The Impacts of Having An Authoritarian Parents To A Child

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A Research Paper
Presented to
Silvin Federic R. Maceren
Proverbs Ville Academy, Foundation
Incorporated Lapu-Lapu City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in
Practical Research 2 For Senior High school

Chapter 1

The Problem


In child’s life starting from infancy until adolescence, parents play an important role.

Different styles of child rearing will lead to differences in personality, attitudes and behavior of

children and the way they interact with others. The way how parents brought up the child will

determine who she/he will be when the child grow up.

Parenting styles of parents have a great impact on a child’s life and will have a great

influence over the child’s socialization, attitudes and behavior and personality development since

parents plays an important role as the child’s first caregiver.

Authoritarian parenting is one of the parenting styles in Baumrind’s theory. This kind of

parenting may have high expectations of their children and have very strict rules that they expect

to be followed unconditionally. It is a restrictive, punitive parenting style in which parents make

their children to follow their directions and to respect their works and efforts.

Dianna Baumrind described the authoritarian pattern, somewhat more formally, as being

high in demandingness on the part of the parents and low in parental responsiveness to the child,

that study creates an impact on the outcome of the improvement of child’s socialization,

behavior, attitude and personality development.

The Accountancy Business Management grade 12 students in Proverbs Ville Academy

Foundation has been chosen as a population for the study. The reality in terms of the requisites of

being an accountancy student may have been laborious to them who have ventured into this
strand. To mention a few of the task an accountancy student must face, the researchers has put

emphasis on the following: completion duties- spending eight hours a day, six days a week of

studying, beating up deadlines for major projects, studying in preparation for announced,

unannounced quizzes and major examinations.

This fact triggers the researchers’ interest with regards to how these children function and

how their parents handles them. These responsibilities brought the researchers to make a

necessary inquiry of the quality and prioritization done by the parents to their child with hope of

helping them realize the parenting style they are using and the effects of the parenting style to the

development of their children. This research can also help enlighten parents to be aware on what

style of parenting that is needed in disciplining their children in able to avoid negative effects

towards them.

Theoretical Background

In psychology, today, there are four major recognized parenting styles: authoritative,

neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Each one carries different characteristics and brings

about different reactions in the children which they are used on. It is important to keep in mind

that every parent child relationship is different, so there is not one sure fire way to go about

parenting. Parents should be aware of the growth stages common to all children and of parents’

challenge to nurture each child’s sense of basic socialization, attitude and behavior and

personality development.

Dianna Baumrind’s theory described the authoritarian pattern, somewhat more formally

as being high in demandingness on the part of the parents and low in parental responsiveness to
the child’s that study creates an impact on the outcome of the improvements of child’s

socialization, behavior, attitude and personality development.

One of the best known theories of parenting style was developed by Diana Baumrind:

Authoritarian parenting style also called “Autocratic parenting”. It is one of the three parenting

styles originally propounded by developmental psychologist Dianna Baumrind in the 1960s.

Authoritative Parenting Style

The authoritarian parent attempts to shape, control, and evaluate the behavior and

attitudes of the child in accordance with a set standard of conduct. The parent values obedience

as a virtue and favors punitive, forceful measures to curb self-will at points where the child’s

actions or beliefs conflict with what she thinks is right conduct. She believes in keeping the

child in his place, in restricting his autonomy and in assigning household responsibilities to

inculcate respect for work. She regards the preservation of order and traditional structure as a

highly-valued end. She doesn’t encourage verbal give and take, believing that the child should

accept her word for what is right.

This kind of parenting, punish the child for failures while ignoring the kid’s achievement.

They expect the child to obey them by all means. An authoritarian parent typically believes,

“You (the child) need to listen to me because I said so”. This is a parent who is likely to degrade

a child and ignore the child’s point of view.

Authoritarian parents expect much of their child but do not explains the rules at all.

Authoritarian parents are most likely to hit a child as a form of punishment. The resulting child

from this type of parenting as the parent generally predicts what the child should do instead of

allowing the child to choose by him/herself. The children also rarely look to others to decide
what is right. These children are often the most vulnerable to enter relationships with or marry

equally and controlling partners or develop when they enter adulthood. Although, arguably this

maybe genetic as mental illness sometimes might be the reason behind some of the more extreme

cases of authoritarian parents. On the opposite side of the spectrum, some children might also

rebel by openly defying the parents by leaving home at a younger age, partaking in drugs,

alcohol, and sexual behavior at a much younger age than some of their peers as well and/or

marrying a partner whom they know their parents would disapprove of an often might be

estranged from their parents during adulthood. Many people who grew up with authoritarian

parents have sometimes mentioned feeling a sense of relief whenever one or both of their parents


Conceptual Framework





Statement of the Problem

This study determined the authoritarian parenting style among grade 12 senior high

school, Accountancy Business Management students at Proverbs Ville Academy

Specifically, this study answered the following questions:

1. Is there a relationship between authoritarian parenting style and the student’s behavior,

attitude, socialization, and personality development?

2. What challenges or obstacles did children met in having an authoritarian parent?

3. Does authoritarian parenting can help their children to be well-disciplined in terms of

responsibility in their home, academic performance and their personality?

Significance of the Study

This study renders substantial benefits to the following individuals:

PARENTS. This study enhances parent’s awareness, which can help them to change of adjust

their personal style in parenting to one that is more helpful to their children.

STUDENTS. This study assists them appreciate how they are brought up by their parents who

help them in creating their beliefs, values and attitudes that made them as who they are now.

COMMUNITY. This study would be of great importance to the community. Being part of the

larger society, family’s functioning may encourage government and other agencies in

strengthening parenting programs and seminars that can be promulgated.

RESEARCHERS. With this study, the researchers would be able to determine the implication

of Authoritarian parenting style on improvement of student’s socialization, behavior and attitude,

and personality development.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This could serve as a channel for them in conducting their study

and would help them gather their data for their research and for those other researcher who wish

to improve the scope of this study.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus only on authoritarian parenting style and the impact of having this

kind of parenting style to the child’s behavior, attitude, socialization and personality


This study will also determine the students who experience authoritarian parenting style.

This study, however, will not judge the parents who have this kind of parenting style

towards their child. This study will also not give any comments in Dianna Baumrind’s theory.

Definition of Terms

Authoritarian Parenting Style — It refers to the parenting style wherein the parents clearly

define rules as to expect his or her child or children to follow without questioning.

Authoritative Parenting Style — A constellation of parent attributes that includes emotional

support, high standards, appropriate autonomy granting, and clear, bidirectional communication

has been shown to help children and adolescents develop an instrumental competence

characterized by the balancing of societal and individual needs and responsibilities.

Autocratic Parenting Style — Another term of authoritarian parenting.

Behavior — It refers to a response of the respondent based on his or her action as a person to the


Neglectful Parenting Style — In which parents show little to zero attention to their children.
Permissive Parenting Style — In which parents are tolerant and accepting toward the child's

impulses, use as little punishment as possible, make few demands for mature behavior, and allow

considerable self- regulation by the child.

Personality Development — It refers to the long-term changes of the respondent on their

motivations to achieve or to socialize, their values and goals, their coping styles, their sense of

responsibility and conscientiousness, and many other qualities are encompassed into personality.

Socialization — It refers to the respondents’ process by which the social order is involuntarily

and (if necessary) coercively transferred onto a person.

Students — It refers to the respondent of the study who is in the Senior high school,

Accountancy Business Management grade 12 students of Proverbs Ville Academy of school year

2018 – 2019.

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