Fruits of Yggdrasill Lyrics

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These are the lyrics for: Fruits of Yggdrasil.

Copyright Freya Aswynn -


I know thou hung from the windy tree,Nights of all nine. Pierced by thine spear and
given to Odin, thineself sacrificed to thineself. On that ancient tree no-one knows
where of the roots run.None gave thee drink , none gave thee bread. Into the depths
thou stared. Thou took up the Runes and fell back , screaming and thine knowledge
thou shared.

Thou taught me to carve them, thou taught me to read them.

Thou taught me to stain them, thou taught me to test them

Thou taught me to invoke them, thou taught me to sacrifice.

Thou taught me to send them, thou taught me to use them.

The first one thou taught me , ‘Help’ it is called

And help it gives to people in sorrow and anguish; FEHU

The second one thou taught me, is needed to be healers; URUZ

The third one thou taught me,

To fetter my foes and blunt their swords; THURISAZ

The fourth one thou taught me, If I am fettered by enemies, I know how to be
released; ANSUZ

The fifth one thou taught me, to catch flying arrows sent out in malice. through its
course Will be directed , I will stop it , if my eyes catch sight of it; RAIDO

The sixth one though taught me, if a man cuts evil Runes on a sapling tree, I know
how to return the curse; HAGALAZ

The seventh one thou taught me, if I see a Hall ablaze, the flames will not spread to
such an extent that I could not help . Such a spell I know how to chant; ISA
The eighth one thou taught me, is useful to know, should a quarrel break out
between kinsmen, I ca reconcile them; WUNJO

The ninth one thou taught me, if need arises to save my boat, I can lull the wind over
the waves charm the sea to rest; NAUTHIZ

The tenth one thou taught me, if I see phantom demons riding through the sky, I can
send them confusion, they lose their senses and their shapes; KENAZ

The eleventh thou taught me, if I have to send my friends in battle, I know how to
chant spells over their shields, keeping them safe, and return; ALGIZ

The twelth one thou taught me, if a corpse is hanging on a tree aloft, I know how to
cut the Runes and make the man talk to me: TEIWAZ

The thirteenth thou taught me, to protect a young warrior, to sprinkle him with water,
he will not fall when he goes into battle: LAGUZ

The fourteenth thou taught me, names and numbers of AESIR and ALFAR. None but
the wise can handle this magic: MANNAZ

The fifteenth thou taught me, which Thjodrerir chanted before Dellings door. It gives
power to the Aesir, prowess to the Alfar, and foresight to Odin: SOWULO

The sixteenth thou taught me, if I see a man with whom it would please me to play, I
can turn his thoughts, and touch the heart of any fair- haired man: GIFU

The seventeenth thou taught me, if I sing it, the man will be slow to forsake me:

The eighteenth thou taught me, that I will never tell to boys or married men, except to
the love that lies in my arms, or to those I call ‘brother.


Silence I ask from the holy kindred. Sons of Heimdal, high and low. As your wish
Valfather, I shall relate the old songs of men I remember.

Heid I am called by men , when I visit their homes, A far seeing witch, wise in Runes’
Chanter of spells , cunning in magic, to the wickedest of women always welcome.

Arn rings and necklaces , Odin, you gave me , to learn my secrets, to be taught my
craft. Wider and wider throught the world I see.
I sat outside of myself when you came to see me, terror of the Gods, and gazed in
my eyes. What is your question? Why try to tempt me? Odin! I know where you hid
your eye.Submerged in the well of Mimir. Each morning Mimir drinks in memory of
Valfather’s pledge.

I know of giants from times forgotten, those who fed me in former days. Nine worlds I can count, nine roots of the
tree, the wonderful Ash,way underground.

I know an Ash called Yggdrasil, showers of water sparkling on its leaves, dew drips
into the dales below. Evergreen, it waves the branches over the well of Urd. Near it is
a hall whence have come the maidens of fate. Urda the eldest, who knows the past,
Verdandi the second, who lives in the present Skuld, who scores the Runes of the
future and settles the debt. They write the laws that rule the live of Aisir and men.

Then three great ones came forward. From Asgard they came, the compassionate gods. Ask and Embla on earth
they found, weakly and feeble, without destiny.

Breath they knew not, neither blood, nor senses, language and life force were also
unknown. Odin gave breath, Honir gave senses , blood and life force were Lodurs

In the East a crone dwells in Ironwood, breeding wolves from Fenris’s blood. One of
these monsters swallows the sun, At the time of doom for the gods.


Stretching out shuddering , like a half dead thing whose feet are warmed, shaken by
unknown fevers, shivering with piercing icefrost arrows, Hunted by thee, O thought
unutterable! Veiled terrible one, thou huntsmen behind the clouds, struck down by
thine lightning shaft, thou mocking eye that stares at me from the dark. Thus I lie,
writhing, twisting, tormented with all eternal pleasures. Smitten by thee , cruel

Thou unknown God.


I stand before the bifrost bridge and invoke to thee, O master of magic, mystery and
might.To the North I turn to catch a glimpse of thine eye, to enlighten my mind and
strengthen my will. I call upon the dark powers of thee in thine aspect of Grimnir the
hooded One. By blood, by bones of my ancestors gone before, from times
immemorial, I reach out to thee ODIN . All father of the folk, lend thine strength to the
work to be performed.
From the East I call upon thee, noble Heimdal, teacher of men and guardian of the
bridge. The necklace Brisingamen, the fruit of my mind, inspired by the Gods, has
been stolen once more. Be thou my champion, O defender of the defenceless. Thou
shining one, I call thee forth, that the power of truth and justice shall prevail.

From the South I call upon thee. O mighty Thor, defender of Asgard and Midgard. Not for nothing art thou named
Friend of man. A friend thou art to all in need. The strength of thine hammer will smite those who justly deserve
the wrath of the Gods. With thunder and lightning enter this circle to safeguard the wellbeing of all.

Lady of the Vanir, whose name I have chosen; mistress of magic, by the light of the
moon from the watery West, I invoke thee. Mother, sister, image of self transformed
by thine power, thee and thine twin, the ruler of Alfheim, thine assistance I seek for
the work of enchantment, a spell to cast.


A curse to thee, stealer of thought, robber of mind and the mischief thou wrought.
May thine fall be caused by greed, so I pray by the power of Need. May thine fall
be caused by vice, so I pray by the power of Ice. The power of Runes, washed in the
well, In the wise waters of the Queen of Hel. By the blood of Odin shed on the tree,
cursed be the nithing, outcast he be. Rejected by land, rejected by sea. By the
power of water, by the power of fire, mayest thou never achieve thine desire.
Through the nine worlds let ring my curse, may thee be smitten by the power of
Thurs. Thine mortal body diseased and hurt, Thine soul consumed by the flames of
surt. I bind thee thrice by hands and feet, bound thou art by Thurs and need. This is
thine fate, till wergild is paid. Hagalaz , Hagalaz, Queen of Hel, Lend thine power to
my spell.

Heil Day ! Hail Sons of Day! Heil night and new moon! With appeasing eyes look
hither and grant us victory while we live. Heil Aesir ! Heil Asynjur! Hail bountiful earth!
Endow us with the gift of speech and healing hands while we live. Long have I slept,
long I was sleeping, long are the sorrows of men. Odin chose to charm me to sleep
when he cast a spell over me. Apple tree of battle dins, I bring you mead mixed
with might and glory, potent with with spells and pleasure Runes, with songs and
consoling charms. Victory Runes thou should know, if victory thou desirest. Thou
must etch on the hilt of thine sword, Runes on the sheath, Runes on the blade, and
twice invoke Tyr , TEIWAZ TEIWAZ

Ale Runes thou should know, that another mans wife, whom you trust, may not
betray you; ALU ALU ANSUZ LAGUS URUZ. On the back of your hand, on your
‘horn’ scratch them and mark on your nails NEED; NAUTHIZ. Thor’s sign thou should
make on the mead horn and cast a leak in the cup. Then I know I will never be
poisoned, no drink can endanger your life: THURISAZ LAGUZ. Help Runes thou
should know, if thou would help loosen the child from the woman’s womb; Mark
them on her hands, take hold of her wrists and invoke the aid of the Alfar; FEHU
BERKANA PERTHO. Sea Runes thou should know, to save a wreck sail steeds on
the sea. Carve them on the bow and the blade of the rudder, etch them with force on
the oars. Though high the breakers and blue the waves,

Thou shall sail safe into the harbour: EHWAZ LAGUZ RAIDO. Limb Runes thou
should know, if a healer thou would be who can properly probe wounds. Its best to
carve them on the bark of trees, whose limbs lean to the East: URUZ SOWULO.

Speech Runes thou shalt know, so that no man out of hatred may do you harm.
These thou shalt wind, these thou shalt fold, these thou shalt gather together, when
people throng to the Thing to hear just judgement given: ANSUZ TEIWAZ WUNJO.
Thought Runes thou should know, if thou would be thought by all, the wisest of
mortel men: KENAU MANNAZ ALGIZ. Odin devise them, Odin scratched them, Odin
took them to heart. From the wise waters, the waters then run from the head of
Heidraupnir. From the horn of Hoddrofnir: PERTHO EIWAZ LAGUZ. There are book
Runes, there are birth Runes and all the ale Runes. Precious Runes of Power!
Unspoiled they are, unspilled they are. Learn them and use them long, until the high
powers perish.


Star of Polaris, lustrous eye of Wodan, shining forth from outer space, sunk deep in
Mimir’s Well. Be forever the guiding light of the Northern Folk.


I shall and will know thee, unknown one, who searchest out the depth of my soul and
bloweth through my life like a Winter storm. Ungraspable and yet my kinsman, I shall
and will know thee. Mistral wind, chaser of the clouds, killer of gloom sweeper of
the skies, Raging stormwind, how I love thee. Are we both not both the first fruits of
the same womb.Forever predestined to the same fate?


The winds of time sweep the wasteland. Ragnarok has come and gone. Random
destruction, annihilation,senseless Sons of Surt. From the South they came, in their
train, undead from Helheim, Led by Loki on the rampage. The father of battle
confronted the Wolf. Brave, he was, to no avail. The Son of Earth smote with his
Hammer the midgarthsorm, then died soon after. Poisoned by the breath of the
beast. Scattered on the ground they lay, stained with the blood of the sacrificed God,
the sacred Sigils, the mighty Runes, Indestructable, hiding and waiting for the new
cycle of being to become. Purged by fire , cleansed by ice, we arise anew! The fresh
face of Midgarth, untainted by evil. Transformed Odin returns as Vidar , to be , once
more, the first and foremost of all.

The three poems Havamal , Voluspa and Sigdrifumal are taken from the Edda.
The versions used here are based on the translations by W. H. Auden and P.B.
Taylor and have been adapted by freya Aswynn. The poem Wotan has been
taken from Alzo sprach Zarathoustra.

Lyrics written and performed by Freya Aswynn.

Music composed and instruments played by Patrick Leagas.

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