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A. General Principles of Intellectual Property System

B. Sources of Intellectual Property Law
1. 1987 Philippine Constitution
Article XII, Secs. 6, 19
Article XIV, Secs. 10 - 13

2. International Agreements

2.1 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of the Intellectual Property Rights

(TRIPs Agreement)
Article 1 – Nature and Scope of Obligation
Article 3 – National Treatment
Article 4 – Most Favoured-Nation Treatment

2.2 Treaties/Conventions and International Agreements

World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
WIPO-Administered Treaties/Conventions
• Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property
• Patent Cooperation Treaty
• Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
• Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of
Phonograms and Broadcasting Organization
• WIPO Copyright Treaty
• WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
• Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International
Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol)
3. Laws

3.1 Civil Code of the Philippines, Arts. 712, 521

3.2 Republic Act No. 8293, Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, as
3.3. Other Special Laws

Intellectual Property Rights in General

1. Differences between Copyrights, Trademarks and Patent

Pearl & Dean v. Shoemart, G.R. No. 148222, August 15, 2003
Kho vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. 115758, March 19, 2002
Juan v. Juan, G.R. No. 221732, August 23, 2017

1. Definition of Marks, Collective Marks, Trade Names (Sec. 121)

2. Acquisition of Ownership of Mark (Sec. 122)

Berris Agricultural Co., v. Abyadang, G.R. No. 183404, October 13, 2010
Shangri-La International v. Developers Group, G.R. 159938, March 31, 2006
Ecole De Cuisine Manille v. Le Cordon Bleu Int'l., G.R. No. 185830, June 5,

3. Acquisition of Ownership of Trade Name (Sec. 165)

4. Non-Registrable Marks (Sec. 123)

Matal v. Tam, 582 U.S. ___ (June 19, 2017); Sec. 123.1(a) IPC vis-à-vis Sec. 4
Art. III Constitution
Shang Properties v. St. Francis, G.R. No. 190706, July 21, 2014
Fredco v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, G.R. No. 185917, June 1,
2011) Those that falsely suggest a connection |||

Abercrombie & Fitch v. Hunting World, 537 F.2d 4 (2d Cir. 1976) Spectrum of
Shang Properties v. St. Francis, G.R. No. 190706, July 21, 2014 Secondary
Meaning (Sec. 123.2) and Fair Use
Zatarains v. Oak Grove, 698 F.2d 786 (5th Cir. 1983)

5. Use of the Mark (Sec. 124.2, Sec. 147 cf. Sec. 151.1 (c), Sec. 152)
a. Genuine use, a bona fide kind of use::W Land Holding v. Starwood Hotels,
G.R. No. 222366, December 4, 2017

b. Sales invoices and advertisements not conclusive evidence of

ownership||| (Birkenstock v. Phil. Shoe Expo, G.R. No. 194307, November 20,

6. Tests to Determine Confusing Similarity between Marks

a. Dominancy Test (Sec. 155.1)

Nestle v. CA, G.R. No. 112012, April 4, 2001
ABS-CBN Publishing, Inc. v. Director of Trademarks, G.R. No. 217916,
June 20, 2018

b. Holistic Test
Emerald v. CA, G.R. 100098, December 29, 1995

c. "ordinary purchaser" Great White Shark v. Caralde, Jr., G.R. No.


192294, November 21, 2012

7. Well-Known Marks Sec. 123.1(e), 147.2, Sec. 2, Rule 18, A.M. No. 10-3-10-SC)
La Chemise La Coste v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 63796-97, May 21, 1984 |||

In-N-Out Burger vs. Sehwani, G.R. No. 179127, December 24, 2008
"any combination" of criteria to determine that a mark is well-known, not
necessary that the mark be used in commerce in the Philippines.|||Fredco
Manufacturing Corp. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, G.R. No.
185917, June 1, 2011

8. Rights Conferred by Registration (Sec. 147)

9. [Fair] Use by Third Parties of Names, etc. Similar to Registered Mark (Sec. 148)
New Kids on the Block v. News America Publishing, 971 F.2d 302 (9th Cir. 1992)

10. Infringement and Remedies (Sec. 155 – 158)

a. Trademark Infringement
b. Damages
c. Requirement of Notice

11. Unfair Competition (Sec. 168) False Designation of Origin (Sec. 169)
McDonald’s Corp. vs. L. C. Big Mak, GR 143993, August 18, 2004
Coca-Cola Bottlers, Phil. Vs. Quintin Gomez,G.R. 154491, November 18, 2008
Kenneth Roy Savage et. al. v. Judge Taypin, G.R. 134217, May 11, 2000
Chester Uyco, et. al. vs. Vicente Lo, G.R. 202423, January 28, 2013

12. Trade Names or Business Names (Sec. 165)

Coffee Partners, Inc. vs. San Francisco Coffee (G.R. No. 169504, 3 March 2010
Under Article 8 of the Paris Convention,…Harvard is entitled to protection in the
Philippines of its trade name "Harvard" even without registration of such trade
name in the Philippines.||| Fredco v. President and Fellows of Harvard College,
G.R. No. 185917, June 1, 2011

C. Patents

1. Patentable Inventions (Sec. 21, IP Code)

Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303

2. Non-Patentable Inventions (Sec. 22, IP Code)

Association for Molecular Pathology v. USPTO (The Myriad Case), 569 U.S. 12
D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc [2015] HCA 35
Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. ___ (2014)

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