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Aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to name different subjects. Personal aim
is to manage the classroom - make it interesting, to hold the attention.

Language level: Elementary

Age group: young learners

Time: 45 minutes

Class size: small classes (up to 10 students)

Patterns of interaction: individual work, pair-work, group work

- Printed cards with different subjects on them – cut out


Warm up
Ask the pupils how are they?
Is somebody sad?
Is somebody tired?
Is somebody happy?

1. Stage - Introduction
Write the word: SUBJECTS on the board.
Tell students that today we will learn about different subjects at the school.
2. Stage – Checking Knowledge

Ask if anybody can name any subject.

Pupils will raise their hand and if somebody knows he / she will write the subject on the
When they are done and nobody is raising their hand go to following the following stage.

3. Stage – Introduction of the vocabulary

Use subject flashcards from the Project book

Show them the flashcard, tell them the word and they will repeat.
Repeat with each flashcard.

4. Stage - Interaction
Show them random flashcard, they will raise their hand and try to guess which subject is on
the flashcard.
Put all of the flashcards on the board.

1. Task – Asking Questions

Tell pupils to open the textbook on the page, there are all of the mentioned subjects with
pictures and words.
Now, ask: What is your favourite subject?
Write on the board: My favourite subject is .......
Ask the question 2 -3 pupils, they will answer and then, tell them to ask their partner the same
question and the partner will then ask them the same question.

2. Task - Game
Let each pupil pick a card on which a random subject is written.
Tell them that that is their new favorite subject.
They should read it, remember it.
Tell them to stand up, and go ask their classmates „What is your favorite subject?“
They will answer.
Give them 5 minutes to ask each other.
After 5 minutes, they will sit down and write down as much as they can remember
(Lucka’s favorite subject is Math. Jirka’s favorite subject is English....)
Make a circle – ask individually what other can remember about each other. (What is
Lucka’s favourite subject?) and so on...

3. Task - Crossword

they will start, the rest for the homework

Flashcards – included in Project
I was teaching this lesson to 5th graders at my latest teaching practice (Spring 2019)

I do not find the lesson interesting enough for pupils. Maybe there was a lot of
repetition and they did not feel like doing one thing again and again, however,
for the future I will have to take another approach. The game “my favorite
subject” was successful, pupils laughed, however, there were some kids which
were ashamed of their “favorite subject” and didn’t want to communicate. For
the future I may let the kids choose the subject so I will avoid such a situation.

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