Scheme of Work Maths Stage 1.v1

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Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1

This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge as a suggested plan of delivery for Cambridge Primary Mathematics stage 1. Learning objectives for
the stage have been grouped into topic areas or ‘Units’. These have then been arranged in a recommended teaching order but you are free to teach objectives in
any order within a stage as your local requirements and resources dictate.

The scheme for Mathematics has assumed a term length of 10 weeks, with three terms per stage and three units per term. An overview of the sequence, number
and title of each unit for stage 1 can be seen in the table below.

The scheme has been based on the minimum length of a school year to allow flexibility. You should be able to add in more teaching time as necessary, to suit the
pace of your learners and to fit the work comfortably into your own term times.

Problem solving learning objectives are recurring, appearing in every unit. Activities and resources are suggested against the learning objectives to illustrate
possible methods of delivery.

There is no obligation to follow the published Cambridge Scheme of Work in order to deliver Cambridge Primary. It has been created solely to provide an
illustration of how delivery might be planned over the six stages.

A step-by-step guide to creating your own scheme of work and implementing Cambridge Primary in your school can be found in the Cambridge Primary Teacher
Guide available on the Cambridge Primary website. Blank templates are also available on the Cambridge Primary website for you to use if you wish.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

1A Number and Problem Solving 2A Number and Problem Solving 3A Number and Problem Solving

1B Geometry and Problem Solving 2B Handling data and Problem Solving 3B Handling data and Problem Solving

1C Measure and Problem Solving 2C Measure and Problem Solving 3C Measure and Problem Solving

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 1

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1

Unit 1A: Number and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


Numbers and the number

1Nn1 Recite numbers in order. Class counting to 20. Number lines or squares for

1Nn3 Count objects up to 20, Counting objects to 20, rearranging Objects to count.
recognising conservation of and checking. Containers to help structure the
number. counting, number lines, grids or

1Nn2 Read and write numerals from 0 Give students a number less than Paper, unnumbered number
to 20. 20. Ask them to continue the series lines, 100 square, number lines
orally or writing. (for reference).

1Nn8 Use more or less to compare two Count using a number line, with Number lines. Use visual clues for more and
numbers, and give a number that pictures as representations as well less and in between.
lies between them. as the numbers.

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 2

1Nn9 Order numbers to at least 20 Class or group activity. Pick a Number cards, number lines
positioning on a number track: number card, hide it and give clues. and grids.
use ordinal numbers.

Mental strategies
1Nc1 Know all number pairs to 10 and Counters in the pot. Counters Developing mental images for
record related addition/subtraction Small pots, number cards 0 – small numbers.
facts. 10.

1Nc2 Begin to know number pairs to 6, Counters in the pot. Counters, small pots, number Extending the previous activity,
7, 8, 9 and 10. cards 0 – 10. just changing one rule.

1Nc5 Know doubles to at least double Counters in the pot. Counters, small pots, number Using a familiar resource and
5. cards 0 – 10, 2 of each card. activity, changing the context.
Students being actively
engaged in the activity.

1Nc7 Begin to recognise multiples of 2 Using hands and feet. None

and 10.

1Nn4 Count on in tens from zero or a Becoming familiar with the 100 100 square – large. Give students time to become
single digit number to 100 or just square. 100 square – table top. familiar with 100 square.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 3

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments

1Nn5 Count on in twos, beginning to Becoming familiar with the number Number line – large Some students may need their
recognise odd/even numbers to line. Number line – table top own copy of the number line.
20 as ‘every other number.

1Nn11 Give a sensible estimate of some Counters and cubes: estimating the Counters, cubes, number line, Using the same resource, but
objects that can be checked by numbers. cloth. different context.
counting e.g. to 30.

Addition and subtraction

1Nc8 Understand addition as counting Domino spots A large set of dominoes for
on and combining two sets. class work. Small sets for
group work.
1Nc9 Understand subtraction as Domino spots Number cards 0 – 9.
counting back and ‘take away’. Domino set for each pair.

1Nc11 Add/subtract a single digit number Stepping stones; accurately moving A floor number track or line, Give students experience of
by counting back/on. backwards and forwards. table top number lines. blank and numbered lines.
Blank tracks or lines

1Nc3 Add more than two small Look for the clue! Small counting apparatus
numbers, spotting pairs to ten Encouraging students to look for the
(4+3+6 = 10+3). clue of making 10.

1Nc10 Understand difference as ‘how Making pairs: Have a target number Vertical or horizontal number
many more to make’. more than 6. Throw one die, show line – large for class, small for
the number on the number line, how table top. One 1-6 die.
many more to make the target?

1Nc12 Find two more or less than a Hops and jumps: start on a number; Large class number line, This can be done on a floor
number to 20, recording jumps on jump forward 2, what’s the new smaller for table top. number line to start.
a number line. number?

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 4

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments

Problem solving
1Pt2 Explore number problems and What if activities: I had 3 cakes, Using practical equipment.
puzzles. baked 3 more and ate 2. How many

1Pt4 Solve simple word problems and Telling stories: Teacher tells a story Using practical equipment.
represent it with objects where the final quantity is unknown:
I baked some cakes, the dog ate 3
and there were 3 left. How many did
I start with?

1Pt5 Check the answer to an addition

by adding the numbers in a
different order.

1Pt6 Check the answer to a subtraction

by adding the answer to the
smaller number in the question.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 5

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 1B: Geometry and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


Shapes and geometric

1Gs1 Name and sort common 2D Using a collection of flat shapes: Flat shapes, drawn shapes. When talking about 2D make
shapes using features such as choose own examples and sure that only the face of a
number of sides, curved or describe. Choose an example to shape is used. Any shape with
straight. Use them to make match properties set by teacher or any depth is 3D.
patterns and models. another child.
Make pictures and patterns.

1Gs2 Name and sort common 3D Identify solid shapes in the Solid shapes.
shapes using features such as classroom.
number of faces, flat or curved Sort 3D shapes according to
faces. Use them to make patterns properties.
or models. Choose an example and describe it.
Make patterns and models.

1Gs3 Recognise basic line symmetry. Use mirrors to make and describe Mirrors. Also use any pictures, patterns
reflections. from fabric for example to
show symmetry in a real life
1Pt8 Problem solving Compare and contrast features of Shapes, both 2D and 3D.
Identify simple relationships both 2D and 3D shapes.
between shapes.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 6

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 1C: Measure and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


1Mm1 Recognise all coins and work out Sort all coins into same value. Coins of appropriate value (real It is better to use real coins
how to pay an exact sum using Exchange coins for an equivalent not plastic). rather than pretend as it is
smaller coins. value in smaller coins. Small sorting pots. more meaningful.
Total coins.

1Ml1 Compare weights and lengths by Make direct comparisons in a Objects to weigh and measure as Make the activities as
direct comparison, then by using variety of contexts: heights of 2 appropriate. practical as possible, to
uniform non-standard units. children; use a balance to find develop understanding.
which of 3 parcels is the heaviest. Use observations as an
assessment tool.

1Ml2 Estimate and compare capacities Use different size containers to find Water, sand, rice, As above.
by direct comparison then by which holds most. lentils, containers.
using uniform non-standard units.

1Ml3 Use comparative language e.g. Understand and use in practical

longer, shorter, heavier, lighter. contexts.

1Mt1 Begin to understand and use Understand and use in context: link Sand timers, clocks. Ask the class for other
some units of time such as to daily routines and activities. What ideas. Extend to 2 minutes
minutes, hours, day, weeks, can you do in 1 minute, how many or 5 minutes.
months and years jumps? How many times can you Use the vocabulary of time,
write your name? e.g. today, tomorrow,

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 7

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
Problem solving
1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to Use own strategies to solve Objects to weigh and measure. Encourage discussion
carry out calculations, explain measurement problems in about strategies. This can
working out. classroom contexts: e.g. 6 bricks be used as an assessment
balance my book, 8 bricks balance tool.
my shoe, how many bricks to
balance them both?

1Pt2 Explore number problems and The cupboard is 2 metres wide. The Measuring equipment.
puzzles. table is 1 metre wide. The cupboard Coins.
is wider than the table. How much
Choose other examples in the
classroom to cover measures
I spent ? in the shop. My friend
spent ? How much did we spend all

1Pt9 Make a sensible estimation of a Count some coins in a pot, add 4 Coins, pots, priced items These activities should be
calculation, and consider whether more. How much now? Change the as practical as possible
an answer is reasonable. amounts as appropriate. before moving to paper and
Work out totals, what can we buy? pencil methods.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 8

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 2A: Number and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


1Nc12 Find two more or less than a Give out number cards around the 0 -20 number cards. Pairs could be mixed ability.
number to 20, recording the jumps class. Class work in pairs. ‘What is 2 Number line.
on a number line. more than ? What is 2 less than ?’.
Choose numbers as appropriate.
After questions, the pair that has that
number holds it up. Record on the
number line.
Display the number line. Students
hide their cards. ‘Show me a number
that is more than 7 and less than 10.’
Pairs that have the number hold it
up. Continue. Class devise their own
When recording the
1Nc8 Understand addition as counting Display the number cards. Point to Small counting apparatus. calculation, write each
on and combining two sets; record some randomly. ‘What is this Large 0 – 20 number cards. number and symbol as you
related addition sentences. number? Substitute numbers for Large number line. say them so that students
objects. Count them and place can make the connection.
number card next to them. ‘What if
we put this set with this set. How
many altogether? Write and say the
action. Write the calculation. Record
it as counting on a number line.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 9

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments

1Nc9 Understand subtraction as Display a large number line and 0 – Large number line.
counting back and ‘take away’; 20 number cards. Count backwards 0 – 20 number cards.
record related subtraction along the line and along the cards Small counting apparatus.
sentences. from different starting points.
Replace number cards with objects.
Choose one of the numbers and take
3 away, pointing to the number line
to show subtraction (counting back).
Repeat with different start numbers.

Once students are familiar with the

1Nc14 Begin to use the +, – and = signs operations of addition and
to record calculations in number subtraction, introduce the symbols to
sentences. replace the spoken sentence, writing
them as the matching word is said

Give out number cards. Ask

1Nn7 Within the range 0 to 30, say the questions such as ‘Who has 1 more Class set of number cards 0 –
number that is 1 or 10 more or than 3?’’ Who has 10 more than 3?’ 30.
less than any given number. targeting the question as

Using balance scales, number

1Nn10 Use the = sign to represent balances or objects, show how each Balance scales, number
equality. side of = must have the same total balances, objects.

Understand and use in practical

1Nn6 Begin partitioning two-digit contexts units, ones, tens, digit. Place value (arrow) cards. Have a teacher set that all
numbers into tens and ones and students can see as well as
reverse. sets per pair on the tables.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 10

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Nc13 Relate counting on and back in Oral counting in tens from zero. Oral 100 square. Have a large square that all
tens to finding 10 more/less than a counting in tens from 0, pointing to can see as well as
number (< 100). the pattern of 10 on 100 square. Oral individual squares on the
counting in tens from any number tables.
pointing to the pattern on the 100

1Nc15 Understand that changing the Activities to help understanding of Counting apparatus.
order of addition does not change combining sets to make a total and Number track or number line.
the total. steps along a number track or line
(counting on)

1Nc16 Add a pair of numbers by putting With the aid of apparatus, explore Counting apparatus, number
the larger number first and different amounts for addition and cards.
counting on. discuss the strategy of putting the
larger quantity or number first.

1Nc18 Begin to add single- and two-digit Using dice or number cards, Dice.
numbers. generate 1 or 2 digit numbers to be Number cards.
added together.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 11

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
Problem solving
1Pt2 Explore number problems and ‘What if and what could we try next Dice, dominoes, cards to explore Model the use of the
puzzles. ‘activities: totals. apparatus, then allow pairs
to generate their own
1Pt3 Find many combinations, e.g. Using 3-scoop ice-creams, 3- Any pictures where there is a
combinations of three pieces of bobbles on a hat etc. total of 3 things the same.
different coloured clothing.

1Pt4 Solve simple word problems and Simple problems set in a ‘real-life’ Any materials that help to
represent it with objects. context. visualise the problem.

1Pt5 Check the answer to an addition Use within the context of a lesson on
by adding the numbers in a addition. Allow discussion to include
different order. student ideas.

1Pt6 Check the answer to a subtraction Use within the context of a lesson on
by adding the answer to the subtraction. Allow discussion to
smaller number in the question. include student ideas.

1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to Use within the context of lessons,

carry out calculations, explaining allowing students to contribute their
working out. ideas.

1Pt4 Decide to add or subtract to solve Use within the context of lessons,
a simple word problem (oral), and allowing students to contribute their
represent it with objects. ideas.

1Pt9 Make a sensible estimate of a Discuss appropriate strategies.

calculation, and consider whether
an answer is reasonable.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 12

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 2B: Handling Data and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


Organising, categorising and

representing data
1Dh1 Answer a question by sorting and Understand and use in context Vocabulary cards displayed
organising data or objects in a relevant vocabulary.
variety of ways, e.g. . Any apparatus that allows the
 using block graphs and Solve problems such as how many information to be displayed:
pictograms with practical beads can I hold in my hand? How interlocking cubes, pictures etc.
resources; discussing the can we find out? How can we
results organise the information?
 in lists and tables with practical
resources; discussing the Make and organise a list.
results Collect data and make a table.
 in Venn or Carroll diagrams
giving different criteria for Ask questions to find out favourite
grouping the same objects. food. Represent with a block graph
or pictogram.

Problem solving
1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to Solving problems by collecting Any materials that allow the Allow time for discussion
carry out calculations, explaining sorting and organising information. information to be displayed. between teacher and
working out. Collect information quickly by sorting students and students to
or voting then represent it by students. At this stage
drawing, placing objects or pictures. students should be allowed
some choice on how they
display their data.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 13

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 2C: Measure and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments

1Mm1 Recognise all coins and work out Recognise all coins. Coins The use of real money
how to pay an exact sum using Exchange coins for an equivalent should be encouraged in
smaller coins. value. order to make more sense
Total coins. to the students

Length, mass and capacity

1Ml1 Compare lengths and weights by Understand and use the vocabulary Written vocabulary. Display the vocabulary so
direct comparison, then by using related to length, mass and capacity. that all the students can
uniform non-standard units. Make direct comparisons side by People, ribbon, heavy and light see it and use it as a
side (no counting) in a variety of objects, large and small cups reference. Illustrate with
contexts. etc. pictures for those students
who may have difficulty with
1Ml2 Estimate and compare capacities Use uniform non-standard and Balance scales, objects to the spoken word.
by direct comparison, then by standard units to measure, count weigh, cups to fill etc.
using uniform non-standard units. and solve problems in a variety of

1Ml3 Use comparative language, e.g. Use in context comparative words Written vocabulary.
longer, shorter, heavier, lighter. such as shorter, shortest.

1Mt1 Begin to understand and use Order the days of the week, months Written vocabulary Display the vocabulary so
some units of time, e.g. minutes, of the year. Sand timers that all the students can
hours, days, weeks, months and Know that 1 week = 7 days see it and use it as a
years. 1 day = 24 hours reference. Illustrate with
Make estimates and check. pictures for those students
who may have difficulty with
the spoken word.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 14

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Mt2 Read the time to the hour (o’clock)
and know key times of day to the
nearest hour.

1Mt3 Order the days of the week and Order familiar events in a day, a
other familiar events. week or a story.

Problem solving
1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to
carry out calculations, explain
working out.

1Pt2 Explore number problems and How long is it from 3 o’clock to 5 Clocks Clocks with hands that
puzzles o’clock? move as a real clock rather
What was the time 2 ours ago? than free hand movement
would allow students to
It is now 6 o’clock. What time will it Clocks become more familiar with
be: how the hands of a clock
in 4 hours? move.
In 2 hours?
What time was it 2 hours ago?
Target questions according to ability.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 15

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 3A: Number and Problem solving
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Nc8 Understand addition as counting on Display the number cards. Point to Number cards 0 – 50. Some students will need to
and combining two sets; record some randomly. ‘What is this number? 100 square. work with their own 100
related addition sentences. Substitute numbers for objects. Count Small counting apparatus. square at a table or seated
them and place number card next to on the floor.
Show how 100 square is a different
arrangement of the number line, and
easier to use when dealing with higher
What if? We start on 7 and count on 5.
Where will we end up?
Use different start numbers
Using small counting materials make
sets of different amounts.
‘What if we put this set with this set.
How many altogether? Write and say
the action. Write the calculation.
Record it as it is being said.

1Nc9 Understand subtraction as counting Display a large number line and 0 – 50 Large number line.
back and ‘take away’; record related number cards. Count backwards along 0 – 50 number cards.
subtraction sentences. the line and along the cards from Small counting apparatus.
different starting points.
Replace number cards with objects.
Take 3 away, pointing to the number
line to show subtraction (counting
back). Repeat with different start
Show how 100 square is a different
arrangement of the number line, and
easier to use when dealing with higher
What if we start on 17 and count back
5. Where will we end up?
V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 16
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Nc14 Begin to use the +, – and = signs to Record simple mental calculations in Large number and sign cards.
record calculations in number number sentences. Work as a whole
sentences. class then pairs or individuals. Counting apparatus.
Use the = sign to represent equality.

Begin partitioning two-digit numbers

1Nn6 into tens and ones and reverse. Understand and use in practical Place value (arrow) cards. Use a large set for class work
contexts units, ones, tens, digit. and give each child or pair
their own for table top work.
Some students may find
colour coding the units and
tens useful.
Understand that changing the order
1Nc15 of addition does not change the Activities to help understanding of Number track. Use apparatus for counting
total. combining sets to make a total and Number line. and addition before moving
steps along a number track or line Counting apparatus. to the number track/line
(counting on).
Add a pair of numbers by putting
1Nc16 the larger number first and counting With the aid of apparatus, explore Counting apparatus.
on. different amounts for addition and
discuss the strategy of putting the
larger quantity or number first.

Begin to add single- and two-digit

1Nc18 numbers. Using dice or number cards generate Counting apparatus
1 or 2 digit numbers to be added Number track or number line
Find halves of small numbers and together. 100 square
1Nn12 shapes by folding, and recognise
which shapes are halved. Recognise whole and half as Counting apparatus, number
vocabulary. cards.
Use small apparatus for counting. (A
handful). Share it equally (in half).
Discuss amounts where there is one
left over. Link with the numbers on 100
square. Is there a pattern?
Say half of any even number to 10.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 17

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Nc4 Begin using pairs to 10 to bridge 10 Begin to add a pair of single digit 1 – 6 dice, 7 – 12 dice, This can be a difficult
when adding/subtracting, e.g. 8 + 3, numbers past 10.Use 2 steps and go numbers cards to appropriate concept for some students
add 2, then 1. over 10 as a middle stage. (4+8=12: level who may need more time
4+6+2=10+2=12). Use different
numbers. Use subtraction.

1Nc6 Find near doubles using doubles 5+6=11. This can be shown as double Counting apparatus. A list of near doubles may be
already known, e.g. 5 + 6. 5 (5+5) plus 1, or double 6 minus 1. 100 square. useful as reference for some
Use different examples. students.

1Nc17 Recognise the use of a sign such Use known number facts and Slide number strips. A strip of card with a
as to represent an unknown, knowledge of place value. calculation written
e.g. 6 + = 10. Set different number sentences with horizontally/. Over the strip
the missing number in different places moves a flattened tube of
in the number sentence. card which can cover any of
the numbers at any one time
which will be the unknown
Multiplication and division
1Nc19 Double any single-digit number. • Understand the vocabulary of double Counting apparatus.
and half. Number line.
100 square.

1Nc20 Find halves of even numbers of Count out 10 objects. Share into two Counting apparatus to 10.
objects up to 10. equal sets. Count each set.

1Nc21 Try to share numbers to 10 to find Count out 10 objects. Share into 2 Counting apparatus
which are even and which are odd. equal sets. Recombine. Remove some 100 square
objects. Share the remainders. What Number line
happens? Any left over? Repeat
several times so that all of the Slide number strips
numbers 1-10 are covered
Record those numbers which share
with no remainder and those that
share with a remainder.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 18

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments

1Nc22 Share objects into two equal groups Use ‘story’ problems. Picture vocabulary cards.
in a context. I have 4 cakes to share with my friend.
Before we can eat them another friend Counting apparatus up to 10.
arrives. How many whole cakes would
we have had each before the friend
arrived? How many whole cakes Counting apparatus up to 10.
would we have each after the friend
arrived? How many left over.
Change the story working with
numbers to 10
Problem solving
1Pt2 Explore number problems and Set in the context of a story or real life Story books.
puzzles. experience where people or objects
are added to or taken away from the

1Pt5 Check the answer to an addition by Work as inverse operations set in Counting apparatus.
adding the numbers in a different familiar contexts.

1Pt6 Check the answer to a subtraction

by adding the answer to the smaller
number in the question.

1Pt7 Describe and continue patterns Using the recording of odd and even 100 square.
such as count on and back in tens, numbers continue the sequence of Number line.
e.g. 90, 80, 70. even numbers/odd numbers.
Record on 100 square or number line.

1Pt8 Identify simple relationships Counting on 100 square, finding the 100 square.
between numbers and shapes, e.g. pattern of going to the number below
this number is ten bigger than that to add 10 and to the number above to
number. subtract 10.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 19

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 3B: Handling Data and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


Organising, categorising and

representing data
1Dh1 Answer a question by sorting and Use questions set in real life Vocabulary cards displayed.
organising data or objects in a contexts e.g.
variety of ways, e.g. What do you like to do? Any apparatus that allows the
How can we find out? How shall we information to be displayed:
 using block graphs and organise the information? interlocking cubes, pictures
pictograms with practical Make a simple block graph. etc.
resources; discussing the

 in lists and tables with practical Classify numbers and organise them
resources; discussing the in lists and tables:
results  all the even numbers to 30
 all the odd numbers to 50
 6 numbers more than 10 but less
than 30.

 in Venn or Carroll diagrams Using sorting diagrams, display

giving different criteria for information collected. Begin with
grouping the same objects. familiar: sorting numbers using a
Venn diagram: numbers with 2 tens;
even numbers.
Repeat using shapes.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 20

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
Problem solving
1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to Solving problems by collecting Any materials that allow the Allow time for discussion
carry out calculations, explaining sorting and organising information. information to be displayed. between teacher and
working out. Collect information quickly by sorting students and students to
or voting then represent it by students. At this stage
drawing, placing objects or pictures. students should be allowed
some choice on how they
display their data.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 21

Scheme of Work – Mathematics stage 1
Unit 3C: Measure and Problem Solving

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments


1Mm1 Recognise all coins and work out Recognise all coins. Coins.
how to pay an exact sum using Exchange coins for an equivalent
smaller coins. value.
Total coins.
How many different ways can an
item be paid for? Use different coins
to make the same total.
Length, mass and capacity
1Ml1 Compare lengths and weights by Understand and use the vocabulary Written vocabulary.
direct comparison, then by using related to length, mass and capacity.
uniform non-standard units. Make direct comparisons side by People, ribbon, heavy and light
side (no counting) in a variety of objects, large and small cups etc.
Use uniform units to measure or

1Ml2 Estimate and compare capacities Use uniform non-standard and Balance scales, objects to weigh,
by direct comparison, then by using standard units to measure, count cups to fill etc.
uniform non-standard units. and solve problems in a variety of
Ask for suggestions for things that Written vocabulary.
could be measured using different
standard measures.

1Ml3 Use comparative language, e.g. Use in context comparative words Written vocabulary.
longer, shorter, heavier, lighter. such as shorter, shortest.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 22

Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments
1Mt1 Begin to understand and use some Order the days of the week, months Sand timers
units of time, e.g. minutes, of the year.
hours, days, weeks, months and Know that 1 week = 7 days
years. 1 day = 24 hours
Make estimates and check.

1Mt2 Read the time to the hour (o’clock)

and know key times of day to the
nearest hour.

1Mt3 Order the days of the week and Order familiar events in a day, a
other familiar events. week or a story.

Problem solving
1Pt1 Choose appropriate strategies to
carry out calculations, explain
working out.

1Pt2 Explore number problems and Put in the context of a lesson using Linking with a practical
puzzles measures. lesson, the questions
What could we use? How could we will allow students to
record it? How do we know? What develop their reasoning
do you think? Will it always be the and thinking skills.

V1 1Y07 Mathematics Stage 1 23

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