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BioK Quick Quiz on Species, Communities and Ecosystems (4.


BioKnowledgy Quick Quiz on Species, Communities and Ecosystems (4.1)

[12 marks]

1. Which of the following ecological units includes abiotic factors?

A. A community

B. An ecosystem

C. A population

D. A trophic level
(Total 1 mark)

2. What is a community composed of?

A. Habitats

B. Populations

C. Abiotic factors

D. Biotic and abiotic factors

(Total 1 mark)

3. Which group of organisms in the carbon cycle converts carbon into a form that is available to primary

A. Decomposers

B. Saprotrophs

C. Detritus feeders

D. Producers
(Total 1 mark) (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Species, Communities and Ecosystems (4.1)

4. Slime moulds (Acrasiomycota) are protoctists. They feed on decaying organic matter, bacteria and

Which of the terms describes their nutrition?

I. Detritivore
II. Autotroph
III. Heterotroph

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

5. The scarlet cup fungus (Sarcoscypha coccinea) obtains its nutrition from decaying wood by releasing
digestive enzymes into the wood and absorbing the digested products.

Which of the following terms describe(s) the fungus?

I. Autotroph
II. Heterotroph
III. Saprotroph

A. III only

B. II and III only

C. I and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark) (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Species, Communities and Ecosystems (4.1)

6. The diagram below shows a simplified food web.

What is the role of the snake in this food web?

A. Heterotroph

B. Autotroph

C. Saprotroph

D. Producer
(Total 1 mark)

7. The term species and population are used to describe closely related individuals.

(a) Describe how different populations may be formed from members of the same species.





(b) Over time a population may evolve features that distinguish it from other populations of the
same species. Suggest why, despite having different features the populations are still classified
as being part of the same species.




(2) (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Species, Communities and Ecosystems (4.1)

8. Explain how the flow of energy in a food chain or web differs from the movement of nutrients.




(2) (Chris Paine)

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