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For immediate release: February 3, 2020

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At Annual Winter Board of Directors meeting prosecutors discussed impact of new
criminal justice laws on DA’s offices

On January 31, 2020, Orange County District Attorney, President of the District
Attorneys Association of the State of New York, David M. Hoovler was joined by
District Attorneys and senior law enforcement officials from around the state for a
luncheon to honor five prosecutors with the prestigious Hogan Award and Morgenthau

The Hogan Award, was awarded to Acting Queens County District Attorney Jack
Ryan who retired after working for almost 45 years as a prosecutor.

The Hogan Award honors a District Attorney who exemplifies the values for which DA
Frank Hogan stood for -- integrity and an unwavering commitment to achieving justice
and fairness to all who come before the Court. Hogan was the esteemed District Attorney
of New York County for more than 30 years and was elected to nine four-year terms.

Since, 1991, Jack Ryan served as the Senior Executive Assistant District Attorney-In
Charge and then the Chief Assistant District Attorney under Queens District Attorney
Richard A. Brown, who passed away in 2019. When DA Brown stepped down due to
health reasons, he designated Ryan to exercise the powers and duties of the office as
Acting District Attorney in March 2019.

Judge Brown once said, “As Chief Assistant, Jack’s contributions to this office cannot be
measured by individual criminal cases, although his input and influence can be found on
many, if not all, of the major cases prosecuted in Queens County over the last 25 years.
His work has broader social ramifications - significantly improving the quality of life of
families residing in many Queens communities, and effectively making these
neighborhoods safer places in which to live by adapting the office to the crime-fighting
needs of the diverse communities of the county and seeing that the guilty are punished for
their crimes.”

“In the history of DAASNY I don’t think we have had as many nominations for a single
award winner as we got for Jack Ryan,” said DAASNY President DA Hoovler. “There is
no question that Jack’s intellect, integrity and commitment to his fellow prosecutors has
left an impact on generations of District Attorneys and assistants. I am proud to give this
prestigious award to my friend Jack Ryan.”
The Morgenthau Award, established in 2009, recognizes one assistant district attorney
from each of the four regions of the state whose professional accomplishments, honesty,
integrity and commitment to justice exemplify Mr. Morgenthau’s high standards during
his tenure as New York County District Attorney.

The 2020 Robert M. Morgenthau Awards were presented to:

Region 1: Kerry Chicon, Divison Chief of the Crime Strategy Enforcement Division,
Bronx County. Nominated by Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark.

As Chief of the Crime Strategies Unit, Ms. Chicon conducted multi-strategy work to help
reduce crime in Manhattan and created focused prevention efforts around gun and gang
violence in schools and youth centers to assist identifying gangs on the rise. She also, for
the first time in the country, built a camera mapping system that allowed assistant district
attorneys to locate and access surveillance footage immediately after arrest.

Since joining the Bronx District Attorney’s Office in February 2018, Ms. Chicon has
made significant strides to reduce violence and improve public safety in the Bronx. She
has collaboratively enhanced the Office’s Crime Strategies Unit, oversees the
Alternatives to Incarceration Bureau, and is currently in the process of revamping
information technology throughout the Office to improve transparency and promote fair
and just outcomes.

Region 2: Brendan Ahern, Deputy Division Chief, Suffolk County. Nominated by

Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini

Mr. Ahern worked tirelessly in the recent trial and conviction of a Suffolk County man
in a drunk driving incident where a 12-year old Boy Scout was killed and several others
were injured while walking. Ahern led the prosecution team and his hard work was key in
bringing a sense of justice to the boy’s family and friends. During the trial Ahern was
experiencing medical issues himself and was checked into the hospital every night for
treatment and checked himself out every morning so he could appear in court for the
conclusion of the trial. Brendan’s hard work, tenacity and commitment to justice are an
inspiration to prosecutors all over the state.

Region 3: Devin Anderson, Assistant District Attorney, Washington County.

Nominated by Washington County District Attorney J. Anthony Jordan.

Mr. Anderson has worked in the Washington County District Attorney’s Office for 10
years. His co-workers and friends describe him as the type of teammate and friend
anyone would want. He has a commitment to ethics and a passion for doing the right
thing and holding wrongdoers accountable while also protecting and helping victims,
especially domestic violence victims. Mr. Anderson worked with the Washington County
Alternative Sentencing Department to develop a tool to help identify early signs of
propensity towards domestic violence crimes and to help evaluate services that may
benefit accusers and help break the chain of domestic violence. The program has been
called a success by defense attorneys, judges and advocacy groups.

Region 4: Dawn Lupi, Retired First Assistant District Attorney, Oneida County.
Nominated by Oneida County District Scott McNamara.

Ms. Lupi recently retired as the Bureau Chief of the Special Victims Unit in Oneida
County after serving at the office for over 30 years. In her long career she has prosecuted
some of the most difficult cases in the office involving victims of sexual assault and
domestic violence. Ms. Lupi has also helped train numerous young assistants, teaching
them commonsense analysis of facts and a strategic way to present cases to juries all
while emphasizing the importance of ethics.

The event culminated with the Annual Winter Conference Luncheon on Friday, January
31, 2020, with the keynote speaker, Rodney Harrison the Chief of Detectives of the New
York City Police Department. Chief Harrison began his career as a cadet with the NYPD
in 1991 and was quickly promoted to Detective and rose through the ranks becoming a
Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief and ultimately was selected to head the
prestigious NYPD Detectives Bureau as the Chief of Detectives.

Chief Harrison has helped the NYPD build strong relationships with community
members while also promoting the mission of public safety and most importantly public
confidence in New York City’s police officers. Chief Harrison played a central role in
the creation of Neighborhood Policing and precision policing in every precinct in New
York City.

DAASNY’s Board of Directors also met at the conference at their formal Winter Board
meeting and discussed the changes to the criminal justice system that took effect starting
January, 1, 2020.

“By our very role as prosecutors we are asked to carry out laws that are enacted by our
legislators and Governor. The new criminal justice laws drastically recreate how we
prosecute cases and District Attorney’s offices, Police agencies and county governments
are still adjusting and will be continuing to find ways to effectively and successfully
implement these laws for years to come” said DAASNY President DA Hoovler.
“Unfortunately the costs associated with implementing the new laws were not fully
thought out when the current year’s budget was passed. As the Elected District Attorney
in each of our counties, we are all dealing with our own unique issues and finances, but
we come together with our colleagues to participate in the exchange of information and
ideas to help us achieve our goals and make sure the criminal justice system serves all
New Yorkers. I was proud to engage in the topics of the day and listen to my fellow
prosecutors share their perspectives from their parts of this great state. I urge the
Governor and the legislature to continue to engage in dialogue with DAASNY and search
for common ground and commonsense solutions to making our criminal justice system
more effective.”

Throughout the three-day event DAASNY’s standing committees met at meetings with
participants from District Attorney’s Offices from all around the State. These meetings
included the Best Practices/Committee For Fair and Ethical Administration of Justice, the
Legislative Committee, the Sex Crimes and Family Violence Committee, the Electronic
Surveillance Subcommittee, Animal Crimes Subcommittee, and others.

For, the first time DAASNY’s newly created Public Integrity Group met to share best
practices in the investigation of government corruption and to address the impact of the
new discovery laws on sensitive investigations. Marc Lindemann, Public Integrity Bureau
Chief of the Suffolk County DA Office was named Acting Chair and Chrstine Maloney,
Public Corruption Bureau Chief of the Nassau County DA Office was named Acting
Secretary. DAASNY is expected to codify the Public Integrity Group as a standing
subcommittee at the next Board of Directors meeting after a full report by the committee
and a vote by DAASNY members.

“The outpouring of interest in DAASNY’s Public Integrity Group shows that the State’s
District Attorneys are committed to rooting out and prosecuting corrupt public officials,”
said President Hoovler. “District Attorneys’ Offices throughout New York State
recognize the need to maintain the public’s trust in an honest government.”


Morgan Bitton
Executive Director
District Attorneys Association of the State of New York
(518) 598-8968

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