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2 Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Multiple choice questions

1 C [1]
2 A [1]
3 A [1]
4 B [1]
5 B [1]
6 D [1]
7 C [1]
8 C [1]
9 D [1]
10 D [1]

Structured questions
11 a • Weigh three mung beans after removing testa
• Place beans in barrel of syringe
• Allow apparatus and beans to equilibrate for three minutes
• Germinating mung beans would take up oxygen and give
off carbon dioxide during respiration
• Carbon dioxide is absorbed by soda lime, so the pressure
inside of syringe would decrease
• This would cause the coloured water to move towards the
• Distance moved by coloured water is directly proportional
to volume of oxygen uptake
• Using a graph page/ruler, measure distance (d) moved by
coloured water per minute for five minutes
• Calculate volume of O2 uptake using πr2d (r = radius of
capillary tube) per minute Any 2 points well
• Calculate volume of O2 uptake using πr2d (r = radius of explained [1]
capillary tube) in mm3 min-1 g-1 Max [3]

b • Capillary tube could be too short

• Variations in temperature can affect the volume/pressure in
the syringe
• Variations in atmospheric pressure can affect the
volume/pressure in the syringe
• Connections may not be airtight
• Intrinsic error due to measuring with a ruler
• Soda lime can become saturated with carbon dioxide Any 1 point [1]
• Any correct answer Max [2]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 1
c • Replace germinating seeds with an inert material/glass
beads/boiled seeds of equivalent mass to mung beans
• Leave for same length of time
• Control would compensate for pressure changes in the
apparatus/changes due absorption of atmospheric carbon
dioxide by soda lime Any point from
• Distance moved by meniscus can be added (if meniscus 1st and 2nd [1]
moved away from syringe)/or subtracted (if meniscus Point 3 [1]
moved towards the syringe) from experiment results Point 4 [1]

d • x-axis correct (independent variable – time in seconds) and

properly labelled
• y-axis correct (independent variable – distance moved by
meniscus/mm) and properly labelled
• Points plotted correctly
• Appropriate title

Title: Graph showing the distance moved by meniscus

Each point [1]
during the uptake of oxygen by mung beans
Max [4]
3 points [2]
e • Average distance moved per min = 67.0/3 = 22.3 mm min -1 1–2 points [1]
• Average volume = 3.14 × 0.12 × 22.3 = 0.70 mm3 min-1 Correct answer with no
• Rate of O2 uptake per min per g = 0.70/0.5 working [1]
= 1.4 mm3 min-1 g-1 Max [3]

f • Remove soda lime from experiment tube

• Replace soda lime with same mass of glass beads/inert
• Reset the meniscus/push plunger of syringe down
• Leave seeds for same length of time and
conditions/temperature as experiment tube
• Measure the distance moved per minute for same length of
time as experiment tube Point 1 [1]
• Determine average distance moved per minute Any 2 points [1]
• Use oxygen uptake data to calculate carbon dioxide release Max [2]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 2
g i • Acts as a control chamber/acts as a
• Eliminates the effects of external temperature or
pressure changes
• External pressure or temperature changes act equally on
both sides of the manometer and cancel them out Any point [1]

ii • Used to reset equipment

• When opened, used to equalise atmospheric pressure
• When closed, used to keep the apparatus airtight/close
off apparatus to external atmospheric pressures [1]

iii • Allows movement in the tube to be measured directly as

volume. This removes the need to find out how much
liquid in the tube
• Allows for resetting of manometer fluid
• Keeps apparatus airtight [1]

iv To maintain a constant temperature [1]

12 a I – matrix
II – cristae
III – outer membrane
IV – intermembrane space
V – inner membrane Each point [1]

b i Actual diameter of mitochondrion = Length of A

Complete working [2]
Partial [1]
= 58000 μm = 0.71μm Correct answer with
82000 no working [1]

ii • Allows for rapid diffusion of gases and other substances

• Short diffusion pathway to middle of organelle Any point [1]

c i Structure labeled I [1]

ii Structure labeled II [1]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 3
d • Folded inner membrane/cristae – increases surface area
available for more stalked particles and electron carriers
/more oxidative phosphorylation/ATP synthase
complexes/more protons pumped across membrane
• Intermembrane space – allows accumulation of protons/H+
• Impermeability of inner membrane to protons/H+ –
maintains proton gradient/protons only go through
channels in ATP stalked particles
• Stalked particles/ATP synthase channel for protons
• Linear arrangement on ETC on inner membrane – greater
• Membranes separate mitochondrion from cytoplasm –
allows for different pH
• Inner membrane has attachment of stalked particle
protruding into matrix – allows for passage of protons
down a diffusion gradient
• Matrix contains enzymes for oxidation and
• Diameter does not exceed 1.0 μm to ensure short diffusion Any point well
path/distance to centre: allows for rapid diffusion explained [1]
• Any correct answer Max [4]

e • Enters: ADP/Pi/NADH/O2/pyruvate/fatty acids/amino

• Leaves: water/carbon dioxide/ATP/ NAD
• Any correct answer Both points correct [1]

13 a • Is a series of reactions in which a 6C sugar is split into two

molecules of pyruvate, a 3C acid
• Two molecules of ATP are used to phosphorylate glucose
but four molecules of ATP are produced by substrate level
phosphorylation, yielding a net synthesis of two ATP for
each molecule of glucose
• It is the first of a series of reactions in the respiration process Term well explained [1]
• Location – cytoplasm Location [1]

b • Enzymes specific for a limited range of reaction

• Allows greater control over the breakdown pathway
• Allows intermediates to be available for other reactions
• Allows for coupling with ATP synthesis
• To prevent large heat losses Any 2 points [2]

c i • Between glucose and glucose-6-phosphate [1]

• Between fructose-6-phosphate and fructose-bisphosphate [1]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 4
ii • It increases the activation energy of glucose thereby
making the molecule unstable
• It blocks the glucose from leaking out since the cell
lacks transporters for glucose-6-phosphate which no
longer fits the glucose carrier
• This ensures the pure glucose is kept at a very low
concentration inside the cells so it will always diffuse
down a concentration gradient from the tissue fluid into
the cell
• Glucose-6-phosphate is the starting material for
pentose sugars (and therefore nucleotides) and
glycogen Point 1 and any other point [2]

d • When the phosphate group is added to fructose-6-

phosphate, fructose bisphosphate is formed. This
molecule has symmetry and would allow for formation
of two smaller reactive trioses
• This allows for another phosphate group to be added thereby
increasing the activation energy of the molecule Any point [1]

e i On arrows from fructose-bisphosphate to triose phosphate [1]

ii • Opening of a stable ring structure

• Lowers molecular mass
• Makes available bonding groups in the form of
• Production of the three carbon end product, pyruvate,
which has a lower energy level Any 2 points [2]

f It is at the point where NAD is converted to reduced NAD

(between fructose bisphosphate and triose phosphate) [1]

g • Produces a high energy phosphate group in an organic

• To phosphorylate ADP to form ATP by substrate level
phosphorylation Any point [1]

h i 2 ATP [1]

ii Substrate level/ground level phosphorylation [1]

i • 2 molecules of pyruvic acid/pyruvate

• 2 molecules of reduced NAD/NADH/NADH + H+
• 2 ATP All products [2]
• 2 molecules of water 2–3 points [1]

j • Enters the mitochondrion to be oxidised to carbon dioxide

and water if oxygen is available Any point [1]
• Is reduced to lactate if no oxygen is available Max [2]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 5
Essay questions

14 a • Coenzyme for dehydrogenase

• When reduced, carries electrons/protons/H+/hydrogen/H/2H to
electron transport chain/cytochromes from glycolysis, link
reaction and Krebs cycle
• When reoxidised, 3 ATP formed per molecule
• Aids in oxidation of triose phosphate to pyruvate in glycolysis
• Is regenerated in anaerobic respiration to allow glycolysis
to continue Any 2 points [2]

b • Decarboxylation: removal of carbon dioxide [1]

• Dehydrogenation: removal of hydrogen/H [1]

c • Pyruvate enters mitochondrion by active uptake/ATP used

• Into matrix of the mitochondrion
• CO2 is removed/decarboxylation from pyruvate and
removal of hydrogen/dehydrogenation (oxidation)
• NAD reduced/reduced NAD formed
• 1 molecule of CO2 formed per pyruvate molecule
• Forms 2-carbon acetyl compound 7–8 points [4]
• Which combines with CoA to form acetyl CoA 5–6 points [3]
• Acetyl CoA combines with a 4C molecule/oxaloacetate to 3–4 points [2]
form citrate in Krebs cycle 1–2 points [1]

d • Occurs in matrix of mitochondria

• Allows for repeated oxidation and decarboxylation by
building up the number of carbon bonds and attached
H2OH groups.
• Series of steps/intermediate occurs
• Enzyme catalysed reactions
• Decarboxylation/removal of CO2 from 6C compound and
then 5C compound
• Decarboxylation allows for oxidation of the group
• Dehydrogenation/oxidation
• Dehydrogenation/oxidation occurs four times (with NAD
being used as the hydrogen acceptor three times and FAD
used once) per turn of cycle
• 1 ATP produced by substrate level phosphorylation
• Oxaloacetate regenerated
• Produces 2CO2, 1 ATP, 3 NADH and 1 FADH2 per turn of
Any point well explained [1]
• Any correct answer Max [7]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 6
15 a i • Found in all cells/all organisms
• Easily transported because it is small and water soluble
• Produced where energy is released
(ADP + Pi + energy = ATP)
• Breaks down to release energy where required by
removal of third phosphate group by hydrolysis
• Immediate source of energy
• Couples energy-releasing reactions/catabolic and
energy-requiring/anabolic reaction Any 2 points [2]

ii • Glycolysis
• Active transport
• Muscle contraction
• DNA replication
• Protein synthesis
• Cell division
• Flagella beating
• Endocytosis
• Any correct answer Any 2 points [2]

• Occurs in ETC stage of respiration

• ETC located in the cristae of the mitochondria
• ETC made up of co-enzymes and cytochromes/electron
• It is made up of four complexes: complex I–IV
• reduced NAD and reduced FAD from glycolysis, link reaction
and Krebs cycle enters chain
• dehydrogenases/enzymes present
• removes H from coenzymes
• H split into H+ + e_
• electrons flow through carriers/cytochromes
• release energy
• energy used to pump protons/H+ across membrane into
intermembrane space
• protons accumulate in the intermembrane space
• proton gradient established/proton motive force/
electrochemical gradient/pH gradient
• proton flow back through ATP synthase/stalked particles
into matrix

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 7
• formation of ATP from ADP + Pi/chemiosmotic synthesis
of ATP
• oxygen acts as final acceptor
• water is formed Diagram [2]
• for every reduced NAD, 3 ATP formed and for 6 well explained points [6]
every reduced FAD, 2 ATP formed Each point [1]

c • Since oxygen is the final electron/proton/hydrogen

acceptor in the ETC, it therefore allows the ETC to
continue by maintaining a flow of electrons and protons
• If absent, reduced NAD and FADH2 would remain reduced
• Flow of electrons down the chain would stop
• No release of energy to create proton motive force
• No phosphorylation of ADP
• Cytochromes and hydrogen carriers would not be
• The Krebs cycle stops, no oxidised NAD and FAD for Any well explained
oxidation point [1]
• No substrate level phosphorylation Max [3]

16 a i • Reduced NAD and pyruvate remain in cytoplasm [1]

• Pyruvate converted into ethanal with removal of carbon
• Ethanal reduced to ethanol
• Using 2H/H from reduced NAD
• Using alchohol dehydrogenase
• NAD reoxidised and recycled to glycolysis
• Ethanol passes into the medium 2 well explained points [2]

Mammalian cells:
• Pyruvate reduced to lactic acid/lactate
• Using 2H/H from reduced NAD
• Using lactate dehydrogenase
• NAD reoxidised and recycled to glycolysis
• Lactate passes into blood/liver 2 well explained points [2]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE® Examinations Original material © Cambridge University Press 2011 8
Mammalian muscle cell Yeast
• Occurs in one step • Occurs in 2 steps
• No decarboxylation/CO2 • Decarboxylation
released • Alcohol dehydrogenase used
• Lactate dehydrogenase • Ethanol passes into medium
used • Irreversible
• Lactate passes into
• Process reversible Any 2 points [2]

b • Production of carbon dioxide to make dough rise

• Using sugar from the hydrolysis of starch in flour
• Production of ethanol and carbon dioxide in alcoholic
• Using sugar/maltose, from germinating cereal grains/other
named sources Any 2 points [2]

c i • During vigorous exercising, oxygen deficit occurs

• The additional oxygen that must be taken into the
body after vigorous exercise to restore all systems Well explained [2]
to their normal states is called the oxygen debt Incomplete [1]

ii • Lactate formed
• Removed to liver via blood
• Lactate oxidised to pyruvate
Point 1 [1]
• Pyruvate forms glucose or glycogen Any other point [2]
• Or enters Krebs cycle via link reaction Max [3]

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