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Comparative Politics and Government

1. Would you call the country you live in a “nation” (or a “nation-state”)? What
makes it a state and when did it achieve statehood?

Yes, because the people of the Philippines accepts a common culture, common
history and a common fate even when not all the people living here have the same
opinions or perspectives politically, socially and economically. It achieved statehood
and is called a state because the Philippines has a territory, people and sovereignty.

2. Discuss the three general patterns in the history and development of modern
state. Use the Treaty of Westphalia as a basis.

First, transformation refers to gradual or step by step transformation of existing

independent political units. Some states may take longer than other states to
transform. Second, unification is creating a state by uniting independent political
units into one. Third, secession is when a political unit withdraws or breaks up from
the others to create a new state.

3. Discuss the four stages in the development of the modern state discerned by

First stage is state formation. This happens through territorial consolidation

through economic and military means to provide internal order, provide external
security, to improve communications and more. Second stage is nation building
which happens by creating a common identity for the state and a sense of allegiance
or unity to the political system. Third stage is mass democracies which refers to the
masses having their right to participate in decision makings in the government such
as voting during elections and more. Fourth and last stage is redistribution where
policies are now implemented to make the economic solidarity stronger.

4. Discuss the role of warfare and capitalism in the state building process in

In Europe, the rights and powers of local landowners and of the nobility were
replaced by centralized state power and resources which involved military
techonology to secure the compliance of territories with the wishes of centralizing
elites. Capitalism, also helped the development of states in Europe to secure
investments, to provide social and physical infrastructures, to control and regulate
conflicts and more.

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