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Lizzie Ochs

Mr. Campbell

Religion II


St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary is the patron saint of bakers, beggars, brides, and the death of

children. Her main beliefs were helping the poor and feeding the hungry. Her feast day is on

November 19. Elizabeth’ focus was mainly on the poor and she always did whatever she could to

make situations better for her people. Focusing on her early life, accomplishments, and why I

chose this saint.

Elizabeth was born on July 7, 1207 in Sárospatak, Hungary. Her parents were Andrew II

of Hungary and Gertrude of Merania. She is also known by some as St. Elizabeth of Thuringia.

At a very young age, Elizabeth’s royal responsibilities were given to her when her father chose

for her to marry Ludwig IV of Thuringia. He was a German nobleman. She was sent away to

study at a very young age. At this young age, her mother was unexpectedly murdered by a

Hungarian nobleman. This broke Elizabeth’s heart because she had a close relationship with her

mother. Her death completely changed Elizabeth’s view on life and death and caused her to turn

to God. She was able to find her peace through her prayers to God. A few years later her

mourning turned to happiness when she married her husband to be, Ludwig IV of Thuringia. She

deeply loved him and together they had three children.

After marriage Elizabeth lived a life of prayer while serving the poor. Her husband

greatly supported her ideas and did whatever he could to assist her. She began to practice

penance every day and devoted her life to charity. Since she was queen, she was able to use her

royal position to advance her charity mission. When she was sixteen years old, Franciscan friars

came to her city and told her all about Francis of Assisi, telling her everything she needed to

know. When she heard about all the amazing things he had done, she decided she wanted to live

a life just like his. Every day, she would set aside time to deliver bread to the poor. Suddenly,

disease and flood came upon her and her people. Since Elizabeth cared so much for the poor, she

built a hospital to provide for them. She also gave out food and clothes as needed to the people.

Sadly, in 1227, Elizabeth’s beloved husband Ludwig passed away from an illness. After

he died it is recorded that she said, “He is dead. He is dead. It is to me as if the whole world died

today. The death of her husband completely broke the heart of Elizabeth and she promised to

never marry again. She decided she would become a nun. Her vows included and an agreement

of complete obedience to her confessor and spiritual director. She was very devoted to the

church. She even offered to cut off her nose, so she would be ugly so that no man would ever

want her.

Elizabeth was always helping charity and was focused on developing her life to the poor.

She is a well-remembered saint today and I chose her for my project because Saint Elizabeth of

Hungary is my confirmation and I strongly believe in helping the poor and giving to the

homeless just like she did.

Prayer to Saint Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth, allow us to see the world as you did,

Helping us to see the poor and evil in the world

And striving to help those in need

Allow us to grow closer to Jesus through prayer and kindness

Help us to do as you have done.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Works Cited
“Elizabeth of Hungary.” Encyclopedia of World Biography,,
Online, Catholic. “St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Saints & Angels.” Catholic Online, Catholic

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