Russia Law Enforcement

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Russia Law Enforcement

Official name: Russian Federation Money: Ruble

Area: 17, 075, 200 square kilometers Major Mountain Ranges: Ural, Altay

Population: 144, 125, 000 Major Rivers: Amur, Iena, OB, Volga,


 Almost as big as Pluto: 17 million sq. km compared to Pluto at 17.6 million

sq. km.

 Home to Oymyakon, the coldest inhabited place on Earth. On 6th

February 1933, its weather station recorded a temperature of -67.8 °C.

 Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world and contains about 20% of the
world’s unfrozen freshwater

 Russia shares a border with 14 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia,

Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, China, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan, Mongolia and North Korea.
 One of the most interesting facts about Russia is that, at their closest point,
Russia and the US are a mere 4km (2.5m) apart. Big Diomede Island is a
part of Russia while Little Diomede Island is a part of the American state of


 Life expectancy: 63 years (men), 75 years (women)

 National Holiday: the most celebrated -Victory Day

 Nationality/Demonym: Russian (“Rossiyane” for the nationality, Russkiye for

the ethnicity)

 Language –Russian

 Religions: Russian Orthodox 15-20%, Muslim 10-15%, other Christian 2%

Note: A majority of Russians are non-practicing or are not members of any

religion. Russia officially recognizes Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and
Buddhism as traditional religions

The economy is based on a vast supply of natural resources, including oil, coal,
iron ore, gold and aluminium

People and Culture

 Population 142,257,519

 about 120 ethnic groups who speaks more than a hundred languages
 Other major groups include Tatars who came with the Mongol invaders
and Ukraine

 known all over the world for its thinkers and artists, including writer like Leo
Tolstoy, composers such as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and ballet dancers


 President: Vladimir Putin (Since 2012)

 Prime Minister: Dmitry Medvedev (Since 2012)

 Federal Government

 Russia is a federation of 86 republics, provinces, territories and districts, all

controlled by the government in Moscow

 Regional governments generally have inadequate tax revenue to support

mandatory items in their budgets which have barely been able to cover
wages for teachers and police. The budgets of regional governments also
are overburdened by pensions.

Law Enforcement

Here is a Brief background of Police force;

2011 the MILITSIYA was changed to Politsiya----which means police


Russian police Emblem Russian Police badge

Motto: We serve Russia, we serve the law!

Law Enforcement Agencies

1. Investigative committee

 Main investigative agency

 Responsible for

 inspecting the police forces

 combating police corruption and police misconduct

 Investigates into local authorities and federal

government bodies

2. Ministry of internal affairs

a. Police

 Here is a Brief background of Police force;

 2011 the MILITSIYA was changed to Politsiya----which means




 Ministry of Internal Affairs---- counterpart in the Philippines is




 Governing body-Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia)

 Headquarters :Zhitnaya 6, Okhotny Ryad, Moscow

b. Traffic Police Department

 State Automobile Inspectorate (Gosudarstvennaya

Avtomobilnaya Inspektsiya),

 Formed on July 3, 1936.

 Responsible for regulation of traffic, traffic accidents, and

managing stop light

 In 1961 it was merged with the Road Traffic Control


 GAI was renamed GIBDD - General Administration for Traffic


 Migration

c. Migration Affairs Department

 Formed on April 5, 2016

 Russian Migratory Police

 Responsible for Regulation of migration laws, drafting and

implementing national migration policy and for legal
regulation of migration

d. Main Directorate for drugs Control

 Formed April 5, 2016

 Responsible for regulation of Narcotics and investigations of

drug crimes

3. National Guard of Russia

a. National Guard Forces

 Founded April 5, 2016
 Missions
 National Defense
 public order
 border control
 counter terrorist operations
 possible counter weight to the regular armed
forces, esp during wartime periods as may be
called by the president
 security

 The Special Forces Police Detachment (Otryad militsii
osobogo naznacheniya--OMON)
 commonly known as the Black Berets
 Established in 1987,
 Assigned to emergency situations such as hostage crises,
widespread public disturbances, and terrorist threats.
 OMON units have the best
 and most up-to-date
 weapons and combat
 equipment available, and they
 enjoy a reputation for courage
 And effectiveness.

 Formed February 10, 1992
 Spetsial’niy Otryad Bystrovo Reagirovania
 Special Rapid Response Unit
 2002- OMSN (Ortryad Militsii Spetsial’nogo Naznacheniya)
 Mission:
 focused on Urban Public Security Action
 Fight against organized crime gangs
d. Naval Service
 Formed 1978
 Water police and coast guard
 Mission
 Conducts lifesaving operations in strategic
waters together with Ministry of Emergency
Situation (if necessary)
 Wartime and peace functions as the inland
and coastal counter weight

4. Federal Protective Service

 Found May 27, 1996

 FSO (Federalnaya Sluzhba Okhrany)

 Operates secure communication system for senior government


 Controls Cheget that can be used in the event of global

nuclear was

a. Presidential Security Service

 Formed November 11 19193
 Protects
 President
 Prime Minister
 And their respective families and residences

5. Federal Security Service

 Formed April 12, 1995

 Principal security agency of Russia

 Main responsibility

 Counter intelligence
 Internal and border security

 Counter terrorism

 Surveillance

9 Divisions

I. Counter Espionage

II. Service for defense of constitutional order and fight against


III. Border service

IV. Economic security service

V. Current information and international links

VI. Organizational; and personnel service

VII. Monitoring department

VIII. Scientific and technical service

IX. Organizational security service

a. Boarder Guard Service

 Formed June 12, 1992
 Tasked with patrol of the Russian Borders
 Border Guards or Border Troops (Around 170,000 active

6. Federal Service for alcohol market regulation

 Formed December 31m 2008

 Responsible

o drafting and implementing state policy and legal


o Control production and trafficking of alcohols

7. Federal penitentiary service

 Formed March 12, 1979

 Main Prison Directorate

 Russian Federal Service of Punishment Fulfilment

 Responsible for Security and maintenance of prisons

8. Ministry for emergency situation

 Formed December 27, 1990

 EMERCOM (Emergency Control Ministry)

 Duties

 Directing activities aimed at eliminating the

consequences of large-scale disasters, catastrophes
and other emergencies

 Supervises the use of finance resources allocated to

the government for disaster management and

9. Federal Customs Service of Russia

 Formed 1994

 Under ministry for Economic Development

 Regulates customs

10. Military Police

 Formed March 25, 2015

 Uniformed law enforcement branch of the Russian Armed Forces

 investigates crimes against property and crimes against person

(except: murder and rape)
Police Organization

Criminal Police Service: Criminal Investigations Department

 Main Office for Criminal Investigation
 Main Office for Combating Economic and Tax Crimes
 Office for Operational Investigation Information
 Co-ordination Office of Criminal Police Service
 Main Office for Public Order Maintenance
 Main Directorate for Road Traffic Safety (police Main Office of the
Interior for Restricted Facilities
 Main Office of Interdepartmental Security Guard Service
 Co-ordination Office of Public Security Service
 Main Office of the Interior for Transport and Special Transportation
 Office for Passports and Visas
 External Labour Migration Department
 Legal Office
 Office for Crisis Situations
 Office for Resource Provisions
 Finance and Economy Office
2. Logistical Service
 Office for Material and Technical Support
 Finance and Economy Department
 Medical Office
 Office for Communication and Automation
 Office for Capital Construction
 Co-ordination Office of Logistical Service
 General Services Office
3. Independent Divisions
 Office of Affairs - the Secretariat
 Main Office for Internal Security -Internal affairs
 Control and Auditing Office
 MVD Inquiry Committee
 Forensic Expertise Center
 Main Office for Organization and Inspection
The MVD Inspector General
 Main Office for (Special) Investigations
Special branch

 National Central Bureau for Interpol

 Mobilization Training Office
 Main Center for Information
 Main Legal Office
 Office for International Co-operation
 Office for Information Regional Contacts
 Main office for Drug Enforcement (former FSKN)
 Main office for Migration issues (former Federal Migratory Service)

Police Hierarchy/ Organization

Six Categories:

1. Supreme Officers/ General Officers

2. Senior Officers/ Field grade Officers
3. Junior Officers/ Company Grade Officers
4. Under- Officers/ Master Non-Commissioned Officers
5. Sergeants and Pretty Officers
6. Soldiers

1. Supreme Officers/ General Officers


 ARMY GENERAL- Senior rank of General

 COLONEL GENERAL-Senior rank of General


2. Senior Officers/Field Grade Officers Category

 COLONEL- Denoted as the commanding officer of the entire regiment.

 LIEUTENANT COLONEL- Commands a specific group of battalions.

 MAJOR- Command auxiliary areas of the entire regiment.

3. Junior Officers/Company Grade Officers Category

 CAPTAIN- Commands a company.

 SENIOR LIEUTENANT- Supervises the work of sergeant, detectives and other

junior officers.

 LIEUTENANT-Act as a shift commander.

 JUNIOR LIEUTENANT- Assists the senior lieutenants in emergency situations

and normal duties.

4. Under-Officers/Master Non-Commissioned Officers Category

 SENIOR WARRANT OFFICER- Acts as a technical leader, supervisor and


 WARRANT OFFICER- They are responsible for organizing equipment,

materials and various technical systems.

5. Sergeants and Pretty Officers Category

 MASTER SERGEANT- Teaches the subordinates about the technical aspects

of the weapons and about the troubleshooting phenomenon.

 SENIOR SERGEANT- Responsible for providing training and guidance to

the fighting forces.

 SERGEANT-Work for the municipal departments and are responsible for

various disciplinary measures.

 JUNIOR SERGEANT- Provide guidance to the troops on police justice issues.

6. Soldiers Category

 EFREITOR-They are senior soldiers, promoted after gaining experience.

 PRIVATE- They are junior and introductory level soldi

*The Russian Police do not use the rank of corporal.

There is a four star police rank, General of the Police of the Russian Federation.
The rank is only newly established.

The following special ranks shall be conferred on police officer:

1) Rank and file officers: private of police;

2) junior commanding staff: junior sergeant of police, sergeant of police,

senior sergeant of police, sergeant-major of police, warrant officer of
police, senior warrant officer of police;

3) Medium commanding staff: junior lieutenant of police, lieutenant of

police, senior lieutenant of police, captain of police;
4) Senior commanding staff: major of police, sub colonel of police,
colonel of police;

5) Chief commanding staff: major-general of police, lieutenant-general of

police, colonel-general of police, general of police of the Russian

Recruitment and Selection

 Must be a Russian citizen

 At least 18 to 35 years old of irrespective of sex, race, ethnicity, origin,
property, and office status, residence, attitude to religion, conviction
 In command of the state language of the Russian Federation
 at least secondary (complete) general education background
 Does not have any Criminal records
 Capable by virtue of their personal and business qualities, physical fitness
and health condition to exercise the duties of a police officer.


Best Policing System

Community Policing System

*Storefront ministrations

Police ministrations are part of the effort to decentralize the police and bring
them closer to the communities they serve.

Ministation are usually set up in accessible areas and staffed by a mix of sworn
police officers, paid civilians and unpaid volunteers.

Law Enforcement

Motto: We serve Russia, we serve the law!

Submitted By:

Cabutaje, Bernado

Laigo, Veronica

Dioaoyan, Glycel

Pingaping, Lynette

Sano, Ian James

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