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Energy and Environmental Contributions for Future

Natural Gas Supply Planning in Brazil
Hugo Sakamoto, Michelli Maciel, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Luiz Kulay*

expansion of the natural gas supply is

Natural gas has become a strategic source of energy, despite its technical and not restricted to technical and economical
economic benefits, largely due to its lower environmental impacts compared with variables, as the most recent developments
other fuels. Given this scenario, Brazil has increased the availability of this have also taken into account the environ-
resource to meet the demand of more interior regions and increases its autonomy mental variable in the design of more effi-
with respect to this fuel. The aim of this study is to evaluate the environmental cient finished product extraction, refining,
and distribution systems.[7] This view was
impacts of current and future natural gas supply situations in Brazil. To this end,
adopted by Yang et al. when proposing
the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique is applied, with a cradle-to-gate
an optimization model for China’s gas
approach for the climate change (CC) and primary energy demand (PED) impact supply network that consider pollutant
categories. For the current scenario, the main contributions to CC occur in the emissions in addition to economic costs
form of CH4 emissions during gas transportation operations (crude or refined) of the system.[8] A similar reading was
and resource withdrawal from reserves. For future supplies, the applied analysis adopted by Mikojlaková et al. in the
identifies transport distance as an important PED focus, whereas the same design of a gas supply arrangement for
parameter and the distributed volume of refined gas are noteworthy as impact Finland.[9] In this case, the optimal supply
sources concerning CC. of natural gas considered economic and
environmental variables, expressed as costs
for the feasibility of supply alternatives.
Strantzali et al. performed a multi-criteria
1. Introduction analysis to evaluate all the potential export terminals liquefied
natural gas from Greece.[10] The approach considered for criteria
Natural gas is a strategic source of energy, both because of its the environmental impact of transportation and the current and
high thermal performance and the moderate environmental future supply availabilities.
effects it generates when providing energy.[1] Atmospheric emis- Although the environmental indicators generated in these
sions from natural gas are reduced compared with those caused investigations are consistent, none of them applied such a robust
by coal, diesel oil, and gasoline burning, thus resulting in more approach as provided by the life cycle assessment (LCA)
discrete contributions toward acidification, ozone formation, and technique. Following this path, Sapkota et al. coordinated
climate change (CC).[2] technical–economic and environmental analysis via the supply
Brazil is the main natural gas consumer in South America, chain of the natural gas extracted in Canada and distributed
reaching usage levels of 82.9 million m3 a day (MMm3 d1) of in European territory.[11] The results show that the supply of
this resource at the end of 2016.[3] However, only 61% of this gas from the west coast generates more impact as global warm-
total comes from the country’s coastal reserves. Remaining ing than when it originates from the east coast fields. To cushion
demand is supplied by imports from Bolivia.[4] The Brazilian these effects, the authors recommend the use of shale gas
government has been exploring other alternatives to supply recovery and processing technologies to capture flared and
the domestic demand, with the objectives of expanding the sup- vented greenhouse gas (GHG).
ply to inland north and midwest areas, which is yet to have a This research aims to contribute to the theme from an
distribution network, and reducing the dependence on Bolivian energy-planning perspective. In addition to verifying the energy
gas.[5,6] However, when performed in other scenarios, the and environmental performance of the current supply of natu-
ral gas in Brazil, the study identifies and discusses effects,
which would be generated by system expansion actions.
H. Sakamoto, M. Maciel, F. Henrique Cardoso, Prof. L. Kulay
Department of Chemical Engineering The analyses were performed through attributional LCA
Polytechnic School focusing from well-to-distributor, with the energy dimension
University of São Paulo being described in terms of primary energy demand (PED),
Lineu Prestes Avenue, 580, Block 18, São Paulo 05508-000, SP, Brazil energy returned on energy invested (ERoEI), and the environ-
mental in terms of CC. The findings of this research are
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article expected to help motivate the use of the environmental variable
can be found under in future decision-making processes in the Brazilian gas
DOI: 10.1002/ente.201900976 segment.

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (1 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2. Experimental Section Reinjection activities and consumptions occurred in the explora-

tion and production units (E&P) units, absorptions in NGPUs, as
The method used to meet the objectives defined for this study well as burning fuel for compression (and transport) and losses,
comprises the following: 1) the elaboration of a model capable reducing the amount of refined gas to 50.7 MMm3 d1. However,
of representing the current operating conditions of the natural 4.30 MMm3 d1 of product were wasted by processing conditions
gas production chain in Brazil; 2) the application of LCA tech- and operational deviations during this stage of the process.
nique to determine the energy and environmental performance The northern states of the country (Acre: AC; Amazonas:
of this productive arrangement; 3) a survey of short- and AM; Amapá: AP; Pará: PA; Rondônia: RO; e Roraima: RR) are
medium-term alternatives that result in increased domestic supplied by regional gas reserves (Urucu I, II, III, and IV fields)
natural gas supply; 4) the creation of models that accurately and thus are detached from the Brazilian network. The same is
describes future circumstances of system operation; and true for Goiás (GO), Maranhão (MA), Piauí (PI), Tocantins (TO),
5) the estimation of the energy and environmental performance and the Federal Disctrict (DF), whose demands are not met by
of this arrangement, as well as the verification of the effective- pipelines. Because it is not connected to the gas supply system,
ness of the implemented actions. this large area of the Brazilian territory is known as isolated
2.1. Description of the Brazilian Gas Supplying System In addition, the distribution system was also used for a
35.6 MMm3 d1 flow of gas acquired from Bolivia. Bolivian
In 2016, the Brazilian gas supplying system processed an average gas is of onshore origin, and thus, in addition to exempting
of 102 MMm3 d1 of offshore source gas to fully serve the south reinjection actions, this circumstance reduces to about 1.0%
and southeast regions of the country, as well as part of the north- the losses of the extraction process.[13] The available raw gas
east and midwest. To reach such a level, the network infrastruc- in that region has CH4 levels of about 91%v/v,[14] which is higher
ture available at the time relied on 18 natural gas processing units than that found off the coast of Brazil (83–89%v/v).[15] This prop-
(NGPUs) and three regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG) erty directly affects the refining process, reducing the burning
terminals. For transportation from the extraction fields to and consumption rates to 1.5% of the volume collected from
the NGPUs, 64 pipelines (9409 km) and five transfer ducts the environment. Another characteristic of Bolivia’s gas is the
(30 km) were available. The connections between processing low amount of medium chain alkanes (C3–C6þ), which result
and loading units were established by 254 flow ducts (4650 km). in liquid conversion (LPG and derivatives) quotas of 1.0%.[16]
The finished product distribution network to the delivery Considering all these aspects, the average daily supply of product
points comprised 31 807 km of pipes with variable diameters. in the period reached 82.9 MMm3 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Natural gas balance in Brazil—base year: 2016 (MMm3 d1). Source: adapted from MME (2017).[17]

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (2 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2.2. Design of the Life Cycle Model supplying refined gas to the states of Bahia (BA), Espírito Santo
(ES), and Minas Gerais (MG). Reduc would also supply part of
As a rule, the gas processing and distribution cycle comprises the demands of São Paulo (SP) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The rest
five stages: 1) gas E&P units; 2) transport; 3) gas refining in a of these needs would be met by Presidente Bernardes Refinery
NGPU until the concentration limits of methane (CH4) and (RPBC).
impurities reach levels sufficient for their commercialization; Similarly, the Gas Treatment Unit of Cacimbas (GTU–
4) storage and loading; and 5) distribution of the finished prod- Cacimbas) would supply gas to Alagoas (AL), Sergipe (SE),
uct to the end user. In the case of Brazil’s natural gas network, and Pernambuco (PE), as well as BA, whereas the Gas
this arrangement presents some adaptations due to its Processing Unit of Candeias (GPU–Candeias) would supply
amplitude, and the amount of operational variations created Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Ceará (CE), Paraíba (PB), and western
to avoid supply discontinuation even in the case of production PE. Finally, it was admitted that the CE would be fed from the
fluctuations.[18] This context directly influenced the construc- Pilar, Atalaia, and Lubnor NGPU. Figure 2b shows infrastructure
tion of a robust model to represent the gas production and dis- and logistics aspects of the distribution network.
tribution cycle in Brazil. The first action taken within the The specificity of maritime transport was based on the
modeling process was to disregard the isolated territory geographical positions of coastal reservoirs, terminals, and
(Figure 2a). This decision was taken due to the following: NGPUs. The itineraries established from combinations of these
1) the uncertainty associated with data depicting operations destinations ranged from 46 to 184 km. Road travel occurs
carried out in the region and 2) the sum of the individual con- between terminals and refineries and may range from 18.4 to
sumptions of these states is less than 2.5% of the national 940 km. Finally, the paths between the NGPUs and the delivery
demand in the reference period. points in the northeast region extend from 20 to 1145 km,
The model was based on official data and records that describe whereas in the southeast, these routes range from 20 to
technological, operational, and environmental aspects (consump- 1570 km.[20]
tion and emissions) associated with this cycle.[12,13,17] The effects The Tarija department accounts for 67% of Bolivia’s gas pro-
of the variety of gas flow options have been simplified by setting duction. To achieve this performance, the region has 13 gas
the design conditions to regularize system operations. From this fields, among which are the largest reserves in the country:
premise, refined gas transportation and distribution activities Sabalo, San Alberto, and Margarita–Huacaya, which is shared
could be represented by a peculiar strategy called Scheduling in the Huacaya portion with the Chuquisaca department.[21]
Method. In addition, quantitative data on GHG emissions are In addition to the representativeness of their extraction vol-
not always available concerning CO2 and CH4 in these trans- umes in 2016, these fields are in historical records as gas
ports. Such a limitation was circumvented by applying a suppliers for Brazil.[22] For these reasons, Sabalo, San Alberto,
procedure to estimate these losses. and Margarita were selected to represent the Brazilian foreign
The implementation of the Scheduling Method was based on gas supply.
the formulation of assumptions derived from calculation memo- Processed gas in Bolivia feeds the midwest and south regions
rials and annotations available for the gas network design.[19,20] of Brazil, in addition to meeting the remaining demands of RJ
From these documents, it was defined that the distribution of and SP. The refined gas transportation model from local reser-
processed natural gas should be modeled only at the voirs and the most remote delivery points in the southern region
Brazilian state level. Thus, a state’s gas demand (Dj ) would (in Canoas—RS) considered distances of 3265 km (from Sábalo),
be supplied by the local supply available in the same federative 3193 km (Margarita), and 4381 km (San Alberto). These routes
unit (LSj ), whenever (and while) it existed. Conversely, in ranged from 1821 to 2997 km for the midwest. The common part
situations where demand exceeds the domestic state supply of the route, which is also the longest, is made by the Brazil–
(Dj >LSj ), the difference in consumption would be supplied Bolivia pipeline (GASBOL), whose length from Rio Grande
by resources of the immediately bordering state (LSk ) in (BO) to Canoas is 3150 km.[23]
the preferred direction of the gas movement. If this other The loss estimation procedure was based on the historical data
provision also runs out without Dj being met, the available sup- series for the year 2016.[14] According to those records, 4.3% of
ply of the bordering state is consumed, and so on until the the total volume of natural gas injected into the distribution net-
expectation is met. This problem-solving strategy is described work did not reach final consumption (Figure 1). About 70% of
by Equation (1) this amount (3.0% of losses) was due to oscillations and opera-
tional deviations in the compression system, and the remainder
If Dj >LSj ! Dj ¼ LSj þ LSk þ LSm þ LSn þ ð : : : Þ (1) to leaks in the pipeline network. It was assumed for the purpose
of calculation that losses incurred during the transport of the fin-
where: Dj ∶ natural gas demand from a Brazilian state (j); LSj ∶ ished product (compression) would be restricted to CO2 and
local supply of natural gas from the state (j); LSk , LSm , LSn , ð : : : Þ: water vapor, whereas those emanating from leaks and singulari-
local supply of natural gas from the adjacent states to (j). ties in the pipelines and distribution stations would occur in the
The gas transfer between states is continuous. This regime is form of CH4. In addition, the nitrogen (N2) that makes up the
interrupted only when Dj is met, or if the local supply runs out combustion air was treated in the present case as an inert sub-
(LSj ¼ LSk ¼ LSm ¼ LSn ¼ : : : ¼ 0). Estimates of meeting Dj stance. This simplification eliminates the possibility that natural
were carried out considering the natural gas consumption of gas compression will generate dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) or
compression stations for transport of this asset. It was admitted other nitrogen-derived secondary pollutants resulting in the
that the Duque de Caxias Refinery (Reduc) would act as a NGPU, formation of GHG.

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (3 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 2. a) Map of the current Brazilian gas distribution network; b) Structural aspects of the system: detailing of the gas processing plants and of the
gas pipeline network with emphasis on GASBOL. Source: ANP/SCM (2018).[19]

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (4 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

3. Life Cycle Assessment and RPBC (SP) were also included as, even though they are crude
oil refineries, they may act as NGPU. The state of ES was also
3.1. Scope Definition considered in the model because it is an important center for
storage and distribution of gas refined in RJ and SP for the
During the investigation, the LCA technique has always been Brazilian northeast. Table 1 shows the daily production, availabil-
used with an attributional focus for an application domain of ity, and consumption volumes of each state. It also describes the
the “cradle-to-gate” type. In conceptual terms, the LCA-based form (source and amount) of gas supply for each of these centers,
analyzes followed methodological guidelines and conditioning obtained from the application of the Scheduling Method.
described by the ISO 14044 standard.[24] The reference flow The last stage of the model comprises the transportation of
(RF) established for this early stage of research was “to produce refined gas to the delivery points of the northeast (states of
and distribute 82.9 MMm3 of natural gas with sufficient refining CE, RN, PB, AL, PE, SE, and BA), southeastern (ES, RJ, MG,
to meet the needs of the Brazilian market,” which corresponds to and SP), midwest, and south regions. Figure 3 also shows the
the country’s daily refined natural gas demand. Bolivian branch of the gas-processing model. This begins at
As for data requirements and as already discussed in the onshore extraction of the Sábalo, San Alberto, and
Section 2.1, the model was elaborated from secondary data Margarita gas fields and pursues by terminals to the NGPUs.
obtained from referable technical sources. Information collected To adequately represent the existing arrangement, the modeling
from the Ecoinvent database was added. Before being definitively assumed that gas emanating from each field would be refined
incorporated into the model, the data were submitted to a harmo- into a specific NGPU located near the extraction sites. After con-
nization process applied to reduce the effects that the disparities cluding this stage, the finished product goes to storage areas
between their origins could provide. Concerning the data quality, from where it will be delivered to the states of Mato Grosso
the temporal coverage established for the study was 2016. Except do Sul (MS), the western state of SP, and the midwest and south
for the isolated territory, all regions of the country where oper- regions.
ations related to the natural gas supply chain are performed were Given that the production volume of natural gas is vastly
covered by the study’s geographic coverage. In addition, the proc- higher than in other fractions derived from crude gas (i.e.,
essing carried out in Bolivia near the fields of Sabalo, Margarita, ethane, propane, i-butane, C5, and others), the multifunctional
and San Alberto was also considered. Finally, technology cover- situation that characterizes these coproducts was addressed by
age took into account the specificities and constraints setting for the Surplus Method.[25] Because of this approach, all environ-
model building. mental loads generated upstream of the refining were attributed
The product system is directly matched with the model exclusively to refined gas.
designed to represent the Brazilian gas production and distribu- At this stage of the study, the life cycle impact assessment
tion system. Figure 3 shows the arrangement highlighting its (LCIA) provides a diagnosis of the energy and environmental
boundaries with other systems and the environment (dotted performance of Brazil’s current natural gas supply system.
lines). The subsystems (E&P units and NGPUs) and unit pro- The analyses were performed with the objective of generating
cesses (terminals and storage areas) were represented with an subsidies for the decision-making processes that may occur in
operational aggregation level equivalent to that available for data the Brazilian gas sector in the future.
collection. The energy dimension has been approached from two per-
Regarding the extraction of raw gas, offshore fields located in spectives. The first was concerned with determining impacts
the coastal zones of the states of CE, RN, AL, SE, SP, and RJ were in the form of PED). Thus, the method cumulative energy
considered. As for refining, the model comprised the Lubnor demand (CED)—v 1.09 was applied for the following impact
(CE), Pilar (AL), and Atalaia (SE) NGPUs, as well as the categories: nonrenewable fossil (NRF), nonrenewable nuclear
GPU–Candeias (BA), and the GTU–Cacimbas (ES). Reduc (RJ) (NRN), nonrenewable biomass (NRB), renewable, wind, solar,

Figure 3. Product System that describes the current condition of the productive centers and the Brazilian natural gas network.[17]

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (5 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 1. Natural gas distribution in Brazil determined by the Scheduling Method.

Brazilian Production Availability Consumption CE RN AL SE BA ES RJ SP BO MG South region Midwest region

state/region 3 1
[MM m d ]

CE 0.25 0.02 2.84 0.02 0.62 1.14 0.48 0.58 – – – – – – –

RN 1.06 0.62 2.11 – – – – 2.11 – – – – – – –
PB 0.00 0.00 0.42 – – – – 0.42 – – – – – – –
PE 0.00 0.00 4.52 – – – – 3.34 1.18 – – – – – –
AL 1.14 1.14 0.12 – – – – – 0.12 – – – – – –
SE 2.59 0.48 1.36 – – – – – 1.36 – – – – – –
BA 7.45 6.45 8.74 – – – – – 5.88 2.86 – – – – –
ES 10.60 8.54 7.19 – – – – – – 7.19 – – – – –
MG 0.00 0.00 2.80 – – – – – – 2.80 – – – – –
RJ 45.4 19.3 20.6 – – – – – – 5.60 5.59 9.41 – – –
SP 15.9 9.92 14.6 – – – – – – 0.85 4.33 9.42 – – –
South region 0.00 0.00 15.9 – – – – – – – – 15.9 – – –
Midwest region 0.00 0.00 1.72 – – – – – – – – 1.72 – – –
Bolivia – 36.5 – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Total 84.4 82.9 82.9 0.02 0.62 1.14 0.48 6.45 8.54 19.3 9.92 36.5 – – –

geothermal (RWSG), renewable biomass (RB), and renewable extraction process. CO2 losses also occur due to process
water (RWA).[26] deviations during gas refining and are released into the air via
The second perspective considered the ERoEI index, which is flare.[29,30]
often used for fuel energy performance accounting.[27] ERoEI is
obtained by the ratio between the energy supplied by the fuel
ðE S Þ, and that required to in fact turn it into an energy provider 3.2. Life Cycle Impact Assessment
ðE R Þ (Equation (2))
3.2.1. Energy Analysis
ERoEI ¼ (2) According to Table 2, Brazil’s current natural gas processing and
distribution system have an energy performance as PED of 4904
TJ RF1. As might be assumed beforehand, the most significant
Two premises were established for the purpose of harmoniz- contribution (99%) for this impact is in the form of consump-
ing the ERoEI concept with the systemic character adopted by tions of NRF) due to the depletion of raw natural gas. This is
this analysis: 1) the value of ðE R Þ would only be described in due to several factors. The first refers to operational circumstan-
terms of the consumption of NRF assets and 2) the determina-
ces associated with gas extraction, such as the need for well
tion of ðE R Þ would take into account the entire natural gas reinjection offshore, in addition to losses during exploration
processing and distribution chain.
and consumption on the platforms (E&P units). The main
In addition to considering almost all the PED consumption of
contributions to PED at this stage of the process were recorded
the system, the expression of ðE R Þ from NRF provides as an
by the basins of Campos (RJ) (1291 TJ RF1), Recôncavo (BA)
additional perspective the possibility of verifying the amount
of fossil resources consumed to produce a fuel of the same
nature. In the present case, the value of ðE S Þ was determined
Table 2. Energy impacts associated with current natural gas production
from the weighting between mean low heat values of finished and distribution in Brazil.
products obtained in Brazil (LHVBR ¼ 32.8 MJ m3) and
Bolivia (LHVBO ¼ 31.5 MJ m3). Impact categories Total [TJ RF1]
The environmental performance of the system was repre-
NRF 4855
sented by impacts in the form of CC. To enhance this effect,
the method proposed by the Intergovernamental Panel of NRN 4.61
Climate Change in 2013 (IPCC WGI AR5) was applied.[28] NRB 1.12.103
This choice was based on two factors: 1) the characteristics of RB 2.59
the system being analyzed and the waste tailings and 2) the recur- RWSG 2.38.102
rent use of results from this impact category in energy-planning RWA 41.8
actions. CH4 and CO2 are CC impact precursors of the natural
Total 4904
gas industry, and their emissions are concentrated in the

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (6 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

(510 TJ RF1), Santos (SP) (452 TJ RF1), and of the Espirito Table 3. Natural gas consumption and ERoEI index calculated for different
Santo (286 TJ RF1). Brazilian states and regions.
Around 75% of Brazil’s offshore processing comes from
associated fields, where crude gas is dissolved in oil or forms Brazilian Consumption ES ER ERoEI NGBO

a surrounding layer. In such cases, reinjection is used as a tech- state/region 3 1 1 1

[MMm RF ] [TJ RF ] [TJ RF ] [%]
nical procedure to maintain the static pressure of the reservoirs
CE 2.84 93.0 211 0.441 0.00
and thereby increase oil extraction. Therefore, from this perspec-
RN 2.11 69.1 157 0.440 0.00
tive, gas production that occurs in associated fields is determined
by crude oil production.[31] The reinjection also helps to keep the PB 0.42 13.8 31.2 0.441 0.00
atmospheric emissions from E&P units at levels below those of PE 4.52 148 336 0.440 0.00
current environmental regulations by preventing the gas burning AL 0.12 3.93 8.99 0.437 0.00
at flare towers[32] However, in addition to the non-utilization of SE 1.36 44.5 101 0.439 0.00
part of the extracted gas, reinjection implies in consuming this
BA 8.74 286 650 0.440 0.00
resource to be operationalized. In 2016, the average gas reinjec-
tion rate in offshore associated wells was 29%, much higher than ES 7.19 236 529 0.446 0.00
the value calculated for the period 2011–2015 (18%), but confirm- MG 2.80 91.7 207 0.443 0.00
ing the growth trend observed in 2015, when the index reached RJ 20.6 663 1189 0.558 45.7
24% of the total volume of gas produced in Brazil [33] SP 14.6 467 743 0.628 64.5
Another gas consumption focus lies in the processing that
South region 15.9 501 625 0.802 100
occur at Reduc (RJ) (248 TJ RF1), RPBC (SP) (87 TJ RF1),
and with the GPU–Candeias (ES) (98 TJ RF1). Reduc and Midwest region 1.72 54.2 66.8 0.812 100

RPBC account for the largest individual daily volumes of gas Total 82.9 2672 4855 0.550 –
refining in the country (Table 1). However, the units were con-
ceptually designed to act as oil refineries, not as NGPUs. This
slight mismatch resulted in consumptions about 3.6%[34] higher indicates that the natural gas supply for the states of CE, RN,
than the national average of E&P plants, which was around 12% PB, PE, AL, SE, BA, ES, and MG has similar energy balances
of the full amount of gas produced in the period (Figure 1). (ERoEI  0.44). All these demands are met by gas entirely pro-
In 2016, GPU–Candeias had higher rates of burning and duced in Brazil, when consumptions and losses from E&P units
losses than other gas refining units and even than its own and NGPUs are significantly higher than those generated during
historical performance. A possible explanation for this behavior the finished product transport (Figure 1) regardless of the final
may be in the volume of gas treated by the unit, which also destination. Thus, the PED associated with gas processing
reached levels higher than in previous years.[13,34] decisively influences the global performance of the systems with
Leaks also stand out at the production units installed at Sábalo, respect to this impact. Despite the technical and operational
Margarita, and San Alberto. The contributions for PED associ- specificities of each arrangement, their PED values tend to be con-
ated to these sources were, respectively, of 577, 444, and stant, making the accumulated ERoEI results behave similarly.
291 TJ RF1. In fact, although onshore extraction tends to be In situations in which the gas imported from Bolivia also sup-
more efficient than at sea, losses at Sábalo, Margarita, and San plies the Brazilian market—RJ, SP, and the south and midwest
Alberto reached close to 27% of the total accumulated PED. This regions—an increase in the values of ERoEI was observed com-
deficit can be explained by the obsolescence of drilling techni- pared with the performances registered before. This occurred for
ques practiced in Bolivia and the difficulties afforded by the irreg- two reasons: 1) onshore extraction eliminates the use of reinjec-
ular geological disposition of the underground gas layers.[35] tion practice and 2) fewer thermal utilities (usually produced
Another source of impacts for PED is related to raw gas trans- through gas consumption) are required to achieve adequate
port within the Bolivian territory, whose consumption sumed up refining grades for the product to be marketed. Because of this,
42 TJ RF1. The performance can be justified because of the spe- the PED from Bolivian gas is naturally lower than that of the
cific average emission rate of CH4 for stretches between the Brazilian counterpart, which results in a more satisfactory global
fields of Sabalo, San Alberto, and Margarita and the compression ERoEI when it is combined for the purpose of demand supply-
plant located in Rio Grande (BO) (270 kg (RF Km)1), the starting ing, as occurs with RJ (0.558) and SP (0.628).
point of GASBOL. Such value corresponds to about twice that Therefore, it is not surprising that the significant values of
determined for similar transports carried out within the ERoEI obtained for the south (0.802) and midwest (0.812)
Brazilian territory (132 kg (RF Km)1) and can also be attributed regions, which provisioning originates exclusively from imports.
to the high wear and tear of the Bolivian transfer system.[15] Also Comparing these results also provides a discrete estimate of the
regarding transport, the distribution of the refined product contribution of processed gas transport to the energy perfor-
through GASBOL brings 46 TJ RF1 of PED. The sources of mance of each situation. This is because, even displacing a
these impacts lie in gas consumption by the 16 existing compres- significant volume of gas (15.9 MMm3) throughout the length
sion stations along the route and by losses in connections and of GASBOL (3150 km), the energy balance for supplying the
vents.[23] southern region’s demand is similar to that achieved by the mid-
Table 3 provides individualized ERoEI values per state of west from less restrictive conditions: 1.72 MMm3 and 1890 km,
northeast and southeast regions and consolidated results for distributed between the services of Cuiabá (MT) and Campo
the midwest and south regions. An analysis of these findings Grande (MS).

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (7 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

3.2.2. Environmental Analysis indicators (e.g., reaction rates, conversion efficiencies, consump-
tion and losses of the E&P units, NGUPs, and compression
The distribution of 82.9 MMm3 of refined natural gas in the stations) and infrastructure factors (pipe dimensions, energy
country generates 362 kt CO2eq of impact in terms of CC. demand of compressors per stretch) were accurately determined.
About 44% of this total comes from transport, followed by A statistical treatment applied to the gas flows that circulate
processing (29%) and extraction (28%). In this context, the through the different branches of the network resulted in coeffi-
performances obtained by the E&P units located on the coast- cient of variation CV < 15%, confirming the low dispersion of
lines of RJ (1.71 kt CH4 RF1), SP (591 t CH4 RF1), and ES such data in relation to the mean. The Bolivian sector had lower
(421 t CH4 RF1) are noteworthy. level of information, especially for the operations carried out
Because they account for the largest offshore extraction vol- within that country. In any case, it was found that the gas extrac-
umes in Brazil (Table 1), these regions record high reinjection tion and its refining are carried out from traditional methods that
rates, from which amounts of CH4 typically ranging from could therefore be specified by similar technologies. The distance
66 to 190 mg m3 gas are released into the environment.[31,33,34] traveled by refined gas from Rio Grande (BO) to Corumbá (MS),
Bolivia’s onshore gas extraction also plays a role in the impacts of the first compression station located in the Brazilian territory,
CC, albeit to a lesser extent than in Brazil. The fields of Sabalo, was precisely determined. In addition, monthly average data
Margarita, and San Alberto contribute, respectively, with 131, on the performance of gas capture and refining were also avail-
98.5 and 66.1 t CH4 RF1. able (e.g., produced volumes, conversion ratio of gas in liquids,
In contrast, foreign gas refining generates more contributions burning and losses rates, gas consumption in NGPUs and
to CC than do domestic practices. Together the Bolivian NGPUs during its transportation).[37]
provide 52.8 kt CO2 eq RF1, with the Sabalo plant accounting for In contrast, records about crude gas extraction fields (their
the largest fraction of this total (62%), followed by San Alberto exact locations and the individual volumes produced) were con-
(30%) and Margarita. The prevalence of NGPU–Sabalo over the troversial or inaccurate. The magnitude of such limitations on
others is directly related to the high volume of gas it processes to overall system performance was verified from a Sensitivity
Brazil. In contrast, the NGPU–San Alberto registers more GHG Analysis. In addition to being the major gas reserves in
emissions than the refinery that serves the Margarita field, vice- Bolivia, the fields of Sabalo, San Alberto, and Margarita were
leader in terms of gas exports, as it is an old unit. CO2 emissions selected to represent the extraction stage in model because of
from NGPUs originate from the production of thermal energy two other reasons: 1) they are frequently cited in official docu-
and the use of flare systems to absorb process fluctuations or sim- ments as suppliers of large volumes of gas to Brazil[36] and
ply to burn off the excess gas. CH4 releases occur due to process 2) Sabalo and San Alberto are operated by Petrobrás (main
losses or vents.[35,36] Among the Brazilian plants are significant Brazilian petrochemical company).[38] The participations of each
the impacts provided by GPU–Candeias (14.5 kt CO2 eq RF1), field and their approximate locations were defined by cross-
RPBC. (12.7 kt CO2 eq RF1), and GTU-Cacimbas (7.45 kt CO2 eq referencing records obtained from various sources.[21,22,37,38]
RF1) also due to emissions of fossil CO2 and CH4. Thus, it was possible to gauge the combined effect that these
The transportation of finished product stands out as the most amounts and the distances that travel to the border with
important source of CC impact of the entire system with a con- Brazil could cause. The composition defined in Table 4 as SA
tribution of 156 kt CO2 eq RF1. The long journey traveled from corresponds to the most frequent situation in terms of gas pro-
Bolivia to the far south of Brazil is responsible for 43% of that duction and distribution (baseline scenario) being therefore used
rate due to the CO2 releases from gas combustion at the compres- for model construction.
sion stations on the same circuit (19 in total, four in Bolivia and In recent years, San Alberto has been reducing its production
15 in Brazil).[23] Another significant contribution refers to the dis- capacity.[38] This information led to the creation of an alternative
placement of crude gas from the Bolivian fields to their NGPUs, scenario (SB ), in which the contribution related to this field was
which generated 12.6 kt CO2 eq RF1 due to conservation and weighted between Sabalo and Margarita. The Sensitivity Analysis
maintenance aspects of the facilities that have previously been also examined an extreme situation when the Bolivian gas supply
discussed (Section 3.2.1). would be provided only by Sabalo (SC ).
Table 4 also indicates the system performance in terms of PED
3.2.3. Sensitivity Analysis and CC considering each possibility. Compared with the baseline
scenario, discontinuing the San Alberto gas supply (SB ) would
As expected, the modeling of Brazilian gas supply system was bring minor changes in the overall impact of PED. This is
based on assumptions and hypothesis that have been established
according to some of its specificities: 1) the significant volumes Table 4. Sensitivity Analysis: Gas supply from Bolivia.
of processed gas; 2) the origins onshore and offshore of crude
gas, which determine the refining process in technological Scenario Relative distribution of production PED CC
among Bolivia’s gas fields [%] [TJ/RF] [kt CO2 eq/RF]
and operational terms; and 3) some aspects of the product dis-
tribution network (e.g., amplitude, complexity, and configura- Sábalo Margarita San Alberto
tion). This context has led to a careful verification of the data A(baseline) 44.0 33.8 22.2 4904 362
selected to describe the system to reduce the uncertainties. B 55.1 44.9 – 4901 354
The Brazilian section of the system has been characterized in
C 100 – – 4912 389
detail from official and recent documents. Thus, performance

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (8 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

because the increases in energy consumption from Sabalo (from stages. Given the disparity in project progress, the selection of
580 TJ RF1 in SA , to 727 TJ RF1 in SB ) and Margarita (437–581 system growth alternatives was guided by the following criteria:
TJ RF1) are offset by the San Alberto demand reduction 1) the feasibility of the action; 2) project start-up perspective
(293 TJ RF1). A similar behavior was observed when all the sup- by 2022; and 3) data availability. Thus, seven projects were
ply Bolivian concentrated in Sabalo (SC ). The slight increase in selected that present implementation licenses granted by regula-
the overall PED of the system compared with that of SA can be tory bodies, financing authorized for the full management of
explained by the energy consumptions for refining and transport civil works and that were already in progress. All these projects
the gas of each field. Although San Alberto’s quota in the baseline serve regions disregarded by the current national gas system.
scenario is the smallest in the series, the gas extracted and proc- Table 5 describes each alternative in terms of source and desti-
essed in this field must cover 1231 km until reaching GASBOL nation, supply capacity, pipe mesh length and number of
whereas the distances traveled from Sabalo and Margarita until compression units, and NGPU. Figure 4 shows the trajectory
the same destination are shorter (115 and 43 km).[23] If the gas and geographical location of the pipelines. Color coding delimits
handling (production and transportation) is restricted to Sabalo each section and numbering correlates with the information
the PED, rate increases linearly with the processed flow rate. As a provided in Table 5.
result, the system consumes more primary energy than if oper- As the stretches (1), (2), (6), and (7) originate in Bolivia, their
ating with Margarita and San Alberto. modeling admitted that gas extraction and refining would con-
The effects of Sensitivity Analysis on CC are in part divergent tinue to take place in Sabalo, Margarita, and San Alberto and
from those observed for PED. In this case, the interruption of gas their respective NGPUs. Another hypothesis considered that
supply from San Alberto resulted in a decrease in the impact of technical yields, consumptions, flare rates, and losses for the
2.2%. This result is influenced by the increase in contributions new operating conditions would only dependent on the volume
for the gas processing in Sábalo (from 36.6 in SA , to 45.9 kt CO2 eq of crude gas extracted. Proven reserves of Bolivian fields can sup-
RF1 in SB ) and Margarita (from 7.14 to 9.49 kt CO2 eq RF1) are ply the additional gas demand that these expansions will provide.
largely offset by the reduction provided by the suspension of Thus, and as it is not possible to estimate the future gas supply
San Alberto (18.0 kt CO2 eq RF1). In addition, the cumulative regime for each field, the individual contributions practiced for
CC impacts of gas transportation have also been decreased from the current condition were maintained despite San Alberto’s
12.5 to 9.09 kt CO2 eq RF1 when SA!SB. reserves declining. Similarly, it was assumed that the compres-
Conversely, the impact generated by SC exceeds that of SA by sion ratios and gas losses of each country’s distribution network
7.5%. The contributions provided exclusively by Sabalo for gas would be equivalent to the existing in relative values.
processing and transportation reach limits, respectively, of Sections (3), (4), and (5) were modeled according to assump-
83.2 and 17.6 kt CO2 eq RF1, corresponding to an increase in tions similar to those established for other network expansion
36% over SA . Such growth is mainly due to atmospheric losses alternatives. In addition, for these cases, the raw gas origins were
of CH4, which are also equivalent to the gas volumes to be determined based on the Scheduling Method. Section (3) is a der-
treated. ivation of the gas pipeline that connects the states of SE and AL
that originates in the municipality of Penedo. A medium-sized
compression station is responsible for moving the finished prod-
4. Modeling Future Alternatives for Natural Gas uct to Arapiraca, and thus, the gas consumption expended for
Distribution this operation was estimated at 18 L (t km)1.[20]
The branch corresponding to Section (5) (remarked in yellow
Petrobras AS has been taking steps to expand the Brazilian gas color in Figure 4) is a extension of the pipeline that, in the current
processing and distribution system. In 10 years, the existing system configuration, ends at Lubnor NGPU. Its trajectory is
arrangement is expected to have received up to 14 modifications, unconventional, converging in the north direction to the munic-
which would increase the country’s gas supply by 32% from cur- ipality of Parnaíba (PI), from where it goes to the south of the
rent standards.[17,18,36] However, these developments are in dis- state until reaching the final destination in Terezina. The maneu-
tinct stages of evolution, some even still in the early prospecting ver to Parnaíba is justified because this location is also the

Table 5. Alternatives for expanding Brazil’s natural gas distribution network (expressed in daily volumes).

Expanding option Source Destiny Extension [km] Demand [MMm3] Nof compression stations NGPUa)

1 Bolivia Federal District (FD) 2954 6.00 6 (–)

2 Rio Grande (RS) Uruguaiana (RS) 715 8.00 3 (þ)
3 Penedo (AL) Arapiraca (AL) 67 0.34 1 (–)
4 Parnaíba (PI) Belém (PA) 1360 3.501 6 (þ)
5 Parnaíba (PI) Teresina (PI) 300 8.40 3 (þ)
6 Bolívia Palmas (TO) 3323 4.00 12 (þ)
7 Bolívia Imperatriz (MA) 4218 4.00 12 (þ)

Legend: (–): absence of NGPU; (þ): existence of NGPU.

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (9 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4. Map of the future Brazilian gas distribution network, representing only the connections that will be in operation by 2022.[19]

starting point of section (4) that crosses the state of Maranhão to PEDf  PEDc
EN RI ¼ (3)
supply the city of Imperatriz, where there is a junction with sec- Sf  Sc
tion (7), before heading to Belém (PA). Due to the irregularity of
the tracings, which results in great pressure drop, sections (4) where: EN RI ∶ Energy impact index (GJ m3); PEDf : Total Energy
and (5) were modeled considering large compression stations, Impacts as PED for the future situation (GJ RF1); PEDc : Total
for which gas consumption is 24 L (t km)1.[20] Energy Impacts as PED for the current situation (GJ RF1); Sf :
The survey of future operation conditions of these arrange- Total gas supply for the future situation (m3 RF1); Sc : Total gas
ments was based on documents published by Petrobras SA supply for the current situation (m RF1)
and validated by the Brazilian Association of Piped Gas  
Distribution Companies (ABEGÁS). These conditions were CC f  CCc
EV RI ¼ (4)
determined for a time horizon ranging from 2016 to 2022.[22,39] Sf  Sc

where: EV RI ∶ Environmental impact index (kg CO2 eq m3);

5. Energy and Environmental Performance of the CC f : Total Environmental Impact as CC for the future situation
Future System (kg CO2 eq RF1); CC C : Total Environmental Impact as CC for
the current situation (kg CO2 eq RF1).
Future gas supply performances in Brazil were measured in rel- Table 6 presents the performance results for the future gas
ative terms, by reference to the behavior of the current system. supply system in Brazil assuming that the incorporation of each
Verifications for each expansion concerning which energy and expansion alternative took place exclusively. An analysis of this
CC impacts on the environment would be generated due to data shows that there is an added impact on all projects for which
the increase in gas supply capacity that the action can provide were EN RI >0 and EV RI >0. The exception is the scenario S3 , whose
performed. This approach motivated the creation of scenarios. gas supply increase did not change the impact limits in any of
The relationship of these parameters (Equation (3) and (4)) the dimensions analyzed. In general, this finding is not surpris-
originated energy impact ðEN RI Þ and environmental ðEV RI Þ ing, considering the size of the projects and the exemption of a
indices. The use of relative indicators was intended to make var- systemic environmental analysis for their approval.
iations in specific impact rates (per m3 of finished gas) indicating In energy terms, the EN RI values obtained for S2 and S5 ,
energy and environmental trends that would then be applied of 44.38 and 43.69 TJ (MM m3 day1)1 are noteworthy.
for sector planning and management. Similarities are noted between the characteristics of these

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (10 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 6. Future system energy and environmental performances.

Scenario ðSf  Sc Þ PEDf ðPEDf  PEDc Þ ENRI CC f ðCC f  CC c Þ EV RI

3 1
[MM m ] 3
[PJ] [TJ] [TJ (MM m ) ] [kt CO2 eq] [kt CO2 eq] [kt CO2 eq (MM m3)1]

S1 6.00 5.18 275 45.83 395 32.8 5.47

S2 8.00 5.26 355 44.38 423 60.9 7.61
S3 0.34 4.90 0.0 0.0 362 0.0 0.0
S4 3.50 5.06 155 44.29 383 20.8 5.94
S5 8.40 5.27 367 43.69 407 44.5 5.30
S6 4.00 5.09 183 45.75 387 24.5 6.12
S7 4.00 5.09 185 46.25 388 26.1 6.52

scenarios regarding the number of compressors, and the need an amount of gas similar to that of S2 with a shorter displace-
for a NGPU suitable for supplying the demand (Table 5). In con- ment, generating about 30% less impact as CC.
trast, the difference between the displacement distances (715 km The comparison between S1 and S4 introduces another ele-
for S2 and 300 km for S5 ) appears to be more determinant for ment in the analysis. In view of the reasoning established with
impacts of PED than the volume to be transported. the aid of the previous scenarios, S1 should perform worse than
The comparison of such results with the performance S4 when transporting 6.00 MMm3 d1 of gas per 2954 km, com-
obtained for S1 corroborates this conclusion. The distribution pared with 3.50 MMm3 d1 distributed by the branch over
of 6.00 MMm3 d1 of gas from Bolivia to the FD over a course 1360 km. However, the absence of a NGPU in S1 reduces
of 2954 km and, making use of six compressors, accumulated an GHG emissions from this scenario by enough to make it less
EN RI ¼ 45.83 TJ (MM m3 d1)1, i.e., a distribution of a volume aggressive than S4 . Finally, the profile described by S3 for CC
about 25% lower than those practiced by S2 and S5 , but over a corroborates earlier observations that the distribution of small
significantly longer distance has caused the PED impacts in S1 to volumes of gas over short stretches, and without the need for
be higher than those respectively in 3.3% and 4.9%. NGPU, does not vary the impacts of the system’s future situation
S6 and S7 follow the same trend. In these cases, although the on the existing framework.
local demand to be met is of 4.00 MMm3 d1 (therefore close to
50% lower than met by S2 and S5 ), their EN RI values are among
the highest in the series, especially given the high distribution 6. Conclusions
distances (S6 : 3323 km and S7 : 4218 km). At the other end of the
set appears S4 and S3 . These extensions are characterized by This study sought to verify the energy and environmental perfor-
distributing smaller volumes of gas over short distances. mance associated with current and future natural gas supplies in
Even though the 3.50 MMm3 d1 of gas distributed in S4 are Brazil. The analyses were performed by attributional LCA with a
similar to the volume practiced in S6 and S7 , the fact that focus on well-to-distributor for the processing and distribution of
the stretch between Parnaiba (PI) and Belém (PA) comprises 82.9 MMm3 of refined gas to the point of delivery. The model
1360 km led EN S4 RI to be among the lowest among the options
established to represent the current gas grid comprises 17
under review. It is noted that S4 performance resembles that Brazilian states. In addition, about 44% of the gas consumed
obtained by S2 , which carries 2.3 times more gas over a distance in the country is extracted and refined in Bolivia.
shortened by about 47%. From the same perspective, it is also The energy performance for the current system measured in
important to revisit S3 , whose EN S3 RI  0. This is due to the
terms of PED) reached 4904 TJ RF1. The most significant con-
smaller volume of gas to be distributed than in other scenarios, tributions in this case were due to the exhaustion of raw natural
as well as a linear and shorter transport distance (67 km), requir- gas. This is due to 1) the use of rejection practices during off-
ing only one compressor, without the need for NGPU for shore gas extraction (that are typical in Brazil); 2) the raw gas
refining. consumption during refining and losses and leaks along pipe-
The values obtained for CC suggest similar trends to those lines; and 3) leaks, which are mainly concentrated in existing
observed in the energy analysis. For this dimension of analysis, facilities in Bolivia due to their obsolescence. When the energy
S2 accumulates the worst specific impact rate, followed by dimension has been assessed in terms of ERoEI, only natural gas
S7 and S6 . When comparing the performances of these scenarios supplies to the outh and Midwest regions present favorable
with each other, and with their respective operating conditions, energy balances (ERoEI  0.8). This supremacy can be explained
the transport distance-logistics binomial continues to exert more by the fact that these areas are served by fully extracted and
influence on CC results than the volume of distributed gas. refined gas in Bolivia. These processes have lower consumption
Although these scenarios move half of the refined gas flow from and losses of crude gas than their developed counterparts in
S2 , the routes followed by S7 and S6 are much longer than the Rio Brazil. As for environmental performance, the system generates
Grande—Uruguaiana itinerary. Because of this, S7 and S6 cause 362 kt CO2eq/82.9 MMm3 of distributed gas. This effect is driven
lower impacts than that obtained by S2 by 14% and 20%, by CH4 emissions that occur during natural resource extraction
respectively. Along the same line of reasoning, S5 distributes and transport.

Energy Technol. 2019, 1900976 1900976 (11 of 13) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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