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A LEGEND OF THE COCONUT TREE Fuming with anger, she called her

trusted maid and asked her to lead her to

The Maguindanaons have a rich
the palace garden. There she met the
collection of folk stories which they call
young and handsome gardener Wata-
tudtol. One of these tells about the origin
Mama, whom she favored among her
of the coconut, and it goes this way:
suitors. Secretly, the two young lovers
Once there was a kingdom in spend some moments together. Nobody
ancient Mindanao known as knew of this love affair except the
Bangonansa-Pulangui (“kingdom by the princess’ maid.
river”), which was ruled by a just and kind
When the princess told him about
sultan. Aside from its prosperity, the
the tournament and her fears about the
kingdom was shown far and wide for the
results, Wata-Mama decided to reveal
beauty of Putri Timbang-Namat, the
his past to her. “I am a prince myself,” he
sultan’s only daughter. She was the most
said, “and my real name is Tsemedtsen-
beautiful and charming woman of her
sa-Alongan (‘he whose power could
time. her name alone signified lady of
eclipse the brightness of the sun’). I was
separated from my parents when I was
The admirers of Putri Timbang- three. Since then, I have not seen them.
Namat came from across the seven The last news I heard about my father
seas, but she did not care for any of was that he was put to death by my
them. The kind sultan, touched by their greedy uncle who has taken over the
persistence, one day tried to intervene in sultanate.”
behalf of the seven suitors, asking his
The princess covered her
daughter to choose from among them the
beloved’s mouth with her gently hand
man she would marry.
and said, “Whoever you are and
“My darling daughter,” he said, “I wherever you come from are not
need a son to succeed me when I die. I important to me. What is important is that
wish that before I close my eyes, I would we love each other.”
see you married.” But the princess was
The lovers decided at last to flee
not moved by her father’s pleas.
to another land. As they were preparing
Months passed. The sultan finally their escape, however, one of the
summoned the suitors to a conference. sultan’s generals learned of their plan.
They all agreed to hold a tournament to The general was secretly in love with the
determine who among them was worthy princess and was therefore concerned
of the princess’ love. about her fate. So, that night, in the dark
corner of the palace, he and two of his
When the princess learned about trusted aides waited for the young lovers.
it, she was stricken with fear, but she said
to herself, “Nobody can decide my future When the lovers were about to
by myself and God.” leave the palace grounds, the general
emerged from the shadows, struck Wata-
Mama down with his bladed weapon, and
severed his head. The princess did not The next morning, the princess
allow herself to be overcome by fear. She again watched the tall majestic tree.
jumped to where the head of her beloved Wonders of wonders, she noticed with
rolled, picked it up, and wrapped it great surprise that the tree already had
tenderly with her veil. ripened fruit – a round fruit of the size of
a man’s head.
Moments later, the sultan and
hundreds of palace guards appeared on The Cotabato ballad singers say
the scene. The general was taken that fruit was the first coconut on Earth.
prisoner along with his aides, while the When the coconut is unhusked, the shell
princess, who stood there holding the looks like the bald pate of a man with a
severed head of her beloved, was pair of eyes and a prominent mouth. They
brought back to her room. say that the coconut shell does not have
hair because the people of long ago did
For nine days and nights, the
not allow their hair to grow long. They
princess kept the vigil beside the head
shaved their hair close to the scalp.
which she placed on her bed. She locked
herself up in her room so that no one
could take it from her, not even her father.
The sultan was worried. One day,
he convinced the princess to allow him to In the beginning there were two
enter her room. Then he said, “My gods, Captan and Maguayan. They
daughter, please allow me to bury the created the earth and all living things.
head of your loved one. He can never be Once, Captan planted a bamboo in a
at peace with God while you keep his garden. The plant grew into a tall tree that
head unburied.” swayed gracefully in the breeze. Then,
one day, it broke into two sections, and
The princess finally agreed, out stepped a man and a woman. To the
saying, “Father, I will allow you to bury it, man the gods gave the name Sicalac,
but please bury it beneath my window and that is why men have been called
where I can watch it every day and night.” lalaki; the woman they called Sicavay,
and thenceforth women have been called
Thus, the severed head of Wata-
Mama was finally interred. Early one
morning, while the princess was After some time, the man asked
watching the spot, she saw a tiny plant the woman to marry him, for there were
growing from the ground. Suddenly, the no people in the world. Sicavay was
once tiny bud grew into a tree until it reluctant in accepting his proposal,
reached the height of the window where however, saying that they were brother
the princess was sitting. The strange and sister, born of the same reed, with
incident aroused the princess’ curiosity. only one node between them. Eventually,
She went on watching the tree far into the they agreed to seek the advice of the
night until her maid persuaded her to go tunas of the sea and the doves of the air.
to bed. They also consulted the earthquake, who
told them that it was necessary for them While Pandaguan was away, his
to marry so that the world would be filled wife Luplupan became the concubine of
with people. And so, they became Maracoyrun. People say that the practice
husband and wife. of concubinage then started with
Soon after, they had a son whom
they called Sibu. A daughter who was When Pandaguan returned home,
born to them next was named Samar. he did not find his wife there. She had
Sibu and Samar married and had a been invited by Maracoyrun to feast upon
daughter, Luplupan. She married a pig which he had stolen. People say
Pandaguan, the second son of the first that this was the first theft committed in
couple, Sicalac and Sicavay. They had a the world.
son whom they named Anoranor.
Pandaguan then sent Anoranor to
Pandaguan was the first to invent fetch his mother, but she only laughed at
the fishing net. The first time he used it her son and refused to go home, saying
he caught a shark and brought it ashore, that the dead never return to the world. At
thinking that it would not die. But the this answer, Pandaguan became angry
shark did not survive for long out of water. and went back to the infernal regions,
Great was Panduguan’s grief. He cried vowing never to return to the world. The
out loudly to the gods, blaming them for old folks say that had Luplupan obeyed
letting his plaything die when no one had Pandaguan’s summons, he had not gone
ever died before. back to the infernal regions, all the dead
would come back to life.
It is said that the god Captan,
weary after his day’s work, sent the flies
to find out why Pandaguan was making
such a loud lamentation. But the flies HOW PILANDOK BECAME A SULTAN
refused to obey him, saying that they A favorite character of Maranaw
were busy storing honey. For this tales is Pilandok. He is to the Maranaws
disobedience, they were condemned to what Juan Tamad, Juan Pusong, or Juan
scavenge among filthy and rotten things Osong is to the Christian communities in
from then on. Luzon and the Visayas. There are
Captan then sent the weevil, who several stories about him. Some portray
brought back the news of the shark’s him as a bungling, bumbling dimwit;
death. Pandaguan’s behavior greatly others, as a brave hero.
displeased Captan. He and Maguayan Here is one popular story about
made a thunderbold with which they him. Pilandok was once sentenced by the
struck Pandaguan dead. The young man ruling sultan to be placed in a cage and
stayed in the infernal regions for thirty thrown into the sea. By some luck, he
days, at the end of which time the gods was able to escape from his undersea
took pity on him, brought him back to life, prison. Swimming ashore, he went home,
and returned him to the world. changed his wet clothes, and presented
himself to the sultan dressed as a rajah.
“What? You alive?” exclaimed the Pilandok thought again. Then he
sultan. “How did you manage to get out reluctantly consented to the sultan’s
of the cage?” plans, cautioning the latter not to reveal
their secret to anyone. The sultan called
Pilandok smiled and answered: “I
all his followers soon after and
have come to thank you, O Sultan, for
announced to them that he was going on
throwing me into the sea. When my cage
a very long journey and that he was
touched the bottom, I saw my rich
appointing Pilandok sultan in his
ancestors who were only too happy to
absence. Everyone was to obey every
see me. They opened my cage and took
command of the new ruler.
me to their undersea kingdom. My
tongue cannot describe the treasures Pilandok then ordered that a
that I saw there – precious stones, gold, heavy iron cage be made. When it was
and silver! And I would have them if I ready, he placed the sultan in it and,
stayed. Thinking of my family here, I loading it in a boat, dropped it into the
asked permission to see them for the last bottom of the sea. Of course, the sultan
time before going back to live never came back, and Pilandok
permanently in that undersea kingdom. I remained a sultan.
have to return at once. Goodbye then. My
relatives are waiting for me!”
“Wait,” said the sultan, very much THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING
interested in Pilandok’s story, “Take me In the province of Laguna is a
with you. I would like to see my rich steep mountain called Makiling. Some
ancestors, too. Surely you will not say it is so called because it leans to one
begrudge me this favor!” side. Other say this is because it is thickly
Pilandok thought it over for a wooded with a shrub called pakiling,
moment, “No, my Lord, I cannot do that,” whose coarse-surfaced leaves are used
he replied. “We cannot go together. You by housewives for scrubbing pots and
will have to go alone, in your own cage.” pans and floors.

“Then put me in one,” begged the However it may have gotten its
greedy sultan, “and drop me into the name, it was haunted by a fairy named
sea.” Maria whom townfolk called Mariang
Makiling. It is said that in the old days she
“It is not that I am selfish, but who used to come to town with a basketful of
will take care of your kingdom while you fruit on her head which she sold in the
are away?” Pilandok asked. marketplace. The money she got for the
fruit she later distributed among the poor.
“Suppose you stay in my place
At first the people thought she was only a
and rule the kingdom during my
woman from a different town, through her
absence,” said the sultan. “It will be only
beauty surpassed that of any other
for a short time anyway. When I come
woman they had ever seen, for her face
back, you may return to your ancestors.
Just help me prepare for the journey.”
was soft and fair and her black hair THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE
flowed down to her ankles. (ZAMBAL VERSION)
One day, a young farmer who had
fallen in love with her beauty followed her
One stormy day a monkey was
secretly into the woods. However, she
standing by the shore of the river,
went so quickly through the forest growth
wondering how he could get to the other
that he lost her. He waited for her on the
side. He could not get over by himself, for
next market day, but she did not come to
the water was deep, and he did not know
town that day nor did she come on any
how to swim. He looked about for some
day thereafter.
logs, but all he saw was a large crocodile
The young man then went into the with its mouth wide open, ready to seize
woods to search for her but he never him. He was very frightened, but he said,
came back. Some say he found her. “O Mr. Crocodile! Pray, do not kill me!
Some say he was lost and that he died in Spare my life, and I will lead you to a
the woods without seeing her again. To place where you can get as many
this day the old folks believe Mariang monkeys as will feed you all your life.”
Makiling still haunts the mountain. The
The crocodile agreed, and the
mountain is covered with many fruit-
monkey said that the place was on the
bearing trees. You may eat all the fruits
other side of the river. So, the crocodile
you wish but do not try to bring any of it
told him to get on his back, and he would
home. If you do, then you will lose your
carry him across. Just before they
way. The insects will sting you. The
reached the bank, the monkey jumped to
thorns will scratch you. And the very
land, ran as fast as he could, and climbed
trunks of the trees will play tricks on your
up a tree where his mate was. The
eyes. Mariang Makiling will lead you
crocodile could not follow, of course, so
completely astray. If prudent, you will
he returned to the water saying, “The
throw away all the fruit you had intended
time will come when you shall pay.”
to take out. Also, you will turn your
clothes inside out to assure the good fairy Not long afterwards, the monkey
that you are hiding none of her fruit on found the crocodile lying motionless, as if
your person. Only then might Mariang dead. About the place were some low
Makiling relent and lead you back on the chili pepperbushes loaded with
right trail. numerous bright-red fruits like ornaments
on a Christmas tree. The monkey
approached the crocodile and began
playing with his tail; but the crocodile
made a sudden spring and seized the
monkey so tightly that he could not
“Think first, think first!” said the
monkey. “Mark you, Mr. Crocodile! I am
now the cook of his Majesty, the King. Take head now, said the
Those bright-red pieces of bread have Wayfarer, when passing near a mound to
been entrusted to my care,” and the stretch your hand before you, saying “Old
monkey pointed to the pepper shrubs. man of the mound, if it pleases you, let
“The moment you kill me, the King will me pass.”
arrive with thousands of well-armed
And why is that? said the little boy.
troops and will punish you.”
Son, said the Wayfarer, the lakay
The crocodile was frightened by
is a very old man and has very weak
what the monkey said. “Mr. Monkey, I did
eyes, especially in the daytime. Being a
not mean to harm you.” he said. “I will set
creature of night, he is not visible to
you free if you will let me eat only as
mortal eyes. If you come upon him
many pieces of bread as will relieve my
without warning, he may not be able to
scramble out of your way quickly enough,
“Eat all you can,” responded the and you might unknowingly step on him.
monkey kindly, “Take as many you That will make him very angry indeed.
please. They are free to you.”
The little boy laughed.
Without another words, the
Son, it is no laughing matter, said
crocodile let the monkey go, and rushed
the Wayfarer. Once a man was hurrying
at the heavily laden bushes. The monkey
home across the field and did not notice
slipped away secretly and climbed up a
a mount of his way and he stepped on the
tree where he could enjoy the
face of the matanda of the mount and did
discomfiture of his voracious friend. The
not know it. Arriving home, the man ate a
crocodile began to cough, sneeze, and
big supper, after which he lit a bit cigar
scratch his tongue. When he rushed to
and sat himself before the window with
the river to cool his mouth, the monkey
his feet up on the sill. He felt a tug at his
only laughed at him.
big toe. Looking out the window, he
Moral: Use your own judgment; do called, “Who’s there?” but no one
not rely on the counsel of others for it is answered from the dark. It is a neighbor’s
the father of destruction and ruin. prank, thought the man, and he went to
When he got up in the morning, he
noticed something queer with his toe. It
OLD MAN OF THE MOUND was not swollen nor painful, but it had
grown twice as long as the other. When
he tried to find sympathy among the
The tianak lives in wild grass, said neighbors, they only laughed at him and
the Wayfarer, but the old man whom we said, “Poor man, the matanda or lakay
call lakay among us in the north and who has played a trick on you.”
is called matanda by the people in the
south lives in earth-mound.

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