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Rate Processes
AY 2019-20
January 11-1-20 Due on 16-1-19
Q1) For a 2-dimentional fluid flow of an incompressible fluid if the components of velocity vectors
are given by vx = 5 – x and vy = 4 + y, then using the continuity equation or conservation of mass
equation show that there is a steady-state condition in this fluid.

Q2) Estimate the volume flow rate for a fluid flowing through a horizontally positioned tube of
radius R and smooth inner walls. Consider the fluid to have a density of  and viscosity of  which
do not change with time and position. Also, assume that the pressure drop per unit length in the
direction of flow is P. (Use cylindrical coordinates)


Q3) Using the expression you obtained in Q2,


Assume the particles are travelling through the liquid with terminal velocity from the beginning


Q5) A fluid with density of  and viscosity of  has been placed between two vertical
concentric cylinders where Ri and Ro are the outer and inner radii for the inner and outer
cylinders, respectively. If the inner cylinder is stationary then estimate the torque that needs to
be applied on the outer cylinder in order to rotate is about its axis with an angular velocity of .

Figure for Q6


The viscous resistance or drag force on a spherical body of radius R moving with a velocity of
V in a fluid of viscosity of  is given by .. This relation is also known as
Stoke’s Law.

Q8) [PG.ex2.1] A viscous molten glass covers a molten metal, and together they flow slowly
down an inclined plane that makes an angle  with the vertical. The thickness of the glass is 1
and the combined thickness of both layers is 2. Each layer has its own viscosity. For a plane of
length L, assuming laminar flow, derive an equation for the velocity distribution in each layer.
Consider a steady state flow condition. The subscripts m and g in the following answers stand
for metal and glass, respectively.

Q9 ) [PG2.2]

Answer –

Mass flow-rate =

Where,  is the film-thickness on both sides of the metal-sheet.

Q10) [PG2.10]
Answer -


Consider viscosity to be

Answer –

Q12) [PG2.16]

Consider the viscosity and density of the gas-mixture to be

and respectively.

Answer -

Q13) [PG2.17]

Hint – at certain stage while solving use following consideration/simplification




Gaskell Problem Nos. 5.1 to 5.15

---------------------------------------------------End of questions-----------------------------------------------------

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