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At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe a person’s appearance.

Language level: Elementary

Age group: 5th grade

Time: 45 minutes

Class size: small class (up to 10 students)

Patterns of interaction: individual work, group work

Materials/Equipment: A4 blank paper for each pupil


Beginning of the lesson

Ask students how are they today – happy, tired, sad...

1. Stage - Introduction
Start with a drawing on the board.
Draw 2 circles and tell the pupils that those are circles.
Continue with nose, mouth and ears and tell them what you are drawing.
Ask „What is missing in the circle?“ and show on the space where eyes should be and say
„Eyes“ – let the pupils pick the color of the eyes. Do the same with „Hair“. One circle will be
boy, the other one girl. Say „Long hair“ and „Short Hair“ and let the pupils pick the color
Ask if anybody wants to draw „body“? And draw shoes for girl close to the head for boy at
the end of the board.
2. Stage - Repetition
Say the following sentences 3 times and point to the pictures. Pupils repeat.

She is short He is tall.

She has got (color) eyes He has got (color) eyes.
She has got (color) hair He has got (color) hair.
She has got long hair. He has short hair.

Write the expressions next to the drawings.

3. Stage - Interaction
Say different sentences using the expressions and if it applies to somebody he / she will stand
„I have short hair“
„I have got blue eyes“
„I am short“
„I have got brown hair“ ....

1. Task - Drawings
Give away 1 paper A4 to every pupil.
Their task will be to draw a person as funny as possible.
First, start with the head. Everybody draw a head with eyes, nose, mouth, hair with different
Then they will fold the paper (only the neck will be visible – so the head is folded), give paper
to the person on their right and then they will draw a body – also as funny as possible. Then
they will again fold the paper – only ankles are visible, give the paper to the person on their
right and finally draw shoes.
At the end, everybody will unfold the whole picture.

2. Task - Presenting
Everybody will present their „person“ using the expressions : short hair, long hair, pink eyes,
3. Task – Exercise
Open the workbook – listening exercise about different looking people
(There are only circles with neck. In the exercise, they will listen what the person is saying
about the different people and according to her instructions they will draw pictures.)
4. Task – Writing
Ask the students to describe their best friend / mother / father / whoever they want.

Project Workbook

Piloted: (where and when)

On 5th graders at the teaching practice this semester (spring 2019).


I think the lesson went very well, I struggled with giving instructions, sometimes, pupils did
not know what I want them to do and I had to speak Czech. For future, I will have to prepare
easy instructions for myself which then, I will present to pupils in class. Task about drawing a
funny person was very successful, pupils laughed and we revised colors vocabulary. They
struggled a bit with descriptions, however, since the expressions which they had to use were
written on the board I instructed them to read the expression if they were not sure.

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