/I) = 3/1.25 = 0.236,

But C5 cannot exceed the value: c. =( !}-)T from Eq. 13.10.
For SDJ = 0.278 and from Table 13.6, Cu= 1.32.
For moment resistant concrete frame systems, a building period coefficient
CT = 0.022 will be used in this example. (See Sec. 13.3.1)
From Eq. 13.13, the approximate fundamental period,

Tª = CTh3l4 = 0.022 (47.5) 3/4 = 0.396 sec

Maximum allowable Tª = Cu Ta= 1.32 x 0.396 = 0.523 sec

For computing the base shear V, T= 1.2 x 0.523 = 0.63.

c. = (!i) = (­~3
= 0.184 sec
I T 1.25;'63
13.11 Seismic Base Shear and lateral Forces and Moments by the IBC Approach 881

From Eq. 13.11. Cs cannot be less than Cs= 0.044 Sos= 0.044 x 0.567 = 0.025
Hence, C, = 0.184 sec controls.
:. base shear V= CsW = Cs(5W5) = 0.184 x 5 W5 = 0.92 Ws
(b) Vertical Distrtbution of Forces and Overtuming Moments:
From Eqs. 13.15 (a) and (b), the lateral force induced at any story leve! is:

Fx = C,.x V where, C,., =

k =
0.63 ­
O.SO X l.
O ( .
+ 1.0 = l.26 by linear interpolation
. . )

Since h is constant for aJI the floors, Cvx becomes ~x where i = 5 at the top üoor,

= iw. + 2w, + 3W, + 4W, + sw. = 1sw.
Lateral iorce F, = CvxV=0.92 C;W,
Overturning moment from Eq. 13.19 is Mx = T ¿F,{h, - hx) Cor the top ten stories,
overturning moment reduction factor T = 1.0.
Hence, M, = L F, (h 1 - hx)

Computing and tabulating the story forces F, and the overturning moment M1 for ali

Photo 13.10 Overpass coUapse in 1971 Los Angeles earthquake. (Courtesy Port­
land Cement Associarion.)
882 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

force F; Story Story
Floor C; =0.92W5C; Shear Moment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

5 C5 =
= 0.333 0.3064Ws o o
4 C4 = = 0.267 0.2456Ws 0.3064Ws 0.3064Wsh
3 C3 = = 0.200 0.1840Ws 0.5520Ws 0.8584Wsh
2 C2 = = 0.133 0.1224Ws 0.7360Ws l.5944Wsh
1 C1 = = 0.067 0.0616W, 0.8584W, 2.4528Wsh
Wall base C0=0 o 0.9200Ws 3.3728W,h
hence seismic base shear V= 0.9200Ws. The moments at each story leve! are tabulated in column


Example 13.2
Design by the ACI 318 Code the reinforcement far a shear wall in a multibay, ductile frame,
twelve­story structure (adapted from Ref. 13.9) having a total height h.; = 148 ft (45 m) and
having equal spans of 22 ft ( 6.7 m). Except far the ground story, which is 16 ft ( 4.88 m) high,
ali other stories have 12 ft (3.67 m) heights. The total gravity factored load on the shear wall
is Wu = 4,800,000 lb (21.4 MN). The factored moment at the base of the wall due to seismic
loads from the lateral load analysis of the transverse frames is Mu = 554 x 106 in.­lb
(62.6 MN-m). The maximum axial force on the boundary element is Pu= 4,500,000 lb (20 MN).
The horizontal shear force at the base is 885,000 lb (3940 kN).
wall length (horizontally) = 26' ­ 211 = 26.17 ft = 314 in. (7980 mm)
thickness t = 20 in. = 1.67 ft (508 mm)
boundary element width = 32 in. (813 mm)
depth = 50 in. (1270 mm)
As = 39 No. 11 bars (39 bars of 35­mm diameter)
in each boundary element
¡; = 4000 psi (27.6 MPa), normal weight
fy = 60,000 psi (414 MPa)
Use <!> = 0.60 as the strength reduction factor far shear in this example.

l. Wall geometry andforces: en= 22 ft (6.7 m), ew (horizontal dimension) = 26.17 ft,
bweb = 20 in. = 1.67 ft, and bbound = 32 in. = 2.67 ft.

factored Wu = 4,800,000 lb (21.4 MN)

Mu = 554 X 106 in. lb (62.6 MN­m)

Pu= 4,500,000 lb (20 MN)

13.12 Seismic Shear Wall Design and Detailing 883

Photo 13.ll Northridge, California, 1994 earthquake structural failure. (Courtesy

Dr. Murat Saatcioglu.)

2. Boundary element check: = 26.17 ft, b = 1.67 ft, P.,= 4,500,000 lb, and M11 = 550 x I Q6
in.­lb. Assume that the wall will not be provided with confinement over its entire
bh3 l.67(26.l 7f
gross 18 = 12 = 12
= 2495 ft4

A8 = 1.67 X 26.17 = 43.7 ft2

P Me 26.17
f, = - A ± ­1-, e= -2­ X 12 = 157 in. (3990 mm)

Concrete compressive stress io tbe wall is

4,800,000 554 X lü6 X 157
!, = 43.7 {12)2 - 2494(12)4
= - 763 ­ 1682 = ­2445 psi (C) (16.8 MPa)
Máximum allowable /, = 0.2 f~ = 0.2 x 4000 = 800 psi (5.52 MPa) in compression if a
boundary element is not required. Hence bouodary elements are needed subject to the
confinement and loading requirements of Section 13.5.
3. Longitudinal ami transverse reinforcement: Check if rwo curtains of reioforcement
are needed, thai is, if in­plane factored shear > 2A0 VJ; (Section 13.5.5).
884 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

vu = 885,000 lb
Acv = area bound by web thickness and length of section in direction
of shear force

= 20 X 314 = 6280 in.2

2Acv Vf'c = 2 X 6280 V4000 = 799,400 lb (353 kN) < Vu = 885,000 lb
Hence two curtains of reinforcement are required.
. A,v
mm p, = A = p, = 0.0025 and max s = 18 in.

Acv per ft of wall = 20 X 12 = 240 in.2

required A, in each direction = 0.0025 X 240 = 0.60 in.2/ft
Trying No. 5 bars (15.8­mm diameter), A,= 2(0.31) = 0.62 in.2 in two curtains.
one bar area 0.62
required A,/12 in. 0.60/12
= 12.4 in. (315 mm) < 18 in. limit O.K.
Uses= 12 in.
Checkfor shear reinforcement capacity
A check is needed in order to determine that the No. 5 bars in two curtains at 12 in. e­e both
ways are adequate for the wall section to sustain the applied shear force at the base. The
shear wall aspect ratio is
n; 148
ew - 26.17 ­ .
Hence from Eq. 13.34 b

<l>Vn = <l>Acv (2Vf'c + PtÍy)

where <!> = 0.60 in this example; otherwise, refer to the ACI 318­02 Code for other conditions.
Acv = 20(26.17 X 12) = 6280 in.2
p, = 20 X
= 0.0026

available <!>V,, = 0.60 X 6280 (2V4000 + 0.0026 X 60,000)

= 1,065,000 lb > Vu = 885,000 lb (4.7 MN > required 3.9 MN)

Hence the wall section is adequate. Therefore, use two curtains of No. 5 bars spaced at 12 in.
e­e in both horizontal and vertical directions.
4. Boundary element check if acting as a short column under facto red vertical forces
dueto gravity and lateral loads: Pu acting on wall = 4,500,000 lb. From befare, b = 32
in., h = 50 in., As= 39 No. 11 bars = 39 x 1.56 = 60.84 in.2 (35,100 mm2) in each boundary
A, 60.84
Pst = A = 32 X 50 = 1600 = 0.033

Pmin = 0.01 < Pst < Pmax = 0.06 O.K.

The axial load capacity of the boundary element acting as a short column is
<!>Pn(max) = 0.80 <!> [0.85J; (A8 - A,,) + A,,fy]
= 0.80 X 0.65 [0.85 X 4000 (1600 ­ 60.84) + 60.84 X 60,000]

= 4,619,443 lb > Pu = 4,500,000 lb O.K.

13.12 Seismic Shear Wall Design and Detailing 885

5. Boundary element transverse confining reinforcement: b ; = 20 in., bb = 32 in., h or

ew = 314 in., and Ag = 1600 in.2• From Eqs. 13.3l(a) and (b)
p >--
s - Íy,

Ash 2: 0.3 sb, (:g - 1) ~~

ch Jyt

Assume No. 5 hoops and crossties spaced at 4 in. e­e.

(a) Short direction

bel = 50 ­ 2 ( 1.5 + :6) = 46.37 in.

bc2 = 32 ­ 2 ( 1.5 + :6) = 28.37 in.

Ach = 46.33 X 28.37 = 1314 in.2 (core area)
_ 0.09f;sbc1 _ 0.09 X 4000 X 4 X 46.37 _ .
Ash - , - ­ l.08m. 2
Jy t 60000

1600 ) 4000 . 2
Ash = 0.3 X 4 X 46.37 ( ­ 1 = 0.80 m.
1314 60,000
A,,. = 1.08 in.2 governs.
Use three No. 5 crossties, for a total of five legs being provided including the hoop,
every 4 in. along the boundary length (wall length ew). A,,. provided = 5 x 0.31 = 1.55
in.2, 0.K., on the conservative side
(b) Longitudinal direction

bc2 = 28.37 in., Ach = 1314 in.2

_ 0.l2f;bc2S _ 0.12 X 4000 X 4 X 28.37 _ . 2
or A,,. - Ír, - 60,000 ­ 0.91 m.

_ (1600 ) 4000 _ . 2
Ash - 0.3 X 4 X 28.37 ­ 1 ­ 0.49 m.
1314 60,000
A,,.= 0.91 in.2 (587 mm2) controls. With one No. 5 crosstie, a total of three legs is
provided every 4 in. e­e. A,,. provided = 3 x 0.31 = 0.93 in.2 (600 mm2).
6. Checkfor maximum hoop spacing:
s ~ .!_ X 32 = 8 in.
s ~ 6 times dia. of longitudinal bar = 6 X = 8.25 in.

hx = 32 ­ [2 (1! + !) + 5 (Jj)
5.4 m.

s¿ ~ 4 + ( 14 ­ hx) = 4 + (14 ­ 5.4) = 6.9 in. < 6.0 in. within length (,
3 3
Maximum spacing of cross­ties or hoops = 4 in. (100 mm)
7. Development of reinforcement: Development length of No. 5 horizontal bars assuming
no hooks are used within the boundary element: From Eqs. 13.33(a), b, ande,
fydb 60,000 X 0.625 .
= = 9 m.
edh 2: ­­
65 vi: 65 \/4000
2: 8db = 8 X 0.625 = 5 in.
2: 6 in.
886 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures.

Photo 13.12 lnterfirst Plaza, Dallas, Texas, 10,000­psi concrete. (Courtesy Port­
land Cement Association.)

edh = 9 in. (229 mm) govems

fd = 3.5fdh = 3.5 X 9 == 32 in. (815 mm)
lf bars are straight as in this example. ensure that development length is provided. If
90º hooks are used, eJ = edh = 9 in. Note that no Lap splices should be allowed for the
No. 5 horizontal bars,
8. Verifyadequacy of shear wall section at its base under combined axial load and
bending in its plane: From before.
Actual Pu= 4,800,000 lb {total gravity factored load)

Actual Mu = 554 X 106 in.­lb. e Mu =

=p .l L.:>-· m., bweb = 20 in., bbound = 32 in.
P; = 0.65 = 7.384,615 lb

M" 554 X 106 = 8 2 106 . ­lb

= 0.65 5 X lD.

e... = 26.17 ft = 314 in., wall height h..,= 148 ft = 1776 in. (45 m)
column action <I> = 0.65, beam action <I> = 0.90
no. of longitudinal bars in wall plane = 116 composed of two rows (39 No. 11 bars)
for both boundary elements and two curtains of No. 5 bars at 12 in. center­to­center
over e...
= 314 in.
total Ar, in the lateral cross section = 2 X 60.84 + 2 {18 X 0.31) = 132.8 in.2
AK = 2(32 x 50) + 20(314 ­ 2 x 50) = 7480 in.2 (4,830.000 mm2)
p = = 0.0178 > 0.01 and < 0.06 O.K.

1­­­~­ª­ · 11­.­­.
¿ E

·- o
Q. ...
.r. 11
i:, E
., .!!

"' E "!


eE (ll
e •
•. 5 •

.e. E

-e. e
zo, é E
~!:? I&') ~

eu u'I'
z ...

888 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

P; = 4000 X 7480 º·
= 247
Enter Figure 9.24(a) in Ref. 13.14 with Pnt(f; A8) = 0.247 and p = 0.0178. This gives a
value of M; tf; A8 h = 0.19.
Hence, available M; = 0.19 x 4000 x 7480 x 314 = 1785 x 106 in.­lb >> Required
M; = 852 X 106 in.­lb, O.K.


A precast structural (shear) wall for a five­story building in a moderate seismicity zone is
b = 8 in. (203 mm) thick (Ref. 13.29). The length of the interior wall is 24 ft (7.32 m) and the
height of each story is 13' ­O'' (3.96 m). Structural analysis showed that the wall is subjected to
a factored seismic base shear force Vu = LF(V.) = 157.4 kips (582 kN) anda factored over­
turning Case II base moment Mu = LF(M.) = 7114 ft­kip (9645 kN­m). The total weight of
each floor including attached masses is 2,400 kips (10,675 kN). Design the connection at the
base of the wall assuming that it is so reinforced that the neutral axis obtained by trial and
adjustment and strain compatibility analysis is e= 17.62 in. (447 mm). Use either welded con­
nection as in Figure 13.21 having a rated capacity of 25 kips per connection (111 kN) or Dy­
widag rods grade 150 ksi (1034 MPa) with thread bar couplers as in Fig. 13.20. Case I
factored overturning moment Mu= 6941 ft­kip (9410 kN­m).
Sliding shear friction coefficient µ = 0.60
Maximum allowable horizontal concrete shear interaction stress (sliding friction):
t.; = 1200 psi (8.2 MPa)
¡; = 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) for shear wall and for grout (dry pack)

Solution: The system forces acting on the structural wall are shown in Figure 13.25. The
ACI load factors governing the design are:

• Load Case I LF: = L20 + LOE+ (!1 L or f2 S)

• Load Case II LF: = 0.90 ± (LOE or L6W)

Usually, Load Case II controls the majority of design cases for gravity walls. Use case
U for seismic effects. As given in the problem statement, computer analysis using strain com­
patibility and tria! and adjustment for the reinforcement used in the wall (Ref. 13.29) gave
the following factored overturning moment:
Seismic overturning moment = 7114 ft­kip (Case 11)
and a neutral axis depth e= 17 .62 in.
Actual Seismic Shear:
Vu = 157.4 kips

= -;¡;- =
= 209.8 kips (930 kN)

Ce = 0.85 f;b¡31c = l~ (0.85 X 5000 X 8 X 0.80 X 17.62) = 476.5 kips.

From Figure 13.25, the sliding friction contribution,

V¡ = µ Ce = 0.60 X 476.5 = 285.9 kips.
Upper bound of V1 = [(wall thickness b) (N.A depth e) (allowable horizontal frictional
stress fcv)]
13.13 Example 13.3 Structural Precast Wall Base Connection Design 889

1 c
Applied Vu 1

....._ ­­' :
Additional connectors /
for shear resistance, 1 <C
<1>V2=Vu­<!>V1 / z:
V1 = µCe

(a) Equilibrium ata joint

or mild steel
3 1/4" duct for post-tensioning rods
or equivalent mild steel bars

f--:-- Effective d ----i .i_

/ ~lf­­' __ b L ­­­­­­,r

Typical elevation of
multistory wall Section X-X
(b) Typical cross section of a wall

Figure 13.25 Equilibrium forces and stresses at base of structural wall

V1 = (8.0 X 17.62 X 1200) = 169.2 kips ~ controls ( < 285.9 kips).

Net V2 = Actual Vn - V¡ = 209.8 ­ 169.2 = 40.6 kips.
Hence, required horizontal force contribution for designing the connection at the wall base is
40.6 kips.
If a welded connection is used with the given rated shear capacity of 25 kips, two
welded connections have to be used per wall, which is the minimum per panel (see Fig­
ure 13.21).
If Dywidag connector and grouted post­tensioning is used throughout the wall height,
use Dywidag type A 722, Grade 150 ksi connectors with minimum yield strength of 120 ksi
(Jpu = 150 ksi and effective pull after seating losses = 0.75 in. mínimum). Grout the horizontal
joint as in Figure 13.20.
The vertical flexura! reinforcement in the precast 8­in. wall panel elements is a typical
6 x 6 ­ W5 x W5 welded wire fabric reinforcement for such standard flexura! wall design.
890 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

It should be noted that the design engineer has to consult with the local precasters for
the appropriate connection configuration and its rated capacity.



Example 13.4
Designa typical ductile precast prestressed concrete moment­resisting frame connection in a
thirty­nine­story high rise building in a high­intensity seismic zone with design data from
Ref. 3.21. Use the Dywidag ductile connector assembly (DDC) described in Section 13.7.2
and Figure 13.15, namely, 282 kips capacity per single assembly. The frame analysis output for
this connection gave a factored moment Mu= 1,150 ft­kip (1559 kN­m) anda post­yield rotation
0P = 3.0 percent. The floors are post­tensioned slabs with 200 psi stress limit in the slab concrete
at service. The 5 1/2 in. thick slab panels were 18 ft x 27 ft on the average, prestressed both ways.
Precast beam span (L): 18 feet (5.49 cm)
Clear Span (Lc1): 15 feet (4.57 m)
Story Height: 9ft 8 in. (2.95 m)
Column Size: 36 in. X 36 in. (914 mm X 914 mm)
Beam Size: 30 in. X 36 in. (762 mm X 914 mm): [b X h]
Center to Center of Ductile Rods: 2.33 ft (710 mm): [d­d']
Objective Strength 1150 ft­kips (1559 kN­m): [Mu]
Objective Post­Yield Rotation: 3% (0p)
f~ = 5000 psi (34.5 MPa), normal weight Load intensity on precast beam:
Íy = Íyt = 60,000 psi (414 MPa) Slab wD = 0.70 K/ft
Ípu = 270,000 psi (1861 MPa) WL = 0.16 K/ft

t;:5 0.90 Ípu

Ípe = 162,000 psi (1117 MPa)
E,= 29,000,000 psi (200,000 MPa)
Ep, = 28,000,000 psi (193,000 MPa)
Maximum concrete stress,!,, at post­tensioning = 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)
Note that X.0 Jy = 1.25 due to probable seismic increase in the longitudinal reinforcement
strain at the joint well beyond the yield strain, as stipulated in the ACI 318 and IBC 2009
codes (see Sec. 13.4.1).

l. Determine nominal capacity of a double DDC connection.
Ty = 2(282) = 564 kips
M; = Ty(d - d') = 564(2.33) = 1314 ft­kips
Mu = <!>Mn = 0.9(1314) = 1183 ft­kips > 1150 ft­kips
As discussed in Sec. 13.6 and 13.7, it is important to note that a capacity-based ap-
proach is being used in order to develop the strength required along the seismic load
2. Determine the shear imposed on the connector at probable demand of the DDC
30 X 36
Beam wD = (0.150) = 1.13 K/ft
WD = 1.13 k/ft. (beam) + 0.70 k/ft. (slab) = 1.83 k/ft.
13.14 Design of Precast Prestressed Ductile Frame Connection 891

Photo 13.13 Paramount Apartments, San Francisco, CA: the first hybrid
precast prestressed concrete moment­resistant 39 floor high­rise frame build­
ing in high seismicity zone, 2002, Ref. 13.21 and Examples 13.4 and 13.5.
(Photo 1.17 lists acknowledgements for both photos, courtesy Charles
Pankow Builders Ltd.)

Toe subscripts pr denote the probable seismic force. shear, or moment.

From Eq. 4.3l(e), controlling U= 1.20 + LOE+ l.OL
Ld = clear span
M,., + Ms) L,1
Vbpr= ( Ld + [1.2(1.83) + 1.0(0.16)] 2
= 15 + 17.67
= 237 kips

where MA and M8 are the probable Ilexural strengtbs that can be developed in the
beams at the colurnn Cace (1.25 Mn)· Dead and live loads are factored.
Required friction factor between transfer block and Cace of ductile rod,
v, 231
f. = l.25T1 = (1.25)564 = 0.34
Note that class­A slip critica! connectors develop a friction factor of 0.33 (AISC Speci­
fications) but this includes a safety factor of about 40 percent (Ref. 13.16). Observe
also that tbe available friction increases in direct proportion to the tensile load devel­
oped in the ductile rod.
892 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

3. Check the induced bearing pressure (p) under a ductile rod at the probable strength of
the ductile rod:
vbpr 237 .
Shear/bolt = = = 59.3 kips
4 4
59.3 .
p = 2.95 X 2.95 = 6·81 ksi

Note that the shear transfer mechanism is assumed conservatively to flow through the
compression nade (Figure 13.26). The bearing area under the ductile rod is confined
on ali sides. On the open face where it meets the beam, an oversized washer is pro­
vided to accomplish this objective.
Allowable nominal bearing pressure Panow = 1.7 f;
= 1.7(5) = 8.5 ksi

<l>Pallow = 0.7(8.5} = 6.0 ksi

4. Design of shear reinforcement for the beam.
vbpr = 237 kips (see step 2}
vbpr 237 .
Vu = bd = = 0.24 ksi
It should be noted that since inelastic behavior will not occur in the beam, the ability
of the concrete to carry shear is not diminished (Ref. 13.17). Hence, ve= 2Vf'c =
2\/5000 = 141 psi= 0.141 ksi.

=­­¡­ ­
Vs Ve

0.24 .
= ­ 0.141 = 0.179 ksi


Shear fan

Shear fan ­­+<!++­­­­

__.....--,- 25" min.

2.95" sq. Concrete fill

in blockout No. 4 @ 4112 in.


Figure 13.26 Shear transfer mechanism in the discontinuous region of a DDC®

trame beam (Ref. 13.21)
13.14 Design of Precast Prestressed Ductile Frame Connection 893

Avfy, 0.4(60) .
s = ---;;¡; = 0.179(30) = 4.47 m. c./ c.
Provide #4 closed U­stirrups (ties) at 4! in. c.l.c. as shown in Fig. 13.26 to cover the
shear fans zone.
lt is suggested that the first two stirrups should be hoop sets and include an inner
hoop set to provide lateral support for the flexura! bars (see Figure 13.26). The first
hoop set should be placed at the edge of the blockout. The shear fan describes the
shear transfer mechanism in this discontinuous region.
Shear transfer in the Discontinuous Region
A shear fan describes the shear transfer mechanism in this discontinuous region.
Capacity of one #4 tie set:
V, = Avfy, = 0.4(60) = 24 kips
Number Required = = 10

Provide five double­#4 closed U­stirrup sets within the shear fan region.
S. Load transfer mechanism within the joint.
The bearing plate on the interior end of the ductile rod develops the tensile strength
of the rod in bearing. Joint behavior is significantly improved because this load trans­
fer mechanism does not slip, as a conventional bar will as it debonds when subjected to
load reversals.
Bearing on the end plate:

'A0R = 1.25(5!4) = 176.5 kips

. stress p = 176·5 = 6 .3 k st. = 6 . O k si,. O .K.

where the DDS plate area = 28 in.2

.r:": Transfer ties
t> ( capacity- T)

­. 1
,l 'H

- 11 ,~ ~T
:=::;: ­, 11 I~

> V

Jl 11 ~-, ~~
1J u-
tt t '"'
. A

Figure 13.27 Load path within the beam-column joint of a DDC assembly (Ref.
894 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Photo 13.14 Failure of piers at Hanshin Highway Bridge, Kobe Earthquake,

Japan, 1995 (Courtesy Professor Megumí Tominaga, Kyoto University, Japan)
Load transfer within a beam-column joint
It is accomplísbed througb the activation of a strut mecbanisrn and a truss mecha­
nism (Ref. 13.17, 13.22). As seen from Figure 13.27; The strut mechanism is activated
by bearing oo the column face in the case of the compressioo side at the peak load. Oo
the tensión side the load is delivered to the truss mechanism. Since the stiffer load path
is, at least initially, through the strut rnechanism, it is advisable to provide a sufficient
oumber of ties in tbe vicinity of the ducrile rod to transfer the developed rod force to
the node region. Toe suggested tic force (Tr) is:
T7 = 4 (>..,,R) = 4 (176.4) = 706 kips
where >..0 = 1.25 for probable increase of25%.
Ar= = 11.7 in.2
Use seven triple­#5 tie sets 7(3 x 0.62) = 13.02 in.2 > 11.7 in.2, OK-rhree above and
four below the ductile rods. Tie sets should be located within a 65° angle of the ductile
rod bearing area.
Joint Shear Srress-AC/318 Code basis
>..oAfn 1.25(1314) .
Vbp, = LJ2 = ?.S = 219 kips
vbp,L 219(18) .
v,pr = -,,- =~ = 408 kips
V1h = 2>..0T1 - Vq,r = 2(1.25)(564) ­ 408 = 1002 kips
v,h 1002 .
v1h = A, = 36(36)
= O. 773 ksi

V¡haJww = 15<1>VJ; = 15(0.75)V5000 = 0.80ksi > 0.773ksi.O.K.

6. Column Design Criterion
Design of the column follows standard situ­cast concrete design procedures using
the strong columo­weak beam requirement in the ACJ Code:
13.15 Design of Precast Prestressed Ductile Frame Connection 895

"ZMnc > S xu;
Alternatively, and consistent with the capacity design approach, the moment demand
can be developed directly from probable column shears.
M11c ;;,:: Z (Vcpr)
where he is the clear height of the column.
u; =

= 1972 ft­kips

Once the nominal axial load P11 is entered from the computer analysis output, the col­
umn is designed in the usual manner as outlined in Chapter 8.
7. Post-yield deformability
The portian of the ductile rod, whích was designed to absorb post­yield deforma­
tions, is 9 in. long. The elongation required of the ductile rod (ile) is:
(d - d') .
ile = eP = 0.03(14) = 0.42 m.
= - 9 = 0047

The strain associated with the fracture of the ductile rod is in excess of 50 percent or
0.50, hence O.K.



Design a typical moment­resisting connection for the ductile frame building in Example 13.4
using a hybrid system as described in Section 13.7.1. Use both well­bonded mild reinforcing
bars at top and bottom of the frame beams with debonding at the column face and concentric
post­tensioning steel reinforcement at their mid­depth. Given:

Beam size: 24 in. x 36 in. (610 mm x 914 mm)

t: = 5000 psi (34.5 MPa), normal weight
I, = 60,000 psi (414 MPa)
Ípu = 270,000 psi (1861 MPa)
Íps ~ 0.90 Íp11
Ípe = 162,000 psi (1117 MPa)
E,= 29,000,000 psi (200,000 MPa)
Ep, = 28,000,000 psi (193,000 MPa)
Maximum concrete stress,fc, at post­tensioning = 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)

Solution: The design procedure in this example differs in that the beam width here <loes
not need to be a function of the hardware as is the case for the DDC in the previous example.
It is important to note in this example also that a capacity-based approach is used in order
to develop the strength required along the seismic load path.
l. Determine the amount of post-tensioning required.
The post­tensioning should be capable of resisting about 60 percent of the moment
demand. The balance is to be resisted by the mild steel reinforcement.
896 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Mu = 1150 ft­kips
Mu 1150 .
M =­ = ­­ = 1278 ft­kips
n <!> 0.9
Mnps = 0.6(1278) = 767 ft­kips
Assume that the effective lever arm is about 16 in. (h/2 - a/2) = 1.33 ft.
Mnps 767 .
Tnps = (~ _ ~) = 1.33 = 576 kips

A = Tnps = 576 = 3 56 . 2
ps f,pe 162 . m.
Use 0.6 in. diameter strands, Ap, = 0.213 in.2 / strand.
. 3.56
Required number of strands, N = = 16.7
It should be noted that the selection of the amount of post­tensioning is fairly arbi­
trary. The objective is to provide a restoring force (see design objectives) and satisfy
objective strength requirements. The designer may select a 17­strand tendon or opt to
use a 19­strand tendon. The latter will be used in this example since a 19­strand tendon
anchorage is available and would be used for either choice. Also observe that post­
tensioning strands are more cost effective than Grade 60 reinforcing when developed
as described in Figure 13.13(b ). The consequence associated with the use of propor­
tionately higher amounts of post­tensioning is the loss of sorne energy dissipation.
Ap, = 19(0.213) = 4.05 in.2
Tp, = Ap,Ípe = 4.05(162) = 656 kips
Tp, 656 .
¡; b =
= 6.43 m. (from data, b = 24 in.)

Mnps = Tp, (
­2 ª) = 656(18 ­ 3.21)
= 813 ft­kips
2 12
Check compressive stress on the concrete= PJAc
P, Tp, 656 .
Ac = Ag = 24(36) = 0.76 ksi

Note that the post­tensioning stress level in the concrete should not exceed 1000 psi. This
is because stress compatibility with the other components of the structure will become
more of a problem and system shortening is likely to be excessive. In the building being
designed and used in this example (Ref. 13.21), the floor slab is post­tensioned and the
level of effective post­tensioning in the floor will be on the order of 200 psi ( or less ).
2. Determine the amount of mild steel required to attain the objective strength.
M¿ = M; - Mnps = 1278 ­ 813 = 465 ft.kips
Mns 465
T - 186 kips (d' = 3 in.)
ns = d - d' (33 ­ 3)/12 ­

A, - -¡; - 6()
_ Tns 186 _
_ .
­ 3.1 m. 2

Hence, provide four No. 8 bars (As= 3.16 in.2/Mns = 474 ft.­kips).
Available Tn, = 3.16 X 60 = 190 kips
3. Limit state at ultimate strength.
The original design guidelines for this construction system (Ref. 13.18) require that
the flexural overstrength (probable strength) provided by the mild steel be less than
13.15 Design of Precast Prestressed Ductile Frame Connection 897

that provided by the post­tensioning steel. This provision is intended to produce the
objective of a self­restoring bracing system. The mild steel reinforcing bars are
debonded at the beam­column interface as in Figure 13.28. This is because the precast
beam will tend to separate or "lift­off" the column, introducing large strains in the
mild steel in this region. The extent of the debonding determines the strain/stress in­
duced in the mild steel when the deformation limit state is reached. It should be noted
that as the strain limit in the mild steel reinforcing bars is approached, their stress leve!
becomes on the order of approximately 105 ksi. The probable strain in the mild steel
would be comfortably less than the strain limit state at the deformation limit state.
Determine the mild steel stress ata post­yield rotation of 3% (see stress­strain dia­
gram in Figure 2.18 and Ref. 13.19). The unbonded mild steel length includes a region
of probable debonding of 2.75 db on either side of the intentionally debonded region.
If the intentionally debonded length is 6 in., the total debonded length becomes:

______ __,_

Region where
debonding is

debonded region

~-- Mild steel



Figure 13.28 Reinforcing elongation at post-yield rotation limit state hybrid

beam subassembly (Ref. 13.21)
898 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

L; + 5.5db = 6 + 5.5(1) = 11.5 in.

The strain states in the mild and post­tensioned steel are developed from the post­yield
deformation state of the connection in Fig. 13.28 and the stress­strain diagram of the mild
steel reinforcement in Figure 2.16 or 2.18b of Chapter 2. The process is an iterative trial­
and­adjustment procedure since the location of the neutral axis and steel strain states are
mutually dependent. A reasonable estimate of the neutral axis is possible. Tps will in­
crease by about 25% to about 200 ksi. Tns will increase by about 67 percent (100/60),
which is the increase transmitted to the concrete at the compression side due to the prob­
able seismic load. Toe compressive force that must be resisted by the concrete is:
(a) Mild steel reinforcement
For equilibrium, Tns = e;
C = 1.25 Tps + 1.67 Tns - e; = l.25Tps + 0.67Tns
= 1.25(656) + 0.67(190) = 820 + 127 = 947 kips
947 .
ª = 0.85(5)(24) =
a 9.3 .
e= 131 = 0.80 = 11.6 m.

Assume e= 11.6 in. for this tria! cycle

dsu = 6p(d - e) = 0.03(33 ­ 11.5) = 0.645 in. (elongation of the mild steel)

des = dsu = 0.645 = 0.056

L,, + ssa, 11.5
Esu = 0.056 + Ey = 0.058
Ísu = 100 ksi (Refer to Figure 2.16 or Figure 2.18b)
(b) Prestressing steel reinforcement

dpu = 6P (~ - e) = 0.03(18 ­ 11.6) = 0.195 ( elongation required of the post­

tensioning tendon)

18(12)(0.5) =
dfps = dEpuEps = 0.0018(28,000) = 50 ksi

Ípsu = Ípse + dfpe = 162 + 50 = 212 ksi < 0.9 /pu ( Refer to Figure 2.16
or Figure 2.18b)
Tsu = Asfsu = 3.16 (60 + 40) = 3.16(100) = 316 kips
Tpsu = Aps Ípsu = 4.05(212) = 859 kips
C = Tpsu + Tsu - e; = 859 + 316 ­ 190 = 985 kips

985 9 65.
ª = 0.85(5)(24) = · m.

e = = 12 in. (which is close to the e = 11.6 in., hence O.K.)

Mp, = r.; (~ - ~) + ir; - Tns< d - ~) + r; (d - d')

= 212(4.05)(18 ­ 4.83) + 40(3.16)(33 ­ 4.83) + 60(3.16)(30)
= 11,308 + 3561 + 5688
= 20,560 in.­kips = 1713 ft­kps
13.15 Design of Precast Prestressed Ductile Frame Connection 899

Msu = 3561 + 5688 = 9249 in.­kips < Mpsu = 11,308 in.­kips

. Mp, 1713
Overstrength factor achieved = M = = 1.34, O.K.
n 1278
Verification of <!> = 0.90 value:
cid, = 12/33 = 0.363 < 0.375 in Figure 4.45, hence the section is tension controlled,
and the value of <!> = 0.90 is verified.
4. Verify that the capacity of the joint is sufficient.
Comparing with the ACI 318 Code requirements, the ratio of probable strength
(Mp,) to nominal strength (Mn) is 1.33 for the hybrid beam as opposed to the 1.25 stip­
ulated by the ACI for conventional cases. This would probably be the conclusion re­
sulting from the analysis of a conventionally reinforced frame beam at a post­yield
rotation demand of 3 percent.
Tps-pr = 1.25(162)(4.05) = 820 kips
Ts-pr = 1.25(60)(3.16) = 237 kips
T, = Asfy = 60 X 3.16 = 190 kips
Tps-pr + 0.25Ts 867
ª= 0.85f;b 0.85(5)(24) = 8· 5.

Mpr = Tps-pr (~ - ~) + Ts(d - d') + 0.25Ts ( d - ~)

= 820 (18 ­ 4.25) + 190 (33 ­ 3) + 47 (33 ­ 4.25)
= 18,326 in.­kips
Mp, 18,326 .
Vb-pr = L/2 = 9(l2) = 170 kips

Vb-p,L 170(18) .
vc-pr = -h- =~ = 316 kips

V¡ = + 2Ts-pr - Vc-pr
= 820 + 2(237) ­ 316 = 978 kips
V¡ 978 .
V¡ = A¡ = = 0.75 ksi

V¡-allow = <!>15~ = 0.75(15)V5000 = 795 psi = 0.80 ksi > 0.75 ksi, O.K.
5. Design the shear reinforcement f or the beam.
Since post­yield behavior is anticipated in the end of the beam, the procedures used
for the design of a monolithically cast "special" concrete frame beam are required.
From step 4,
vb-pr = 170kips
vb-pr 170 .
vb-pr = ----¡;;¡-- = 24(33)
= 0.215 ksi

(a) Hinge region:

Disregard in the hinge region the shear strength of the plain concrete, namely, ve= O.
vs = 0.215 ksi
Trying two No. 4 stirrup sets, Av= 0.20 in.2/one leg of a stirrup.
<!>fy1Av 0.75(60)(4)(0.20) .
s = ----;;¡;- = 0.215(24) = 6·98 m.
where s is the maximum spacing of stirrups and Av is the stirrup area.
900 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

- -1 .... -

post-tensioning 7I
r Debonded reqion
Mild steel
I 1

) ­ .... J
1 r

1 1


Mil d steel

! -
!, l,4

#4@ 7 in. e/e



]L ~C]
19-6'10"0 - - v- -

Figure 13.29 Schematic of the hybrid ductile beam-column connection in Ex-

ample 13.5

Provide two No. 4 closed U­stirrups (hoops) at 7 in. center­to­center in the hinge
(b) Outside the hinge region:
Assume double No. 4 U­stirrups, Av= 0.40 in.2 per stirrup.

v, = 2vj"; = 141 psi = 0.141 ksi

vb-pr 0.215 .
v, = ­­ ­ v, = ­­5­ 0.141 = 0.146 ksi
<!> 0.7
JyAv 60(2 X 0.40)
s = v,b = 0.146(24) = ª69 .
m. c./c.

Provide double No. 4 U­stirrups at 14 in. center­to­center outside the hinge region
which do not necessarily have to be hooped. Figure 13.29 schematically shows de­
tails of the ductile beam­column connection designed in this example. The first
three sets of stirrups at 12 in. c. toe.


13.1 ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Com-
mentary (ACI 318R-08). American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008, pp. 465.
Selected References 901

13.2 International Code Council, International Building Codes 2009 (IBC), Joint UBC, BOCA, SBCCI,
Whittier, CA, 2009, 667 p.
13.3 International Conference of Building Officials, Uniform Building Code (UBD), Vol. 2, ICBO,
Whittier, CA, 1997.
13.4 ASCE Standard 7­05, Mínimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Soci­
ety of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2005, pp. 110­125.
13.S Norris, H. C., Hansen, R. J., Holley, M. J., Biggs, J. M., Namyet, S., and Minami, K., Structural De-
sign for Dynamic Loads, McGraw­Hill, New York, 1959.
13.6 Englekirk, R. E., and Hart, G. C., Earthquake Design of Concrete Masonry Buildings, Vols. 1 & 11,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1982.
13.7 Schneider, R. R., and Dickey, W. L., Reinforced Masonry Design, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, N.J.,1994.
13.8 Clough R. W., "Dynamic Effects of Earthquakes," Proc. ASCE, Vol. 86, ST4, New York, April
1960, pp. 49­65.
13.9 Ghosh, S. K., "Special Provisions for Seismic Design," PCA Publication, Notes on AC/318-89
Code, Chapter 31, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 1990, pp. 31­1 to 31­81.
13.10 Derecho, A. T., Fintel, M., and Ghosh, S. K., "Earthquake­resistant Structures," Ch. 12 in Hand-
book of Concrete Engineering, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1985, pp. 411­513.
13.11 Borg, S. E., Earthquake Engineering-Damage Assessment and Structural Design, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1983.
13.12 Wakabayashi, M., Design of Earthquake-resistant Buildings, McGraw­Hill, New York, 1986.
13.13 Naja, W. M., and Bane, C. T., "Seismic Resisting Construction" Chapter 26, in E. G. Nawy, editor­
in­chief, Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008,
1560 p. (CH 32, pp. 1­70).
13.14 Nawy, E. G., Reinforced Concrete-A Fundamental Approach, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Sad­
dle River, N.J., 2009, pp. 936.
13.15 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), "NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seis­
mic Regulations for New buildings and Other Structures," FEMA 302, Part 1 & 11, Building Seis­
mic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., 1998.
13.16 Englekirk, R. E., Steel Structures-Controlling Behavior through Design, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1994.
13.17 Pauley, T., and Priestely, M. J. N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Walls, John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992, 744 pp.
13.18 Cheok, G. S., Stone, W. C. and Nakaki, S. D., "Simplified Design Procedure for Hybrid Precast
Concrete Connection," NISTIR Report No. 5765, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD, February 1996, 82 pp.
13.19 Englekirk, R. E., "An Innovative Design Solution for Precast Prestressed Concrete Buildings in
High Seismic Zones," Vol. 41 No. 4, PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago,
IL, July/August 1996, pp. 44­53.
13.20 Ghosh, S. K., Nakaki, S. W., and Krishnan, K., "Precast Structures in Regions of High Seismicity:
1997 UBC Design Provisions," Vol. 42, No. 6, PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute,
Chicago, IL, November­December 1997, pp. 76­93.
13.21 Englekirk, R. E., Design of Paramount Apartments: Thirty­Nine Story Ductile Frame Precast Pre­
stressed Concrete Building in San Francisco. Prívate Communication, 1999.
13.22 Englekirk, R. E., and Llovet, D., "Cyclic Test of Cast­in­Place High Strength Beam­Column
Joints," Concrete International, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1999.
13.23 Choek, G. S., and Lew, H. S., "Model Precast Beam­to­Column Connections Subject to Cyclic
Loading," PCI Journal, Vol. 38, No 4, July­August 1993, Chicago, IL: Precast/Prestressed Con­
crete Institute, Chicago, IL, July/August, pp. 80­100.
13.24 Choek, G. S., and Stone, W. C., and Kunnath, S. K., "Seismic Response of Precast Prestressed Con­
crete Frames with Hybrid Connections," ACI Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, September/October 1998, pp. 527­546.
902 Chapter 13 Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

13.25 Priestly, M. J. N. and Marcie, G. A., "Seismic Tests of Precast Beam­to­Column Joint Subassem­
blages with Unbonded Tendons," PCI Journal, Vol. 41 No. 1, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Insti­
tute, Chicago, IL, January­February, 1996, pp. 64­81.
13.26 Stone, W. C., Choek, G. S., and Stanton, J. F., "Performance of Hybrid Moment­Resisting Precast
Beam­Column Concrete Connections Subjected to Cyclic Loading," Title 92­S22, ACI Structural
Iournal, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, March­April, 1995, pp. 229­249.
13.27 Stanton, J., Stone, W. C., and Choek, G. S., "A Hybrid Reinforced Precast Frame for seismic Regions,"
PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Instítute, Chicago, IL, March­April, 1997, pp. 20­32.
13.28 Aswad, G. S., Djazmati and Aswad, A., "Comparison of Shear Wall Deformations and forces
Using Two Approaches," PCI Joumal, Vol. 44, No. 1, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute,
Chicago, IL, January­February, 1999, pp. 34­­46.
13.29 Aswad, A., Prívate Communication and "Analysis of Reinforced or Post­Tensioned Shear Walls,"
SHEARWAL Computer Program, Version 2.1, Jacques and Aswad Inc., Denver, CO, 1990.
13.30 Cleland, N. M., "Design for Lateral Resistance with Precast Concrete Shear Walls," Col. 42, No. 5, PCI
Joumal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL, September­October 1997, pp. 44­63.
13.31 Pessiki, S. et al. "Seismic Analysis, Behavior and Design of Unbonded Post­Tensioned Precast
Concrete Frames." Report No. EQ­97­02, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, PA, November 1997, pp. 1­315.
13.32 Pessiki, S. et al. "Analytical Modeling and Lateral Load Behavior of Unbonded Post­Tensioned
Precast concrete walls," Reports No. EQ­96­02, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, November 1996, pp. 1­192.
13.33 Pessiki, S. et al. "Seismic Design and Response evaluation of Unbonded Post­Tensioned Precast
Concrete Walls" Report No. EQ­97­01, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, PA, November 1997, pp. 185.
13.34 Englekirk, R. E., "Design­Construction of the Paramount ­A 30 Story Precast Prestressed
Concrete Apartment Building," PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL,
July­August 2002, pp. 56­69
13.35 Nawy, E. G., "Discussion ­ The Paramount Building," PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete
Institute, Chicago, IL, November­December 2002, p. 116
13.36 ACI Committee 340, ACI Design Handbook=Design of Structural Reinforced Concrete Elements
with the Strength Design Method, ACI SP­17, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
1997, pp. 482.
13.37 Englekirk, R. E., "Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings," Publ. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2003, pp. 825.


13.1 A 3 x 18 panel ductile, moment­resistant frame category­11 site­class B frame building has a ground
story 15 ft. high (4.6 m) and ten upper stories of equal height of 11'­6" (3.5 m). Compute the seis­
mic base shear V and the overturning moment at each story leve! in terms of the weight Ws of each
floor. Use the equivalent lateral force method in the solution. Given:
S1 = 0.34 sec, S, = 0.90 sec R = 5,
Ws per floor = 2400 kips (9560 kN)
13.2 A moment­resisting ductile frame building is located in a high­seismic­intensity zone. The earth­
quake forces are resisted equally as a dual system by the ductile frame and a monolithic reinforced
concrete shear wall over the total height of the building. The geometry of the structure is given
below. Design the shear wall assuming that the magnitude of the loads, forces and moments ap­
plied to the wall are 110 percent of the values used in Ex. 13.2. Given:
floors have slabs of thickness h¡= 7 in. (178 mm)
clear beam spans in both longitudinal and transverse directions = 20'­0" (6.1 m)
shear wall base length lw = 25 ft (39.6 m)
Problems for Solution 903

shear wall height hw = 130 ft (39.6 m)

t: = 5000 psi, normal weight (34.5 MPa)
fyv = Íyh = 60,000 psi (414 MPa)v
Sketch the wall reinforcement.
13.3 A precast shear wall in a moderate seismicity zone for a six story frame building has a wall thick­
ness of 10 in. (254 mm). The height of each story is 11'­6" (3.5 m) and the wall segments extend the
height of the building and prestressed vertically. The wall is subjected to a factored seismic base
shear Vu = 210 kips (1048 kN) anda factored overturning moment M, = 8000 ft­kip (12,150 kN­m)
for Case II loading as controlling in this case (gravity load dominant). The total weight of each
floor including any attached masses is 2800 kips (12,454 kN). Design the connection at the base of
the wall assuming that the neutral axis obtained by strain­compatibility analysis is e= 21.5 in. (546
mm). Given:
sliding coefficient µ = 0.60
beams size: 24 in. X 28 in. (610 mm X 711 mm)
effective beam spans: 22 ft 6 in. (6.9 m)
allowable horiz. shear stress t; = 1200 psi (8.3 MPa)
¡; = 5000 psi, normal weight (34.5 MPa)
Jy = fy, = 60,000 psi (414 MPa)
Use a Dywidag connector system.
13.4 Design a ductile precast prestressed concrete moment­resistant connection of a ductile frame in a
high intensity seismic zone subjected to a factored seismic moment Mu= 1350 ft­kip (1831 kN­m)
anda post­yield rotation 6P = 2.75 percent. The frame precast beams have spans of 20'­0" and the
clear spans are 17'­4" (5.3 m). Each story height is 9'­<Y' (2.74 m). Use the Dywidag Ductile Con­
nection assembly (DDC) in your solution. Given:
column sizes: 38 in. X 38 in. (965 mm X 965 mm)
center to center Ductile Rods, (d - d'): 27 in. (686 mm)
¡; = 5000 psi, normal weight concrete (34.5 MPa)

13.S Design the moment resisting connection in Problem 13.4 as a hybrid connection using both mild
steel and prestressing post­tensioned reinforcement. Given:
¡; = 5000 psi, normal weight concrete (34.5 MPa)

t, = fy, = 60,000 psi (414 MPa)

Ípu = 270,000 psi (1862 MPa)
fps = < 0.90 fpu ( determine from compatibility analysis)
fpe = 160,000 psi (1103 MPa)
E, = 29,000 ksi (200,000 MPa)
Ep, = 28,000 ksi (193,000 MPa)

fe = 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) maximum concrete stress at post­tensioning

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