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Zoo 111.

1 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory

Pedrosa, Milkah Agatha Dana C. Date conducted: September 5, 2019

2018-09498 Date submitted: September 12, 2019




I. Introduction

Phylum Cnidaria is made up of mostly marine animals which include the corals, hydras,

jellyfish, Portuguese men-of-war, sea anemones, sea pens, sea whips, and sea fans. There

are four classes under phylum: Hydrozoa (hydrozoans); Scyphozoa (scyphozoans);

Anthozoa (anthozoans); and Cubozoa (cubozoans). Two defining characteristics of

cnidarians are possessing intracellular stinging capsules, known as nematocysts or cnidae,

and the presence planula larvae in its life cycle (Fautin and Hand, 2017).

Class Hydrozoa are made of mostly marine animals, but some are found in freshwater.

Hydroids may be either solitary or colonial, and there are about 3,700 known species.

Hydrozoans have two body forms-polyp and medusae-that occur in a single life cycle. Four

orders of class Hydrozoa include: Hydroida, Chondrophora, Siphonophora and

Hydrocoralina (Rafferty, 2019).

Class Anthozoa are defined by the absence of the medusa stage, absence of operculum

and cnidocil, having a circular mitochondrial DNA, having a ciliated groove in the

pharyngeal walls and having mesenteries that partition the coelenteron (Pechenik, 2015).

One of the members of this class are the sea anemones which are soft-bodied, primarily

sedentary marine animals resembling flowers. They are largest, most numerous, and most

colourful in warmer seas (Cunningham, 2018).

This exercise aimed to examine the alternating polyp and medusa stage in the life cycle

of hydrozoan representatives, Hydra and Obelia. This exercise also aimed to study the

anatomy of a sea anemone.

II. Materials and Methods


The following prepared slides were viewed and examined under an electric

microscope: Hydra c.s plain, Coelenterata, hydra plain w.m., Coelenterata, Obelia

hydroids w.m., and Coelenterata, Obelia medusae w.m These specimens were

illustrated, and their structures were label accordingly.


A. Collection

A sea anemone was collected from Cancabato Bay, Tacloban City by local

fisherman in Bucawilan, Magsaysay Blvd. Upon collection and before preservation,

the morphological characteristics such as the polyp size, color and texture were

recorded. Photographs were taken as well.

B. Dissection

The external structure and general morphology of the sea anemone was first

examined. Illustrations were made based on its external structure and scales were

used for more accurate representation. Longitudinal and cross sections were of the

specimens were made using a scalpel to observe its internal structure. The structures

observed were illustrated and labeled. The acontia, which are thin filaments

containing nematocyst, was then located. A small piece of aconitum was extracted

and placed on the glass for observation under the microscope. Finally, the specimen

was identified to the genus level.

III. Results and Discussions



Figure 1. Sponge before collection

Figure 1 shows the sponge collected in Cancabato Bay, Tacloban City. The sponge’s

morphology was clearly observed while in its natural habitat. Upon observation, the specimen

has a greyish brown color with a hint of green. It was also observed the sponges formed a

colony as indicated by the number of oscula seen. The pores were visible, and the sponge had

a rough texture. Moreover, the sponge appeared to be a few centimeters long and had an

encrusting growth form.

Sponges often vary in external appearance. In size, they can range from a few

centimeters to less than a centimeter. The size of sponges is greatly affected by their age, the

environmental condition and food supply. For shape, some sponges are bushy with fingerlike

projections. Others, such as the sponge used in this exercise, are shapeless or amorphous that

form thin encrustations on objects such as rocks (Sara, 2019). The body width of the sponge

appeared to be significantly greater than height, extending across the surface of a substrate. All

encrusting forms usually have visible pores scattered over their surfaces (Formont and

Schoenberg, 2014).

Color is also variable in sponges. They differ according to their habitat. Benthic sponges

usually show a neutral color, such as brownish while sponges found in tidal zones often possess

bright colors that range from red, yellow, and orange to violet and occasionally black. In

addition, sponges also appear to have a tinge of green due to the green algae living

symbiotically within them. These symbionts give sponges color as long as light is available.

The surface of a sponge may be smooth or rough. The rough texture of sponges is accompanied

with protruding skeletal elements called spicules (Sara, 2019).

Sponges are filter feeders that feed on planktons present in the water. In addition, most

sponges are hermaphroditic which enables them to reproduce sexually and asexually. Asexual

reproduction includes the production of gemmules and buds while sexual reproduction includes

cross-fertilization (Pechenik, 2015).

Sponges have become successful because of their effective reproduction techniques.

Sponges are the most successful animals since they have been living in the waters of the world

for more than 600 million years and can be found in all marine and many freshwater habitats

(Ramel,n.d.). According to a team of researchers in Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (2015),

sponges are the oldest animal phylum. Results from this research proves that the sponges were

the first phylum to diverge from the common ancestors of metazoans. Thus, sponges are

considered as the sister group of all other animal species since they have a common lineage

from which the rest of the animal kingdom evolved.

a. b.

Figure 2. (a.) External structure of sponge (b.) Pores (Ostia) under 100x magnification.

Figure 2.1 Illustration of external structure of sponge

Figure 2 shows the external morphology of the sponge. Also seen in figure 2 are the

pores observed under the microscope with 100x magnification. Multiple main openings or

oscula were identified as well.

Water enters the sponge through numerous pores in the body wall. These pores are

called ostia and they function as channels that lead water through the mesohyl and into the

sponge’s large central cavity. The water is then extruded via a large opening called the osculum

or oscula (Pechenik, 2015). The flow of water into the sponge body is crucial for feeding and

circulation within the sponge. Since sponges are independent cells and do not have organ

systems, they do not have a specialized respiratory or circulatory system. They obtain oxygen

by diffusion from the water flowing through their bodies, and waste is expelled by diffusion

into the same pool of water (Blanchette and Wilkin, 2015).

Figure 3. Sponge l.s. Figure 3.1. Illustration of Sponge l.s.

Figure 3 shows a longitudinal cross section of a sponge. The sponge’s inner cavity is

exposed which is identified as the spongocoel or the atrium. The spongocoel is an empty

space or cavity within the sponge.

The spongocoel is lined with a variety of cell types that perform specific functions. One

of these are the porococytes which are the structure through which water is taken into the

organism. Choanocytes are also found lining the spongocoel as these cells are vital in creating

inward currents of water for the sponge's stationary filter feeding mechanism through the

beating of their flagella. Another lining the spongocoel are the motile cells called amoebocytes

that perform various digestive functions within the sponge by transporting and storing food and

excreting waste (Pechenik, 2015).

The spongocoel could be a simple interior space of the sponge or a complexly branched

inner structure. This depends on the sponge’s canal system. The simplest canal system is

called asconoid. In asconoid, water is pumped directly ostia, into the spongocoel and exit

through the osculum. Synconoid is a more complex canal system. In a synconoid canal system,

the ostia lead to a network of canals that are lined with choanocytes. Water is pumped into the

ostia and through these canals before arriving at the spongocoel. The most complex canal

system is called leuconoid. This canal system forms a more elaborate branched network, and

the canals lead to digestive chambers instead of a spongocoel (Pechenik, 2019).

In determining the canal system of the specimen, its genus was first identified.

According to characteristics enumerated by Ackers et al., (1992), the sponge specimen belongs

to the Halichondria. Halichondria are intertidal sponges, having thickly encrusting growth

form and are occasionally branching sponge. They are often light orange-yellow or pale

yellowish green. However, they may turn to greyish green especially for intertidal specimens

exposed to the light due to microsymbionts. This genus is under the family of Halichondriidae,

class Demospongiae. Class Demospongiae are identified to have a leuconoid canal system

(Pechenik, 2015). Thus, genus Halichondria has a leuconoid canal system as confirmed by

Olesen and Weeks (1994), which described the said genus as small leuconoid species that are

composed of siliceous spicules and spongin fibers.

Examination of spicules

Figure 4. Spicules of the sponge (400x) Figure 4.1 Illustration of the spicules of the sponge

Figure 4 shows the spicules extracted from the dermis of the sponge specimen observed

under the microscope. Two types of monaxon spicules were identified, the oxea and tylostyle.

Spicule are skeletal structures formed by the sclerocyte. Spongin fibers are secreted by

the spongiocyte. Spicules are formed from carbonates or silica in the form of needle-like pieces,

while spongin fibers are modified types of collagen protein (Pechenik, 2015). Both constitute

are a vital part of the sponge’s skeletal system, wherein spongin form “fibers” that hold the

spicules together (Gonzales, 2016). They also serve as protection from other species. Sponge

species are identified based on the presence or absence of spongin in a sample and based on

the shape of the spicules.

IV. Conclusion

From this exercise it can be concluded that Poriferans are characterized by

having asymmetrical bodies and some species can be amorphous as well. Their

colors vary whether they dwell in intertidal zones, wherein they may appear greyish,

or in deep-sea zones. Sponges, as sessile filter feeders, have important

morphological features that are important in acquiring food found in water. Water

enter the sponges through small incurrent pores called ostia and exits through the

large opening called the osculum. Moreover, sponges have canal systems that differ

in complexity on how water enters the spongocoel, the central body cavity of

sponges, through numerous ostia and exits through the osculum.

Sponges exhibit different modes of reproduction, which greatly contributes to

their success. Sponges also possess skeletal structures called the spicules and the

spongin fibers. These structures vary in shape and in composition. They also serve

as criteria for identification of the sponge.


Ackers, R.G.A., D. Moss and B.E. Picton, 1992. Sponges of the British Isles ("Sponge V"), a

colour guide and working document. Marine Conservation Society, 175 pp.

Blanchette, J., & Wilkins, D. (2015, December 12). Sponge Structure and Function - Advanced.

Retrieved from


Diaz, M. C., Pomponi, S. A., Van Soest, R. W. M. (1993). A Systematic Revision of the Central

West Atlantic Halichondrida (Demospongiae, Porifera). Part III: Description of valid species.

Retrieved from

Formont, J., & Schoenberg, C. (2014). Sponge functional growth forms as a means for classifying

sponges without taxonomy. The Ningaloo Atlas. Retrieved from


Gonzales, J. (28 September 2016). Sponges and Spicules. Retrieved from

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU). (1 December 2015). Animal evolution:

Sponges really are oldest animal phylum. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from

Olesen, T. M. E. & Weeks, J. M. (May 1994). Accumulation of Cd by the marine sponge

Halichondria panicea pallas: effects upon filtration rate and its relevance for biomonitoring.

Retrieved from

Pechenik, J. A. (2015). The Poriferans and Placozoans. Biology of the Invertebrates (7th ed.). pp.

77-94. New York, NY: Mc-Graw-Hill Edition.

Ramel, G. (n.d.). The Phylum Porifera. Retrieved from

Sara, M. (2019, February 12). Sponge. Retrieved from


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