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Second midterm exam

Group 1


Transform the provided image using commands in ImageMagick. The text “Index here” should be
replaced with your index number. The resulting image should look like the one below.

Note: You should upload the commands and resulting image.


A graphic manager needs to create a book cover like the example that you will find with the task
named (Scribus_G1_suplement_Example.pdf). Several important information are needed to create
similar book cover. The picture that you will need to insert into the document is given by the name

When creating the new document, there is no need to choose a special pallet of colors. The colors
that you will use don’t have to be completely identical. For example, the green color is equal to dark

-The width of the frames is fixed to 18.18 centimeters, while the height is variable.

-The page is in A4 format with width of 21 cm, while the length is 29.7 cm. You have margins of 1 cm
of each side.

-The text in upper part of the document have font Arial size 12pt, and should be bold. Use italic to
format the text as it is given in example.

-The text “Office 2010” have Arial font with size 70pt and this text is also bold. The text should be
insert into Frame size with coordinates: X-pos = 10.5 cm and Y-pos =11.9 cm.
The text “The book that should…” place over the picture. It doesn’t matter the size of the frame or
the font size and type used.

-The picture needs to be inserted in the Frame with coordinates: X-pos = 10.5 cm and Y-pos =3.24
cm. Also be careful the picture scaled to cover the entire frame. After the picture frame, in the lower
part of the book cover you have green color frame with Opacity 70%. The text from the left side is
with size 20pt, while the text on the right side is 18pt. This text should be also bold and in the Arial
font. The coordinates of this text color frame should be X-pos = 10.5 cm and Y-pos = 26.4 cm. Never
mind the symbol ℗.

NOTE: The final answer of this task should be placed in the system for grading your Index as
exemplified 134298_Grupa1.sla, not in pdf format, but in native Scribus format.


The “red eye” effect is producible when you take photos with flashlight – the red color in the eyes is
actually the reflected light from the flashlight of the camera from the inside of your eyes. Use Gimp
to remove all “red eye” artifacts in the photos: RedEye1.jpg and RedEye2.png

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