Biology Syllabus

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Xavier High School

Biology Syllabus
Teacher: Nadia Perla
Textbook: Miller & Levine (Pearson) Biology Textbook (with the Macaw on the front

Purpose of Course:
Biology is the study of life. The course includes the study of the structure and function
of living organisms, energy transformations, comparative survey of life processes,
diversity of life, and the interdependence of organisms and their environment.
Investigations emphasize process skill development and safe manipulation of laboratory
equipment and materials in the field and laboratory. The purpose of this course is to
present biology content within a pattern of unifying themes that helps students
understand the larger significance of the details they are learning. Students will be
asked to think critically about concepts and relate them to the world in which they live.

Summary of course content:

● The Science of Biology
● Ecology
● Cells
● Genetics
● Evolution
● Plants
● Animals

Grading Policy
Grades are based on both points and percentages.
Tests 30%
Labs/Projects 20%
Quizzes 25%
Classwork 10%

Semester Exams 15%

Unit Grades 85%
Academic Integrity:
Any form of cheating, including (but not limited to) plagiarism, copying, forgery, and
falsification will not be tolerated in this course. Any student caught cheating will receive
a zero for that assignment and a parent/guardian will be notified. Disciplinary action will
be taken in accordance with school policy.

Course Resources:

Canvas is an online portal for students to access and submit assignments. The option to
complete this course on Canvas is primarily geared to students who cannot attend class
at Xavier Academy, and need to complete their work at home or in a long-distance
learning environment.

Several additional resources for extra help are available through Canvas and include
(but are not limited to) the following sources:
● Bozeman Science
● Kahn Academy Crash Course Biology
● Amoeba Sisters YouTube Channel

The primary resource for this class is the Miller & Levine (Pearson) Biology Textbook.
Guided notes and activities follow the chapters noted at the top of each assignment.

Biology Grade Improvement Options

I. Bonus Points for the Test: Bonus questions may be options at the end of tests and
will be clearly marked along with point values
II. Redeeming Stickers: Stickers will be awarded for excellent effort and high quality
work throughout the school year. For every 5 stickers you collect, you can redeem one
bonus point. Stickers must be marked and signed by Emily before redeeming the points.
III. Quiz & Test Corrections: If a student scores below a 75 on a quiz/test, they may
complete quiz/test corrections. The student will get half the points back for each
corrected question however the total score cannot exceed 75 points. The quiz/test
corrections include:
a. Create a table that includes
Question # New Answer Textual Evidence
5. e. Cell Wall The main function of
the cell wall is to
provide support and
protection for the cell.
(Ch. 7, Pg. 138)
b. Fill out each section for each question that you missed.
i. Write the question number.
ii. Write out the correct answer to the question.
iii. Provide textual evidence to support the correct answer.
1. The textual evidence may come from your notes or your textbook.
2. You MUST include the chapter and page number of name of the notes
and the section of where the correct answer came from.
c. Test corrections MUST be completed in class or during tutorials only. They must be
completed no later than ONE WEEK from the day the test grades are posted.
d. Make certain that all corrections are in fact correct. Points will not be returned for any
incorrect answers.

Grades will be documented and updated on Canvas, however official grades are
accessed through RenWeb. Canvas grades will not reflect the correct overall average,
as it does not consider the weight and percentages of assessments, labs, and

Anything not covered in this syllabus is subject to the guidelines in the Student
Handbook and the teacher’s discretion

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