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OCTOBER 27, 2019

What’s the Difference?

Let's explore allergies and intolerances!

Milk Allergy vs Lactose Intolerance…

Allergic reactions are typically more serious than intolerances!
A milk allergy is an immune system response to one of the proteins found
in milk, usually casein or whey. When consumed, it can result in hives,
itching, shortness of breath, nausea, anaphylaxis, and so on. intolerant
individuals can
Lactose intolerance, on the other hand, is when one lacks the enzyme still enjoy cheese,
lactase, which is needed to break down the milk sugar, lactose. Consuming
especially hard
milk when lactose intolerant may cause diarrhea, nausea, bloating,
headaches, etc. ones like Swiss and
cheddar, because
they contain very
Gluten intolerance is
Wheat Allergy vs little lactose.
when consuming
Gluten Intolerance vs gluten causes minor However,
gastrointestinal individuals with a
Celiac Disease… distress. Symptoms milk allergy need
include nausea,
They are NOT the same! to abstain from all
diarrhea, bloating,
headache, etc. forms of dairy.
A wheat allergy is an immune system response
to one or more of the proteins found in wheat—
gluten, gliadin, albumin, or globulin. Celiac disease is the A milk allergy is
Consuming wheat can lead to an allergic immune systems the most common
reaction—hives, shortness of breath, nausea, reaction to gluten that food allergy in
anaphylaxis, etc. leads to the attack of kids, affecting
the lining of the small about 2-3% of
intestine. This infants.
3 MILLION damages the intestine However, most
18 MILLION and can lead to
The approximate will outgrow the
number of Americans The approximate malabsorption. Other
allergy by age
diagnosed with Celiac number of Americans symptoms include joint
who experience gluten three.
Disease. pain, migraines,
intolerance. weakness, easy
(According to the University of (From
(According to US News, Health)
bruising, and so on.
Chicago Medicine, Celiac
Disease Center)


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