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WORK is defined in terms of the force exerted on an

object as it undergoes a displacement.

W = Frcos 1 Joule (J) = 1 N.m
where  is the angle between the direction of F and the
displacement r (180o or less)
A carpenter pulls a cart load of lumber 10m across a
floor. The tension in the rope is 200N and is directed 37o
above the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the
carpenter in pulling the lumber.
A bellhop lifts a 20 kg suitcase 0.40 m, then hold it at rest
for 5 seconds, then slowly carries it 30 m along a hall,
and finally sets it back down the floor. Calculate the work
done by the bellhop on the suitcase during each part of
the trip.
An 80 N rope tension force is used to slowly pull a wagon
50m up a hill inclined at an angle of 20o. (a)Calculate the
work done by the rope if it pulls parallel to the hill. (b)
repeat part (a), but assume that the rope slowly lowers
the wagon 50 m down the hill.
ENERGY is the ability to do work
The energy may be stored by the object in a variety of
KINETIC ENERGY – the energy an object has because it is
KE = ½ mv2
KE = ½ m(vf2 – vi2)
Calculate the change in kinetic energy when a 1000 kg
car accelerates (a) from rest to 10 m/s and (b) from 10
m/s to 20 m/s.
The kinetic energy of a 1500 kg car decreases by 2.6 x 105
J. Its final speed is 20 m/s. Calculate its initial speed.
A rope exerts a 120 N average force while pulling a 12 kg
mass for 16m on a horizontal frictionless surface. The
rope’s force is exerted parallel to the surface. If the mass
starts with the speed 4.0 m/s and all of the work done by
the rope is converted to kinetic energy, what is the final
speed of the mass?
object has because of its vertical separation from the
PEg = mg(yf – yi)
A 5200 kg cable car in San Francisco is pulled a
displacement of 360 m up a hill inclined 12o from the
horizontal. Calculate the change in gravitational energy.

A rope pulls 10 kg crate 6m along a frictionless plane

inclined at an angle of 30o. The tension in the rope is
79N, and its force is directed parallel to the plane. The
crate’s speed increases from 0 to 6 m/s. Calculate the (a)
the work done by the rope on the crate, (b) the change in
kinetic energy and (c) the change in gravitational energy
of the crate.
ELASTIC POTENTIAL ENERGY- the energy stored in an
stretched or compressed elastic materials such as spring.
PEs = ½ k(xf2 – xi2)
A spring with 1200 N/m force constant is compressed
0.20m and 2.0 kg block rest on a horizontal surface is
placed against the spring. When the spring is released,
the block shoots forward. (a) Calculate the change in
elastic potential energy of the spring (b) if the elastic
potential energy change of the spring is balanced by the
increase in kinetic energy of the block, how fast does the
block move as it leaves the spring?

INTERNAL ENERGY – the atomic and molecular energy of

matter consisting of (1) kinetic energy of the atoms and
molecules due to their random motion(thermal energy)
and (2) the energy an atoms and molecules have as a
result of their bonds and interactions with each other
Eint = Fk s
W = Esystem
W = KE + PEg + PEs + Eint
A 6 kg block slides from position A down a frictionless
curve to position B. At B, a friction force opposes the
motion of the block so that it comes to a stop 2.5 m from
B. What is the speed of the block at B and the coefficient
of friction between the block and the surface after
position B?
POWER is defined as the rate of doing work or the rate of
energy conversion from one form to another.
P = W/t (1 W = 1 J/s)
P= E/t
1 hp = 746 W
A crane lifts a 300 kg load at constant speed a vertical
distance of 30 m in 10 s. Calculate the rate at which the
crane is doing work on the load.
A 1400 kg car traveling at 27 m/s is opposed by air and
rolling friction force of magnitude 680N. (a) Calculate the
power that the car traveling on a level road, must expend
at its wheels to overcome the friction. (b) If the car drives
up a 4.0o incline at the same speed, what power must
now be expended at the wheels to both overcome
friction and propel the car up the hill?
How much time is needed for a 1 hp motor to lift a
student’s 72 kg body 16 m to the window of his
dormitory room?

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