Notebook 2010

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Notebook Week 1-5g:

On Anxiety

Why is anxiety becoming more of an issue? Every year, anxiety amongst teens seems to

dramatically increase in the United States. What is causing anxiety? Is anxiety purely genetic? Is

our society contributing to the rise in anxiety? Anxiety is different for everyone, yet there are

trends in anxiety cases that cause people to question how anxiety disorders are created. What

does it mean to have anxiety? How does it affect one’s daily life? How many people have

anxiety yet don’t express it? Some people may say that anxiety is not an issue, yet there are

millions of people who are affected by it. Anxiety can affect so many aspects of a person’s life.

What are ways to deal with anxiety? How is anxiety so easily camouflaged?​ ​Anxiety is an issue

and people need to know how to fix it. Assumptions that people make about anxiety is that these

people are just stressed. Some people think that anxiety is just nervousness or stress over a

situation. There is a huge stigma about all types of mental illnesses. There is a wide variety of

stereotypes about someone who is diagnosed with anxiety or another mental illness. Some people

may believe that these people are crazy or that they are just faking it. These stigmas need to be

removed. Our society needs to be comfortable with talking about anxiety because so many

people are affected by it, yet people are not willing to talk or listen about it.

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