Technology Helping Human Resource Departments On Employee Development and Training

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“ Technology helping Human

Resource departments on
Employee Development and
Training ”

The scope of E-Learning and Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Written by Eduardo Liuzzi

Instructor: Cathy Zumberge

Executive Summary

Development and Training in Human Resources departments has become

vital to the success of any modern organizations. The ability of a company to reach

its goals depends on the attitudes, skills and knowledge that employees gain from

training and development.

The main idea of this paper is to understand the scope of two trendy topics

when speaking about Training and Development: E-Learning and Learning

Management Systems (LMS).

Development and Training Objectives

Development and Training play a central hole in strengthening the

competences of an organization and because of this has become part of the

principles of strategic management.

Human Resources departments conduct frequent assessments of the

company's requirements and the level of employee attainment. From the

assessments they develop specific training objectives and determine the best ways

to help employees meet these objectives.

Most corporations are investing more in training for three primary reasons:

▪ Economic growth is putting greater demands on training.

▪ Talent shortages are being felt in all industry sectors. Consequently,

companies are putting more emphasis on training current employees

for new roles.

▪ Focus on talent management. Organizations are increasingly

recognizing that learning and development is part of an integrated

talent management process.


E-Learning is a kind of training that takes place via electronic media. It covers

a wide variety of applications such as Web and computer-based training and virtual

classrooms. As soon as it takes place via any electronic media, it also includes

delivery of content via the Internet, intranets and extranets, TV, DVD, CD-ROM, and

MP3 players.

This method of training makes it possible to provide drill and practice,

problem-solving, simulation and others very sophisticated forms of individualized

tutorial instruction being more engaging for learners than the traditional method.

As advantages of e-learning we can consider that, as soon as it can be

delivered directly to PC of many employees it is cheaper for the employers to

administer. E-learning also allows employees to search online training options in

order to customize their own training in their own time and space.

Learning Management System

Also referred to as “Virtual Learning Environments”, the Learning

Management System (LMS) is an on-line system that provides a variety of

assessment, communication, teaching, and learning opportunities. It is a software

application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of

training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training

content. A LMS should be able to do the following:

▪ Centralize and automate administration

▪ Use self-service and self-guided services

▪ Assemble and deliver learning content rapidly

▪ Consolidate training initiatives on a scalable web-based platform

▪ Support portability and standards

By using this software, managers can assess the skills of employees, register

them for courses, evaluate and track their progress and determine when they are

ready to be promoted.


Employee development and training trough e-learning methods and learning

management systems is a topic, which is in constantly change and evolution. The

tight labor market, mixed with the increased focus on performance and learning

strategies, is forcing an alignment between training and HR. The technology came to

help us, not to confuse us!


▪ Textbook “Principles of Human Resource Management – 15e” by Snell


▪ HR Management Report Website:

▪ Article “Top Trends in E-learning and Corporate Training” by Josh


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