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A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

Night High School Department

Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion

Cebu, City Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement of Science Subject

Research 1


Dacles, Patricia

Diaz, Christia Mae S.

Satera, Faith

Zanoria, Raisha Mae



Rationale of the Study

A saltwater also called salt water or saline water is water with salt in it.

It often means the water from the seas (sea water) and oceans. It is a

crystalline compound, NaCl, that consists of sodium chloride. Everyone

knows what saltwater is. According to the Wikipedia, when scientists

measure salt in water, they usually say they are testing the salinity of the

water: salinity is measured in parts per thousand or ppt. Salt water is denser

than fresh water. This means that it has more matter per its volume. Fresh

water has a density of 1g/ml, while salt water has an average density of

about 1.025 g/ml.

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is about 40% sodium and 60%

chloride. It flavor food and is used as a binder and stabilizer. Seawater is

somehow difficult to get. However, the researchers will be using a salt mixed

in water which can be found and bought easily to conduct their research.

By using the salt mixed in water, the researcher will check and determine

the effectiveness of salt as an alternative source of electricity.

The purpose of this study is to have easier access to electricity.

Saltwater can be found on nearby bays or beaches or just a simple mixture

of salt and water so people would be able to find a way to generate

electricity if power shortage occurs. In addition to that, they can save money

on this because they would produce their own electricity instead of using

electricity and paying bills to the power company. It also allows us to be

resourceful because we can’t just use the main source of electricity but

instead find another instrument to be used, for nature does not have the

infinite amount of sources that we could get so we must divide the number

of use to avoid the misuse and abuse of our natural resources. In this study,

a competent individual will be able to recreate the experiment, and so that if

there will be new discoveries made then, it can be used by the world to help

them benefit more on the renewable resources such as saltwater.

Scope and Limitation:

Several researches already studied in determining the effectiveness

of saltwater as an alternative source of electricity. The scope of the study

involves money, time, tools and materials, strategy, and the number of

manpower needed for the experiment to be consummated. In this study, it

will need more oxygen in the water to conduct electricity. As soon as there

will be no more oxygen in the water, then it cannot provide or conduct more
electricity. And because of this, we may use larger container to be able to

get more electricity. The independent variable in this study is the saltwater

for the reason that it can stand on its own. The dependent variable of this

study is the electricity since it cannot stand on its own and it only depends

on the saltwater.

The general budget for this study ranges from a minimum amount of

200 pesos which includes the raw materials to a maximum amount of 300


The estimated time range of this study may took for about 5 hours

depending on the effectiveness of saltwater as alternative source of


The experiment needs human force from a maximum number of 2-4


Strategies involve in performing the correct method in order for the

laboratory apparatuses to work according to their use.

Statement of the Problem:

The main objective of this study is to know the effectiveness of

saltwater, as an alternative source of electricity.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. To determine the effectiveness of saltwater as an alternative source

of electricity

2. Determine the appropriate frequency and amount of saltwater

if it is already capable in conducting electricity.

3. To help people find easier way to have an electricity.

4. Identify and understand the components of saltwater that can help

in conducting electricity.


Saltwater has no significant effect in conducting electricity. On the

other hand, saltwater has significant effect in conducting electricity.

Significance of the Study:

The results of this study are beneficial not only for students and

teachers but also for those people who are living in rural place and do not

have enough financial support to have electricity and also for those future

researchers. It could also be used as a second option if ever there will be

power shortage.
For the students, this study will help them know more about salt. It

gives them all-embracing ideas about salt as an alternative source of

electricity that might also lead and help them for their future purposes.

For the teachers, this study can give them more knowledge about salt

as an alternative source of electricity. It might also help them in giving

injunctions on discussing the salt as alternative electricity. They will not only

limit themselves in discussing this study, but it will also be useful as a

laboratory experiments and activities for a better comprehension of the

notion. This study will also give them a heads up on how they should guide

their students about saltwater as an alternative source of electricity.

For the people in rural places, we all know that living in a rural place

can be beneficial and on the other hand, it can also be disadvantageous.

This study can be used as an alternative methodology if ever they

experience having no electricity. They don’t need to spend too much money

just to have electricity. A simple salt and water will do.

For the Future Researchers, this study will provide them some basic

information about the relationship between salt and water. The findings of

this study may influence them to improve the study that takes a larger

For the Society, when we talk about environmental conservation and

energy sufficiency, this may reduce the usage or consumption of

nonrenewable energy resources.

In addition, in using saltwater as an alternative source of electricity

can answer many of the world’s energy demand since seawater is easily

available and renewable. To be specific in, less natural oils and coal-burning

will take place, resulting in a cleaner and safer environment.

Background of the Study:

People are already noticing the effects of their never-ending usage of

the natural resources of the world, and they also know the current energy

shortages that the world is facing. Now, with the introduction of its new kind

of renewable energy, the world’s supply of energy will finally be met if this

proposal will push through. Since saltwater is renewable, there are already

some technologies that can harness it and convert it to electricity for the

world to use. With this in mind, we hope to answer and find a solution to

world’s energy crisis through this project.

Saltwater, is a geological term that refers to naturally occurring

solutions containing large concentrations of dissolved, inorganic ions. In

addition, this terms often used as an adjective in biology, usually to refer to

marine organisms, as in saltwater fish. Saltwater is made during the

movement of water on land over time. The viscosity of sea water, is higher

than that of fresh water because of its higher salinity. The density of

seawater also is higher.

The molecules of the salt are made up of sodium ions and chlorine

ions. The water molecules pull the sodium and chlorine ions apart when you

put salt in water so they are floating freely. Because of the saltiness of the

sea water which contains 60 to 100 times more ions than freshwater, it

makes the electrical potential increase, or voltage. That makes it possible to

reap far more electricity than the amount used to charge the battery.

Although not completely researched upon, saltwater has a low voltage

reading, which indicates that it has some electric potential.

Related Studies

There are many enhancements in this research of saltwater

being converted into electricity. The first one presented is an accidental

discovered made in the Erie, Pennsylvania. John Kanzius set on fire a vial

saltwater using a radio frequency generator. Kanzius was experimenting

with desalinate water. While doing this, he found out that he could keep the

water burning as long as it was exposed to the proper frequencies from his

machine. Another recent breakthrough in relation to this topic is the topic on

Power Generation. A new desalination process that could produce electricity

and clean water was discovered by a team of researchers from the US and
China. They did this through modifying a microbial fuel cell, which is used to

desalinate saltwater intro drinkable and clean water. A professor at Penn

State University named Rustum Roy, tried this experiment in the lab at the

university, and to his surprise, it actually worked. He explained that the

saltwater was not really burning. It was in fact that the radio frequency was

the one who helped weaken the bonds holding together the salt water’s

components. Bruce Logan from Pennsylvania State University says that

desalination of saltwater uses a lot of electricity, but by using the microbial

desalination cells, one can desalinate saltwater and produce electricity while

removing the organic material from the saltwater.


I. Research Instruments

The following research instruments were used to gather the necessary

data. Stirring rod is used for mixing salt and water. Medicine dropper is used

to transfer small quantities of liquid. Alligator clips are used to create a

temporary electrical connection. Iron electrode is used in the experiment

that is related to mass and heat conductivity. Magnesium electrode is used

in the experiment for heat conductivity and in electrolysis and construction

of voltaic cell. Hydrogen Peroxide is added because it can add more oxygen

to the compound.
Stated below are the other materials to be used in conducting this


 1 light bulb bases

 1 low voltage light bulbs

 300ml of water

 Salt

 2 pairs of insulated solid copper wire

II. Procedure

In this study, the solid copper wires will be tight by the screws to the

base of the bulb. Then, the alligator clips will be connected to the wires. The

other sides of the alligator clips will be connected to the iron and magnesium

electrodes. Both electrodes will be placed at the opposite sides of the

container. The warm water will be placed in the container and enough salt

will be added that you can see salt particles at the bottom of the container.

Hydrogen Peroxide will be added to the solution. The electrodes will be

secured, making sure that they will not touch each other and the alligator

clips will not touch the saltwater solution. It will be observed by the

researcher. In this study, there will be 3 trials. In every trial, there will be

different amount of saltwater that will be used. In the first trial, 300mL of

saltwater is used. In the second trial 400mL if saltwater is used and in the
third trial, 500mL is needed. In every trial, there will be 3 replicates adding

different amount of Hydrogen Peroxide.

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