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1. There are many kinds of stories.

This is because stories are written for a variety of

reasons. Some authors write stories because they want to make the reader laugh. Some write
stories to make the reading curious. Still, others write so that the reader can learn something
new. If it weren't for the creativity of writers and the differences in people's interests, there
would only be one type of story for people to read.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. Authors write stories because they want their readers to be happy.
b. People love reading stories that help them learn.
c. Authors enjoy writing stories that make people laugh
d. Authors write for different reasons.

2. If you want people to be interested in you, be interested in them rather than only in
yourself. A person who spends hours telling others about his accomplishments is usually
without friends. So too, is the man who boasts of his own cleverness and ability. Other
people find that their interest in you wanes rapidly if you make frequent references to what
you have done or can do. Some counsellors suggest that if you want to be interesting, you
must turn the conversation around other person. They suggest that you ask questions that will
lead them to talk about themselves, their interests, and their ambitions. The only problem that
some of us have with this strategy that now the boredom is ours. We soon lose the desire to
ask questions that will start others to talk about themselves. Some of us are fortunate because
we are really interested in other people’s experiences. If, however, you do not find the
experiences of other people interesting, you must stick to topics which both you and others
find interesting and important. Weather, politics, sports, and vacation plans have long been
the areas that have been used for this purpose. Think of other topics that can be added to
The topic of the selection is:
a. Being popular
b. People who are easily bored
c. Interesting people
d. The advice given by trained counsellors

3. High achievement motivation affects people’s choice of occupation and job success.
(High achievement motivation) refers to the psychological need for success in school, sports,
occupations that provide rewards for individual achievement, such as sales, engineering
architecture or law. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend to go into
occupations that realistically match their abilities. For this reason, they have little anxiety or
fear of failure. And when success is achieved, they enjoy the fruit of their labor more than the
average person.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. High achievement motivation affects people’s choice of occupation and job success.
b. People with high achievement motivation tend to go into occupations that realistically
match their abilities.
c. People have little anxiety or fear of failure.
d. High achievement motivation refers to the psychological need for success in school,
sports, and occupation.

4. Short-lived though all things on earth may be, each has a special purpose for being.
Grasses grow for animals to gaze and feed on. Buds bloom to develop seeds for the
propagation of its species. The sun rises to give light and heat to all creatures on earth.
Finally, man is here to prepare himself for eternal life, to reach out and use the special gifts
of God has given to him for the service of his Creator, his self, and his fellowmen. This is
reiterated by Longfellow when he wrote:
“Not enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end or way
But to act that each tomorrow finds us farther than today”
The paragraph is about:

a. Impermanence of all things on earth

b. Purpose of every creature for being on earth
c. Shortness of life
d. How the Creator created the earth

5. Majority of Filipinos’ access to formal education remains limited to elementary

schooling, to National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO). Some are fortunate enough to
continue on the secondary or high school level of the formal system but more than half
dropped out before finishing the course. The lucky few who reached the tertiary or university
level constitute only 2.5 percent of the population who are 25 years old and over. There is
also a significant number of children who are out of school and their number is believed to be
increasing as a result of the ongoing economic crisis.

What is the main idea of the selection?

a. There will be an increase in number of educated children in the coming years.

b. The number of students who go to school decreases as they go higher in the year level.
c. To be able to finish a degree course is only for the luck few.
d. Elementary Education is compulsory to every Filipino.

6. Bamboo is one of the most useful grasses in the world. In fact, it may be more like a
tree that like a grass. It has leaves and often reaches great heights, and the bamboo stem
may even grow as thick as trees. It can be used to make fences, houses, ladders, toys,
umbrellas, and rafts. Its leaves are used as food for animals or to make paper. From the
stem are made buckets, water pipes, flutes, and flower pots. The juice from the bamboo is
turned into medicine and the young tender stems are eaten as vegetables. There are literally
hundreds of uses for bamboo.

The paragraph is about the:

a. Different parts of bamboo
b. The bamboo as a grass
c. Similarities of the bamboo and a tree
d. Many uses of bamboo

7. Two of the most interesting tourists’ attractions in the Philippines are the Rice
Terraces and the Maria Cristina Falls. Located in Banaue, the Rice Terrraces give the
tourists a marvelous view of ricelands carved on the mountain like a spiral staircase. They
are probably the largest ricelands in the world that are artistically carved by human hands.

The Maria Cristina Falls is in Lanao del Norte in Mindanao. It is famous for its crystal
clear waters that fall from the imposing height, against the backdrop of towering trees. It
supplies the people of Mindanao the much-needed hydro-electric energy to run the mills
and other factories.

Which of these statements is the main idea of the two paragraphs?

a. The Rice Terraces give the tourists a marvelous view of rice lands carved on the
b. The Maria Cristina Falls is famous for its crystal clear waters.
c. Two of the most interesting tourist attractions in the Philippines are the Rice Terraces
and the Maria Cristina Falls.
d. They are marvelous tourist attractions.

8. Niagara Falls is a set of massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River. The falls are
located between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.
The distance of the falls from Buffalo, New York is approximately 27 km. It is also about
120 km south-southeast of Toronto, Ontario. Thousands of tourists go to visit the falls
every year. My uncle visited it last year. I would like to go there some day as well.

What is the supporting detail of the topic sentence?

a. Thousands of tourists go to visit the falls every year.
b. The falls are located between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario and Niagara
Falls, New York.
c. My Uncle visited it last year
d. I would like to go there some day as well

9. People like Alexander Graham Bell, who developed the telephone, and Thomas Alva
Edison, whose1000 patents included the phonograph, the light bulb, and the electric
generator, contributed to America's economic growth. In fact, they were two of many
inventors whose technology increased the nation's productivity, improved transportation,
and perfected communications networks. These new inventions also resulted in new
industries, which in turn, produced more wealth and jobs. The United States was on an
upward path to world dominance through invention and technology. Which of these is
NOT a supporting detail?
a. The United States was on its way to world domination through technology.
b. Thomas Alva Edison invented the telephone, which improved communications.
c. Technology helped make many people rich.
d. Technology helped make many people rich.

10. One common employment screening test is a drug test. For example, applicants might
be required to take a test that detects marijuana or cocaine. A second type of test is a
physical exam administered by a doctor. This testing indicates whether the applicant’s
health permits him or her to do the job, such as one that involves lifting. A skills test is the
third type of test. Skills tests determine whether an applicant has the abilities and aptitudes
required for a job. For example, an applicant may be required to demonstrate the ability to
type, operate a cash register, or use a particular software program. Depending on the nature
of their company, employers use various types of tests to screen out unsuitable job

Which of these is NOT a supporting detail?

a. Drug test is one common employment screening test.
b. Employers use various types of tests to screen out unsuitable job applicants.
c. A skill test is a third type of test that determines whether an applicant has the
abilities and aptitudes required for a job.
d. A physical exam is administered by a doctor.

11. If you use incorrect grammar, people may lower their opinion of you. They’re not
trying to be unkind. In fact, they may do it without realizing it. Moreover, poor use of
language makes you sound unintelligent, even if you are bright and talented. Poor grammar
can limit you in your business and professional life. For example, it can cause potential
employers to decide not to hire you. They may conclude that you do not fit with their
company. If you already have a job, you may be passed over for promotion. This is
especially true if the new role involves interacting with clients who are well spoken.
Finally, poor grammar hurts your credibility. For instance, it may cause others to have less
confidence in you and your abilities. Poor grammar can limit you personally and

Which of these is a supporting detail?

a. The drawbacks of poor grammar
b. Poor grammar can limit you personally and professionally
c. Poor grammar limit you in your business and professional life.
d. In order to succeed you must have an excellent grammar.

12. Topic Sentence: Some athletes are only interested in the pursuit of extreme sports, where
the risks include not just injury but death.
Which Sentence does NOT support this topic sentence?
a. Despite the high fatality rate, Base jumpers leap from buildings cliffs, and bridges
relying solely on a parachute to save them.
b. Paraglider pilots use nylon wings to take off from mountaintops and float away on
wind currents that they hope will carry them safely to a landing place, but there is
no guarantee.
c. Not all scientist are convinced that a love of risk-taking (or not) is part of genetic
d. Despite the high rate of injuries common to the sport, snowboarding’s popularity
continues to grow.

13. There are three categories of typefaces or letter styles used by printers. Each has certain

 Serif letters have lines that finish off the main strokes of the letter; for example, serif.
 Sans-serif letters do not have any finishing strokes; for example, sans-serif.
 Script letters imitate handwriting; for example, script.

What is the purpose of the detail in this paragraph?

a. Defines typefaces and give examples.

b. Describes the advantage of each typeface list
c. Typefaces in order of importance
d. Gives the font of the typefaces

14. The topic of this paragraph is eating nutritious food.

Are you in the habit of skipping breakfast? Breakfast is important; it gets your metabolism
going. Then spread your remaining calories throughout the rest of the day by eating a
wholesome lunch, nutritious snack, and balanced dinner. Eating this way keeps your
metabolism high. You are also less likely to binge on junk food. You will have more energy
and feel better if you eat nutritious food at least every four hours.

The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to give.

a. Importance of eating nutritious foods, examples and its benefits

b. Examples of nutritious meals and snacks hat can be eaten throughout the day.
c. Suggestions for making healthier food choices.
d. Importance of Breakfast
1. Rodrigo Duterte _______ the President of the Republic of the Philippines.
a. was c. is
b. were d. are
2. Juan is the only one of those students who ________ lived up to the potential described in the
a. has c. have been
b. have d. has been
3. Mr. Cruz and Mrs. Delos Reyes _____________ that class time is always precious and should
not be wasted to useless activities.
a. believes c. believed
b.believe d. believing

4. On the sidewalk _______ many little lizards sunning themselves on the hot concrete.
a. is c. was
b. are d. were

5 -7 For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subjects and verbs have been
correctly identified and in which subjects and verbs agree. The subjects are in bold and
capitalized while the verbs are underlined

a. At the end of the story, THEY was living happily ever after.
b. At the end of the STORY, they were living happily ever after.
c. At the end of the story, THEY were living happily ever after.
d. At the end of the STORY, they was living happily ever after.

6. a. AL and ELI go to the beach to surf with their friends.

b. AL and ELI go to the beach to surf with their friends.
c. Al and Eli goes to the BEACH to surf with their friends.
d. AL and ELI goes to the beach to surf with their friends.

7. a. NEITHER Ana or Carla was willing to protect the election results.

b. Neither ANA or CARLA was willing to protect the election results.
c. NEITHER Ana or Carla were willing to protect the election results.
d. Neither ANA or CARLA were willing to protect the election results.

8. The jury finally made ___________ decision

a. his c. its
b. their d. his/her

9. One of the girls agreed to drive ______ own car.

a. their c. its
b. their d. his/her

10. The members of the chemistry class did poorly on the exam, _______ had to take a make-up
a. he c. they
b. their d. his/her

11. My mother doesn’t like it when ______ is consistently interrupted by a salesperson

A typical shopper doesn't like it when ____ is consistently interrupted by a salesperson.
a.) she
b.) they are
2.2 Grammar

2.2.1 Subject Verb Agreement

2.2.2 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

2.2.3 Verbs/Tense of Verbs

2.2.4 Adjectives/Adverbs

2.3 Mechanics

2.3.1 Capitalization

2.3.2 Punctuation

2.3.3 Spelling

3. What is the level of oral communication of skills of the respondents in terms of:

3.1 Phonology

3.2 Grammar

Elder, J. (2016) McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC . Entryways into College
Reading and

My Test Book (2016). Topic Sentence/ Supporting Details. Retrieved from

ProProfs Quiz Maker(2005) Identify The Supporting Details


Elder, J. (2016) McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC . Entryways into College Reading

Flemming, L. (2006). Reading for Results - Online Practice

Recognizing Supporting Details

This exercise is ©1997 - 2016 by Robin L.


© 2016
Material created by Jane Straus and Copyright by Jane

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