Describing People Review

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Lesson plan 1 Name of the student: Michaela Badíková

People) Name of the evaluator: Veronika Tobolová

Excellent Adequate Insufficient Miss Comments

Context Clearly described, relevant, easy to Sufficient with minor The reader cannot understand excellent
understand. problems. the context of the lesson.
Aims Clearly formulated in terms of Formulated in terms of Formulated as topics or areas excellent
learning outcomes, realistic, learning outcomes but to cover or formulated very
achievable, measurable. sometimes too broad or vaguely.
not measurable.
Procedure The description of the lesson shows Some creativity is evident It is not clear from the excellent
a creative approach of the teacher. but the teacher mostly description what the teacher
The logical sequence of activities describes coursebook use. did in the classroom.
does not only follow the coursebook Different types of No creativity evident.
but includes also some additional activities are presented The lesson will probably be
activities or materials. but there is space for quite monotonous.
A wide range of types of activities improvement.
is presented.
Using English During the lesson the learners will The learners will have at The learners will have no excellent
for have several chances of using least one chance of using chances of using English for
communication English for communication. English for communication (apart from
communication. greeting the teacher at the beginning
and at the end of the lesson).
Description of Very clearly described, replicable. Description relatively The description is too brief. excellent
the procedure clear.
Feedback The feedback section shows the The teacher is able to Too brief and/or general.
teacher is able to critically reflect on reflect but the feedback
their own performance. section is rather brief and
The teacher also suggests possible general, no suggested
adjustments of the original LP. adjustments.

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