International Student Life Media Kit

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Situation Statement

Client Outline................................................................................................................................4

Target Audiences...........................................................................................................................5

SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................................................6

Key Messages................................................................................................................................7


Item Description............................................................................................................................9

Fact Sheet....................................................................................................................................10


Media List....................................................................................................................................12

News Release..............................................................................................................................13


Blog Post.....................................................................................................................................15

Social Media Plan........................................................................................................................18


" An “Archway to UGA” for international

students, an “Archway to the World” for
domestic students and an “Archway to

Cultural Learning” for all.

International Student Life - or ISL for short - is one of 18 divisions of Students Affairs at

the University of Georgia. This distinction places it alongside other such organizations as the

Health Center, Disabilities Resource Center, and Center for Leadership and Service among others.

ISL serves the University’s over 2,700 international students. According to the mission statement,

“The department of International Student Life enhances the student-learning environment through

programs and services that internationalize the campus experience. This work is accomplished

through focused and intentional efforts in three core areas: transitioning and support,

programming and outreach, and leadership and engagement.”


Transitioning and support aids international students in their ongoing transition to UGA and life

in the States. ISL offers resources ranging from immigration to financial to housing to healthcare

and everywhere in between.

ISL’s tenant of programming and outreach aims to promote intercultural exchange among

domestic and international students. Through innumerable programs hosted throughout the year,

students are able to engage at events varying in topics and regularity such as the weekly

International Coffee Hour and the more formal culture nights.

Lastly, leadership and engagement helps to promote global citizenship through opportunities for

students to serve ISL. Each student leadership opportunity seeks to promote individual growth,

cultural learning and community development. 

Participation in ISL’s many diverse programs give students the opportunity to engage in cultural

and educational opportunities all while enjoying and participating in the diverse international

communities on campus.

Typically, in the practice of public relations, target audiences tend to be specific, niche and

narrow. However, as ISL is a student organization that prides itself on inclusivity as a central

tenant of its brand, the target audiences of this media kit are wider and broader in reach. As

illustrated in the key message, ISL is for all types of students; therefore, less honed and more

sweeping target audiences are favorable.


ISL aids in the development of community for international students. The pieces of this media kit focus

on ensuring that international students are aware of the numerous resources that ISL offers its students –

particularly those programs less marketed and those focused on community building. International

students are able to take advantage of transitional resources, tax assistance programs, student

organizations, International Student Orientation and International Student Graduation.


Many domestic students believe that ISL is only aimed at assisting international students. This perceived

misconception creates a barrier of entry for domestic students, hindering their active participation in ISL’s

tenant of programming and outreach. Through the key messaging, the media kit aims to disrupt this

misconception and inform domestic students of the ways that they can participate in ISL’s programming

in order to support international populations while internationalizing their own experience on campus.


Many of the pieces in this media kit focus on messages that can be translated to prospective students -

both international and domestic - in order to let them know about the ways in which ISL sets UGA apart

from other universities. While ISL cannot answer questions about admission to the University of Georgia,

letting students know that there is a space for them on campus is both comforting and appealing to

students who may feel as though there are no spaces for international and cultural diversity on campus.

Again, highlighting the inclusivity of the program is the most important message in the kit.

Money/funding Bureaucracy/red tape of UGA Division of

Student affairs media resources Student Affairs

Well established Disorganization of leadership

Event recognition/prestige Perceived exclusivity

Globalization Innumerable student organizations on

Growing interest in intercultural exchange campus

New and burgeoning opportunities for Booked and busy student calendars

domestic student involvement Low priority for domestic students

Strengths – The majority of ISL’s strengths stem from their jurisdiction within the Division of Student Affairs.

As a student affairs organization, ISL benefits greatly. One such benefit is funding. ISL receives money from the

university and therefore has the ability to conduct and provide more expensive programs and resources. Their

association with student affairs also grants them access to the multiple resources available at the University such

as videography, photography, talent, etc. In addition, ISL is a well-established organization in the sense that they

have served as a central pillar of student life on campus since their conception. Their programs are both known

and respected – International Coffee Hour has happened every Friday since 1973. Their events carry name

recognition and prestige. ISL is also a one of a kind organization; no other student group on campus or in Athens

offers the same opportunities as ISL.

Weaknesses – While ISL’s association with the Division of Student Affairs is one of its biggest strengths, the

jurisdiction also results in some unanticipated weaknesses. Student affairs is a bureaucratic system that

inherently suffers from the confusion of red tape. This red tape often hinders ISL’s freedom as they have a set of

rules and guidelines that are required of them by student affairs professionals. The red tape also provides a slight

disorganization of leadership – there are a lot of different people with their hands on a lot of different things

within the organization. ISL would benefit from more structured and delegated leadership. In addition, there is a

perceived exclusivity on the part of domestic students. Many domestic students believe that because they are not

international, they cannot take part in ISL. This misconception hinders many students from engaging with the


Opportunities – Through technology and its commonplace in student’s lives, the world is becoming far more

connected and globalized. There is a growing interest on campus for international and intercultural exchange. It

would be wise for ISL to capitalize on this growing interest. More students are going on study abroad programs

than ever before; however, ISL offers the same form of intercultural exchange and learning all while staying on

campus at a financially friendly rate. There are also new and burgeoning opportunities for domestic students to

get involved with ISL, such as the new Global Buddies program that is put on in partnership with the Student

Government Association. Marketing these new programs and the ways that domestic students can directly

involve themselves in ISL would be beneficial for the organization.

Threats – The organization’s biggest threats are the innumerable student organizations on campus that demand

students time and attention. Student’s schedules are constantly being filled with organizational obligations and

schoolwork. ISL is no different in the sense that it too is demanding of student’s time. Because of its perceived

exclusivity of domestic students, it tends to fall lower on their list of organizational priorities and therefore, goes

often ignored or neglected.


" You don't have to be

international to enjoy
International Student Life.
The message behind the pieces in the media kit seeks to engage nontraditional audiences with the

programs and resources made available by ISL. In order to incorporate this message into all of the

pieces, the kit employs the key message that, “You don’t have to be international to enjoy
International Student Life.”

This key message manifests itself in three core pillars: ISL if for all students, ISL is for

intercultural exchange and ISL is for community building. These three disciplines are manifested

throughout the media kit in order to demystify ISL’s offerings, dispel any previously held

misconceptions about the organization and encourage the participation of domestic students.


Domestic students are

encouraged to participate in
ISL gives space for students The task of building
ISL. There are numerous
from diverse cultural community in college can be
programs – Global Buddies
backgrounds in order to come a daunting task, particularly
and World Leaders for
together in community. for international students new
example – that rely on the
Through community building, to both UGA and the USA.
participation and engagement
ISL encourages and facilitates However, ISL offers
of domestic students. Through
discussion and exchange, all programs and resources that
participation in ISL, domestic
of which can only be achieved bring together all types of
students are able to broaden
through the participation and students from varying corners
their own cultural education
inclusion of all students – of campus and the world. ISL
and practice intercultural
both international and builds community for students
leadership and exchange.
otherwise. from similar cultural identities

as well as students with a

mutual fascination with

cultural exploration.

Fact Sheet – The fact sheet is a document that includes all of the information about a

practitioner’s client. ISL’s fact sheet includes information such as the organization’s mission

statement as well as their key tenants of engagement. This piece can be used to inform journalists

about ISL beyond a news release.

Biography – The biography works in tandem with the fact sheet to fill in the gaps of the news

release. For ISL’s biography, I chose to focus on Director Justin Jeffery. As the Director, Jeffery

holds considerable prestige and leadership in the organization. In addition, his current pursuit of a

PhD from the University of Georgia provides a potential newsworthy angle.

Media List – The media list is a compiled list of potential sources to whom ISL can pitch story

ideas and news releases. ISL’s media list focuses on ways to engage the target audience of

students by providing media outlets commonly used by the target. However, I also included

sources of individuals who write about the field of student affairs in order to engage with an

audience of practitioners who may be able to provide ISL with new ideas of practice.

News Release – A news release, or a press release, contains information about a story idea or

newsworthy angel that an organization would like to pitch to a journalist. In the news release

included in the media kit, I chose to focus on ISL’s International Education Week. International

Education Week is the organization’s largest event of the fall semester and plays host to a week’s

worth of newsworthy events.

Pitch – The pitch is a written piece of communication between a practitioner and a journalist.

Pitches typically contain news releases. These emails are frequently the initial bit of

communication between practitioners and journalists with the hope that the journalist will pick up

the story and reach out for more information. I chose to send ISL’s pitch to Red & Black

contributor, Alaa Ahmed due to his previous involvement with International Student Life in

addition to previous articles that he has written about International Education Week.

Blog Post – Blog posts are typically pieces of owned media that allow the organization to engage

with their target audiences in a more creative way than a more traditional, conservative news

release. For ISL’s blog post, I set out to engage with domestic students in an attempt to break

down the misconception about ISL’s exclusivity. This was achieved by highlighting the ways in

which domestic students can engage personally with international students in order to build

community and peer mentorship.

Social Media Plan – Social media is the most interactive and creative forum for an organization to

engage with their target audiences. ISL has well established and maintained social presence on

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Therefore, for my social media plan, I chose to focus on more

up-and-coming platforms that ISL has yet to utilize: YouTube and Reddit.
International Student Life seeks to enhance the international worldview of students at the University of

Georgia. The internationalization of campus is achieved through a focus on the three key pillars of:


Transitioning and support aids ISL’s tenant of programming Leadership and engagement

international students in their and outreach aims to promote helps to promote global

ongoing transition to UGA and intercultural exchange among citizenship through

life in the States. ISL offers domestic and international opportunities for students to

resources ranging from students. Through innumerable serve ISL. Each student

immigration to financial to programs hosted throughout leadership opportunity

housing to healthcare and the year, students are able to seeks to promote individual

everywhere in between. engage at events varying in growth, cultural learning and

topics and regularity such as community development.

the weekly International

Coffee Hour and the more

formal culture nights.

You don't have to be international to enjoy International Student Life

Enjoy programs aimed at internationalizing the campus International Coffee Hour International Orinetation

experience for both international and domestic students. Culture nights Global Buddies


director assistant director senior coordinator administrative


Stay up to date with our our e-newsletter.

210 Memorial Hall 706.542.5867 Instagram and Twitter:

Athens, GA 30602 @ugaisl


Justin Jeffery

Director of International Student Life

Photo credits: UGA Student Affairs

Justin Jeffery serves as the director of International Student Life at the University of Georgia. In his role, he

works to create educational programming and outreach to support UGA’s international student population.

Jeffery began his role as director in July 2014 after leaving Georgia Southern University. At Georgia Southern,

he served as the assistant director in the Office of Student Activities for two years.

Jeffery spent three years at the Qatar Foundation in Doha, Qatar. Including his time in Qatar, Jeffery has visited

over 25 countries. He cites these international experiences as the catalyst of his love for international travel and

intercultural exchange.

In addition to serving as the director of ISL, Jeffery is pursuing a doctorate in higher education from UGA’s

Institute of High Education. He also serves as the Georgia state director for NASPA, Student Affairs

Administrators in Higher Education.

In 2009, Jeffery graduated from Kent State University with a master’s of education in higher education

administration. Two years earlier, in 2007, Jeffery graduated from Kent State with a bachelor of arts in political


In addition to his passion for student affairs, Jeffery enjoys traveling, blogging and photography.

Last Updated: Dec. 5, 2019

John Jardin

Outlet Contact Name Role Contact Category

Red & Black Alaa Ahmed Contributor @themicrobio Editorial

Columns Juliett Dinkins Editor Editorial


Journal of Student
Nancy Camarillo Editorial Assistant @nancy_camarillo Editorial
Affairs Research &


International Education Christine Gettings Co-chair Live briefings

Knowledge Community 202-885-1633

College Student Affairs Dena Kniess Associate Editor Editorial

Journal 678-839-6122

The Red & Black covers stories relating to student news both on-campus and around Athens. Any events that

are put on by ISL would be of interest to students and the Red & Black is their primary source for news and

events. Including coverage of ISL would encourage students to attend their programming and would increase

awareness of the organization’s offerings. Alaa has worked with ISL in the past and has insider’s information on

the organization and its functions. Having a writer who has knowledge about their beat is important.

Columns is the alumni and donor magazine for the University of Georgia. ISL would benefit from features

in this magazine because it would engage past UGA affiliates in what is currently going on in Athens. It is

important to engage alumni and faculty in what is going on at UGA because if they are aware of the work of the

programs at the university, they will be more like to financially support the university. Not only is Columns

distributed to donors and alumni, it is seen by people across the nation working in fields such as student affairs

and higher education.  If these readers see the work that ISL is doing, they may be inspired to try some of ISL’s

current programming as well as share some of their tactics to engage international students.

The Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice publish five issues a year that contain the most up-to-

date and progressive research and practice in the field of student affairs. JSARP aims to publish pieces that

question the limits of the professional practice of student affairs and aims to highlight universities and programs

that are rewriting the narrative. ISL would benefit from being published in JSARP because it would attract other

student affairs professionals at other universities. The publication is published by the National Association for

Student Personnel Administrators and attracts an audience of professionals in the field form across the country.

NASPA offers various Knowledge Communities wherein student affairs professionals of specific disciplines

come together to share ideas and space. The International Education Knowledge Community hosts live

briefings that are broadcasted and shared to all members of NASPA in order to facilitate discussion around hot

topics, best practices and current events in the field of international student life. ISL would be fit to host one

such briefing in order to exchange ideas and network with student affairs professionals in their respective field.

College Student Affairs Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes pieces about the practice of student

affairs and its implications on both practitioners and students of the profession. The journal is written and

distributed digitally to subscribers with a target audience of universities in the South East. ISL should pitch

stories to the journal in order to get in contact with professionals in their own geographic region in order to share

their ideas while also learning new best practices.


For Relesae On: Oct. 28, 2019 John Jardin, PR Practitioner

(404) 783-0238


International Student Life to host UGA International Education Week

ATHENS, Ga., Sept. 18, 2019 – International Student Life is hosting UGA’s International Education Week Nov.

18-22. International Education Week will include programs introducing students to international education and

cultural opportunities available at UGA.

This year’s events will include the Parade of Flags, World Fest 2019, world music showcase, film screenings, a

keynote speaker and the ISL staple, Coffee Hour.

“International Education Week is always a really exciting time for students,” said Justin Jeffery, director of ISL.

“It gives us the chance to celebrate all of the incredible international students that we have in here in Athens.

Every year they put so much work into designing engaging programs and materials for students to learn more

about other cultures.”

In addition to displaying international student’s cultural pride, International Education Week encourages

domestic students to learn more about ISL and its offerings. Through tabling events and student showcases,

domestic students can inquire about study abroad and other intercultural learning opportunities on campus.

“I think International Education Week gives domestic students the unique opportunity to see how culturally

diverse UGA actually is,” said Jeffery. “All of the programs offered throughout the week serve as really

awesome opportunities for students who may not regularly attend our events to learn about the type of programs

that ISL offers year-round and hopefully inspires them to continue attending our events in the future.”

International Education Week will be held Nov. 18-22. For a more detailed schedule of events please visit

About International Student Life:

International Student Life is one of 18 divisions of Student Affairs at the University of Georgia. ISL enhances

the cultural and educational experiences of both international and domestic students at UGA. The organization

seeks to aid in the transition and building of community for the over 2,700 international students on campus. For

more information, visit

14 - PITCH

I will be reaching to Alaa Ahmed, a contributor at the Red & Black. Ahmed is currently a PhD student studying

microbiology at the University of Georgia where he also conducts research in UGA’s microbiology lab. In his

free time, Ahmed writes for the Red & Black and has written articles focused on the work of International

Student Life, graduate research and faculty issues.

Ahmed is the perfect candidate to write about International Education Week as he has a deep repertoire of pieces

about ISL and has written about International Education Week in the past. As an international graduate student,

originally from Egypt, Ahmed offers a perspective on International Education Week that differs from your

typical domestic student.

In addition, Ahmed has personal relationships with students and staff in ISL. He was previously the chairperson

for the International Student Advisory Board and was named ISL’s Outstanding Graduate Student in 2018. In the

spring of 2019, Ahmed received the prestigious Saeeda Peermahomed Award for his distinction as an upstanding

international student.


To: Alaa Ahmed;


Subject: International Education Week Story Idea from ISL

From: John Jardin;

Hi Alaa:

I wanted to let you know that International Student Life will be hosting International Education Week this Nov.

18-22. I believe that the week would provide an incredible angle for a new Red & Black piece. Red & Black

readers would benefit from reading a story on International Education Week, as the week will allow them to

engage in intercultural exchange on-campus.

This week provides rich opportunities to write about the experience of international students at UGA. In the past,

International Education Week events such as the Parade of Flags and World Fest have attracted large crowds of

both international and domestic students wanting to share and partake in the internationalization of campus.

I know that you have reported on both ISL and International Education Week in the past and that many students

trust your voice on these topics.

Due to your previous involvement with the organization, I know readers will value your input. If you would like

more information, I would be happy to offer you some exclusive interview opportunities with ISL staff and


I will be following up on Thursday afternoon in case you have any questions or concerns. In the interim, feel free

to reach out as things arise.


John Jardin


Public Relations - A.B.J.  

The University of Georgia '21

p: 404.783.0238


Welcome to Georgia:
An international student’s guide to communities on campus

The shuttle arrives with its AC-frosted windows blurring the timid student’s view. They are wearing a light $20

sweatshirt bought on a whim from one of the innumerable “I ♥ ATL” stores at Hartsfield-Jackson. As the

perfume of the newly blossomed gardenias flirts with the aroma of the freshly cut lawn, the traveler

sheds their jacket in response to the overwhelmingly jarring heat of the early August afternoon.

They look across the street and count the crosswalks, a foreign obscurity unknown to their home overseas.

Students wearing uniforms of extra-large t-shirts, gym shorts and Nike Air Force Ones rush from here to there

with the seamless ease of a well-oiled machine – a pre-semester routine.

The hours spent studying pictures, books, vlogs and websites in preparation for this international transfer have

finally resulted in the collegiate pilgrimage once thought of as only a distant dream.

They have arrived in Athens, Ga.

As the exhilaration and excitement begins to dwindle, reality briskly steps in. The knot in their stomach tightens

as the anxiety and dread of beginning anew makes itself apparent. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of failing to

understand cultural nuances. Fear of isolation. Fear of loneliness.

However, they are not alone. While their fears are real and valid, so too are the programs in place at the

University of Georgia meant to mitigate these anxieties.

There to greet the student upon their arrival stands an army of students in blue, collared shirts. Bearing the

emblem of UGA’s International Student Life, the students offer a warm hello, easing the new student’s anxieties.

They extend a hand, and welcome the student to UGA on behalf of International Student Life and the World


As the World Leaders help the student load their belongings into the car, they begin to talk about programs such

as Coffee Hour and Tea Talks, culture nights and student groups. From the very first introduction, it is clear, that

ISL is a cornerstone of the international student’s experience in Athens.

Be it programs set to assist in transitioning, cultural assimilation or peer-to-peer mentorship, International

Student Life is a resource and community for all students.

International Student Orientation

Upon arrival, the first formal introduction to the university comes in the form of International Student

Orientation. This serves as an opportunity for international students to acclimate successfully to life at UGA. It

offers students the transitional support required to assimilate to life on campus in the form of immigration,

finance, course-registration and housing assistance.


However, outside of the foundational support, orientation gives international students the opportunity to meet the

staff and students that will help them build a reliable community on campus.

Over the two-day event, domestic student ambassadors serve as World Leaders. These students volunteer their

time to offer support and guidance to international students in order to help them acclimate to UGA. These

students are able to offer personal testimony and transparent, curated advice about how to navigate life as a

college student in the U.S. This peer-to-peer mentorship alleviates the anxieties that come with the daunting task

of transitioning.

Student Organizations

Finding a community on campus can be an intimidating task. However, ISL’s student organizations give

international students the space to build a community with other students from a shared cultural background.

ISL sponsors 14 different cultural student organizations. These organizations are solely student led and run. The

organizations create a safe and inclusive space for both international and domestic students to engage in cross-

cultural exchange.

For international students, joining a student organization through ISL allows them to connect with other

individuals who come from the same or similar cultural backgrounds. Such an opportunity allows students to

engage in a community of other individuals who understand the feelings of “otherness” that are frequently

associated with studying in a foreign country.

International students bring a variety of cultural perspective onto campus. Student organizations allow members

to show pride in their cultural heritage and share that pride with a wider audience. Be it through the weekly

International Coffee Hour or more formal culture nights, student organizations actively offer opportunities to

share cultures with a broader audience of domestic students. 

Through the building of shared space and conversation, student organizations serve as a little slice of home for a

melancholy or homesick student.

Global Buddies

No program builds closer relationships between international and domestic students than Global Buddies. Global

Buddies offers international students the opportunity to have a regular and consistent resource at UGA in the

form of a domestic student tethered to them throughout their tenure at the university.

This peer-to-peer mentorship program gives domestic students the opportunity to take an international student

under their wing and introduce them to the UGA and Athens communities. Domestic mentors help international

students learn the ins and outs of UGA traditions, American holidays, popular culture, Athens eateries, campus

study spots, and quirky local hole-in-the-walls.


In addition, the domestic mentors serve as a resource for international students to raise questions and concerns

that they may feel uncomfortable bringing to full-time, adult staff members. The peer-to-peer connection allows

students to meet a potentially life-long set of friends in addition to becoming more accustomed and akin to the

nuances of American culture.

Get Involved

Community building is a daunting task, particularly for international students. However, through association

with organizations such as ISL and their student programs, international students can find a community of

individuals who make university feel a little bit more like home.

If you are an international student and are interested in any of our student programs, feel free to stop by the

International Student Life office at 210 Memorial Hall. In addition, sign up for our e-newsletter for up-to-date

information on all things ISL.

For domestic students interested in internationalizing their college experience, check out our website

to become a World Leader or Global Buddy.

While the stress of foreign study can often hinder international students from engaging fully in the social,

cultural and academic environments of their host university, ISL programs strive to help students succeed.


1. For this platform, we will be launching a video series that will riff off the success of travel vloggers. The

series will feature five videos, each offering an in-depth look into five of ISL’s 14 International Student

Organizations. We will take advantage of ISL’s students to serve as talent; in addition, we will be using the

media support provided by the University in order to secure high-quality footage.

2. The target audience is domestic students who are interested in studying abroad. Study abroad is the most

popular experiential learning option at the University of Georgia. Domestic students participate in study abroad

in order to expand their worldview and experience different cultures. However, many of these students do not

know about the richly diverse international student population here on campus. This video series will introduce

students to these different groups while highlighting the work that they do and the student leaders that

make it all happen.

3. YouTube is the most used social media platform in the world. According to the Pew Research Center, in

2019, 90% of 18-24 YOs reported using YouTube. Alongside Facebook, YouTube has continued to rank as one

of the highest engaged social platforms with 73% of US adults reporting regular usage.

I have chosen to use YouTube as a platform for International Student Life because the organization currently has

a poor YouTube presence. While ISL has a YouTube channel, the channel only has 14 subscribers and even

fewer videos. Because YouTube has such an active consumer base, ISL has the opportunity to engage a wider,

more domestic audience.

4. The videos will be released once a week during the month of January in order to increase interest to join the

student groups before the semester becomes too hectic. 


For YouTube, we will be launching a brand new video series just in time for the beginning of the spring

semester. The series will highlight five of the 14 international student organizations sponsored by ISL. The five

that we have chosen are:

1. African Student Union

2. Arab Culture Association

3. Brazilian Student Association 

4. Caribbean Student Association

5. Filipino Student Association

Each video will be approximately 7-8 minutes long. The videos will summarize the organization’s mission as

well as highlight their most popular events and programs. This will be achieved through interviews with the

student leaders of the organizations paired with commentary and testimonials from other club members. We will

include b-roll shots of the organizations events such as International Coffee Hours, International Street Festival

and culture nights.


The videos will be heavily inspired by the work of Damon and Jo, YouTubers who travel the world but do so in

an affordable, accessible and relatable fashion. Each video will be hosted by a pair of students who riff off the

successful trope of travel vloggers. In order to ensure a high quality construction, we will be take advantage of

ISL’s in-house student videographers and vloggers in addition to using the filming equipment provided by the

Division of Student Affairs.

The series will benefit ISL through its ability to engage with audiences who may otherwise not consume ISL’s

viral content. In addition, the videos are highlighting the work of each of ISL’s independent student


Since the target market for this particular platform is domestic students, viewers will learn about programs they

would otherwise not regularly engage. The videos are intended to spark interest in the programming and

encourage the students to attend International Coffee Hour. Attendance at International Coffee Hour will prompt

deeper involvement with the organization. Because the students in the organization are featured in the videos,

they will feel more inclined to share them via their own personal social media accounts, driving engagement.

Other social accounts such as Instagram via IGTV, Twitter, Facebook or Vimeo may also play host to the series.

This cross-platform functionality will once again inspire higher visibility and engagement.


1. With the creation of a Reddit page, we will create a space where students can interact with one another and

with ISL staff in a productive and engaging online environment. ISL does not currently have a Reddit page;

however, the hope with using this platform is that the page will draw attention to the benefits of online forums

for discussion and show students that ISL is a place for safe, intercultural discussions.

2. The target audience is both students who have interacted at some level with ISL in the past. These students are

the students who have attended an International Coffee Hour or a culture night and are looking for an

opportunity to learn more about ISL and dive a little bit deeper into the organization.

A secondary target audience is prospective students who may be looking online at pre-collegiate Reddit pages.

This would mean that when they see the r/ISLatUGA, it will prompt interest in ISL’s programs. This familiarity

will subsequently increase their inclination to participate in ISL events upon their arrival on campus.

3. Reddit is by far the wild frontier of social media. While the big three – Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter –

have grown and progressed at stable rates, Reddit has been the underdog, growing in usage quietly, yet

exponentially, in the shadows. According to the Pew Research Center, 21% of 18-24 YOs in the US report using


ISL does not currently have a Reddit; however, as more and more companies and brands are joining the

platform, it is critical that, for ISL to remain competitive, they follow suit. As a platform based on

communication, it offers a unique opportunity for ISL to engage directly in conversation with students from

different spheres of influence on campus.

4. The posts on Reddit will be less like traditional posts and more like features of the ISL sub-Reddit home page.

Because of this, the platform will not have a specific date for rollout. The goal is to roll out the Reddit by the end

of the January. 



a. I am Justin Jeffery, Director of International Student Life at the University of Georgia. I work with

hundreds of international students from all around the world every day so feel free to ask me anything.

Hey, Justin Jeffery here. I am the Director of ISL at UGA. Usually you can find me at any given Coffee Hour

or Culture Night. That being said, I have the coolest job in the world. Each day, I get to work with the

hundreds of different international students here in Athens to help them feel more comfortable and safe on

campus. In my role, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to students from every continent and almost every

country imaginable. Through those conversations, I’ve experienced enriching intercultural exchange.

I love travel and language and have had the opportunity to live and work in Qatar. My favorite trips have

been to Thailand and Oman. I also fancy myself a novice photographer.

The international student population at UGA is a very humble and appreciative group of people. It’s nice to

work with and support students who genuinely appreciate your efforts. I love the vibrancy and perspectives

that they bring to my day-to-day work. I’m constantly learning.


I’m happy to answer anything from r/travel to r/education to r/culture and everywhere in between. Ask


b. AMAs are a great way to introduce Reddit users to the leadership of ISL. They give users the opportunity

to meet leaders in the organization through a more casual and personable platform. For ISL, this approach

will be beneficial because the staff at ISL is naturally personable, well connected and willing to converse with

inquisitive students. This will build personality, trust and transparency between ISL staff and students.

2. Contest and Giveaway

a. In order to prompt engagement and discussion on the weekly discussion posts, we will provide

opportunities for participants to win free tickets to culture nights. The culture nights are ISL’s largest events

of the year and they are almost always sold out. Providing free tickets would incentivize not only

participation in the Reddit, but also attendance at the events. The contest will be randomized. Contestants will

be entered based on how many weekly discussion posts they answer. We will track if they share the sub-

Reddit or invite others to join as well.

b. This program is a great way to incentive engagement with the platform because it gives students free

admittance to popular campus events. It gives them the opportunity to engage in intercultural exchange on

both the post and at the events. Reddit is the perfect platform for a giveaway and contest as it is one of the

more involved sites, meaning that there is greater potential for conversation and engagement to be both had

and tracked as compared to Instagram or Twitter.

3. An International Guide to Athens

a. Where do I go to get the best Indian food in Athens? How do I get to the nearest H Mart? Where does one

go to worship with people of their own faith community in town?

ISL has a richly diverse community of international students that can answer all of these questions and more.

We will be hosting a sub-Reddit that provides students and visitors to campus a comprehensive list of

international spots in Athens. It will include restaurants, shops, clubs, bars, places of worship, financial

resources, language resources and housing communities. It will be an interactive place for ISL to lay the

groundwork and for Reddit users to build from there.

b. Reddit allows users to customize their platform. The International Guide to Athens is the perfect place for

this feature to be utilized. We will be relying on users to add their input and their own experiences in and

around town in order to make sure the list is both up-to-date and comprehensive. The feature creates a space

wherein true, unfiltered conversations about the international experience in Athens are welcomed and

encouraged. This is also a powerful feature because it is beneficial to international students who need

transitional assistance and community on campus. In addition, it is also helpful for domestic students who

wish to have authentic international experiences without ever leaving town.

4. Meet the Staff

a. This post is very much inspired by the Reddit of the Philadelphia Phillies. While a traditional “Meet the

Staff” may be clichéd and uninteresting, Reddit allows users to have a little bit more fun with the 

prompt. ISL’s “Meet the Staff,” will include the names of not only the full time, paid staff at ISL – student

affairs professionals and student desk assistants – but also the student leaders within the organization – World

Leaders, executive members of the international student organizations and such. Highlighting all of these

leaders will give users the opportunity to get to know that students are behind ISL, not just the paid


b. Reddit allows users to post comments about each of the individuals. This is a useful feature because it

allows users to review the people involved in the organization. Generation Z is an extremely conscious

consumer group and they rely heavily on user reviews. If contributors write funny, superlative-like

reviews under the staff’s names, it would increase transparency and build credibility among students.

5. Weekly Discussion Threads

a. Every week, ISL will post in the sub-Reddit – r/ISLatUGA – discussion posts prompting online

conversations. The discussions will be centered on ISL’s goal of encouraging intercultural exchange. Each

question will deal with varying topics of international culture and its presence here at UGA. Typically, ISL

hosts forums for these discussions in person; the Reddit weekly discussion post is simply a way for ISL to

move those discussions online. Discussion posts could be about things ranging from mediated stereotypes of

different cultures to travel tips and stories to how different cultures celebrate different holidays.

b. Discussion posts are a way to bring awareness to the intercultural exchange and learning that ISL conducts.

Bringing this exchange online, specifically onto Reddit, is beneficial because it gives users the opportunity to

learn and participate in discussions even if they are unable to attend the actual events or forums in-person. In

addition, it gives users the opportunity to tag other universities and student affairs groups in order to expand

the conversation beyond just the UGA community. Discussion posts enhance the already existing

conversations being conducted by ISL.

I am Justin Jeffery, Director of International Student Life at

the University of Georgia. I work with hundreds of
international students from all around the world every day
so feel free to ask me anything.

Hey, Justin Jeffery here. I am the Director of ISL at UGA.

Usually you can find me at any given Coffee Hour or Culture
Night. That being said, I have the coolest job in the world. Each
day, I get to work with the hundreds of different international
students here in Athens to help them feel more comfortable
and safe on campus. In my role, I’ve had the opportunity to talk
to students from every continent and almost every country
imaginable. Through those conversations, I’ve experienced

All photographs may be attributed to International Student Life and the Division of Student Affairs at the

University of Georgia.

Photographs for the social media assignment may be attributed to UGA African Student Union (@uga_asu),

Arab Cultural Association (@ugarabs), UGA Filipino Student Association (@ugafsa) and UGA Carribean

Student Association (@ugacaribsa).

Statistics and research for the social media assignment may be attributed to the Pew Research Center.

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