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THIS LEASE is entered into by and between:

_______________________________________________________ as LESSOR and

_______________________________________________________ as LESSEE.


LESSOR does hereby lease the premises described as apartment number_____________,

located at _______________________________________St. Louis, Missouri, 631___, together with the
fixtures, carpeting and appliances therein (referred to herein as the “APARTMENT”), unto
LESSEE for a term beginning____________, 20____ and ending on___________, 20____, unless
sooner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided.

In consideration whereof, and of the covenants herein expressed and in reliance on

statements made on the application for tenancy by LESSEE, it is covenanted and agreed as


LESSEE agrees to pay LESSOR as rent for the Apartment a monthly rate of $_________in
advance, due on the ______day of each month during the term of this lease. All payments for
rent shall be made by LESSEE to LESSOR at the following:




In the event any rent hereunder is not paid prior to the _____day of the month in which rent is
due, LESSEE shall be charged and his payments must include an additional $10.00 (ten
dollars) PLUS ONE DOLLAR PER DAY penalty which is deemed to be additional rent. In
addition, in the event any rent hereunder is paid by means of a check and such check is
returned unpaid for whatever reason, the LESSEE agrees to pay LESSOR promptly upon
demand the sum of $25.00 (twenty-five dollars) as a reasonable amount to defray LESSOR’S
administrative and handling expenses caused by a returned check. In addition, LESSEE must
immediately replace returned checks with cash, cashiers check or money order ONLY.
LESSOR’S failure on any occasion to demand payment of daily penalties shall not be deemed
as a waiver of the right to demand the above charges on any future occasion.


LESSEE has deposited with LESSOR the sum of $__________ to be held by LESSOR as security
for the faithful performance and observance by LESSEE of the terms, covenants and condition
of this LEASE. It is agreed that in the event LESSEE defaults in respect to any of the terms,
covenants and conditions of this LEASE, including, but not limited to, any repairs due to
LESSEE damage, cleaning charges, key charges, or any costs from damages or deficiency
accrued before or after re-entry by LESSOR, those costs will be deducted from the security
deposit. In the event that LESSEE fully and faithfully complies with all terms, covenants and
conditions of this LEASE, the security deposit shall be returned to LESSEE without interest
within thirty (30) days after the end lease term and after delivery of entire possession of the
Apartment to LESSOR.

In the event of a sale of the land and building, LESSOR reserves the right to transfer the
security deposit to the new owner and LESSOR shall thereupon be released by LESSEE from
all liability for the return of said security, and LESSEE agrees to look to the new LESSOR,
solely, for return of said security. If the LESSOR uses all or any part of security to remedy a
default on the part of the LESSEE, LESSEE shall deposit with LESSOR the sum of money
necessary to replenish the security deposit to the original amount set forth above within ten
(10) days demand of such funds.


Animals such as birds, dogs, cats or other animal will not be allowed or permitted in, upon or
about the premises without the express written consent of the LESSOR. If such consent has
been given, LESSEE will give the LESSOR a pet security deposit in the amount of $__________
which will be held by LESSOR as a guarantee that LESSEE will return the premises without
damages and in original condition. The LESSEE agrees to allow LESSOR to deduct the full cost
of carpet cleaning, pest extermination and air freshener from the deposit. LESSOR reserves
the right to inspect LESSEE’s apartment for damages that may have been caused by LESSEE’s
pet(s) and if any damage or unnecessary disturbance has occurred because of pet(s), LESSEE
will agree to vacate premises and LEASE will be considered broken.PET TYPE AND


LESSEE shall initiate, contract for and obtain and terminate in its name, all utility services
required on the premises, including gas, electricity, cable and telephone connections and
services. LESSEE shall pay all charges for those services as they become due. LESSEE is
responsible to meet and admit utility representatives into premises. LESSOR may elect to
terminate this LEASE if LESSEE fails or refuses to pay the charges for utility services as
assessed or incurred. LESSOR shall not be liable for any personal injury or property damage
resulting from negligent operation or faulty installation of utility services provided for use on
the premises, nor shall LESSOR be liable for any injury or damage suffered by LESSEE as a
result of the failure to make necessary repairs to the utility facilities.


LESSEE has inspected the Apartment and is satisfied with the physical condition thereof, and
LESSEE’s taking possession of the Apartment shall be conclusive evidence that the same was
in good condition and repair unless expressly noted in writing. LESSEE agrees that no
representations as to the condition or repair of the Apartment have been made except as
herein contained and that no promise to decorate, alter, repair or improve Apartment prior to
or during the term has been made, unless expressly provided in this LEASE.


LESSEE shall take good care of the Apartment and its fixtures, furniture and furnishings, and
shall report promptly in writing to the manager when any equipment or fixture or portion of
the Apartment is out of repair. LESSEE shall be responsible for ordinary maintenance and
repair of the Apartment, and for upkeep and maintenance of any patios, balconies, wood
decks or other areas reserved for the private use of LESSEE. All plate and other glass now in
the apartment are at the risk of LESSEE, and if broken, are to be replaced by and at the
expense of LESSEE. No alterations, additions or improvements in the Apartment or the
building or grounds in the complex of which the apartment is a part may be made by LESSEE
without the prior written consent of LESSOR. Any alterations, additions, improvements put in
at the expense of the LESSEE shall become the property of LESSOR and shall remain upon
and be surrendered with the Apartment as part thereof at the termination of this LEASE. If
LESSOR consents to any work, LESSEE shall indemnify and hold LESSOR harmless, against
any and all claims, costs, damages, liabilities and expenses (including attorney’s fees) which
Page 2 of 9may be brought or imposed against or incurred by LESSOR in connections with
such work. All mechanics liens filed by reason of such work shall be discharged by LESSEE, at
his/her expense, within ten (10) days after filing.

LESSEE shall be responsible and liable for any and all injury or damage done to the Apartment
or to the building or complex in which the same is located, or the lawns, grounds, trees,
shrubbery, sidewalks and complex surrounding the building, or to any and all property of
LESSOR or other tenants caused by LESSEE’s acts or omission, or by those of LESSEE’s family,
servants, agents, guests, permittee, invitee, other persons or pets whom LESSEE permits to
be in, on or about the Apartment, building or complex, including injury or damage due to the
operation, maintenance or control of heating and cooling equipment, appliances, fixtures and
LESSEE shall also be liable for damage due to the failure to maintain heat therein to prevent
damage to the Apartment. The extent and amount of damages to be charged to the LESSEE
shall be determined by the LESSOR and shall be payable on demand by LESSOR. Should
LESSOR pay or be required to pay or have expense for any act or omission by virtue of
LESSEE’s tenancy, or caused by, through or under LESSEE, his family, servants, agents,
guests or others, then the same shall be paid by LESSEE as accrued additional rent.


LESSOR reserves the right in accordance herewith to enter the Apartment in order to inspect
same, make necessary or agreed repairs, decoration, alterations, or improvements, supply
necessary or agreed services, or exhibit the Apartment to prospective or actual purchasers,
mortgagees, tenants, workmen or contractors, or as is otherwise necessary in the operation
and/or protection of the building, its components or persons therein. At LESSOR’s discretion,
LESSOR may retain and use copies of any keys necessary for access to the Apartment within
the last 30 days of this LEASE, after default of LEASE by LESSEE or within the 30 days of
LESSEE’s notified intent to vacate. LESSOR retains the right to show the Apartment for rent
with sufficient notice. LESSEE specifically consents that LESSOR may enter the Apartment for
the above purposes at times when LESSEE is not present.


LESSEE should and can insure possessions and hold harmless LESSOR for any of his/her
possessions in the Apartment or any other part of the building or complex. Any possessions of
the LESSEE shall be placed in said Apartment, building or complex at the risk of the LESSEE
LESSEE further agrees that LESSOR, its agents and employees shall not be liable for damage
to the persons or property of LESSEE or any other person occupying or visiting the Apartment,
building or complex, becoming out of repair (as example and not by way of limitation,
damage caused by water, snow, ice, frost, steam, sewage, sewer, gas or odors, heating,
cooling or ventilating equipment, bursting or leaking pipes, faucets and plumbing fixtures,
mechanical breakdown or failure, electrical failure, security services or devices or mail boxes
being misused or becoming temporarily out of order or fire), or due to the happening of any
accident in or about the building complex or due to any act or neglect of any other tenant or
occupant of the building, or any other person.

LESSEE further hereby agrees to fully indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless LESSOR
from and against any and all claims, demands, charges, costs, attorney’s fees and liability for
or relating to any loss, damage, injury or other casualty to persons or property, caused by,
growing out of, or injury, or other casualty to persons happening in connection with LESSEE’s
use or occupancy of the Apartment or LESSEE’s use of any equipment, facilities or property
in, on or adjacent to the building and complex in which the Apartment is located.


Any personal property of whatever kind left outside the Apartment or left in the Apartment or
any storeroom, storage area or garage spaces by LESSEE upon his abandonment or vacation
thereof (whether or not at termination of this LEASE) shall be deemed abandoned, and the
LESSEE or other owner thereof shall have no further right or claim thereto, and LESSOR shall
have the right and option to take possession of such property and sell, destroy, or otherwise
dispose of the same.


Any rules of conduct attached to this LEASE shall be a part of this LEASE. LESSEE agrees to
keep and observe these rules of conduct and also agrees to keep and observe reasonable
rules as may be promulgated by LESSOR or LESSEE’s agent for the necessary and proper care
of the building and complex, provided such rules do not materially change the terms
contained in the body of this LEASE.


Default happens if LESSEE:

1. Shall fail to pay the rent or additional rent when due, or

2. Shall default in fulfilling any of the covenants of this lease and said default continues
for five (5) days after LESSOR gives notice to LESSEE of said default, or

3. Vacates or abandons the premises, or

4. Shall fail to move in and take possession of the premises within thirty (30) days after
the commencement of the term, or

5. Makes any misrepresentation on the Application for Tenancy, or

6. Acquires a petition in bankruptcy filed against LESSEE or a receiver is appointed for any
of the said foregoing events, (each of which is a default).LESSEE’s right to possession of
the above named premises shall terminate immediately without notice.

In any of the foregoing events, LESSOR may, at its option, give to LESSEE five (5) days written
notice expressly stating its intention to end the term of this LEASE and stating the reason
therefore, at the expiration of said five (5) days, their term under this LEASE shall expire as
fully and completely as if that day were the date herein definitely fixed for the expiration of
the term, and the LESSEE will then quit and surrender the LEASED premises to LESSOR, but
LESSEE shall remain liable as hereinafter provided:1.Defaults, which terminates LESSEE’s
right to possession, or2.LESSOR exercises its aforesaid option to terminate this LEASE.


Upon any termination of this LEASE, LESSEE or any person holding under him shall yield
immediate possession to LESSOR and failing to do so means that LESSEE, or the person under
him, shall pay as stipulated rent, a sum equal to twice the rent herein reserved for each day
of such withholding. The acceptance of stipulated rent by LESSOR shall not constitute a
waiver of its right to re-entry as detailed above.


LESSEE shall pay LESSOR as accrued additional rent, all LESSOR’s costs, expenses and
attorney’s fees pertaining to the enforcement of the covenants and agreements of this LEASE,
whether or not suit is filed.


The following outlines the LESSOR Move Out Policy in addition to the other provisions of this
Lease Agreement:

1. All kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers are to be cleaned

2. Appliances on the premises are to be cleaned
3. No hooks in ceiling
4. Bathroom fixtures are to be cleaned (tub, toilet, etc.)
5. Carpets on premises to be vacuumed
6. All countertops and sinks to be cleaned
7. All light bulbs and heat lamps are in working order
8. Premises to be inspected by LESSOR or Agent prior to vacating

LESSEE agrees that upon LESSEE’s failure to comply with this policy, reasonable charges will
be made by LESSOR and deducted from the LESSEE’s security and clean-up fund.


No payment by resident/LESSEE or receipt by LESSOR of a less amount than the monthly rent
herein stipulated shall be deemed to be other than on account of the earliest stipulated rent,
nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check nor any letter accompany any check or
payment as rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction of account and LESSOR’s acceptance
of such check shall be under protest and with an explicit reservation of rights pursuant to
Chapter 400 R.S.


In consideration of the execution or renewal of a lease of the dwelling unit identified in the
lease, LESSOR and LESSEE agree as follows:

1. LESSEE, any member of the LESSEE’s household, or a guest or other person under the
LESSEE’s control shall not engage in criminal activity, including drug-related criminal
activity, on or near property premises. “Drug-related criminal activity” means the illegal
manufacture, sale, distribution, use, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell,
distribute, or use of a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled
Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802).

2. LESSEE, any member of the LESSEE’s household, or a guest or other person under the
LESSEE’s control shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity,
including drug-related criminal activity, on or near property premises.

3. LESSEE or members of the household will not permit the dwelling unit to be used for,
or to facilitate, criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity; regardless of
whether the individual is engaging in such activity is a member of the household or a

4. LESSEE or member of the household will not engage in the manufacture, sale or
distribution of illegal drugs at any location, whether on or near property premises or

5. LESSEE, any member of the LESSEE’s household, or a guest or other person under the
resident’s control shall not engage in acts of violence or threats of violence, including,
but not limited to, the unlawful discharge of firearms, on or near property premises.


these provisions shall be deemed a serious violation and a material noncompliance with
the Page 5 of 9Lease. It is understood and agreed that a single violation shall be good
cause for termination of the Lease. Unless otherwise provided by law, proof of violation
shall not require criminal conviction, but shall be by a preponderance of the evidence.


The City of St. Louis has passed a public nuisance ordinance which exists as an effort to aid in
stabilizing communities within the City of St. Louis, by establishing a procedure for the
abatement of public nuisances on occupied residential and commercial properties. By
definition, a nuisance is defined by this ordinance as “a continuing act or physical condition
which is made, permitted, allowed or continued by any person or legal entity, their agents or
servants or any person or legal entity who aids therein which is detrimental to the safety,
welfare or convenience of the inhabitants of the City or a part thereof, or any act or condition
so designated by statue or ordinance”.


If any part of the Apartment or building shall be acquired or condemned by eminent domain
for any public or quasi-public use or purpose or sold to a condemning authority under threat
of condemnation, then the term of this LEASE shall cease and terminate as of the date of title
vesting in such proceedings or sale, and all rentals shall be paid up to such date and LESSEE
shall have no claim against LESSOR nor the condemning authority for the value of the
unexpired term of this LEASE. If any part of the land comprising the complex in which the
Apartment is located shall be acquired or condemned by eminent domain for any public or
quasi-public use or purpose or sold to a condemning authority under threat of condemnation,
then the LESSOR shall have the option to terminate the LEASE, which option must be
exercised within twenty (20) days after the date of title vesting in such proceeding (or sale)
and in such event all rent shall be paid up to such date and LESSEE shall have no claim
against LESSOR or the condemning authority for the value of the unexpired term of this


LESSEE shall neither sublet the Apartment nor any part thereof nor assign this LEASE nor
permit by any act or default of him/herself or any transfer of LESSEE’s interest by operation of
law, nor offer the Apartment or any part thereof for lease or sublease except with the prior
written consent of LESSOR. In the event LESSOR shall consent to such, a new Lease may be


This LEASE is not to be recorded and is subordinate to any present or future deeds of trust
and mortgages on the real estate (or any part of it) upon which the Apartment and building
are situated and to all advances upon the security of such deeds of trust and mortgages.


LESSOR reserves the right to regulate or prohibit the use of all type vehicle parking at or upon
the Apartment or the building or the complex of which the Apartment forms a part or private
streets therein and to specify use thereof. Unauthorized parking may be terminated by
LESSOR at any time by removing parked vehicles or property at the expense of anyone
claiming or owning same, after notice of said removal shall have been conspicuously attached
to the vehicle or property for a period of seven (7) consecutive days. It is agreed that neither
LESSEE nor anyone for, through or under him may permit or request any vehicle over one and
one-half tons gross weight to come in or upon the private streets or grounds of LESSOR
without prior written consent therefore from LESSOR. Overnight parking of trucks, boats,
trailers, or any type of vehicle other than an automobile, specific prior written permission
shall be obtained from Page 6 of 9LESSOR.


If the Apartment is damaged by fire or casualty, but is only partially damaged and is
inhabitable, then at LESSOR’s option this LEASE shall continue without abatement or
apportionment of rent, and LESSOR shall repair the damage as soon as reasonably and
commercially practicable. If the Apartment is destroyed or damaged by fire or casualty not
caused by LESSEE and is rendered uninhabitable or continued occupancy would be illegal,
LESSEE may immediately vacate the Apartment and notify LESSOR in writing within five (5)
days thereafter of this intent to terminate, in which case this LEASE shall terminate as of the
date of vacating.


In all references to LESSEE herein, the singular shall be deemed to include the plural and the
masculine, the feminine. Where this LEASE is signed by more than one person as LESSEE, all
such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of rent and any additional
rent and the performance of all covenants and agreements to be kept by LESSEE hereunder.
If any provisions of this LEASE shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of
the LEASE shall continue in full force and effect. No oral agreements, statements,
representations, understanding or promises, if any, by anyone made, from any source, or
relied upon by any party hereto, shall affect, alter or modify any terms or provisions herein
and only those writing signed by all the parties hereto shall be a part hereof. Each party
acknowledges that he has read this LEASE and agrees to the terms herein contained. The
laws of the State of Missouri shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this


All the covenants and the agreements of this LEASE shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of LESSOR AND


The failure of the LESSEE to notify LESSOR in writing (in manner herein provided of intention
to vacate and terminate this LEASE) prior to one month of the expiration or extended
expiration date hereof, then in that event this LEASE shall be automatically renewed and
continued under the same terms and conditions for like terms as originally set out except the
now provided monthly rental thereof shall be increased by ____________ over the current rental
rate, and the term of Lease shall be continued by one (1) year. If LESSEE notifies LESSOR of
intention to vacate and/or surrender LEASED premises, or not to renew LEASE, and LESSEE
fails to vacate or surrender possession at said effective date set out therein, LESSOR may at
its option treat such as a renewal of this LEASE for like period (as if no notice given) and
LESSEE shall pay expense or damages suffered by LESSOR by virtue of said notice, relying
upon, or based upon said notice, and LESSEE agrees to defend and hold LESSOR harmless
therefore. Rent shall be doubled for each day LESSEE holds over after effective date of notice
to terminate.

Not withstanding anything to the contrary appearing above, LESSOR may by letter to LESSEE
notify him that the LEASE will not be renewed, by at least one month’s notice prior to any
expiration date.


The attached listed below are covenants to and considered as a part of this Lease
1. Rules of Conduct for Occupancy to be Observed in the Use of the Premises Leased Therein
as published by and provided by the City of St. Louis.

2. Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint Hazards




ON THIS ______DAY OF___________________, 20___.

Please print the names of every person occupying and residing in this residence. Have any
and all adults sign showing they have read and understand this Lease Agreement. For minor
children, list their date of birth in the signature space.

Lessee 1__________________________________ Signature____________________________

Lessee 2__________________________________ Signature____________________________

Lessee 3__________________________________ Signature____________________________

Lessee 4__________________________________ Signature____________________________

Lessee 5__________________________________ Signature____________________________

Lessor___________________________________ Signature____________________________

Witness 1st_______________________________ Signature_________________________

Witness 2nd______________________________ Signature_____ ____________________

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