REVISED ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing

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XERO LEARN PRACTICE GUIDE Winsome Bark’s Dog Walking Company

ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing

A. Importing sales invoices
Your client has presented you with a listing of the invoices issued by them in 2019 that
are not included in the Xero organization. These invoices need to be imported into Xero
in order to record the sales and payments received, but your client needed help. You will
need to import these invoices.

1. Business > Sales Overview

2. Click the Import button in the upper menu.

3. Download template file in the step 1 of importing the invoices

4. Browse your computer to locate your file labeled Winsome Bark’s Summary of
Invoices.xlxs and click Open.

5. Reconcile “Winsome Bark’s Summary of Invoices.xlsx” on the

“SalesInvoiceTemplate.csv”. Using the given file, copy and paste your contacts
from the exported file into the Xero template. Other fields in the given excel may
not be the same label on the template. Consider the substance of the field rather
than on the format itself.

Customer = Company name

*InvoiceNumber = Invoice Number
*InvoiceDate = Invoice Date
*DueDate = Due date
InventoryItemCode = Item
*Description = Description
*Quantity = Qty
*UnitAmount = Amount
Discount = Discount
*AccountCode = Type “210” for all
*TaxType = Type “Tax Exempt (0%) for all”

6. Save the contacts.csv file to “WB Import Sales Invoice.csv”

7. Click browse in step 3 of the importing of invoice and open the saved file.

8. Choose “No, ignore the address details” and choose “Tax Exclusive” for the unit

9. Click Import to begin the process.

10. Review the summary notice given by Xero. (Ignore warnings. The warning
message pertains to the Tracking Categories that have been set up in the

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XERO LEARN PRACTICE GUIDE Winsome Bark’s Dog Walking Company
ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing
company. If you do not have tracking categories in your organization, you will not
receive this message.)

11. Click Complete Import.

12. Xero will bring you to your listing of Draft invoices where all the newly imported
invoices can be found.

13. Since these invoices are still in Draft status, they are not recorded in Xero as final
and have not posted to the general ledger. Select the check box on the header line
to highlight all the draft invoices to select them.

14. Select Approve to approve the draft invoices and have them reflect in the financial

B. Creating a sales invoice

1. Business > Sales Overview

2. Click +New and choose Invoice

3. Enter the invoice details with a new item “MONTHS”:

To = Type “Knights Inn”

Date = Today’s date
Due date = Default
Reference = Type “Six months prepaid”

4. On the Item field, click “+ New Item” and type “MONTH” in the Item Code to make
a new description-only item. Click Save.

5. After creating a new item, enter the following details on the invoice.

Item = MONTH
Description = Long Stay
Qty = 6
Unit Price = 50
Account = 200- Dog Walking Revenue

6. In addition to the item “MONTH”, add additional item for the PREPD

7. Click Approve.

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XERO LEARN PRACTICE GUIDE Winsome Bark’s Dog Walking Company
ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing
8. View a preview of the invoice to see how the description-only item looks to the
customer. Use the Preview link at the top of the invoice screen to see how the
additional policy language looks on the invoice.

C. Creating a new repeating invoice

1. Business > Sales Overview

2. Click the down arrow next to +New and choose Repeating Invoice.

3. Enter the invoice details:

Repeat this transaction every = 1 month

Invoice Date = Today’s date
End date = August 31, 2020
Invoice to = Stanton, James D Esq
Reference = Type “[Month] Service”
Item = MONTH
Description = Type “Repeating Stay”
Qty = 4
Unit Price = 60
Disc % = 10
Account = 200– Dog Walking Revenue

4. Return to the area where there is a radio button for Save as Draft, Approve and
Approve for Sending. Mark the invoice as “Approve for Sending” so it will
automatically be issued each month and sent to the customer.

5. Once you do this, Xero will skip to the email template to be used. Xero will provide
the email template that will be the body of the email when the invoice is issued.

6. Review the invoice and click Save.

7. Review the email template message to be sent. Change the email to be sent from
“” to “”

8. Do not include PDF attachment (leave unchecked) as an option. Check “Mark as

sent” and “Send me” option. Click Done to save the email template and the invoice.

9. Xero will return to your Invoices dashboard. View the invoices, Xero will
automatically issue the repeating invoice for the month of January. In addition, the
repeating invoice would still exist until August 31, 2020.

D. Viewing invoice status and history

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XERO LEARN PRACTICE GUIDE Winsome Bark’s Dog Walking Company
ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing
1. Business > Sales Overview

2. Click “Awaiting payment” to show you the list of invoices that you previously
imported and created.

3. Find the invoice number INV-0017 then click the name of the company, “Rapid
Trading Intl”.

4. Click the “Email” Button and review the email to be sent to the customer. Change
the email from “” to “”.
Make sure that “Mark as sent” and “Send me a copy” are checked.

5. Click Send and refresh the screen. Notice Xero showing Sent in the last column
labeled Sent, letting you know that the invoice has been emailed to the custome

6. Login to your email account and locate the email from Xero. Notice there is no
attachment with the email, only a link to access the invoice. Click the link and view
the test invoice. Review the invoice sent by Winsome Bark’s.

7. Click back to your Xero browser and again refresh your screen.

8. Notice Xero has changed the “Sent” to “Sent & Viewed”.

9. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the button Show History. Notice that Xero
shows four entries of the history of the invoice, including when it was viewed using
the unique invoice link.

Approved invoices are not necessarily Sent invoices. You must first approve the invoice
and then send the invoice.

If you mail invoices, Xero gives you the option to mark the invoice as sent when you opt
to print the invoice. If you use electronic invoices, the option to mark as sent is in your
email template.

E. Voiding an invoice

1. Business > Sales Overview > Awaiting Payment

2. Open the previous invoice, INV-0017.

3. Click the Invoice Options and select Void. Confirm that you want to void the invoice.

4. Return to the Sales dashboard and the blue link See all.

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XERO LEARN PRACTICE GUIDE Winsome Bark’s Dog Walking Company
ACTIVITY 7 Sales Invoicing
5. You can find the invoice by using the Search button, searching the term “INV-0027”
and check the box to Include Deleted & Voided invoices.

6. Once located it will be shown with a voided status.

F. Editing an invoice

1. Business > Sales Overview > Awaiting Payment

2. Locate Invoice INV-0002 in the listing. Open the invoice

3. Choose Invoice Options then Edit. Note the alert from Xero that only certain fields
can be edited. Amounts that affect the invoice totals cannot be edited after a
payment has been applied.

4. Click through the fields and click “Add a new line”

5. Instead of only buying one item of EXTEND, the company added 1 more. Change
the quantity field from 1 to 2.

6. Click Update and review the updated invoice.

7. Likewise, INV-0006 pertaining to T M Byxbee Company Pc’s invoice would also

have to be edited. In addition to the item LEASH, the company would like to add
items, XTJACKET (“Branded jacket extra large” for the description, 2 items, and
0% discount) and STROLLER (3 items, and 2% discount).

8. Follow the same procedures in editing INV-0002 and review the invoice afterwards.

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