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Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


According to Ali, Mahawod, Yeop, (2009) "Bring minds make bright

futures" prepatory children now a day are far better than before they are more advance in

teaching and more capable of absorbing the methods of learning that used with the. Modern

teaching accompanied modules and analytical measure develop the preschoolers and memory

retention that reserve as a foundation of their education. Teenagers today are more willing and

not afraid to try to discover new ways and method of learning. The student learning plays an

important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and

manpower for the country this responsible for the country economic and social development.

In addition, Stephan and Schaban (2002) said that performance of the student is

environmental factor. Through this factor strongly influence the performance of the grade

seven students but this factor differs from country to country a person to person. Most of the

previous studies on academic performance of grade seven students focus on such issues like

teacher education, class environment, teaching style, family educational background and socio

economic factor. The majority of the research in the world applied the GPS to assess the

performance of the student.

In other hand Misha (2014) said that student's performance was affected by

shortage of English teacher and absence of teaching and learning materials.However,her

findings showed that,the presence of untrained under - qualified and trained teacher who are

incompetent resulted to skip teaching some difficult topics in the syllabus and student and

infrequent use of English language at school and home,large class size,teachers

responsibilities,poor conductive teaching and learning environment in the classroom,limited

home support environment and poverty are among the factor that affecting students academic

performance in English language.

Students performance at the level of secondary has the strong impact on the other

level of higher and tertiary education.The chapter includes an explanation on why this topic

will be important, research problem, the purpose and significant in the specific research

question along with the delimitation of the Study

Theoretical Framework

This study hinged on Gagne's theory condition learning. This theory stipulates that there

are several different types of level of learning. The significance of these classifications is that

each different type requires different types of instructions. Gagne identifies five major skill

categories of learning. Verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, major skill

and attitudes. Different internal and external condition are necessary for each type of learning.

For example, for cognitive strategies to be applied on grade seven student to be learned

attitudes, the learner must be exposed a creative role model or persuassive visualization.

The most famous and leading theory of cognitive development is that of swiss

psychologist jean Piaget theory, first published in 1952, grew out of decades of broad

observation of grade seven student reacted to their environment, he projected a more active

role for them than that suggested by learning theory. He envied a grade seven students’

knowledge as composed of schemas, basic unit of knowledge used to prepare past experience

and since as a basic unit of knowledge use to prepare past and sense as a basis of understanding

of ones.

At the center of Piaget theory is the principle that cognitive development occurs in a

series of four district, universal stages, each characterized by increasingly repined and nine –

figurative levels of thought. One of these stages is the pre- operational stage (toddler hood and
early childhood) in this period which has two sub stages, intelligence in demonstrated through

the use of symbol. Language use mature and memory and imagination ate develop but thinking

is done in a non-logical revisable manner.

Meanwhile, according to Cummins (2013), cognitive academic language proficiency is

the type of language needed in the educational settings. Classroom activities like reading,

writing, participating in formal conversations and taking exams are some of the tasks that

require cognitive academic language proficiency. Thus, students who have not yet developed

their cognitive academic language proficiency may encounter difficulties in learning science,

mathematics and other academic subjects. The theory on cognitive academic language

proficiency, therefore, provided a reason to study and investigate the relationship between

English language proficiency and the language environment and language preference of Grade

9 Junior High Students. Based on Figure 1, it conceptualized that the English language

proficiency of the Grade 9 students of Jose Sanvictores Sr. High School affects their English

language. This study believes that if the students have high English language proficiency, they

are more likely to perform well in their academics, particularly in the said subject

Research Paradigm of the Study


Respondent Profile

Factors: English Performance

 Teacher Related factors
 Personal Matter factors
 Environmental factors

Figure 1: Research Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 presents the research paradigm of the study. It is based on the 2 boxes model

which is shows how the factors affect students` learning in English subject.

In the independent variable includes the profile of the respondents in the terms of age,

gender, parents, educational attainment, gross monthly income of parents, and the factors

affecting their learning in English.

The dependent variable covers the factors affecting the learning of grade 10 students

towards English subject in Sandiat National High School, school year 2019-2020.

Statement of the problem

The study focuses on the factors affecting the English learning performances of grade

7 students of Sandiat National High School, school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, the study will attempt to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the student’s respondents in terms of the following variables?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Parents educational attainment

1.4 Monthly income of parents

2. What is the average grade of the students in first and second quarter?

3. What are the factors affecting learning of the students towards English subject?

Significance of the study

This study is expected to provide significant contributions to the academic community

and the country in general. This study is deemed beneficial to the following entities:

Curriculum planners. They are involved in building the curriculum that shall be include

significant findings of this study

Administrator. Leads the school could use the findings of the study by empowering teachers

through leadership in English to enhance student performance

Teachers. This study boosting the teacher to educate student in much better learning in


Students. Help student to improve their academic performance.

Parents. For parents to help their children this kind of situation through family support.

Researcher. This study benefited the researcher by enhancing their skills involving conducting

a study.
Future Researcher. The result of this study serves as their basis for better understanding of

the issue.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study focuses on the Factors Affecting the Learning of grade 7 students towards

English Subject in Sandiat National High School. School year 2019-2020.

However, it was limited to the analysis of the Factors such as Teacher factors, Teacher

Related factors, Personal factors, School related factors.

For a deeper analysis of the main problem, the Factors Affecting the Learning of grade 7

students towards English Subject according to their profile.

Definition of Terms

To understand better the content the following term below is used.

Attitude. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that

is reflected in a person's behavior.

Behavior. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Factors. A circumstances, facts, or influence that contributes to a result or outcomes.

Performance. The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being


Skills. The ability to carry out a task with determined results often within a given amount of

time, energy, or both.

Standard. A level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable.

Reading Comprehension: This term means an understanding of what the learner understands

what he or she reads. It is an act of grasping an idea or process with the intellect

Chapter II


This chapter presents various related literature and studies. Related literature includes

commentaries and reviews of other people regarding the reading, language acquisition, and

anxiety. Related studies include various researches, thesis, or studies related to the present



In this era, the use of English language has improved. People in the world speak in

English, both as national language and daily languages are so many English language

institution which serves various techniques in learning English in order to improve our English

ability. English became important in many field lives. Getting scholarship, going abroad, and

working in foreign companies are three importance of mastering English.

Various demographic features such as gender and age were examined in relation to

academic performance in higher education (Li, Chen, & Duanmu, 2010). These factors that

were identified in the literature are applicable to both domestic and international students in

higher education. However, there are other factors involved when it comes to the international

students' academic performance in higher education, since international students have unique

characteristics that distinguish them from domestic students (Li et al., 2010).

Language teaching involves difficult decisions regarding when teaching should start,

what the curriculum should include and which methods should be used (Güngör & Öğretir,

2008; cited in Hashemi 2011). To answer these questions, the factors that affect language

learning should be known first. Hashemi (2011) identified that students’ weakness in English

language learning is due to the differences in social contexts, cultural environments.

Differences in mediating effect of intensity of language education are one factor that identified

by researchers specifically on different teaching intensity of English classes in a particular


The majority of the students who admitted into the University of Nigeria have no ample

opportunity to study English Language, except those who are admitted to study English and

related subjects such as linguistics and literature in English (Abebe & Davidson 2012). Though

all students accepted into the universities in Nigeria are encouraged to take few courses in the

use of English, the content of these English courses are grossly inadequate for the students to
acquire requisite skills in effective use of language for communication and the give and take

of social experience. To study English as a second language and be successful at it, the student

must be helped by the teacher to acquire skills in the four language arts skills; namely:

Speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Liu (2013) believes that the ultimate goal of language instruction is to equip learners

with the ability to use the language for their communication. This notion reasonably explains

why the four macro language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) fall into the two

categories: vocal and written communication. Listening and speaking considered the most

important forms of vocal communication, whereas reading and writing belonged to the most

important forms of written communication.


Another problem in learning English is absence of effective and efficient teaching

system throughout academic education in which learning English is viewed as memorizing a

list of words and the set of grammatical rules (Akbari, 2015). English language has been used

universally for all types of communication, for this reason English speaking skill should be

taught and developed along with the other skills so that communication achievement can be

enhanced with native speakers and non-native speakers of English (Boonkit, K.2010). There

are many factors that may affect students’ speaking performance, for example, Time allowed

to perform a speaking task ;Time for preparation; Motivation to speak;Topical knowledge;

Confidence, and Feedback during speaking activities. When conducting a study to investigate

the factors that may influence students’ performance in speaking skill, it should be taken into
account the cultural and influences relevant to learning speaking skill. However, students come

to school from different backgrounds and therefore having different levels of exposure and

practice in the use of English language (Khalil Jahbel, 2017). According also to her study result,

it is noticed that students experience several factors such as psychological and linguistic

factors. The psychological factors include students are worried about making mistakes and feel

shy; lack of motivation and confidence, whereas the linguistic factors include using their

mother tongue which is a result of lack of vocabulary and incorrect pronunciation.

The use of first language (L1) in the English classroom has been and we'll remain an

issue that everyone has an opinion about, either against or for it. Various studies have shown

that studies first language play an important part in learning of target languages (Lightbown &

Spada 2013; River, 2011). However, there is another school of thought that believers that

massive exposure to target language is required in order to maximize the learning process for

the learners (Rawan,2016).

Likewise, it has been observed that language learning strategies can improve the

learner’s language proficiency (Radwan, 2011), It provided a strong positive correlation

between metacognitive strategies and English grades. Fewell (2010), Huang (2016) employed

a grounded theory approach and explained that variations were specifically associated to the

changing environments as manifested in instructional goals and degree of teacher direction.

Learners’ strategies differed in attaining personal learning goals and solving learning

difficulties. Thus, learner’s ability, learning beliefs, and motivation in relation to learning

contexts considerably matter in choosing learning strategies In the Philippines, Cabaysa and

Baetiong (2010) conducted a causal-comparative study on the language learning strategies used

by 70 high school students when speaking in class and found that intermediate speakers were

significantly different from novice speakers in using metacognitive strategies. Achievement in

school generated the greatest number of responses when asked about the factors contributing
to strategy use. This was followed by attitude towards speaking in English and task at hand

among others. The study implies that strategy use has a direct significant effect on students’

speaking achievement

A person who is proficient in English may have unlimited access to the world’s known

scientific and technological discoveries that are predominantly written in English. This means

that for a better grasp of knowledge in English, students should be more exposed in Mass

Media, Technology, and Printed Reading Materials (Alngog, 2013). In connection with the

relationship between language environment and language preference to the English language

proficiency, it is presumed that students who have high proficiency in English are expected to

perform well in English as a subject and in other school subjects. Thus, this study investigates

on the English Proficiency of Grade Nine Junior High Students at which grade level the

researcher is assigned. Department of Education Officials (DO No. 72, s. 2011), agreed that

proficiency in the English language depends on the nature of the environment and the language

preference that these learners are exposed and developed their skills. More advanced

communication skills and adept in technology-based materials on the internet such as

Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Edmodo, Quipper, Twitter, Emails, Google Chrome, etc. can

attain success in academic pursuits.

As Aina and Ogundele (2013) claimed, language proficiency in English is significantly related

to academic performance. Academic subjects like Science, Mathematics, and English often

requires the use of language functions. The language plays a significant role in critical and

analytical thinking required in any subjects. The more functions with which students are adept,

the more effective their thinking can be. Thus, the more the students are proficient in the

English language, the more they are likely to perform well in their academic subjects.

The literature made as a basis on the formulation of the theoretical and conceptual

framework of the study, the problem, hypotheses, and the summary by which the whole

research was developed and conducted. Some looked at whether learners have positive or

negative attitudes towards learning a foreign language (Abu-Rabia, 2003). Insights from the

studies cited had helped in many ways. For instance(Williams, Powers, Kong & Starr, 2012)

poor language proficiency has been considered a barrier to learning and academic success at

the higher education, where universities require students seeking admission to obtain a score

on English language proficiency tests to indicate that they can achieve academically success

In connection to the present study, researchers found that the above literature is useful

to increase the performances of the respondents specially in the English language and English

subject. As the literature above and views show, much research have much deeper

understanding about English .



Cook (2011) believes the proof of teaching is in the learning and all successful teaching

depends upon learning. Cook also states that there is no point in providing interesting, well-

prepared language lessons if students do not learn from them. It’s important for teachers and

learners to understand the goal language teaching and learning, as well as how to achieve it. It

is pointed out that the goal of language teaching is to develop learners’ communicative

competence Rivers (2008)cited by (Liu, 2013),when selecting learning activities, one must

always remember that the goal is for the students to be able to interact freely with others: to

understand what others wish to communicate in the broadest sense and to be able to convey to

others what they want to share.

Performance of the students depended upon several factor like, learning facilities, age

and gender difference. The most significant factors with the positive outcome on the
performance of the students in competence of student in English student having good

communication skills it expanded the student performance (Abdullah 2011). This study was

conducted to investigate the factor affecting the learning of English of the secondary school

students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The objectives of the study were (1) to find out the factors

affecting the learning of English at secondary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and (2) to provide

a base for improvement of teaching English as a second language at the secondary school level

in Pakistan.The study done by Baghous, Bacha and Nab Hani (2011) told us that promoting

positive student attitude towards the learning language can motivate students to learn and

become efficient in the target language.

More research is needed to understand the nature of the activities employed in Turkish

classrooms. Teachers want their students to be competent in vocabulary and speaking.

However, participants’ answers to the first question show that students continue to be passive

learners who learn through teacher-centered activities. It is problematic to see that these two

realities cannot nurture each other to educate successful learners since students cannot be

competent of a foreign language by learning vocabulary and speaking as passive learners. It is

also problematic that teachers do not give importance to the culture of the language learned

and taught. The study results raised some interesting discussions about the role of learners in

English classes. Through class observations, it found out that the students themselves are not

passive. This finding confirms previous studies that found Vietnamese to be no longer passive

(Mai & Iwashita, 2012). Instead of traditional whole-class settings, they prefer to participate in

communicative activities that enable them to use the language to express themselves, explore

problems and exchange ideas with their friends to acquire knowledge effectively (Mai &

Iwashita, 2012).

Many empirical studies indicate that English proficiency plays a crucial role for

international students in completing their studies in English-medium institutions, especially for

those students whose first language is not English (Wardlow, 1999: cited in Li et al., 2010). In

addition to English proficiency, some culture-specific and cross-cultural issues (e.g., academic

culture shock associated with a different education system, lecture style, and relationships

between students and lecturers) have been identified as factors that contribute to the

international students' potential for academic success (Li et al., 2010).

English proficiency is that of learners’ attitudes towards learning a foreign language.

Research to this factor has conducted from different perspectives. Some looked at whether

learners have positive or negative attitudes towards learning a foreign language (Abu-Rabia,

2003). Some other studies focused on the correlation between attitude and language proficiency

level (Clément, 2013).Poor language proficiency has been considered a barrier to learning and

academic success at the higher education, where universities require students seeking

admission to obtain a score on English language proficiency tests to indicate that they can

achieve academically success (Williams, Powers, Kong & Starr, 2012).


Racca and Lasaten (2016) conducted a study involving 216 students in Philippines with

the aim to determine the relationship between English language proficiency and their academic

performance. It was disclosed that student's academic performance in science subject has

significantly been impacted by their English language proficiency. Racca and Lasaten (2016)

describe student with high English languages proficiency tend to perform well in science,

mathematics, and English subject. Similar to learning English, writing and speaking skill are

deemed essential as it involves students to produce outcomes based on their capabilities as a

means to test their understanding.

Alngog (2013) observes that secondary students show poor proficiency in the English

language in expressing their feelings and in sharing their ideas. They find it hard to
communicate various thoughts because of the lack of mastery of the English language. The

majority is bereft of the lack of skills. The classroom teacher should follow as much as possible

a systematic procedure, starting with the collection of data, conduct analysis and publish the

results and findings. The teacher should seek feedback from colleagues at all stages of the

process, process the final results in academic journals and refereed publications, sharing the

results with others. No matter if it is hard or easy to master a language, it is a prolonged and

consistent period. Acquiring or learning a language requires much time and effort from not

only the learners but from the teachers as well. Nowadays, when English considered as an

international language, the activity of teaching and learning English as a foreign or second

language is also examined and discussed widely all over the world.

However, various studies reveal that in the Philippines the quality of education is

continuously declining. This notion based on the results of achievement tests where the

academic performance of the students attributed to their proficiency in the English language.

In Caraga Administrative Region, the English language proficiency of the secondary students

has deteriorated in several ways: incorrect grammar, lack of fluency, poor reading

comprehension, lack of interest in reading, and disorganized writing (Bagnol, 2014). As a

matter of fact, the National Achievement Test (NAT) Mean Percentage Score Reports of

School Year 2014 in Surigao del Sur Division that 56.20% in English as a quantifier of the

division’s performance remained in the bottom ranking. This lack of language skills manifested

in several ways – weak in structure, the inability to use English in connected discourse, poor

reading comprehension skills and the lack of interest in reading. National Educational Testing

and Research Center NETRC (2014) claimed that the declining results was due to the effects

of language environment and preference in Mass Media, Technology, and Printed Reading

Materials that these learners were more exposed.

Tabula (2010) focuses on the linguistic errors of the speech communication. He looked

into the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, course, type of high school graduated from,

geographical location, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ work status, language used at

home, exposure to mass media, and how these variables are related to the respondents’

linguistic errors. Baetiong and Cabayan (2010) serves to examine the use of language learning

strategies by high school students when speaking in class and factors. Seventy junior students

of the public school were observed and asked to answer 19-item language checklist result

shows strategy to use to follow this order metacognitive social and comparative strategies

subject were classified among an adaptation of proficiency guidelines. Results indicated a

significant difference between groups in the level of frequency of which metacognitive

strategies used and at which strategies orchestrated. These factors were used to influence

strategy used.


The studies made as a basis on the formulation of the theoretical and conceptual

framework of the study, the problem, hypotheses, and. Alngog (2013) observes that secondary

students show poor proficiency in the English language in expressing their feelings and in

sharing their ideas Alngog (2013) . Insights from the studies cited had helped in many ways.

For instance, the studies of Alngog, Baetiong, and Cabayan and Tabula strengthened the

concepts of the relationship between language performance, and reading comprehension of the

students and the connection between language environment and the students’ oral

communication ability significantly related to the investigation.

In the connection of the whole investigation was developed and conducted. As these

studies above and views show, much research is needed to uncover all aspects of teaching

English to young learners so that the quality of teaching increases as expected and planned.
The ideas of the authors compared to the language, the teaching of English students and

teachers have inspired the researcher to focus on the use of various approaches on the English

Proficiency of grade 10 Students. Insights from the students cited had also helped in many

ways .
Chapter III


This chapter presents the description of the methods of research to be used by the

researcher in the conduct of the study. This includes methods of research used, respondents of

the study, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedures and the statistical tools.


This study uses descriptive method which involves observing and describing behavior

of a subject without influencing it in any way. The researchers use stratified random sampling

in choosing the respondents. Out of 115 population, the researchers only take the 80 of it. The

data are collected through questionnaires. The researchers create questions on each of the

factors and the respondents answer the questions through the scale (1-5). Documentary analysis

is also used to determine the respondent’s performance in their English subject by their first

and second grading average on their report card.


The researcher uses the slovin’s formula in identifying the number of the respondents

needed in the study. There are selected from the grade 10 students of Sandiat National High

School. School Year 2019 – 2020. Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution

of respondents.

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage distribution of respondents by section.
Grade 10 section’s Number of enrollees Frequency Percentage

Jade 39 31 34.44
Onyx 38 29 32.33

Jasper 38 30 33.33

Total 115 90 100

*Slovin’s Formula:

where: n = sample size

N = population size
e = margin of error ( 0.05 )

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher’s use a questionnaire, an instrument that is use to gather data

for the cognitive and non – cognitive characteristics of a respondents. The cognitive variables

are the respondent’s grades in English for the first and second quarter. The non – cognitive

variables include age, gender, birth order educational attainment of the parents, occupation of

parents and monthly income of parents. The English factors skill is used to measure the level

of English performance of the respondents.

Scoring the Questionnaire

To give meaning and significant to the data arrived at, this is the score using 5 point Likert

scale ,descriptive rating and range of score.

Point Range of score Descriptive Rating

5 4.5 – 5.0 Always

4 3.5 – 4.49 Often

3 2.5 – 3.49 Sometimes

2 1.5 – 2.49 Rarely

1 1.0 - 1.49 Never

Data Gathering Procedures

Specifically, the researcher’s procedural approaches in pursuing this study are as


1. Sample selection of sample. It is done using stratified random sampling. Ninety (90)

respondents are chosen as the sample of the study.

2. Communication and permission. Before the researcher conduct the study, first

permission from the office of Sandiat National High School.

3. Administer and Retrieval of Questionnaire. The researcher administers the test through

the assistance of the English language. The questionnaire will be retrieved; data will be

failed, tabulated and interpreted to come up with significant findings.

Statistical Tools

The data gathered is tallied, tabulated, organized and analyzed with the following

statistical treatments.

Percentage and Frequency Count

This measure is used to describe the profile of the students in terms of age, gender,

educational attainment of parent and monthly income. It is also used tabulate the English

performance of the students. The formula is:

P=F/N x 100


P = percentage
F = number of respondents


It is used to determine the mean grade of students and the factors affecting the English

performance of students. The formula for the mean is:

X = FX/N


X = Mean

 = summation Symbol

F = frequency

X = Weights of each item

N = number of Cases

Interpretation Used in the study

The following scales are used in the interpretation of the data in the study:

1. Academic Performance in English

The following are the range of grades and their equivalent levels of interpretation based

from DepEd order No. 8, s. 2015

Grading Scale. Descriptors

90 – 100 Outstanding

85 – 84 Very Satisfactory

75 – 79 Satisfactory

Below 75 Did not meet Expectations


A. Journals

Akbari, (2015). The Study of EFL Students Perceptions of their Problems, Needs and Concerns

over Learning English: The Case of MA Paramedical Students

Boonkit, K. (2010). Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speaker of


Gomez, E and Perez, S., (2015). Chilean 12th graders attitudes towards English as a foreign


Gorgonio J., (2012).Use of Filipino and English in Social Studies Learning

Gunes, (2011). English proficiency of Grade 9 Junior High Students

Hoang &Ngoc, (2015). Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance At Le Thanh Hien

High School

Khalil Jahbel, (2017). Factors affecting students’ speaking performance at High Schools in


Lucena and San Jose, (2016). Co-Operative learning in enhancing the speaking skills of

students: A Phenomenological approach

Thongma Souriyavongsa, (2013). Causes Students Low English Language Learning: A Case

Study in the National University of Laos






Chapter IV


This chapter contains the presentation of c

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