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Introduction (1):

Regina Balfour, a five-year old Caucasian female, was abducted at 6:30 P.M. earlier
today while in the company of her mother, Sarah. The abduction occurred in a Wal-
Mart on the outskirts of town while Regina was sitting in a shopping cart. Her mother
was standing three feet away with her back turned.
Surveillance review (2):

The abduction was caught on videotape. The videotape shows a large, older
Caucasian man in a baseball hat and sunglasses walking brazenly and with purpose
up to the cart. He Tasers the mother with a hidden stun gun, grabs the girl out of the
cart, and walks quickly for the exit. He momentarily leaves camera range, then
comes back into range, still carrying the girl, in an effort to retrieve a backpack that
had been sitting next to Regina in the shopping cart. The backpack is made to
resemble a stuffed animal ladybug. Regina’s mother, Sarah Balfour, manages to
rouse herself enough to grab onto the ladybug backpack, and a brief tug-of-war
ensues. The abductor kicks Sarah in the face, but lets the backpack go as a
bystander tries to intervene. He then flees out of camera range with Regina; a
security guard runs through the frame ten seconds later in pursuit.
A second security camera at the exit of the store shows more. The abductor knocks
over a uniformed greeter with Regina obviously struggling and screaming. He throws
Regina into the back seat of a waiting car, a late model tan Ford Taurus, which
speeds off. The abductor then pulls out a handgun and marches back into the store,
shooting the greeter in the knee as he goes.
The abductor can be seen on several different video feeds thereafter. He wanders
through the store, gun in hand, toppling displays, brandishing his firearm at
customers, and generally causing a panic. Shoppers stampede toward the exit. After
about thirty minutes, a SWAT team arrives and heavily armed policemen wearing
body armour appear in camera range. When he sees them, the abductor promptly
shoots himself in the head. SAN loss 0/1.
Interviewing the parents (3):

The Balfours (father’s name: John) are frantic and at the local police station. They
deny knowing the abductor. They claim to have no idea why they or Regina would be
targeted. The ladybug backpack has been retrieved from the mother and impounded
as evidence.
Researching the victim (4):

The Balfours are on an F.B.I. radicals/domestic terrorists watch list. They are the
leaders of a fringe religious movement known as the Church of the Passover Angel.
They run a website that is highly critical of the U.S. government, calling it the "head
of the false serpent." They advocate the government’s (non-violent) overthrow and
replacement with a fundamentalist theocracy "following only God’s law and that of
his herald, the Passover Angel."
The Balfours have been suspected for years of possessing and stockpiling illegal
firearms, up to and including machine guns and bombs, but repeated Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (A.T.F.) investigations have turned up nothing.
The Church’s website openly comments on this “ongoing persecution”, saying that
"when the time is right, God and his Passover Angel will smite the wicked in
Washington as he did Egypt, with boils and blood, frogs and locusts, lice and flies,
pestilence and darkness, and when the persecution of the Faithful persists, with the
deaths of their firstborn."
Early reports on the perpetrator (5):

The abductor had recently dyed his hair, was wearing a fake moustache, had
obscured his fingerprints with acid, and was carrying no identification. However, by
chance, his picture was promptly recognized when posted on the news by officials
with A.T.F. His name was George Lewiston, and he was a retired A.T.F. investigator
with experience investigating suspected domestic terror groups. However, he had no
known prior connections to any investigation of the Church of the Passover Angel.

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