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Bright Institute of Medical Sciences

FMGE, DEC 2019 recall


1. Most common cause of PID → Chlamydia

2. IUCD contraindicated in PID
3. Hair on back, face, secondary Amenorrhea, Androgen ↑, LH:FSH deranged → PCOS
4. Contraceptive in case of newly wed female →OCP
5. Least likely to rupture ectopic pregnancy → Interstitial ectopic
6. Image based ------8 weeks amenorrhea---------Ectopic pregnancy
7. Episiotomy → 45o (medio → lateral)
8. HCG secreted by → Syncytiotrophoblast
9. Leyding cell secrete → Testosterone
10. Double decidual sign → Intrauterine pregnancy
11. Young girl, short height(130cm), congenital webbing of neck, primary amenorrhea → 45 X 0
12. 12 week amenorrhea bleeding P/V, Cx closed, USG shows cardiac activity present →Threatened abortion
13. Lady came had 5 convulsions at home 30 yrsof age, G3 P2, proteinuria 3 +, BP 180/110mmHg next line of Mg
→ MgSO4 + labetalol
14. Twin pregnancy, 1st breech, POG = 40 week, Mg → LSCS
15. Lady delivered child, Placenta delivered followed by heavy bleeding→ Atonic PPH
16. Lady delivered child, placenta removed forcefully, profuse bleeding, most likely complication → Acute
inversion of uterus
17. 1st presumptive sign of uterine pregnancy → Goodell`s sign
18. Lady came with H/o PID x 3 yrs back. Investigation shows B/L corneal block, management will be → IVF
19. IOC for Endometriosis → Laproscopy
20. Multiple cyst in periphery of ovary → PCOD
21. Lady got MTP done, she went home, later on collapsed, BP 90 /50mmHg, Tachycardia complication that has
occured→ uterine perforation
22. Lady hard H/ Ectopic pregnancy in past best contraceptive → Lippe’s loop
23. OCP absolutely C/I in Thromboembolism
24. Oligohydramnios → Renal agenesis
25. Active stage of labour, progress decreases, most probable cause → CPD
26. 50 yrs old lady she had menorrhagia X 6 months not responding to Tranxenemic acid, next line of
management would be → D & C
27. 50 yrs old lady with bleeding continuously P/V & hyperplasia in endometrium. Management
a. Hysterectomy
b. Endometrial ablation
c. GnRH
d. Aromatase inhibitors

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28. Spermicide → Nonoxynol 9
29. Least teratogenic drug in epilepsy → Leviteracetam
30. Lady delivered at home, she has continuous dribbling of urine → Urinary Fistula
31. Lower abdomen pain, bulky mass – hypoecheic region → Dermoid cyst
32. Pregnant lady fallen in bathroom on examination uterus was tender, fetal Heart sound absent → Abruptio
33. Amsel`s criteria → Bacterial vaginosis
34. Antithyroid drug in pregnancy in IIIrd Trimester → Carbimazole
35. Pregnant lady at 37 weeks found to be HbsAg+, baby should receive→ Hepatitis B vaccine + Hepatitis B
10 More OBG questions were statements(clinical) →students were not able to recall(Total
OBG approx. 45 questions)

36. Celiac trunk – T12
37. Nerve supply of Biceps brachii → Muscubcutaneous nerve C5, C6, C7
38. Ant dislocation of shoulder cause → Axillary nerve damage
39. Identification of ASIS → image based
40. Upper border of Iliac crest → L4
41. Muscles responsible for knee reflex → Quadriceps Femoris
42. Middle meningeal artery is the br of Maxillary artery I part
43. Identification of Pterion → Image based
44. Identification of Tibial posterior artery → Image based
45. Safety muscle of tongue → Geniogossus
46. Image of Brachial Plexus
47. Renal tramplantation done in Lt. Iliac fossa
48. Bladder Trigone is derived from – Mesonephric duct
49. Structure that does not pass through Parotid gland
a. Facial M
b. Retromandibular M
c. ECA
d. ICA
50. Avascular necrosis for Head of femur by → Medial circumflex femoral artery
51. Undescended testis →cryptorchidism
52. # Femur shaft → Fat embolism
53. Cremasteric reflex – afferent root by femoral br of Genitofemoral nerve L1, L2
54. Adam’s apple → formed by Thyroid cartilage of larynx.
55. Nerve supply of Lacrimal Gland → Pterysopalatine ganglion.


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56. Eustachian tube in opened by Tensor palate & Levator palate
57. Malignant otitis externa caused by – Pseudomonas.
58. Minere’s disease
59. Bulla ethmoidalis → largest Ethmoidal air cells
60. Nasoparyngeal CA → Troter’s triad
61. Nasopharygeal caused by → EBV
62. Nasopharygeal Rx → Chemoradiation
63. C.S.F. Rhinorrhea will not be diagnosed by Nasal Endoscopy
64. R T A → clear watery discharge through nose→ CSF Rhinorrhea
65. Quinsy abscess → Tonsil deviates medially


66. HSV Keratitis → Dendritic Ulcer Image

67. Tomato ketch up appearance → CRVO image
68. In kerato conus test → Flesher rings
69. Kerato conus Image
70. Why contact lens is better → it inhibits Prismatic effect
71. Image of Ant uveitis
72. In myopia – Image formed ant to retina
73. Chalazion – Hard mass away from the lid margin
74. Internal Hordeolum is due to mebomian gland
75. LPS resection – in done in for congenital ptosis
76. Image of Ex ophthamas – all that except Miosis
77. Acquired hypermetropia – Glasses
78. Vision 2020 which disease in included recently → childhood blindness
79. Confirmatory screening in vit A deficiency is school children → corneal xerosis

80. Delusion → Thought disorder
81. PTSD → Port traumatic stress disorder
82. Agoraphobia → Patient is afraid of going in to lift
83. Neolosium
84. Portpartum blues → Port delivery depression
85. A child present with bed wetting, what is the earliest management→ Bed Alarm therapy.


86. TB → Earliest finding in X ray spine → It space reduced

87. Pneumonia→ Image.
88. NCCT shows → EDH Acute bleeding
89. Pneumothorax X ray
90. EDH NCCT image → Biconvex
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91. Double decidual sign in USG → Pregnancy intrauterine


92. Melanin is derived from → Tyrosine

93. Trapping of Ammonia in Brain done by→ Glutamine dehydrogenase
94. Purine metabolism production → Uric acid
95. ETC complex is blocked by → cyanide
96. Glut 4 Receptor present in Skeletal muscle
97. AGTC – DNA
98. Vit B1 coenzyme → Transketolase
99. Pyruvate metabolism → Alanin
100. Hyper ammonia is due to defect in Urea cycle
101. Synovial fluid contains → Hyaluronidase
102. Confirmatory test for gout → uric acid in synovial fluid
103. Primary structure of protein not damaged
104. Most common amino acid in collagen → Glycine
105. Cardio protective lipoprotein → HDL
106. Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by Insulin
107. Keshan’s disease due to → ↓ selenium deficiency.
108. Allopurinol inhibit formation of uric acid

109. Recurrent duodenal ulcer → H. Pylori infection

110. PCNL what will not occur → Urethral stricture
111. CA prostate occurs in posterior lobe of prostate
112. Diagnosis of Varicose vein → Trendelenberg test
113. Mediastinal tumor MC → Thymoma.
114. Pain in right hypochondrium on palpation investigation → USG.
115. BP device for lower limb → image based
116. TB cystitis U/S finding → Thimble bladder
117. 2 scoring → Leucocytosis
( Acute appendicitis)
118. Rodent ulcer → Basal cell CA
119. 3 yrs old child → Hydrocele image → Transillumination image
120. Testicular torsion Image
121. Burn of skin subcutaneous tissue involved → 3o burn
122. Congenital umbilical Hernia, 6 months old child→ wait & watch upto 2yrs
123. RTA → Breathing sound absent on Right side, dyspnea & Hypotension → ∆ Tension pnemothorax
124. Image of sister merry Joseph Nodule ie Paraumbilical LN.
125. Alcoholic patient, Binge drinking at weekend → burheine syndrome

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126. Patient undergone Billroth II developed → palpitation, headache sweating after meal → (Late
dumping syndrome Hypoglycemia)
127. In RTA patient according to revised glassgow coma scale what should not be done in emergency →
Pulse & BP examination
128. Worst prognosis in CA breast → Triple Negative
129. Charcot’s triad → Pain, fever, jaundice
130. Infra renal aneurysm in 70 yrs old ♀→ endoscopic stenting


131. Graph of Bohr effect

132. PR segment in AV nodal conduction
133. Na Cl channel symport occurs in early DCT
134. Which heart sound is always Pathological → S4
135. Late diastolic murmur in → Mitral stenosis
136. Brown sequard syndrome all found except →Vibration on opposite side
137. Hyoxic Hypoxemic seen in → Right → Left shunt


138. 84 IPC → Mc Naughten rule

139. Organophosphorous poisoning → pin point pupil & increased secretions
140. Opiod toxicity → Naloxone
141. Bitter almond smell → Cyanide poisoning
142. Breslow 2o life test → stomach & Intestine use for still born child
143. Posthmus child → child born after father death
144. Bullet injury → Inner table bevelling
145. Toxic poisoning – case – We take specimen from which organ → after – Stomach, Liver, Intestine →
146. Lead poisoning – If bullet Stays in body
147. Laceration → hair bulb crushed
148. EDH → Image dissection of head
149. No. of teeth in primary dentition is 20


150. Image – Oral candidiasis in child

151. Image – impetigo
152. Image – Portwnie stain
153. Image – Alopecia Areata
154. Fixed drug reaction → image cotrimazole
155. Necklace sign → Image Vit B3 (Pellagra)

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156. Osteosarcoma image – Sunburst app
157. Image – splint limb (ankle)
158. Colle’s # - image
159. # shaft Femur – Fat embolism
160. X – Ray shoulder joint – Anterior dislocation
161. Genu varum → MRI
162. MCL tear → Medial Minicus ligament also damaged also

163. Most potent opioid – Fentanyl
164. In case of emergency intubation –
Chin left → jaw thrust → head tilt
165. Smallest cystode – H. Nana.
166. Treatment of choice of cryptosporiodosis – nitazoxanide
167. Lateral spine in the egg → (Systomansoninasis) S. mansoni
168. Microfilaria Image → Waucheria Bancrofti
169. Throat image → ( Diphtheria ) Loffler stains
170. Diphtheria → Removal of Pseudo membrane cause bleeding
171. Ziant cell Pneumonia → CMV
172. Koplik’s spots → Meseales
173. Influenza virus Image
174. Sand fly not cause → Chaga’s disease
175. Red bug
176. Recent infection → IgM
177. Thermophillus bacteria → survive above 100 degrees
178. Entameba Histolytica Image
179. Odourless stool – Cholera


180. In Marasmus Midarm circumference → less than 11.5 cm

181. Yellow fever Certificate validity → Lifetime
182. Triage
183. Kupuswamy scale
184. NITI Aayog
185. Kyoto protocol
186. Vaccination → Specific protection
187. 2o Prevention → BP & Diabetic
188. Red Bag – Catheter & tube

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189. Mean – Which Doesn’t show range of data
190. 400 m → Flight range culex range
191. Anthrocosis is caused by Coal dust
192. Completed family size depends upon→ no. of children
193. SARS is caused by CORONA virus
194. Mean focus of UNICEF→ child health
195. Kyoto protocol→to reduce green house gas emission.
196. Koplik spots→Measels
197. SSPE→ Measels
198. Image showing→AML
199. Which is not true abt emboli→MC origin is heart
200. Cardiomyopathy in alcoholic patient→ dilated cardiomyopathy
201. Necrosis seen in brain→Liquifactive necrosis
202. Autosomal recessive→sickel cell anemia
203. Ion causing cell injury→calcium
204. PGDF mutation→Astrocytoma
205. Autosomal dominant→ Von Willebrand diseaseearliest feature of diabetic
206. A patient blood picture shows MCV, MCH reduced→Microcytic hypochromic anemia
207. Megaloblastic anemia→macrocytic
208. Hypercalcemia seen in all except→acute pancreatitis
209. Edema & proteinuria→nephrotic syndrome
210. Drug to be avoided with erythromycin in case of asthma→Theophylline
211. Most cardiotoxic anticancer drug→anthracyclines
212. Chemoprophylaxis of malaria(endemic area) →Chloroquine
213. Drug causing postural hypotension→Alpha blocker
214. Therapeutic drug monitoring is done for →Phenytoin
215. Oral direct thrombin inhibitor→Dabigatran
216. All of the following cause gynaecomastia except------options(liver failure, kidney disease, testicular
217. Monoclonal antibody used in cancer→ritoximab
218. A patient after valve replacement will require→Warfarin


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Ectopic pregnancy

HSV Keratitis(Dandritic ulcer)

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Anterior uveitis

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NCCT----Extradural hematoma

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TB spine(Joint space reduced)

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Brachial plexus

Shoulder dislocation ---Anterior

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Posterior tibial artery

Sand fly

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Ankle splint

Portwine stain

Osteosarcoma(Sunburst appearnce)

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Oral candidiasis

Pellagra(Necklace pattern)


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Fixed drug eruption

Colle`s fracture

Alopecia areata

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