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English B

Text: “The Pearl”

1. Where is The Pearl set?

A)Spain B) Mexico C) Cuba D) The United States

2. . Why did the doctor refuse to treat Coyotito?

A )He had too many other patients to treat B)He didn't have the proper equipment
C)He only treat those who have money D)He was ill himself

3. Why did Juana and Kino leave the village?

A)They heard of a buyer in the next town who was more honest B)They went to look for a school for Coyotito
C)They were afraid because Kino killed a man D)They were invited to meet the mayor of the city

4. . Why does Kino continue to say "I am a man."

A) reassurance B)He is crazy C) it is his tribal language skills D)He needs rest

5. Which would Kino not do with his riches?

a) Marry Juana in the church b)Move to the city
C)Buy clothes and a harpoon D)Send Coyotito to school

6. What did Kino's father teach him about going to the capital to sell pearls?
A) The capital is where you get your best price b)It is a sin to try to leave your station in life
c)The dealers in the capital are crooked D)The journey to the capital is long and expensive

7. What is the first pearl dealer’s nervous habit?

a)manipulates a coin in his hands b)He twiddles his thumbs
C) He twiddles his thumbs d) He taps his foot

8. How long will Juan hide Kino and Juana in Chapter 5?

(a) A month. (b) One hour. (c) Only until a new night arrives. (d) A week.

9. What song does Kino hear when the priest comes to visit?
a. Song of the Family b. Song of Evil c. Song of the Church d. Song of Love

10. Why does Kino become “every man’s enemy”

a. Kino has killed someone. b. He has a pearl, and others wish they had it.
c. He has never been well liked. d. Kino is unkind to his neighbors now that he is rich.

11. What does Juana use as a poultice for Coyotito’s wound?

A) Dry rice B)Peppermint C) Oatmeal D)Seaweed

12. What happened to make Juana want to throw away the pearl?
a. The baby starts vomiting. b. Kino knifes a potential thief.
c. The priest says having the pearl is a sin. d. The doctor says it is not worth anything

13. Juan Tomas says to Kino, "You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life. I am
afraid for you." What does he mean?
a. The pearl buyers will not buy anymore pearls from Kino. b. It is not Kino's place to try and improve his life.
c. It is against the law to refuse to sell a pearl to the buyers. d. Kino is becoming greedy and mean.

14. How would you describe the doctor?

a. Kind and considerate b. Stupid and lazy
c. Materialistic and cold hearted d. Intelligent and energetic

15. What is the Song of the Family about?

a. A chronological history of Kino's family b. Peaceful existence and family harmony
c. Family tragedy d. Kino and Juana's wedding song

16. What first brought the Song of Evil to Kino's mind?

a. Kino and Juana have a fight. b. A terrible storm damages the town.
c. The scorpion strikes the baby. d. Kino's brother is injured

17.From where did Kino get his canoe?

a) It was given to him by Juan Tomas. b)It was passed down from his grandfather.
c)He bought it with his meagre savings. D)He had stolen it years before

17. Which of the songs best illustrates Kino's hope for the future?
a)Song of the rifle b)Song of the child c)Song of the pearl that might be d)Song of the family

18. What is the lowest amount of money offered to Kino for the pearl? (from Chapter 4)
a)Ten thousand pesos b)one thousand pesos c) five hundred pesos d) fifteen thousand pesos
19.What is the effect on the town when Kino finds the Pearl of the World?
a)Everyone is happy for Kino b)The atmosphere of the town becomes envious
c)No one can believe that he found it d)No one cares and continues to ignore him

20. Of all the items that Juan Tomas gives to Kino before he leaves the village what does he not give him?
a)Rice b)Large knife c)Salt d)Money

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