Manual BRS Config

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Manual Bank Reconciliation

Main Bank GL Account : 200200 - HDFC BANK A/C

HDFC Outgoing Payments GL a/c : 200220
HDFC Incoming payments GL a/c : 200230

GL Accounts Creation:
Main Bank GL Account : 200200 - HDFC BANK A/C
Outgoing Payment Bank GL a/c
Incoming payment Bank GL a/c
Outgoing Payment: After BRS Entry would be

Dr. Outgoing Account

Cr. Main Bank Account

Incoming Payment: After BRS Entry would be

Dr. Main Bank Account

Cr. Incoming Account
# Configuration (SPRO) Settings

SPRO Bank Accounting  BT  Payment Transactions Manual Bank Statement

There are three steps to be performed in settings for manual bank statement.

1. Define Variant for Manual Bank Statement

Select the Standard Variant and copy as to our company code:

Any message enter

After this select the variant and Click on Activate

If you do not want to work with the standard variant, you can deactivate it. New variants must be
activated after you create them.
2. Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement

Under this node, you define all the posting rules you need for bank statement entry, including a
key for each rule. The key determines the posting rules for general ledger and subledger
accounting. The posting rule represents the business transactions recorded in the bank statement,
such as:
- Incoming check
- Credit memo
- Debit memo
• Create Account Symbols: We can create new account symbols thru ‘New Entries’and
filling the Account Symbol and Text for it.

Same screen continues below:

‘BANK’ is the
account symbol for
the Main Bank
• Now select the created account symbol and go to assign accounts to Account Symbol.e.g
Select Bank Account and go to assign accounts to account symbol.Similarly do it for
Incoming and Outgoing account symbols.

Go to New Entries and Provide the Main Bank GL Account

For Outgoing checks – GL Mapping

Take New Entries for Assign Accounts to Account Symbol – and then provide the outgoing
payments GL a/c  SAVE
For Incoming payments – GL a/c Mapping

Take New Entries for Assign Accounts to Account Symbol – and then provide the incoming
payments GL a/c  SAVE

For BANK Charges – 400010 - GL a/c Mapping

Take New Entries for Assign Accounts to Account Symbol – and then provide the Bank Charges
GL a/c  SAVE
• Create Keys for Posting Rules

Note:- Select the existing standard Posting rules – for Outgoing Check payment, Incoming
Check Payments and Bank charges paid. Use Copy as function and create our own keys for
Posting Rules.

Create your own

Posting rules
starting with “Z”.
Create rules for
Checks ,Incoming
Payments & Other
Outgoings. This is
only description
and has no control

Change the Names of the posting Rule – [ any name]  SAVE

• Define Posting Rules :
This is final look. In actual go to New
entries and another screen will appear .
Finally define Posting Rules

This is the posting rule we

just now defined i.e
PS01 , PS02, PS03.
For Outgoing Checks – Posting Rule during BRS:

Dr. Outgoing
Cr. Main Bank

So 50 is given for
BANK(which is
defined for Main
GL account for
House Bank)

Document Type ZR – [ Separate Document type preferred for Bank Reconciliation Entries.
Do not Enter Posting Key on Debit Side – Not required here.
For Incoming Checks – Posting Rule during BRS:

Dr. Main Account

Cr. Incoming Bank

So 40 is given for
BANK(which is
defined for Main
GL account for
House Bank)

For Bank Charges – Posting Rule during BRS:

3. Create and Assign Business Transactions
In this step you store an indicator for each business transaction and allocate a posting rule to
each business transaction. Several business transactions usually refer to the same posting

Transactions : This we have to define e.g PS01 (usually same as the Posting rules)

+/- : This stands for the sign for Incoming amount.

Posting Rule : Which we have defined in previous steps.

Acct . Modifiable : usually not req. until we want to direct the posting to a different bank sub
account instead of to a standard bank sub account.

Int .Algorithm : An interpretation algorithm enables you to find separate outgoing payments
using the reference information returned by the bank.

Define all the types

of payments
transactions i.e
PS01 – Outgoing
Pay. Check etc.
Int Algthm - 21 – Means for Incoming payments from customers,
we have to give the check number in the reference field while
entering incoming payment document. This is mandatory to do the
reconciliation and to identify the document by the system
** Configuration Settings end here.*******************
# User End Transactions For Running Bank Reconciliation:

Transaction – FF67
Statement entry is usually a two-step process:
• First, you enter the account line items in the system. Various tools are available to help
you with this. You can vary the row format for entering individual transactions.
In addition, the system supports individual account determination and checks data
• The second step is to post the line items you have entered.

In the manual bank statement function, you can create up to two postings for each line item.
• A bank account posting (for example, debit bank account and credit bank clearing
• A sub ledger posting (for example, debit bank clearing account and credit customer
account with clearing)

For the first payment, fill in details and give the Closing balance (no opening balance).

If already exists: Press Overview to look for all the statements posted in the selected house
To enter a new statement click on last posted statement and click “New Statement’.

New Statement No. , date and Opening balance will come automatically. Now Give the
closing balance (from the bank statement if you have that or do not give any amount if
testing at own).

Press Enter
In Bank Ref. give the check no. in case of check payments or reference fields in case check is
not available (incoming payments).This shld be the reference field in the bank line item as

The Doc. No. field shld not be filled at this time. It will get populated after the postings to
main bank account happen.

The balance at the bottom shld tally to post the statement.

Now to save .Then press to come back to main screen.

At the main Screen in the last tab “Further Processing” give the session name to identify ur
session in the batch sessions.

In these scenarios we are making posting only to bank and not to sub ledgers also but no need
to check the box ‘bank postings only’.
A batch input session will be created.

Now go to SM35 / System  services  batch input  sessions

Select your batch and process in background. This will do the postings to main bank account.
At the end the session will disappear from SM35.But in case of any error the session will not
disappear from SM35.

Reprocessing of Bank Statement:

In case if some reference or amount is incorrect we have to reprocess the batch.

Just process/execute the batch again from SM35. Now select the line items manually and
post them (by pressing enter button).

On completion the batch session from SM35 will disappear.

Now check the postings in the main bank.

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