Artificial Intelligence Essay PP

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Mikey Sanchez

6 January 2020

Personal Project

Mr. Brantley

Artificial Intelligence, at what cost?

You’ve most likely heard of the term Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and most likely been

either intrigued by it or startled by it, but what could the serious consequences be? Artificial

Intelligence is a type of code, which is what all software is made up of, that has the ability to

adapt to situations and basically alter its own code without human intervention. We are getting

closer and closer to developing A.I that could potentially be smarter than any humans and think

at the speed of light. While A.I could be extremely beneficial to human society by allowing them

to do the jobs of humans so we don’t have to, what are the real dangers?

A.G.I, or Artificial General Intelligence, is the type of A.I that is able to think and

process things quickly on its own. Although we are not able to fully develop A.G.I yet, we are

getting closer and closer with each innovation. A.G.I can be a very beneficial addition to our

society. We could have robots do our jobs for us at quicker speeds than any human could do. We

are in desperate need of thinkers to help solve our world problems, but an A.I with the ability to

learn could learn what a human would need a lifetime to learn in a matter of months and discover

things any human would never of thought of. A.I can do very tedious things for humans to do for

us, such as managing finance and banks. In the article 7 Ways AI Will Help Humanity, Vyas

states “Let’s take the example of the banking sector that has and will be seeing a major

breakthrough, thanks to the applications of AI.” Another reason why A.I will be super useful for
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our future, is Disaster Response. A.I will be able to respond to disasters without risking human

lives and be able to help rescue others more efficiently and without getting tired. Lastly, A.I

leaves room for little to no error. A.I is coded to do one thing, so it will do that one thing exactly

as it is told, leaving no room for error unlike humans. These positive outcomes can be great, but

is it worth the trade-off with the negative ones?

Artificial Intelligence has many possible and theorized consequences ranging from robots

taking over the world to robots taking over our economy. Some myths about A.I include them

being able to become fully conscious and being able to have feelings as humans do, causing

them to turn evil. Another myth is that superintelligence is right around the corner, when in

reality it is decades away. We also have myths that underestimate the power A.I could hold.

People believe that humans will have full control over A.I and A.I won’t have control over us. In

reality, intelligence enables control. We are only able to control tigers because we are smarter, so

if A.I becomes smarter than humans, they win. We also only want to worry about robots, but

intelligence is free-roaming, it needs no body and only a connection to the internet or Bluetooth.

In the show The 100, the main antagonist of the show is an Artificial Intelligence named A.L.I.E,

this A.I has no body and is able to take over the minds of humans with a chip that a human

created for her. A.L.I.E is able to build up an army of her own and almost destroy the last of the

human race, after she already caused the nuclear disaster on Earth, killing 99.9% of Earth’s

population. Although this is just a TV show, it can predict what sort of disasters intelligence

could wreak on us. Lastly, A.I can be used for mischievous things and be programmed to do the

bidding of an evil human, or they can be programmed to do something but the robot could

complete it in a disastrous way. Machines have goals, like a heat-seeking missiles goal is to kill.
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In conclusion, A.I has many benefits for us in the present, but will the positive outweigh

the negative in the future? A.I could be detrimental to Earth if it became sentient because they

could become smarter than humans.

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