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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Exercise and Sports Psychology


Submitted by
Marie Joy Bommael
Cesar Sello
Benjie Toledo
Kimposshey Villan

Submitted to:
Prof. Teresita W. Ballesteros
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna


- Long durations of excessive, physical overload without adequate rest,
resulting in poor performance (short and/or long term), physiological
- Vs. progressive overload/overreaching (+ effects)
- Note: the point at which optimal training becomes overtraining is very
- Physical and emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, reduced athletic
accomplishment, originating from:
o Long term exposure to stress
o Dissatisfaction
o Frequent and ineffective efforts to meet demands (training +
competitive) of previously enjoyed activities and tasks
Symptoms, Signs, Characteristics
- Overtraining
o Elevated resting HR, BP
o Sleep disturbance, wake up unrested
o Persistent muscle soreness
o Overuse injuries
o Loss of appetite, weight loss
o GI upset
o Slow recovery from exertion
o Immune system deficiencies (sick – virus, infection)
o Concentration loss
o Decreased libido
o Decreased self-esteem
o Mood swings
- Burnout
o Low motivation, interest, passion
o Low energy
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

o Exhaustion (physical and mental)

o Mood change – persistent
o Decreased self-esteem, low self-confidence (depression)
o Feelings of failure
o Devaluation of sport
o Changes in values/beliefs
o Emotional isolation
o Negative social interactions (cynicism, impersonal)
o Withdrawal from activity
o Substance use/abuse – stimulants
Exercise Addiction
- A psychological or physiological dependence on a regular regimen of
exercise that is characterized by withdrawal symptoms after 24 to 36
hours without exercise
- Positive addiction to exercise: A condition in which exercise is viewed as
important in one’s life but is successfully integrated with other aspects of
life (healthy habit)
- Negative addiction to exercise: A condition in which life becomes
structured around exercise to such an extent that home and work
responsibilities suffer
How Exercise Affects the Brain
In order to understand how someone can turn a healthy activity like
running into an unhealthy addiction, it’s important to understand how exercise
affects chemicals in the brain. As the body breaks down during heavy exercise,
the pituitary gland in the brain releases endorphins, a compound that acts as a
natural pain reliever, preventing nerve cells from making more pain signals.
While a healthy and natural response, the brain’s release of endorphins
is responsible for that infamous “runner’s high” (which applies to any kind of
exercise, including cycling, swimming and weightlifting), and may also be a
contributing factor in exercise addiction.
Other chemicals released by the brain during exercise include enkephalins and
endocannabinoids, the brain’s own form of marijuana. Released during periods
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

of excitement, stress and physical activity, the release of endocannabinoids is

believed to be responsible for that feeling of calm in high-stress situations.
Am I Addicted to Exercise?
Because there is no agreed-upon definition of exercise addiction, and
because there is such a fine line between competitive training and damaging,
compulsive behavior, finding out whether you’re addicted to exercise is not as
simple as “yes” or “no.” Instead, it requires an assessment with the help of a
professional. In general, however, exercise addicts are found to share the
symptoms of other behavior addictions including:
- Exercising to the point of being physically harmful or unhealthy
- A dependence on exercise in order to “feel normal”
- A tolerance to endorphins, leading to a need to exercise more
- Withdrawal symptoms when exercise stops
- Unsuccessful attempts to reduce or control exercise
In short, exercise becomes damaging and compulsive when it loses all aspects
of fun and play and instead becomes a necessity, and is associated with
feelings of guilt, depression and anxiety.
Exercise Addiction vs. Overtraining Syndrome
A similar, temporary condition is overtraining syndrome, which typically
occurs for a short period of time in competitive athletes who get too little rest
and recovery in between training sessions. Unlike exercise addiction,
overtraining syndrome can occur in healthy athletes, and is easily fixed after a
proper rest period and changes to the athlete’s training schedule. Chronic
symptoms of overtraining syndrome, however, could be a warning sign of
exercise addiction, especially if the athlete is unwilling to rest properly.
If you suspect that you or a loved one is addicted to exercise, consider
enlisting the help of a counselor right away, as the condition may be a sign of
other underlying problems, such as anorexia or depression. Denial can be
especially hard to overcome here, as exercising is generally a healthy activity.
Remember, if you can no longer feel the joy and fun of exercise, then perhaps
it’s time for a healthy change.

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