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Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week: 1&2


1 Understanding the Students will: What happens in Chapters 17, 18 and 19 -analyzing the Work book Discussion
text: “ To Kill A read and analyze and who is involved? contents of the
Mockingbird” chapter 17-19 of • The prosecuting lawyer (Mr Gilmer) and the defence novel Internet
the text. lawyer (Atticus
Finch) question Sheriff Heck Tate, Bob Ewell, Mayella -asks and Text:“ To Kill A
Ewell and Tom answer Mockingbird”
Robinson. questions
• According to the Ewells, Mayella asked Tom to do some
work for her -writing up on
while her father was out. He came into the house, beat her the events of
up, raped her each chapters
and ran off when her father returned home.
• According to Tom, Mayella invited him inside and then -role play
threw her arms
round him and began to kiss him. Tom tried to push her -drawing
away. When Bob scenes
Ewell arrived he was angry with his daughter and gave her a
beating and
Tom ran away because he was scared of what would happen
to him.
• Heck Tate testifies that Mayella’s bruises were on the right
side of her
face, which suggests that she was probably punched by a
person’s left
hand. Tom Robinson’s left hand is useless because it was
damaged in
an accident. Bob Ewell punches with his left hand.
• Dill gets so upset by the rude and racist way in which Mr
Gilmer questions
Tom that Scout has to take him out of the courthouse.
Outside they
meet Dolphus Raymond.

2 Understanding the Students will: What happens in Chapter 20 -analyzing the Text: “ To Kill A Discussion
text: “ To Kill A read and analyze and who is involved? contents of the Mockingbird”
Mockingbird” chapter 20-21 of • The children find out that Mr Raymond only pretends to novel Asking and
the text drink alcohol from a container hidden inside a packet. What Work book answering
he is really drinking is Coca-Cola. -asks and questions
answer Internet
• He explains to Scout and Dill that, by pretending to be questions
drunk, he gives
the people of Maycomb an explanation that they can accept -writing up on
for why he the events of
lives with a black woman. each chapters

What happens in Chapter 21 -role play

and who is involved?
• Calpurnia arrives at the courthouse with a note for Atticus -drawing
from Aunt scenes
Alexandra, telling him that the children are missing. This is
when he finds
out that the children have disobeyed him and are in the
• Atticus sends them home for supper but allows them to
return to hear
the jury’s verdict.
• The jury takes several hours to reach a decision but
eventually they find
Tom Robinson guilty.
• When Atticus begins to walk down the aisle (passage
between the rows
of seats) in order to leave the courthouse, all the members of
the black
community stand up to show their respect for him.
Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week:3


3 Understanding Students will: What happens in Chapter 22 -analyzing the Text: “ To Kill Discussion
the text: “ To read and analyze and who is involved? contents of the A
Kill A chapter 22 of the • Jem is particularly upset about what he sees as the novel Mockingbird”
Mockingbird” text and discuss unfairness of the
the point of view jury’s decision to find Tom guilty. -asks and answer Work book
of the novel. • Members of the black community bring gifts of food to questions
Atticus to thank Internet
him for doing his best to defend Tom. -writing up on
• Bob Ewell threatens to harm Atticus because Atticus made the events of
him look bad each chapters
during the court case.
• Scout and Jem are very upset when the jury finds Tom -role play
guilty. This is
because the evidence presented in court showed that Tom -drawing scenes
had a
damaged left arm and so it is unlikely that he could have
Mayella Ewell in the way that she and her father, Bob,
• Miss Maudie tries to comfort the children by explain that
that Atticus
could not have won the case because, in the south of
America in the
1930s, a white jury would never find a black man charged
with raping a
white woman innocent, no matter what the evidence showed.
• Miss Maudie in fact sees the trial as “a baby-step” forward
for justice
and racial equality in her society. This is because Atticus
had argued
the case so well that it took the jury several hours to agree
on their
verdict. This shows that there was some serious discussion
Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week: 4 & 5


4 Understanding Students will: read What happens in Chapter 23 -analyzing the Text:“ To Kill Discussion
the text: “ To and analyze chapter and who is involved? contents of the A
Kill A 23-24 of the text • Atticus refuses to get angry about Bob Ewell novel Mockingbird”
Mockingbird” spitting in his face and
threatening him. He makes a joke about it. -asks and answer Work book
• The children have some serious discussions with questions
their father and with Internet
Aunt Alexandra about juries (for example, who is -writing up on the
chosen to be on a events of each
jury and how they make decisions); and about chapters
“folks” and the way they behave.
-analyzing the
What happens in Chapter 24 contents of the
and who is involved? novel
• Aunt Alexandra holds a meeting of the women’s
Missionary Circle at the -role play
Finch’s home. Scout has to wear a dress and talk to
the women at the -drawing scenes
• During the meeting Atticus comes home with the
terrible news that Tom
Robinson has been shot and killed while trying to
escape from prison.
Even though Atticus was trying to appeal the
decision of the court, Tom had felt hopeless.
• Atticus asks Calpurnia to go with him to tell Tom’s
wife, Helen, what has happened.
5 Understanding Students will: read What happens in Chapter 25 -analyzing the Discussion
the text: “ To and analyze chapter and who is involved? contents of the Text: “ To Kill
Kill A 25-6 of the text and • Scout remembers Dill explaining how he and Jem novel A Mockingbird Asking and
Mockingbird” examine the also ended up going answering
protagonist and to Tom Robinson’s wife’s house to tell her the news -asks and answer Work book questions
antagonist of the of Tom’s death. In questions
story. the car, on their way to the house, Atticus and Internet
Calpurnia passed Jem -writing up on the
and Dill on the road and the boys persuaded Atticus events of each
to take them along. chapters
• Dill describes to Scout how Helen responded to the
news. -role play
• Mr Underwood writes a newspaper editorial
criticising the people of -drawing scenes
Maycomb for causing Tom’s death.
• At the end of the chapter Scout grows up a little bit
more after reading
Mr Underwood’s article. She realises that despite
what seemed like a
fair trial, “Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella
Ewell opened her
mouth and screamed.

What happens in Chapter 26

and who is involved?
• The new school year starts in September, which, in
America is the end
of the summer. Scout has a new teacher, Miss Gates.
• Miss Gates criticises Hitler and the German
government for persecuting
(treating harshly and unfairly) Jewish people. She
says Germany is a
dictatorship, which is a kind of government in which
the leader has
complete power. She tells the children that America
is a where people are not persecuted .

The central character in a story is called the


In To Kill a Mockingbird the protagonist is Scout.

The antagonist is a character who opposes, or is in

conflict with, the protagonist.

In To Kill a Mockingbird one of the main

protagonists is Bob Ewell.
Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week: 6&7


6 Understanding the Students will: read What happens in Chapter 27 Text: “ To Kill A Presentation
text: “ To Kill A and analyze chapter and who is involved? -analyzing the Mockingbird”
Mockingbird” 27-28 of the text • Someone breaks into the home of Judge Taylor, contents of the
who was the judge in novel Work book
Tom Robinson’s court case. It seems likely that this
person is Bob Ewell. -asks and answer Internet
Students will: • Mr Link Deas has given Helen Robinson a job so questions
recognize the what is that she can support
Symbolism and her family. He tells Bob Ewell that he will have him -writing up on the
identify symbols put in jail if he does events of each
from the novel anything to harm Helen. chapters
• The town prepares for the Halloween pageant. In
the pageant Scout is to -role play
dress up as a leg of ham. For this, she will wear a
costume made of wire
and covered in fabric which makes it difficult for her
to see and to move.

What happens in Chapter 28

and who is involved?
• Scout and Jem walk to the pageant, which is held at
night in the high
school auditorium (hall). On the way, Cecil Jacobs
jumps out of the dark,
giving them a fright.
• The pageant is long and Scout falls asleep before it
is her turn to go on
stage. She has to be called loudly (“Po-ork!”) and
she arrives on stage
late, so the audience laughs at her.
• After the pageant, Jem realises that Scout is upset
about being laughed
at and he tries to comfort her. This shows that he is
kind and cares
about Scout.
• When she and Jem are walking home they are
attacked by a man with
a knife. They are saved by an unknown person,
although Jem’s arm is
badly broken in the fight. This unknown person
carries Jem home.
• After Atticus calls Heck Tate to investigate, the
sheriff finds Bob Ewell’s
body at the scene of the attack.
• Aunt Agatha shows that she is not always mean.
She is very sympathetic
to Scout and tries to comfort her.
7 Understanding the Students will: read What happens in Chapter 29 Presentation
text:“ To Kill A and analyze chapter and who is involved? analyzing the Text: “ To Kill A
Mockingbird” 29-31 of the text and • The family is shocked when Heck Tate tells them contents of the Mockingbird” Asking and
examine the tone that Bob Ewell is dead. novel answering
used in the novel • Scout tells Heck and Atticus what she remembers Work book questions
about the attack on -asks and answer
her and Jem. questions Internet
• Scout realises that the man who saved them is Boo
(Arthur) Radley. -writing up on the
events of each
What happens in Chapter 30
and who is involved? -role play
• Atticus believes it was Jem who stabbed Bob
Ewell. Heck Tate tells him -drawing scenes
it was not Jem, but Atticus thinks Heck is just being
• Heck tells Atticus that Bob Ewell tripped over a
root and fell on his own
• It becomes clear that Heck knows it was Boo, not
Jem, who stabbed Bob
Ewell to save the children. However, Heck says that
he is not going to
arrest Boo. Boo would be damaged by all the
• When Atticus asks Scout whether she understands
why Boo will not be
put on trial, she replies that she does. Scout says that
to put Boo on trial
would be “sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird”.
What happens in Chapter 31 and
who is involved?

• Atticus asks Scout to take Boo home.

• She takes him home and then stands on the steps of
his house, thinking about how Boo would view the
town. She is learning how to do what
Atticus believes it is important for everyone to do:
think about other people’s situations.
• The novel ends with descriptions of Atticus caring
lovingly for Scout and Jem.
Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week: 8


8 Themes Students will: THEMES -identifying and Text: Discussion
become aware of the Good vs Evil discussing the major
themes of the text. Social inequality themes of the text Work book
Love and family relationship
Education -asks and answer Internet

-writing up on the
Writing Essays Students will: Steps on essay writing themes
become aware of
writing essays  Decide on your topic
 Prepare on outline or diagram of your
 Write a thesis statement
 Write introduction
 Write the body
-write the main points
-write the subpoints
-elaborate on the subpoints
Write the conclusion
Subject :English ‘B’ Grade: 9 Week: 9,10,11


9 Revision

10 End of Term Test

11 Corrective Teaching

Signature of Head Teacher:-……………………………………………………………..

Signature of H.O.D:-………………………………………………………………………….

Signature of Teacher:-………………………………………………………………………

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