Writing A CAE

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At the end of the lesson, you will be able to understand the letter and essay for college admission

and compose one of each for yourself.

What is a college admission letter? What is a college admission essay? What should you do
before writing a letter and an essay for college admission? Why is it important to write proper
admission letter and essay?

College Admission Letter and Essay

College Admission Letter also referred to as the "letter of intent," is a one-page letter required
for college and university admission. The sender writes a letter to briefly discuss his intention for
attending the college program. College Admission Essay, or known as "statement of purpose"
or "personal statement," is an essay written by the student applicant to answer the essay topics
given by the admission office.


Before you write a college admission letter and essay, you must first determine the program
you want to take, followed by a thorough research on program structure. Then reflect on
your purpose in enrolling the course, your achievements, and future goals. Decide the
format to use in writing a letter. If there is no required format, write the letter in a full-block
style, meaning all parts are aligned to the left, with the format of one-inch margin, twelve-point
font size, and single-spaced paragraph.

Writing a College Admission Letter

Heading, Date and Inside Address

Write on the top left the heading that includes your complete address and zip code. It is the
address of the sender. The date should be fully spelled out. The inside address contains the
name of the college or university admission head, his job title (if applicable) and the address of
the university. It is the address of the receiver. Skip a line between the heading, date, and inside


B15 L21 Amarillo St.

Brgy. Rizal, Makati 1218

February 16, 2016

Ms. Theresita Sabion

Officer-in-Charge, Admission Section
Office of the University Registrar
University of the Philippines
Los Baños, Laguna 4031


The heading is a receiver’s quick reference to the sender’s address and can be used if the letter
has to return. The date indicates when the letter is written, and the inside address refers to whom
and where the letter is addressed.

Greeting or Salutation

It starts mostly with the word "Dear" followed by the last name of the receiver. End the
salutation with a colon (:). If the name has not been obtained, address it as “Ma’am/Sir”.


Dear Ms. Sabion:

Dear Ma’am/Sir:


The greeting or salutation addresses the person concerned with the admission process.


I am writing to inform you of my interest in applying for Bachelor of Science in Biology at your
prestigious university – University of the Philippines.

I am enthusiastic to conduct researches in science. As shown in my scholastic achievements and

the documents attached, I am part of the team that ranked second in the recent National Science
Investigatory Project. The university offers the best tertiary education in the country and is at its
prime in research and publication. Because of this, studying at the university would help me
improve my research skills as I deepen my knowledge of biological science.

I plan to allot most of my time, during and after my studies, in conducting biological research. I
envision myself doing research for the benefit of my countryman.

I hope for your kind consideration. For any questions or concern, contact me at this number


The body of the letter entails the course chose and the reason for choosing the college as part of
his academic career. The academic achievements related to the course, future goal and a contact
detail of the applicant is also included.
Complimentary Close

Complimentary Close is a polite way of finishing the letter. Remember that it always ends with
comma (,).


Yours Truly,


Writing the complimentary close shows that the letter has already ended.

Signature and Sender’s Identification

This is the last part of the letter. Write your name on the first line and your title (if applicable)
on the second line. Then sign directly above the first line.


Angel Ruth Loscin


It shows the name of the college applicant.


This shows the main idea of the essay. It is short, but it captures the attention of the reader.


This is the part where you should answer the topic or question with clarity. Provide
justification based on the experience you have undergone. You can also incorporate the factors
that drive you into finishing your studies.


To be enriched holistically to serve the country cannot be possible if without the help of the
college. It is because the college has the best professors in the country – professors that are not
only into teaching but also in molding the students.

In this example, the applicant states the personal reason for pursuing a degree. It answers the
question or topic clearly.


To end the essay, write your plans after you graduate from their college. You could also
include the reinforcing statement stating that you are one of the best applicants to their college.


After finishing my degree, I am looking forward to working with a research laboratory to be of

aid to our country in adding more scientific knowledge of the world around us. All of this would
be possible with the help of the college.


The conclusion in this example depicts the long term goal of the college applicant.

 In writing a college admission letter, use a full-block style or the format prescribed by the
 In writing a college admission essay, answer the questions directly and state specific
experiences and or achievements to support your answer.
 Make sure that it is written in a positive tone, well-written and free of errors.

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