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Once upon a time, lived in big castle King and queen who had long wanted a child.

Behind their house is a wonderful garden, filled with the most beautiful flowers in the world and
the rarest herbs. The garden surrounded by a high wall was ruled by a witch whom everyone

One day, the woman looked out the window in the garden and saw a layer of flowers that had
their charm.

These flowers were luscious with broad, full strawberries with small, white florets, but for
nothing the woman reached out and broke a thread, as she failed

She tried for days in a row, but without success and this had made her sick.

Her husband, who loved her, asked:

- What happens to my dear wife?

- Ah, if I had eaten that blooming flower in the garden, my powers would be back.

The man thought of risking more than his wife dying and waiting for the evening to bring his
wife a charming flower that would give the queen the powers to give birth to the long-awaited

When the woman saw that blossom she was so happy! the woman crushed the flower and

The next day, her husband had to go to the garden again.

After the wall went down, the witch, however, appeared right in front of her.

- How dare you come here and steal my rare and charming flowers You will be punished!

Of course, the king and queen did not know that the charm of this flower was not only healing,
but also to give with the help of a magic song the flowers only reach one day without age.

- How dare you come here and steal my flowers You will be punished!

- Please, I didn't have anywhere! Forgive me! If we didn't take these flowers, my wife would
have died!

The witch believed him and said:

Good! You can take these tears from my garden from now on. But ... you will give me the child
your wife will give birth to! And to know that I will take great care of him!
In the end, the man had nowhere to go and agreed.

And after the woman was born, the witch gave the child the name of Lacrimioara because this
child had the gift of flowers that magic would transform an old woman in just one day into a
young woman. Thus the old witch used as a child to be a young witch every day

Time passed and Lacrimioara became the most beautiful girl in the world.

When she turned twelve, the forest home became the home of the beautiful girl. She did not have
the right to leave the house, only to allow herself to stand in the meadow next to the house when
the witches were leaving the village on Saturdays after shopping. Lacrimioara had only one
friend, and that was a lizard that changed its colors. Her favorite hobbies were to cook and draw
all the walls of the house some pictures from her childhood memories

Lacrimioara was not a happy girl because she knew that the real mother is not the witch and
because she did not have the opportunity to go out and take in the world, so that she did not
know that she is the princess of Arendel, who is all looking for her.

The girl's magic of giving youth was through her charming voice and her tears.

When the witch asked, the young girl would give her the girl next to her, and she would start
singing those magic lyrics, and she should cry, and when tears fell on her witches' hands she

After about two years, the king's son passed through that forest and around that house and heard
a charming song that deeply moved him.

Every day he went to the forest to listen to the song

Who sings that song? You guessed it! It was Lacrimioara

This is how it happened that the prince heard the witch as she shouted at Lacrimioara she saw at
the window how to play with her rich blonde hair like the sun's rays.

The prince at that moment falls in love with this beautiful girl who was also Princess Arendel

The second evening he went to the meadow where the princess played when the flames came
out, and called her by name.

- Tear, Tear! open my door to enter?

And so the prince managed to enter the girl's house.

As no man had ever seen, Lacrimioaara became very scared.

The prince spoke to him dearly and said:

-I fell in love with you! I can't live without you, do you want to become my wife?

The girl promised him that he would be his wife.

-I want to go with you, but I don't know how to get out of here. I'm afraid the witch will punish
me if she catches me

They decided to see each evening because the old witch only came during the day.

But one day Lacrimioara, she gave up in front of the witch.

- Why is it so much harder for me to shoot you here than the king's son?

“The uneducated child, you cheated on me!” Cried the witch

And in her fury he took her beautiful skirts and cut them with a scissors.

Then he took Lacrimioara and took her to a desert where the girl lived in great anguish and

The same day, the witch returned to the house where Lăcrimioara was, took the blonde hair from
the floor and threw it on the window.

When the king's son climbed the window of the house, the witch told him:

- You will never see Lacrimioara again!

To the annoyance and despair the Prince left.

Blind and crazy about the pain of the loss he suffered, he lost years in a row, looking for his
beautiful girlfriend.

But as God puts them all, I do not know how, the prince found Lacrimioara, in the desert!

In that desolate and miserable place, Lăcrimioara lived with the two children he had born.

She was crying and singing about the longing for the prince, the father of the children.

That's how she managed to find the prince and recognize her.

After they had found each other and embraced, the tears from Lacrimioara's eyes reached the
desert without wildlife, and suddenly a meadow full of grimy flowers and white tears rose What
a great joy! They all left for the Prince's country and where they were happy until they were old.
That is how tears became the symbol of love and love between two lovers

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