Theater Arts Handout

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Arts and Sciences
Sibalom, Antique
Course: GEC 6 (Art Appreciation) Course Facilitator: Mrs. Leila May Navas
Topic: Art Expressions: Theater 1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Discussant: Saider Alvior

“Theater: a place for viewing, a branch of performing arts.”

- Plays of the past had a stronger basis in religion and tradition.
- Early Greek and Chinese performances are especially rich with religious dedications and community traditions.
- It was first originated 5,000 years back in Athens, Greece.
- Ancient Greek history is intimately tied with theater.
- Early plays were performed in tribute to the god Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, and later, theater itself.
- Choruses perform hymns written in his honor, which were dubbed dithyrambs.

It wasn’t until the 6th century BC, under Athenian ruler, Pisistratus, that “acting” as we know it came to be.
Pisistratus instituted a number of public festivals, one of which was dedicated to Dionysus. The day, centered around
music, dance, and poetry. One man, Thespis, is reported to have burst from carts to recite poetry in-character; and this is
where the word “thespian” comes from. Thespis was the earliest recorded actor.

As a branch of performing arts

- Theater uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before a live audience.

Should not be confused with literary arts

- Theater art performances usually follow a script.
- The script defines dialogue, action, and scenes.

Much like in filmmaking

- Theater also considers several elements such as acting, gesture, lighting, sound effects, musical score, scenery,
and props.

Similar to performance art

Theater is also a live performance, the participation of the viewer is an important element in theater arts.


It refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play.

It refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or lesson to be learned from
the play.

This refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by
the characters in the play.
These are the people (sometimes animals or ideas)
portrayed by the actors in the play.

These are the techniques and methods used by the playwright and director to create the desired stylistic effect. It
includes the technical elements like lighting, props, sound, etc.

It refers to the type of play.

This is the group of people who watch the play. It is considered to be the most important element.


It treats its audience as passive and cannot be reached except through their emotions. The dramatic stage fully
embodies the plot/event.

The story and emotional content of a musical – humor, pathos, love, anger – are communicated through words, music,
movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole.

It treats in a serious and dignified style the sorrowful or terrible events encountered or caused by a heroic individual.

It is amusing and satirical in its tone, mostly having a cheerful ending. The motif of this dramatic work is triumph
over unpleasant circumstance by creating comic effects, resulting in a happy or successful conclusion.

Also called improv, is the form of theatre, often comedy, in which most or all of what is performed is unplanned or
unscripted: created spontaneously by the performers.

Theater is a collaborative art form which combines words, voice, movement and visual elements to express meaning.
Theater work provides a vehicle for students to reflect on important aspects of life, in the process in developing their
sensitivity to and deepening their understandings of others’ points of view.

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