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580 Chapter 10 Frequency Response Techniques ‘We have seen that the open-loop frequency response curves can be used not only to determine whether a system is stable but to calculate the range of loop gain that will ensure stability. We have also seen how to calculate the gain margin and the phase margin from the Bode diagrams. Is it then possible to parallel the root locus technique and analyze and design systems for transient response using frequency response methods? We will begin to explore the answer in the next section. 10.8 Relation Between Closed-Loop Transient and Closed-Loop Frequency Responses Damping Ratio and Closed-Loop Frequency Response In this section, we will show that a relationship exists between a systems transient response and its closed-loop frequency response. In particular, consider the second- order feedback control system of Figure 10.38, which we have been using £0, since Chapter 4, where we derived relationships between the closed-loop ° transient response and the poles of the closed-loop transfer function, 9 _ 745) oe (10.49) FIGURE 10.38 Second-order closed-loop Ray 7°) ~ 35 to Fak We now derive relationships between the transient response of Eq. (10.49) and age ofits frequency response. We define these characteristics and relate Ap Ag Oy Du BEM time, peak time, and rise time, In Section 108 ne wil show how to ase the frequency response of the open-loop transfer function a a(s) = (1050) CO = TET os) 050) shown in Figure 10.38, to obtain the same transient response characteristics Let us now find the frequency response of Fq. (10.49), define characteristics of this response, and relate these characteristics to the transient response. Substituting 5 = jw into Eq, (10.49), we evaluate the magnitude of the closed-loop frequency response as M = |T(jo) (10.51) ‘A representative sketch of the log plot of Eq, (10.51) is shown in Figure 10.39. ‘We now show that a relationship exists between the peak value of the closed- loop magnitude response and the damping ratio. Squaring Eq. (10.51), differentiat- ing with respect to o?, and setting the derivative equal to zero yields the maximum value of M, M,, where (10.52) 7 avi-# 108 Relation Between Closed-Loop Transient and Closed-Loop Frequency Responses 789, les nw Loptrequeney eas) ata frequency, op, of ey = om 120° (10.83) Since ¢ is related to percent overshoot, we can plot M, vs. percent overshoot, The result is shown in Figure 10.4. Equation (10,52) shows that the maximum magnitude on the frequency response curve is directly related to the damping ratio and, hence, the percent overshoot. Also notice from Eq. (10.53) that the peak frequency, ay, is not the natural frequency. However, for low values of damping ratio, we can assume that the peak occurs at the natural frequengy” Finaly, notigg that cheap will not be a peak at frequencies above zero if ¢ > 0. oubik Enh anaes ne magnitude response curve should not be confused with overshoot on the step response, where there is overshoot for 0 < ¢ < 1 Response Speed and Closed-Loop Frequency Response Another relationship between the frequency response and time response is between the speed of the time response (as measured by settling time, peak time, and rise time) and the bandwidth of the closed-loop frequency response, which is defined here as the frequency, pw, at which the magnitude response curve is 3 dB down from its value at zero frequency (see Figure 10:39) o 1 % % 0 6 7 80 Percent overshoot 581 FIGURE 10.39 Representative Jog-magnitude plot of Eq. (1051) FIGURE 10.40 Closed-loop frequency response peak vs percent overshoot for a two- pole system 582 Chapter 10 Frequency Response Techniques ‘The bandwidth of a two-pole system can be found by finding that frequency for which M = 1/V2 (thats, ~3 dB) in Eq,(1051), The derivation is left a an exercise for the student, The result is engw = ony (1 22) + VRE EHD aos) To relate wpw to settling time, we substitute w, /T.¢into Eq, (10:54) and obtain ooow = peg V0 20) 4 Va a (1055) Similarly, since, om = x/(TpvT=P), on = pV 20) + VRE D (10.56) ‘To relate the bandwith to rise time, 7, we use Figure 4.16, knowing the desired ¢ and 7, For example, assume ¢ — 0.4 and 7, 02 second. Using Figure 416, the ordinate Tyan ~ 1.463, from which wo, ~ 1463/02 ~ 7315 rads. Using Bq. (1058), ogy ~ 10:05 rad/s. Normalized plots of Eqs. (105) and (10.56) andthe relationship between bandwidth normalized by rise time and damping ratio are showm in Figure 1041 ago PDF Enhancet® n0 65 i es 30) 2 oo Ess 2 3 40 5 20 45 0 slo 0010203 040506070809 1 ‘0 010203 040506070809 1 armping ratio Damping ratio @ o 22 2 Sis Bis 1 16 001 0205 04 05 06 07 08 09 T Damping satio © FIGURE 10.41 Normalized bandwidth vs. damping ratio for a, setting time; , peak time; time 10.9 Relation Between Closed- and Open-Loop Frequency Responses 583 PROBLEM: Find the closed-loop bandwidth required for 20% overshoot and 2-seconds settling time. ANSWER: copy = 5.79 radis ‘The complete solution is at www.wiley.comicollege/nise. In this section, we related the closed-loop transient response to the closed-loop frequency response via bandwidth. We continue by relating the closed-loop fre- quency response to the open-loop frequency response and explaining the impetus. 10.9 Relation Between Closed- and Open-Loop Frequency Responses Atthis point, we do not have an easy way of finding the closed-loop frequency response from which we could determine M, and thus the transient response.” As we have seen, ‘we ate equipped to rapidly sketch the open-loop frequency response but not the closed- loop frequency response. However, i the open-loop response is related to the closed- loop response, we can combine the ease of sketching the open-loop response with the transient response information contained in the closed-loop response. ago PDF Enhancer Constant M Circles and BRR N EREs Consider a unity feedback system whose closed-loop transfer function is Gs) 76) =o, aos7) The frequency respoase ofthis closed Loop function is 70) = oe (10558) Since G (ja isacomplexnumber, let G(jo) = P(w) + jQ(w)inEq, (10.58), which yields ___ Plo) +i0%@) 7009) TRG) 10) 0) Tuerefore, Pa) + Ow) M = |T*(jeo)| =" 10.60) Pie = EE (10.60) Eq. (10.60) can be put into the form wy oe (?+@) oR Goss) the end of thie subsection, we will see how to we MATLAB to obtain closedloop frequency responses 584 Chapter 10 Frequency Response Techniques FIGURE 10.42 Constant M circles whichiethe equation facie ora M/ (M* — 1) centered at |-M?/(M? — 1), 0} Taegan 1082 forvgsiousvalues of M,arecalled constant MABDAGO hbo: MOARG SE ccde frequency response for unity ee nce tna ie pole eg centenary GQ) is plotted and superimposed on top ofthe constant M ercles the eosedloop rmaguitude feoquency response is determined by each intersection ofthis polar plot wit the constant M cles Before demonstrating the use of the constant M icles with an example, let us 0 through @ similar development for the closed-loop phase plo, the constant Neucles From Bq. (10.59), the phase angle, ¢, ofthe closed loop response 1s ~ tan 122) — tau 2 20) es tn a Pe) +i Ql) Oo) aoe) = tant Fle) Poy after using tan(#—f) = (tana — tan f)/(1+ tanetan p). Dropping the func- tional notation, _2 P+Ps@ Equation (10.63) can be put into the form of a circle, 1? 1)? _Nt41 , (744) “(2 x) “ (10.64) tang=N = (10.3) 10.9 Relation Between Closed. and Open-Loop Frequency Responses 585, Im Enhancer a FIGURE 10.43 Constant Ncircles which is plotted in Figure 10.43 for various values of N. The citcles of this plot are called constant N circles. Superimposing a unity feedback, open-loop frequency response over the constant N circles yields the closed-loop phase response of the system, Let us now look at an example of the use of the constant M and N circles, Example 10.11 Closed-Loop Frequency Response from Open-Loop Frequency Response PROBLEM: Find the closed-loop frequency response of the unity feedback system shown in Figure 10.10, where G(s) = 50/[s(s+3)(s + 6)], using the constant M circles, N circles, and the open-loop polar frequency response curve. SOLUTION: First evaluate the open-loop frequency function and make a polar frequency response plot superimposed over the constant M and N circles. The

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