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The bridge of the Ptolemy was in full revelry, blue robed thralls dashed to and fro,

trying to avoid looking directly at the cacophony of spinning light and sound
projected above the command pit. Eldrich tomes flew on unseen thermals of
sorcery, whole schools of knowledge migrating to every end of the ship like shoals of
predatory fish. One figure was still in the madness, clad in heavily artificed power
armor complete with an ornate burial mask. He stood apart as he surveyed the
world below in the viewport.

A slender, hooded creature slithered up to the figure, chirping happily as it did so.
“My Lord Magister, the libraries of the world have all been catalogued, but I’m afraid
it’s mostly farm…” he was cut off as a raised gauntlet silenced it’s tirade at once.

“Can you feel them?” Khemret Ree asked. “Can you feel them below? A million
singing souls, just begging to join our choir.” He did not wait for a reply as he

“Man is a hierarchical animal, either a master or a slave fundamentally. A wise man

of ancient Graeec said that, some truths are universal I suppose.” The creature
screeched its agreement as Ree continued. “Aside from the raw psychic material of
the enlightened chattel below, this system is much more than worlds and arms, it
is…part of a system, a convergence of the multiplicity of the warp, the music of the
spheres if you will.”

“Yeshhh, yeshhhh.” The cawing creature squawked, pretending to understand

anything more than the utter anarchy the situation would bring. “There is also the
matter of the dogs of the emperor, newly arrived from the system’s outer mandiville

Ree removed his helmet before replying, a quite unobtrusive face, he may have once
been handsome, but jealous time had robbed him of any great beauty. Faintly
glowing blue eyes, a parting gift of the rubric, shone like pinpricks of starlight in the
depths of the endless void.

“Right on time. You would think; as savages, they would be less punctual.” The bane
of the inquisition replied before floating lazily back along the outer corridor, his
demonic administrator following close behind.

“These scores have been settled long ago, perhaps we should thank them for helping
up to throw off the yoke of the false emperor even sooner than we would have
otherwise. Like the Primarch, so goes the legion…..but I digress, soon the jaws of
Morcai shall snap closed upon them in perfect celestial irony, to quote one of my
favored lieutenants ‘ Gas the wolves, gene war now’….how very apropos.”

The sorcerous pair seemed to reach their destination as they ground to a halt into
front of a pair of large ornate doors, bedecked in gold an ivory, a simulacrum of the
grandeur of lost Prospero. With a wave of the hand, both doors swung open, an eerie
cobalt light spilling out onto the corridor as the pair stepped inside. “Apotheosis
awaits,” said Ree as he floated farther past the aperture, rows upon rows of hulking
suits of the Sehkmet elite awaiting in perfect order.

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